
Chapter 153


The white light drew the empty spot for a very short time. As if flashing the camera flash, my eyes flashed. Ansol was unable to avoid the aftermath, holding down the staff holding his forehead with both hands. In the meantime, she could hear her pupils moving along the air, grunting their self-silent voice.

“Do you do good luck correction? Some defense judgment? Also, what the hell … ”

Papat! Papat!

Even before he pulled off the impression that Anso had frowned upon, the white light flashed again on the empty space, and this time he was able to hear his god shed his voice as if the party was also in range. Even some of them were sitting on their feet.

I also could not avoid the aftermath, but it seemed to me that I was stuck with my ability. I persevered with the dizziness, and this time I activated my third eye with my will. First, it was a matter of urgency to identify and disrupt the spirit spells that would be struck by me and my friends.

“Unconscious Reveal. The magic is an ancient magic made up of a magic form with magic attacks. It has the property of forcing the consciousness of the user into the unconscious state and acting so that the emotions that are asleep in it are exposed to the surface. The emergence of emotions is based on the weakest memories of humans, that is, weaknesses, but how emotions are revealed can be seen as random because they relate to latent desires within each user. Unconscious Reveal can be categorized as the highest order in the ancient Hall Plane era and occupies the top of the order. The magic is so enormous that the formula and the magic that enters it are virtually impossible to play alone. There are dozens of wizards in high position … . ”

A high-rank horse’s ability, and a horse’s horsepower ability. Without either, there is little chance of complete defense. Sometimes you can get some defenses with good luck, at most once or twice. Users with strong psychiatric immunity may be able to hold on for a few times, but it is difficult to keep up with the magic because the magic has a recurring effect, not a single one.

“What is this … ”

As the information of the third eye was read down, it became more and more becoming the gallery. There was nothing wrong with this ridiculous content, and it was a moment when the mouth was opening.

Papat! Papat!

Once again, the white light blinks and the visual field blinks. I felt dizzy feeling dizzy in my head, but I could barely read it to the end. When I looked up and looked around, I was struggling with the pain of falling in a row together. Only kokaku is only grasping his lips to bloom while squeezing his hair. So meaningless time has passed, and as time has passed, the screams of the people have begun to gradually disappear. Gageko unconsciousness began to appear forcefully. Unconsciousness can be seen as a kind of action that can not understand oneself or speech or present state of oneself. It was as if the emotions were coming up one by one within the face that everyone was bruised.

The first user who responded was Jung Hae-yeon.

“Poetry, I hate it! No, no, no. Do Ah ah ah ah ah!”

She was pounding the floor with a wild voice that was different from usual. I went back to the footsteps, which I did not even know, in a cry that was too harsh. Jung Hae Yeon looked at me like that and reached out to me with a sad expression.

“Do not go. Do not throw it away! Soo-hyun Help me, Suhyun! Please help me! ”


Soo-hyun Soo-hyun Let us help! Do not go! Burr, you said you would not throw away! ”

Pounding. Excited.

The moment I heard her sad cry I could feel her heart pounding. I have always been sleeping in the heart, and I have started to turn my body. The process of opening the body forcibly when I got the first lecture and the heat that the brain would melt. I did not have a great deal of pain like that, but I felt a little sad when I was about to burst into the dome at the same time as I felt that the whole body would melt away.


I could breathe a sigh of relief. And I calmed myself down slowly. In the meantime, one more flash of light, the body twisted, but immediately after the eyes began to look at the overall situation of the party. It was not time to just watch. The mind that has been given due to the mind (.) Has helped to see the present condition of the caravan carefully.

“Cow, Sola. Sorry. I’m sorry I let it go. I’m sorry about you. Somehow, you have to save yourself. We have to save somehow. ”

“I got my brother, Ahn Hyun Do and Kim Han Beom, too. Why am I the only one? I do not want to be abandoned. Why, why only me? brother. brother? Do not throw me away … . please… ”

“Lord, I do not want to die. I want to live. I, I want to go back alive. Aaaaaaaa! ”

Looking at Ahn Hyun, Yoo Jung Jung, and Shin Sang Yong, I bite my lips. In the meantime, they were bursting with unconscious minds that were suppressing deep in their hearts. And…

“Oh, the brother.”

When I turned my head to the voice calling me, I saw Ansol in a different face. At first she seemed to resist some, but eventually she could not continue to resist a sequential order, and she also looked bleak somewhere. And Ansol was approaching me with a facial expression that I could not imagine.


“Sin, I’m sorry. Oh. Soo, Soli is. A really bad child. It is always lonely, and it is burdened to my older brothers … ”

“Sola. That’s not a bad thing at all. So stay tuned. ”

“Really? no Like me, I have such a loose mass. On this subject, I always think of the night and always think of it to me. Yes. Oh. Every night I think of you. Huh, but if you know me like that, he’d despise me. So I can not stand it. But he is good. I want to be touched and touched by the orbney, I want to smell it, I want to dig into it. Because the orabany is …”Hmph!”

I immediately reached out and blocked my anol’s mouth. However, she was not surprised at all, and she started to lick my hand with her tongue. Suddenly pulling her hand away, she sneaked at her lips with the eyes of a wounded puppy.

Ahn Hyun and Shin Sang Yong were frustrated, and female users except for the high performance were approaching me a little. That is to say, there are parts of the caravan where the female users depend on me, and the parts are big. I thought it was a series of mistakes, but I decided to think about it later. It was first of all to solve the problem rather than self-defeating.

Moreover, now I have somehow held up with the various abilities I have and the help and spirit of the lanterns, but I could not guarantee that I could continue to do so. Then, somewhere here, there must be a center of the circle, that is, a part of the nucleus, and it was a pressing need to burst it. I activated the third eye again and quickly ran through all of the vacancies.

Fortunately, the third eye demonstrated his power. I analyzed the empty space quickly but meticulously I immediately looked up at the ceiling. At that moment, I could feel the flash of flashing flash light. I pulled the sword without delay and struck my right arm up strongly. I did not put any posture or horsepower, but my muscular abilities would be enough to hit the ceiling and hit me.

Soon, the black, blowing force, and the air-tearing momentum soared rapidly in a straight line.

Tung! Cain!

“!”It was before I reached the point I had just aimed. At the moment, the thin membrane on the bottom of the ceiling was young, and it simply repelled the breakthrough of the sword. I grabbed the sword that fell as it was, and I spit out a sneer. What the hell are you doing right now? Kim Soo-hyun

Once again, the flash light burst, and I felt that the unpleasant things that were in my mind were awakening. There is no room for this. So, I pulled up the magic power and threw the sword again in the air. After entering the cave, I tried not to write until I met him, but I could not help it.


The sword that flashed into the air became a clear flame of war, and it began to blaze lightly. I raised my horsepower more and more, and I added more strength to the flame that started to burn. Then the blazing fire flashed on the blade and made a model of a giant sword, and then spewed out a large flame of fire which seemed to explode soon. I thought I had grown a certain size, and I sent the sword to the air without delay. For some reason, I feel like I will be hit by a few more orders in the future.

Seing! Seiying!

It rose in a straight line again with the black rough sound of the flaming fire. In response to this, a white shield was formed on the ceiling again, and soon the sword tip and the white membrane caused a great collision and made a loud noise at the same time.

Kugugu, Kugugugu!

One was trying to break through somehow, and the other was trying to push it somehow. I grasped my fist as I watched the two who were facing each other without a step back.

“Drill, please … ! ”

Is it through my earnest origins? The two who had been fighting for a while had a large hole in the membrane and the end was over. With the black still remaining capacity, I gently pushed through the ceiling, and within a few minutes I could feel the vibration of the cave.

* Time flows and flows again. The cave, which seemed to be broken for a while, was also a little gentle, and no more noise was heard. I lifted my hand gently toward the air. Crispy, I could see a few drops of dirt falling on my head and a sword coming out of the ceiling soon. After collecting the sword again with airborne intervention, I turned my third eye and checked the Pave of the circle. I was able to read the burned heart without any trace of what was impossible even before the power of the Hwajeong, even though the ancient top-level order was something.

However, the party did not come back immediately to break the magic circle. I wavered a little, but it seemed to take a little more time for the ceremony to float on the surface again. The unconsciousness of most of the companions was still raised, but as time went by, I felt that it gradually became thinner, and I was able to set a shade.

Jung, who first revealed unconsciousness, fell asleep while sleeping on the floor. I did not wake her up. There was nothing better to sleep than to switch between consciousness and unconsciousness.

Most people were sleeping as part of the unconscious return. However, the two users who still have unconsciousness were sticking to me thoroughly.

“Why do not you touch me. I want you to pat your head and touch the ball. Or you can touch it somewhere else. Oh … ”

“Hit me. Bring it on. I want to get a kick on my buttocks. Please. Yes. it is.

“…Stop growing up. I’ll ask for it. Yes. it is.

Today was a day when I knew and knew a lot. I laughed and bowed my head. Both of them were in my arms and wandering about. “How can you do this,” said Vivian. It’s you who made me like this. ” I was talking about the absurd nonsense, and Ansol was slowly turning his head off as he returned to his original place of unconsciousness.

It did not take so long to get both unconscious. As soon as Ansol’s eyelid was closed, I put my head on my thigh first, and Vivien, who was full of emotions, seemed to close his eyes, leaning his head over his shoulders.

I wanted to express my sigh of relief when I thought I had just finished it, but I thought it was too early to come back to the shadow that covered my body again. The shadow shook my body and tuked two women who were lying down, and shook the body sharply. And then I was able to recall one user who had forgotten.

The shadows held me like kids and opened their mouths with a vocal voice.

“Ai Ying. I want to be touched by the orbney, and I want to get a kick on my ass. ”

“…….””What is it. That despised eye. ”

“……?”Bloody hell!

She nodded her face with no stomach, and leaned her head back to her thighs. The identity of the shadow was the user and performance. Although it was a great order in its own way, it still seemed like it was a 10-lap user, so I had to push it somehow. Of course, on her lips, the marks of the teeth with red light were clearly visible.

“Are you okay with your body?”

“Does this look okay? I was stuck and crouched. The feeling of shaking my head was really dirty. What in the world…… It is only five times I missed consciousness in the middle. ”

When I talked to him, he paused to complain as if he had waited. He listened to the euphoria with one ear and shed with one ear. The face of the performance was very fatigued and the clothes were wet with sweat. Her abilities are also abilities, but she was willing to pay homage to her inside, who literally resisted the spell with a great deal of spirit.

“I will stand by. I think it ‘s better to put your eyes on it. The detailed explanation will be given after the parties have set their minds. ”

“I honestly wondered if you were moving in that spell than this and broke Jean …Towns

“For once, sleep.”

I shook my hand with the lips of the performance, and then pressed my palms gently. I felt my lips dripping from the palm of my hand, but I slowly closed my eyes as if to give up. Her comfortable breathing seemed to tickle her palms. … . … … . … … … .

“…Wow. ”

The moment I confirmed that all the people were asleep, I was suddenly disappointed. The unpleasantness of the heart did not disappear, but rather became larger and seemed to come as a repulsion of self-repulsion. I did. I was caught in the end.

“What is the 10th year user and what is the end user? The third eye, I can not do anything without the fire. Stupid bastard. ”

After mumbling his self-conscious self-talk, he pulled out a toddler early in the day to soothe the growing bitter water. I wanted to forget this crazy disgust for a while.

I set fire at the beginning of the year and sucked a sip. I suddenly realized that I wish I could spit out what was inside me with acting.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Character talks.

I “this guy. Only kids are confused by their readers, and how do you feel when you see them? ”
Kim Soo-hyun
Ahn Hyun, Yoo Jung Jung, Ansol.
I said, “Do not be afraid to get some power. Okay?”
Kim Soo-hyun “I know you can escape me … ”
(As Eugene has left)
Kim Soo-hyun “ㅜ. ㅠ … ”

P.S. I’ll be amazed by your readers sooner or later. : D Then I will quit. Everybody have a nice Saturday, and I’ll see you at midnight on Sunday! (__) “Lilipple” 1. Kuro Sion: First celebration. Where are all the doujins of the world? Such good, ah, no. Hmmm. I’ll give you a note soon. Hmmm.

2. Pakasari: You’re doing very well in the top five. Hate. First place is really hell itself. If you ask me to comment on the first comment, I can not do it. ㅜ. ㅠ 3. GradeRown: It is possible to defend, but continuous defense is difficult. Good luck is not universal. 🙂 4. 無 我 之 境: Good luck is not all-round. So that would not have killed Deadman in the first place. It is fortunate that the ability that has not been studied the most in Hall plane so far. Nobody knows where, how, or how it affects you. 🙂 5. KICTA: I’m not. Blah blah blah blah blah blah Good luck is not that ability. It is true that you can see some effect on the search of dungeons, but it does not take care of everything. 🙂 6. Mecca Star: Again, fortune is not all-round. No matter how lucky you are, the power to overcome it (in many ways …) If you can ignore luck. : D 7. hohokoya1: Eguegu. I am afraid of cold weather. ㅠ. ㅠ Do not hesitate to shake a cold!

8. Warrior: You have exactly what you planned for this chapter. I used to be exposed to monsters and bums in the past. For example, I dared to say that I was proud of my dignity. I have nothing more to explain. The answer is correct. 🙂 9. rikuru: I’m not! I always watched a picture of trying to have a comment rank. Why do not you buy ~ ice cream instead of a lotto!

10. Midnight: Yeah. A stupid protagonist. I’m going to get a little nervous now because I’m so frustrated with your readers. 🙂 11. gkgngh: ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ. Oh sorry. A moment of laughter. Yes. I have a fortune of 100, but I can fall, cook, and die. 🙂 12. Carpe Diem 1: Hut. Thank you for the coupon. (__) Please look at the moment when you take a break from the company, I hope you can relieve the stress from work even a little. And have a happy weekend this week!

Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force of your journalism. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

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