
Chapter 176

“It’s been a long time. What’s Going On?

After sitting at the table, Vivian opened his mouth with a smile and smile. I stared at her for a moment. I was worried that I would talk to Shin Sang Yong first or talk about the platoon first, but I think it would be better to talk to a rare class chimera alchemist.

“I called because I had various knotty jobs. There is something about the user, and about the podium. ”

A-ha Then what have you talked about last time? ”

Really? Now it’s time to make a decision about Mr. Shin. I should have watched it pretty close in the meantime. What do you think the user looks like? ”


Vivien closed his eyes and looked like he was worried. Then, after about three minutes, she shook her eyes and opened her mouth.

“I want to be honest. I do not think it’s flawless in terms of personality or character. There is also the sincerity and the ability to have a good fit. I probably will not regret it. ”

If it was a talent, it seemed to speak of the harmony of the harmony. I and Vivian are tied in a contract. As such, she would have done my best and asked me what I just said, to the extent that I could. Although it is an extremely subjective judgment, I was able to set my mind immediately because it was not so different from her opinion.

“I think so. I do not know if it’s too late, but it’s worth it. I hope he will give him a chimera alchemist as soon as possible and give him a proper education. ”

Agreed. It was difficult to save this kind of disciple. “Heehee!” I’m so happy. Maybe you’ll be surprised? ”

Vivian was excited and smiling like a child. Perhaps he had already laughed at how much he would appreciate it if he knew it. In the meantime, I did not get it because I could not keep it in my mind.

“So let’s finish the story with Shin Sang Yong … . Let’s get into the mainstream now. ”

After I finished speaking, I put things out in front of Vivien. Less than 80 +4 Stamina, Less than 70 Stamina + 2 Stamina, Vivian’s Story, Greater Atm Belpegor’s Heart. The alchemists were the ingredients that drooled one by one. Bibiang confirmed that the material was different, but it was not dripping, but it was shedding enough to be seen as rippling.

“Wow. It’s just fascinating to see. ”

I watched Vivien, who exudes an exuberance, and lifted up to 80 +4 stamina.

“The user who takes this infusion can raise his physical ability slightly. All I want is to want to increase the rise. Why not? Can you do it? ”

“You’ve added a stamina and this new killer’s rune. Uhh. ”

Suddenly the expression of innocence was gone, but it was gone. As an alchemist, Vivian always shows a serious and sincere look. She was staring at the material with a sharp eye that was not usual. Sometimes I see my hands moving so smoothly that I will be doing a lot of calculations into my head by now.

I heard a little nervousness, but I did not act like a jerking me to answer quickly. I just sit down and wait for a positive answer. A few minutes of additional time flowed. Before long, Vivian looked up with his head as if he had finished the calculation.

“Yeah. Can you do it? ”

Kim Soo-hyun Do you remember what I used to do? ”

I have said that this kind of material is very difficult to fly in such a bad work environment. She remembers very rarely because she had a logical statement. One or two times in the head, and Vivian sighed greatly.

“Obviously you said you were leaving Mule? When are you going to leave? ”

“soon. I will leave the mule as soon as possible. That’s why. ”

“Okay. So I’ll take care of these stuff for the time being. I think I should go into research separately. ”

“Ohora. It sounds like there’s a possibility. ”

I saw her hoping to see her grabbing the stuff. But Vivian shook his head with a solemn face.

“It is not easy. No, honestly I do not know. Without the harmonious magic of Shin Sang Yong, the chances of failure were probably higher. Do you know that you can not do it right now? I have to build a studio in my new home, and I have to go through a podium process for a week or more. The incidental material is also enormous. I’m not going to make it in the mule to leave soon anyway, I’ll be analyzing my own for the time being. ”

“That’s it. Then I ask. ”

“Let me leave. I will be successful in the name of Vivienne Laclascidus. ”

Wow… I’m very confident. If that fails … ”

By choosing only pretty words today, Vivian looked even more cute. When I saw her bringing up her body, a joke ran up in the moment. So, “I know it will bother me.” At this moment, he refrained from his mouth. I do not know why. However, somehow it seemed that things would be irreversible.

“If it fails? Will you punish me? ”

Her voice had an odd tone. No, I did not punish him even if he did. Vivian was realizing things that would not be irreversible, things that could turn him away. I was grateful for my intuition and was able to change my mind slowly.

“…What a punishment. I know you’ll do your best, but I can not help it. I am very happy to succeed though. You know, for me now, fitness is a very important issue. If you succeed as such, I’ll give you one wish. ”


“Of course, it is impossible to be very impatient. But if you listen to it and you are worthy, I will literally hear your wish. ”

At that moment, I was able to see a one-stemmed flame burning violently in her eyes. The momentum was great, and it was enough that I made a mistake at the moment.

After a short while, Vivian turned to me once more and received a confirmation. And in her footsteps, unknown strangers were floating.

* It seemed that the time flowed faster after returning from the scream cave. The dusky dusk and the cold wind that blows in the past tell us that the time zone is dark night. It was an ambitious night when Koh played in the morning. I burned the tobacco in my mouth and sucked a sip deeply.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten times. So I sucked ten times in total, and I was slowly seeing the end of the beginning of the year.

I jumped a butt against the grungy ground, and I quietly opened the door and entered the inn. By now, they are all asleep. The lobby on the first floor where the light stone was turned off was a scene I was looking at, but I had a somewhat uncanny atmosphere.

I turned my head to the kitchen and a tiny light was coming out. As I moved toward it, less than one minute later I could reach the door in the kitchen. After taking a deep breath, I literally raised my hand and knocked on the door.

Toc Toc

A couple of blunt sounds, then “Come in.” I heard the sound of the performance. Carefully turning the handle, she could see her hand touching the quill pen on a small desk.

“Ah. Wait a moment. I wrote almost everything. The bumper escaped by the plan to eradicate the tramp is a little uneasy, but it’s still unclear, so I was putting together the information I had received. ”

I did not say anything. Rather than not telling the information, it seemed that I could not tell you because it was incomplete information. I have already had a wonderful feeling in her intelligence that I have already noticed in the next month or so. That’s why, in the first round, Istanelow put the performance to the top of the list.

I was paying a lot of attention to recording for a while, even though I came. I occasionally tore out the other records that were disturbed in the surroundings, the map I looked at and wrote down again. I stood in bed and stared at her backwardness.

“Ah. finished. I’ve just written everything. ”

Koh played the quill to the sound of a whisper, then stretched out to the full strength. And then she turned to me and shook her records. I raised my body unconsciously and reached out to the record, but she was in a hurry to get rid of it quickly.

Kogaku curled his head in many ways and opened his mouth with a bare eye.

“If you give me this record now, I’m going to get somehow.”


I did not like my ambiguous answer, and she narrowed her down. She soon put a record on the desk and gently twisted her fingers. Along with the sound of fingers crossing, Lightstone, which emitted a bright light, lost light for a moment.

So the light disappeared and darkness found in the room. In that faint darkness, I was able to notice that the high performance chair was creeping up to me and coming to me.

“I told you a lot. User Kim Soo-hyun needs a little rest. I think it seems to be playing again these days. ”

I wonder how close you are to such a gap. I felt a sweet breathing tickling near my neck. When I swallowed a spit and looked straight ahead, the shadow queen reached for one side of the glory of the Sun, finely stretched out with arms.

“Then there is a problem here. What am I doing here on this ambitious night? ”


“Do you pretend you do not know it? Or do you really not know? ”

I felt like I was angry when I gave the same answer as before, and the voice of the performance rose a little. I closed my eyes. The feelings that I thought burned together while burning the tobacco outside the inn felt to be alive again. There was one person standing in my mind. The identity of the person was not Han Sang Young. It was just a user.

I was suddenly unable to find out why. From the first date of the meeting, Goh has been steadily showing favoritism to me and tempted me. And I also did not hate her. It’s not a matter of spending the night with the right people on Hall Plane. I’ve already told her all about her. I thought it was fine when I opened my door.

As soon as my head was getting complicated, I opened my eyes to the feeling of heterogeneity in the waist dancing. I looked down and saw a red waistband coming out of the skirt. The waistband, which was completely unwound, was lifted into the hands of the high performance player while the other side was touched to the ground.

At the same time as the front of the glory of heaven opened, Go ‘s performance moved forward one foot and took a motion to lean on my chest. And that moment.


I did not know that I had to step back. I stopped to look forward to seeing my reaction to my reaction and looked at my eyes with a blank face. I had no choice but to avoid it.

“…….”Still, with an unobtrusive gaze and uncomfortable silence, I could barely turn my gaze back at her. As I tried to read her face that looked dim in the darkness, I could see her face that was getting into the water with a little bit of hurt that I could not hide. The moment she saw her face, the words she had told me all along her time began to emerge simultaneously.

Yes I was a bar girl.
How does the user Kim Soo-hyun evaluate me? ”
Also, in modern times, the woman who was working in a bar, who was being pushed by people … .
Eyes. I can see roughly what he thinks of his eyes.
Ho Ho. I’m finally kissing.
Why Why do you sigh. Is not it kissing me? Are you feeling bad?

The fact that I stepped back now was a kind of denial. And there is one case that denies sexual intercourse in the hall plane. I do not like you. I do not want to have a relationship with you.

Of course I do not think so. I want to embrace the performance and the user, and I have a feeling of discomfort in the mind that I have in mind. It was a reflexive behavior. However, there was enough misunderstanding to accept the other party.

Before long, the lips of the playing were slowly opened.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

I think the user Kim Soo-hyun had a lot of influence without knowing him. If Suhyun knows this, it is surprisingly straightforward. Hahaha I want to write a long term, but I have been working all night and I am so sleepy. I think I should have a little study today. All of you have a good Sunday. 🙂 PS. For the happiness of playing.

“Lilipple” 1. A broken demon mark: First congratulations. Hahaha You seem to be keen on Kurosion these days.

2. People’s life: Congratulations on your resurrection. Let ‘s break the pain of separation. Ah. And please do not do it. I’ve been asking you a lot, but if you do this again … . I think I’m a little upset too. Of course, I believe that you will not do any more. As many readers are using this comment together, please refrain from using it. 3. Mel Furian: Haha. Gomapseumnida It is strange that the performance is very popular. In my eyes, the best one is the best. 🙂 4. Groover: hahaha. Of course I remember. I mean. : D 5. A broken fan: The problem is that Suhyeon has started. Hahaha I am a child who is unfamiliar with receiving love and a child who is used to losing love. 🙂 Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force behind the chronicles. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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