
Chapter 142

I looked at her with a face that I did not understand for a moment. I wondered if I had read my expressions, which were filled with doubt, and the performance was revolving around the eyes.

Yoink! Did not you know? From the time I got out of the mule, the tail ran. Was not that a deliberate march on purpose to take care of them? ”


I was able to understand it only when the detailed explanation of the performance was followed. Certainly when we came out of the mule, we could feel the presence of some of the users behind us. And I knew that rather than seeing them as boogers, the users who had been obsessed with our fast-growing times were following us. It’s a mule without a user yet, and every time I go out and explore it with quality equipment, I would have had a look at those who have noticed a little.

But I had no choice but to go head to head again. I did not march quickly in order to get rid of them, but I could have seen it as a bullhorn. It was not very novice users who were following this march rate. I thought for a moment and then asked her in a calm voice.

“It must have been some distance before one day passed. Are they still chasing after you? And how did the user performance know that? ”

“Rather than chasing you, it would be right to say that you are following a certain distance. I think we’re looking at the traces we’ve left behind to see if there are any decent archers. And did you forget who I am? I put a shadow on them from the first day. ”

I could understand her first words by listening to her lively voice. Whether to go with it, or to take it away. In other words, when we camped here, it was in the distance that they could catch up with us.

Whether they are simply a backstab or a bum, it still does not feel good. However, I tended to be very dislike of wearing a tail. Though I spit out for a while, I was able to set my mind without such an agony.

“Let’s camp here.”

“It goes away. But they seem to be prudent. There are only eight of us. ”

“You do not have to move everything. And if you do not come from that side, you can get in here. ”


As soon as he heard my words, he shed his thin nose. And I made my eyes thin, so I began to peek at my face. Looking at my face for a while, she opened her mouth with a slight voice.

“I can get help from people. Or I can help you. ”

Sure. I do not need to ruin a good atmosphere as soon as I arrive at the cave point of screaming. ”

“The parties are no different. I am? ”

“Please remain in base camp for your performance. I have to prepare for one possibility in the Gulf. It would be enough to handle them anyway. ”

“…You do not want to do it alone? ”

Suddenly I stuck my mouth on the horse, which stabbed the horse. I felt like I was stuck in the moment. I saw my reaction and I saw a dark smile on her mouth.

I gazed at her with her cool eyes, and then turned away. I did not want to mix words with her anymore. Because, he played and I had a similar corner. Should I say something similar? As such, she has pinpointed the inside of my mind exactly.

“You know what? You laughed for the first time since you went on an expedition. ”

I laughed? I did not feel it at all. I took my mouth off with a calm touch. Then, behind her back, she felt me ​​catching me once more. “Well, kids are not helpful. Got Instead, watch out for the bat. ”

I slowly took her hand and responded to her words.

And a little away from the place where the group of dogs gathered and opened their mouths.

“I’m thinking of camping here today. It is a bit short, but the time zone is vague. ”

When I declared that I am camping after the march today, all the people looked at me with the expression of unexpectedness. However, it seemed that everyone seemed to feel relieved on the other side of the face.

So we decided to have an early dinner after arranging the campsite. As soon as I got to bed early, I said I would get up early tomorrow and start right away. As I watched the children eating with a brighter face, I opened my mouth with a quiet voice.

“Today is the same as yesterday, will make some changes.”

In my words, all of the party members scratched their ears. I secretly turned the detection and confirmed the position of one, and then loudly raised the voice as if to hear it.

Originally, there was only one person in the meantime, but this time we decided to increase the time per hour and change it to two people. Of course, there was a number of ways to change this. And I just hope that there will be a smart guy whose head turns a little bit. That way you can easily figure out what they want and take care of it.

“So, I will play with you and the user for the first time today. The next few people, except me and Goo, should pair with each other as I stood up yesterday. ”

Kim Soo-hyun Do you really need two people? ”

When Vivien raised his hand and asked a question, I answered with a big head.

“Huh. I think I need to tighten the border a bit more. I should be more careful especially as it is in the mountains. And the number of the first two people in the stomach is the original. I used to be one person because there was not enough people in the past, but now it is not. I originally tried to do this since I went on this expedition, but I forgot. So it would be better to change now. ”

“Hmm. Certainly, two people are better than one person. I was wondering if I would suggest anyway, but you were thinking too. ”

“Yeah. And…There are a lot of lush bushes and trees in the surrounding area. One can keep the base camp, and the other one will patrol the area lightly to maximize efficiency. ”

the filtering element. I agree. ”

After Shin Seong – yong, who pursues safety, helped, there was a quiet ripple between the parties. But whatever I have in mind, I have not had a bad word with what I just said. In the end, the parties were able to finish the issue with the consent.

After that, there was a bit of a stir. Everyone was looking at who was there before and after. It took a while, and the people who checked one or two of their mates resumed their meal again. Ansol, who seemed to be relieved that his partner was not a performer, turned his head toward the lush bush with a strange face.

“Woong … ? ”

“Sola. Why suddenly? ”

“No. It’s like someone’s looking at us. ”

At the end of the talk, a black bird popped out of the bush with the sound of fudge. As soon as he saw the bat flying away in the air, he turned his head to the sound of not being a star.

“It’s a bird. It was not a star. Let’s eat dinner without worrying. character. Try this soup. It tasted very delicious. ”

Bird It does not seem like …Healing. I do not. I can eat alone. ”

Ansol sang his mouth, rejecting the spoon with the soup. As soon as the spoon came down again, I exchanged a meaningful look with the performance.

So we finished dinner and got ready for bed immediately. The parties shared a chat for a while, but it was a relieved expression because they had a warm meal in the liver. Before long, I looked at the users who were putting their bodies into two sleeping bags, and I leaned back against the trees. There was still a little time left for the night.

* It sure seems to come quickly to the darkness in the mountains. I was sipping a cup of tea as I watched the dimly lit dusk. During the exploration in the path of life and death. I do not think it would be appropriate, but I could not ignore the performance of Tadakazu. And the tea she had tasted was also very good.

Once again, the moment I put the mug on the mouth, I could see the guitar player glancing at me. I turned around with a casual face. As if you do not know anything.

The user who opened the first speech was playing.

“It’s called a sting. It’s pretty boring. ”

“It’s boring, but it’s an important boundary work.”

“Monsters do not even have a rat instead of a thing.”

In her words, I yawned with a lot of stretching. Then he opened his mouth with a sleepy voice.

“Hollow Rock. That’s what it is. It will be a shift time soon. Maybe it will be a good time if you turn around once. ”

“It’s a nuisance. Do you think you need to go? ”
“You do not know. Waiting here for a light turn around. As soon as I come, I have to take turns with other people. Ah. I still want to drink this car and go. ”

We were really communicating formally. Just enough to hear it literally. I drank tea as slowly as possible. One drop, like a sip. To be honest, they waited for us to fall asleep, and in preparation for pushing in, I made a performance of the first time, and I did not come so ignorantly than I thought. If so, it means that there is a gap or something else. After the conversation was over, I stood up for a half hour and I stood up slowly. Then, after lightly saying that he would go to Kojo, he went straight into the bush. At the same time, I could sense that one of the people around me secretly followed me.

Though I said it was light, I made some distance from base camp. As a result, I fell completely out of the party. I was also briefly thinking about pretending to be lost. But I think it will be a little uncomfortable and I decided to walk slowly. I deliberately did not activate the third eye and the senses. If you know in advance, your body instinctively responds to defense. I was thinking that it would be perfect to hang on to this.

It seemed that it took about 10 minutes to patrol the surrounding area. I was curious to see how they came out.


I saw a crowd of shadows rise up in the shadows of my knees with the tearing of air. Are you finally starting the action? The identity of the shadow was the bat that was hiding around our party from the beginning. I looked back with a startled face, and the bat just passed my shoulders.

“Uhh! This child! ”

As soon as I slapped my face and quickly picked up my sword, the bat flashed into the air as if it were raising me, and I began to disturb my surroundings. I swung swords awkwardly, bats avoided cooking, and occasionally threatened my arm.

The user who controlled this bat seemed to know that I was 0 years old. If not, I would not have made such a loophole. Of course, even if I have not been in combat for seven days since I left Mule, it was just like being a fool of me. I breathed my lips well and wielded a big sword. It was true that even though I knew I was deceived, even for acting, I was in a bad mood.

It was then.


The bat cried out in pain and flew out into the air, and began to flee to one side.

Despite the apparently sweeping inspection, one of the wings of the bat came in unexpectedly. I wondered what I was doing. This looks so innocent. I was curious to know what the owner was like, but the important thing was to keep acting.

“Stand there! this guy!”

I shouted at it once and chased the bat as it ran away.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Users wondering about the obvious operation. (Or bums.)
And our main character, Kim Soo-hyun, who is known to be deceived.

Please enjoy the next cool session. 🙂 PS. I have a lot of notes. I will reply one by one slowly. If you have a slow response, please think ahead of time to reply to others’ notes first. Thank you for your understanding.

“Lilipple” 1. Congratulatory Remarks: Congratulations on your first. You finally made it to the top. 🙂 Please enjoy this time also interestingly.

2. SanIkerJIN: Thank you. I feel a little better today. ㅜ. ㅠ 3. Person’s life: Yes it is. I think my throat tears every time I cough. I can not even swallow water. I’m not.

4. By evening glow: hahaha. Help me Maybe then I’ll surely get sick.

5. Opium Turbul 19: Hull. 6. Larry honey: NO. There are users in all four countries, East, West, South and North Continent. (It came out in the previous contents.) Among them, Koreans are mainly in the North Continent. 🙂 7. rkfmak: uh. Seraf is a poor child. Honestly, touching is a bit ambiguous. -_- a 8. TICKY: The test. The diving test. (__) * I am a strange service god is good. You have a pinched ~ peek. Hahaha

9. Passion: NO. Margo is a golem monster, and has a small nucleus in the body. First, I made a path to the nucleus by ordering water from Hae Yeon, and then gave a direct blow through electricity. However, as you said, we were not able to completely tear the nucleus to the fullness. It was all it took to stop the foot. However, that’s exactly what the two users are looking for.

10. Leaf: Right. Well. Korea, Japan, United States, United Kingdom. Users in your country are currently in the Hall Plane. There is a content. I do not think that the reader, who is perverted + sharp as Mr. Reef, has forgotten. ㅜ.

Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force of your journalism. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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