
Chapter 169

Everyone’s eyes converged on me, but I kept a cool face. It seems to be embarrassed here, and it will go down to the trick of the going performance. After so lightly nostrils, I began to explain slowly. I briefly explain what happened and conclude that the deal with her from yesterday was over and that she was newly joined to our new clan. In the meantime, it was only a tiny story to have had time to check each other’s skills.

In my words, the parties showed various responses. Even the kids who were surprised that there was such a trade between me and Koei were amazed at the fact that Koji came to our clan officially, and also the stupid residents who were not interested in my story and were amazed at the rich foods that came with their performance. It was a bit sad that no one noticed that I won the tenth. Of course, I have a lot to say.

I thought it was going to be on the way because I talked slowly and talked as much as possible, but unexpectedly, when she was almost finished, she brought food. It also stacks a bunch of food on a cart that holds a bowl. In the face of Gohaku, there was no room for the first time, and the food was laid down one by one in a smiley smile.

Wow. User and performance. I heard from your brother. Welcome to join the clan. ”

What is it? Ho Ho. Mr. Suhyeon already talked. Thanks anyway. ”

Although he did not allow anyone to play, he did not say anything, but no one objected. This is because it is no wonder that the age or the current location is the second place. The children also did not pay much attention to her voice, but compared with the pain that they had experienced at first, it was a kind of development. Rather, Ahn Hyun was staring at each other with a sweet face.

“What is this meat? I can not help but notice that it is roasted. And on top of sol … ”

Ah… A herb named Pagra. When I eat with food, I do not have a unique smell, and it is especially good for a man’s vigor. ”

“Yes Yes? Oh, yes. So this food … ”

“I sliced ​​the potatoes and roasted them on the fire plate, and put some cheese on top. Of course it is not the modern cheese but the cheese from the hall planes. Especially good for a man’s vigor. ”

“…….””Oh, this is a crispy, crispy vegetable salad. Try it. Especially good for a man’s vigor. ”

It seemed that Ahn refused to ask anymore. Nonetheless, the performance was a staunch word. And every time I put a piece of food, I looked at me, and I pushed the three foods mentioned above toward me. I did not know that I would fire again in this way, so I was disoriented this time.

Haha… Sarah, I think the staple will break. ”

When the atmosphere was awkward, the user ‘s new style was laughing and gave a pleasant atmosphere. In the narrow glance of some people, I see Vivien happily only in good food, and I decided to cancel what I just called a stupid inhabitant.

We passed the happening in the morning so we could barely finish the meal. I was constantly angered by the behavior of the performers, suggesting the foods I mentioned earlier, but someday I chewed my ass to promise that I would really pay off.

Chaos Mimic was the first story the group took after solving breakfast and lunch. The kids seemed angry to want to open it right now, but I shook my head. Even if you open it once, you have to pull out the smoke to get the thing out, and you have to bring a bottle of sardine and the remaining Elixir. Of course, I could not tell the reason behind. I put a nail in it when I opened the chaos after it was exhausted. Even if I just quit acting right now, it will be all over this evening.

After laughing at the sight of the lonely boys, I heard a tidy news. That’s what I’m going to give you today. I will leave a small allowance to the user Jeonyeonyeon today, I did not have to practice, he told me it was okay. Everyone expressed their feelings for a little bit, and there was a lot of interest here. Looking forward to the future when the children came back, I told her to come to the office after meals.

* Table chairs in the 3rd floor suite that have been sitting for a long time. I just look down at the long record. I could always see it as a kind of habit because there was always a habit of sorting out after complicated things.

Issuance of 2 performance certificates. Submit an exploration report. Opening of chaos mimic and performance processing. Application for clan establishment. Recruiting Go. I struck out two of them at the end of the last one. Then, I turned on the quill pen and added one content to the top.

Information Collection We had to look at what was going on at the moment, with plans for the extermination of the vagabond and the move of the golden lion clan. Perhaps by now, the performer is gathering information so that you can hear the story by tomorrow night at the latest. And before that, I thought it would be okay to get the kids out and figure out the mood of the city roughly.

Toc Toc

At that time, I heard a sound of knocking on the door while I was thinking and turning the quill pen round and round. “Come on in.” When I answered, I saw the door of the office open slightly. Before long, the user who entered the door was a beautiful beauty with a single-headed hair.

Soo-hyun You called. ”

“Yeah. Hyeon Yeon. Come closer. ”

She closed the door to my call. Soon afterward, there was a sound of being locked. As I stumbled across her head, she approached the table, pulled a chair close to me, and stuck her ass as it was.

Her face was very calm. It was as if it made me feel like it was made. Something strange, but I decided to take out the intro. Then I pulled out one of the money pouch I prepared beforehand and opened my mouth.

“You’re right. I called because I had a request. ”

“Are you taking care of the kids?”

Haha… It is similar. Would not you like to see the city for a while today? ”

“It’s not just a sight.”

Looking at her still sharp, I had a big head. Now it was time to go into mainstream.

“Yes. Right. It’s been less than a day since I arrived in Mule, but the city is so quiet. ”

“Well. I do not feel well what the word is. ”

“I think users are coming in. Then you should have at least something to talk about. No matter what the plan is to get rid of the vagabond, it’s the golden lion’s clan steel march, or the ruins. But I can not hear anything about it. ”

Hmm … It’s not long since I’ve been in town. The golden lion clan may be attacking. But if you find the ruins, it will be a big issue, but I doubt there is any reaction. ”

Her head turns, too. I pretend to pretend to be Chuck. I pushed the record back to her.

“Right. So I’m going to go to the temple right now. It does not make sense to say that two ruins are not as far from caves as caves, and that they have not been surveyed for three weeks. I think there is something else. ”

A-ha So I and the other users can gather information while walking around the city. ”

“indeed. But do not go around too hard because there is a name called vacation. You can just rest and relax and eat delicious food.

“That’s not so difficult. By the way…

He looked at the record and hesitated for a moment. Her gaze was toward the bottom of the two lines. She hesitated for a while, and then squeezed her eyes down and grabbed her pockets.

“Oh, no. Then I’ll go out. ”


Uh …

I grabbed her arm, trying to raise her body, and forced her back. She did not know I was going to do this.

“What’s wrong. I do not look so good. ”

“…….”He did not say anything and avoided my gaze. But as she stared at her face steadily, she finally banged her lips.


“I’m sorry.”

“Me, me. I suspected Suhyun this morning. And the clarification, no explanation, I was relieved again. ”

“What else? I just did a 1: 1 battle and I have not done it yet. Do not worry. ”


Hae-yeon repeated the word yet and shed a sad smile. I felt that I made a mistake for a moment and was about to open my mouth again. She quietly shook her head and closed my mouth and slowly opened her mouth.

“I guess I have not forsaken my feelings in the modern age. This is the hall plane. Of course there are things that may be. I think it is too sensitive to think for myself. I’m afraid I’ve caused you worry. ”


“It ‘s funny jealousy. I tempted Suhyun and I got it because I wanted it. In terms of the kids, it’s equally bad, and I have no reason to redeem him. ”

It is not usual. Although seemingly casual on the outside, it seemed that the head was firmly intertwined with the gibberish of the horse. What should I say when this happens? I was worried for a while and suddenly the stories of two users exchanged during the first round.

Ah. I fought again with Helan. What the hell is he doing? For no apparent reason. I’m really bored and tired.

You idiot. That’s what you did wrong. Is Hyang-ran a user who just goes by? She’s your girlfriend.

What do you mean? I did something wrong.

No matter how much it is called the Hall Plane. It ‘s not that different, but it’ s different from what you say when you say that you are just going through the night with your eyes. So I do not know why it is one night. You were treated as a mere pair by Hye – Ran.

What a bullshit. Why do I … . No, then how should I behave?

Maybe I would have pulled it a little. You can do that. And if you whisper a word that you love it, it will be fine.

Crazy guy You want me to tell you what the fuck is going on? Before you speak, your hands and feet will shrivel up.

Chatter. I am a user who does not know a woman. So I guess I know why you are fighting with Hye – Ran on my day. Just break up. If so, why are you dating? Awesome. Poor Poor.

I gazed at Yeon-yeon with his head still. She had always been calm and intellectual, and she was showing me how she could not help but being painted red in front of me. Her look looked sad, but the sad look and all her attitude gave me a pleasant feeling without knowing why. It was then.


I was able to feel the heartbeat in my chest only once. At the same time, unfamiliar feelings spreading throughout the body. No, do you think it’s the feelings I’ve lost that I do not know? I did not even think about it, I just leaned back into the drawer. Because I put the ball of Horrence that I put in the drawer last night.

But I could not give strength to the hand holding the handle.

I was able to understand the uneasiness of Yeon-yeon. It was probably a good laugh if it were playing. But in that respect she was still a user who did not completely remove the contemporary shadows of the earth. Moreover, it seemed that the innocence, the first experience, gave more meaning to me as much as I did.

On the other side, she is a well adapted user, but the part with a certain scale is not so easily healed. It was clear that she was confused by the gap between modernity and Hall Plane on gender relations.

“…….”I did not give strength, I did not give strength. It was an action according to my will. Soon I pulled out the hand that held the handle. Now I feel like I want to try this once in a flow of emotion that spread throughout the body.

She had to stop her mouth when she realized she was talking to her unconsciously. I hope that the conversation between the two users I remember is effective, and I reach out to her shoulder with a smile. When I reached out, she shook her body like she wanted to run away, but she did not avoid me.

And the moment I put her hand on her shoulder and pulled it a little.


Like a lie, she came into my arms. I opened her mouth with her trembling body and slowly stroking her hair.

“You’re right. Do you remember the day we first shared our affection? ”

“That day … . How can I forget. I remember. ”

“At that time, he was like that. I wonder if I can be one of them. ”

“And you said you liked me, you could not get enough to give me someone to give for me and lean on me. Not to mention people who do not like me, others do not care. I’m busy getting people around me. I asked if it was bad. ”

When I recalled her words, she also spoke to me the following words I had spoken. It seemed that I really remembered the day ‘s work. Then it was the day that impressed her. I embraced her more strongly and horsed.

“Right. I’ll tell you in advance. As I said at the time, I can not turn down the person I want to lean on. If anything else happens, you may be disappointed. ”

I needed a great courage to talk about this. Frankly, I was thinking of seeing her tears in the worst case. But I have already been lied to my friends. Even if it was a lie, the lie was a lie. I wanted to tell the truth to the people who were entrusted to me, except for the parts that could not be revealed at least. And even if it is a complex thing like a relationship between men and women.

However, Hae – Yeon hit the head straight with my head in my arms.

“Yeah. no I actually knew. Being one of the precious ones, not being a precious one. From then on, I already knew from my head when I said that. But it was hard to accept with my heart. I’m so sorry. Hole, hole plane. I have a bad feeling with bad feelings … ”

“Hyeon Yeon.”

“…I showed you. ”

It seems to be too bad for self-defense, I had to cut off the horse on the way. However, Hae Yeon continued to speak to the end. I calmed the throbbing heart, took her off her bosom and looked straight at my eyes.

I tried to take a deep breath and organize my breath. She was no longer acting calmly. But I was staring at me with a face that was bitter. Thanks to her expression, she gave more strength to her voice and opened her mouth.

“I’ll promise you here again. As I told you that day, I will not neglect or throw you away unless you want me to. so… . This one more time, and I look forward to continue did not trust me? ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ============================================================================================== *** 168 times Lilipple will be together with 169 times and 170 times together. Thank you for your understanding.

Hi there. It is Eugene.

Ah. I’m really sorry. It’s 11:59 today. In the past, I’ve always been able to finish writing a lot, but nowadays it seems like I’m using Peter until midnight. Today is a day too … It’s 12:00. I will be ready to upload soon. 🙂

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