
Chapter 186

Cha Seung-hyun and Van Dahui are in the same third year. A colleague who had been living for three years was murdered. Yoo Hyun-ah, Cha Seung-hyun, and Ban-da-hee Seth’s friendship was famous even during the first tea ceremony. I seemed to try to stay calm as much as possible, but my colleagues were murdered before my eyes. There was no reason to be quiet about his personality, which was a high reputation as a friendly guardian.

Clan members including myself stopped trying to get out of the entrance and looked at Cha Seung-hyun. After that, Yoo Hyun-a was staring at Van Dahui’s body with a blank face. Sometimes it seemed that I was shocked by the fact that I was only biting. I also felt strange. Of course, Van Dahn has not developed all the growth potential yet. However, it was incredible that she was so easily killed when she thought of her duties as a crazy year.


Something elongated pointed at me. I looked at the idea that I was pondering, and when I raised my gaze, I saw a pierced sack caught in the right hand of Cha Seung-hyun. I could not find any particular peculiarities. The tip was pointed, and the length of the bag was short. However, the cold anticipation of the end of the window could never be ignored. It was a user who would earn the reputation of the future without any doubt, and he was already showing the face of a person.

“Do you know what your actions mean now?”

“bloke. Close his mouth. ”

“Remove the window. I do not want to expand work anymore. ”

“I do not want to work, do not want to expand? Remove the bullshit. It really shows the end of hypocrisy. ”

Cha Seung-hyun’s voice was low. But the words he uttered poured into our ears with a good livelihood. I was thinking of putting a horse on him, but I just decided to keep going. This is because we can secure even a small one and a little justice. I opened my mouth with a loud voice.

“I think you forgot who did the work first. hypocrisy? Do not be ridiculous. ”

“Then, is it true that Dahui was wrong? So you killed her? ”

“I hope you do not talk about it like that. Hall plane. It was a situation where the murder of each other could be established enough to leave who did wrong or not. If you do not mind, you’ll be the user who provided the direct cause. ”

“Even if Dahui preemptively attacked, there is a basic morality that human beings have. Did you just say that you were annoyed, you killed my brother, you understand it, you just watch it? I had to concede one step at a time! ”

The basic diagram to have as a human being. It was the sound of eating grass. And certainly I could feel the difference between them and those of the first period. Although I did not believe it a little, they were still closer to people than users.

“Did not you tolerate that little bit? I was in a position to make enough concessions! I was glad for a while, and I thought it was not the case without the case! ”

If there is one more thing that is wrong with Yoo Hyun-ae, there is no user who knows how to roll his head. At least this kind of situation has led me to somehow lead to emotion. Even though I have been doing this for three years under Yoo Hyun-ah, I thought I was very satisfied with what I have survived so far.

I slipped my head and opened my mouth.

“Did not I make concessions?”

“…….”In my opinion, Cha Seung-hyun did not answer immediately. I opened my mouth, but when I saw that I was pausing, I could not think of anything to say. Soon his face began to turn red. I decided to drive this momentum a little more.

“I did not ask you to kneel, nor did you want any other action. I just wanted to say a word of heart, but what did she say? ”

“큭 … ”

“I gave the opportunity. It’s her that got the chance. ”


Cha Seung – hyun screamed for the first time. I simply did not raise my voice. Yoo Hyun-ah’s head slowly turned to the sound of his body. But it does not seem to have set the mind. When I saw the empty eyes, I still could not get out of the shock.

But… Was the scope of your concessions an unconditional concession for us? I mean, those who are representative clans threaten the lives of the children in the year 0, intentionally provoke the ten rivers, or even actually kicked in. And when I did not want to grow my business, I spit on my face and cursed it to kill myself. Did we have to withdraw, considering all of this? ”

“We too! We tried to dry it. ”

“I also played the performance once. I think the word “control” is more accurate. Then he said that he could not control the clan. ”

“…….”I finally felt the beginning of the nibbling. Clearly, the situation could have been good without killing. However, it is a matter of morality just as Cha Seung-hyun said. One by one, the reason was fine for us. His chest will now be full of stiffness. It will be minutes. I lost my colleague and I can not even say a word properly.

I can hear the sound coming out of this. The eyebrows were lifted up, and the impression that made me sad was a lot of anger. Nonetheless, he barely breathed and opened his mouth with a squeezing voice.

“Exaggeration…Do not interpret it. Threat is right, but …He would not have even intended to kill them. ”

That’s what it sounds like. I ran a ridiculous smile. When I saw him, he just calmed down his face. As I turned my head, the conversation seemed to be quite boring, and I could see Koh played yawning from the side. Of course, the performance was also playing the expression. She pretended to pretend she was right after seeing my signal.

“There was no intention to kill. So what provoked the shadow queen and kicked her off? I do not think I even intended to kill it? ”

“…….”He did not answer. I was able to see that the end of the window began to vibrate finely to give more power to the hand holding the window.

“This bullshit is also good at this level.”

“You mean bullshit?”

“I’ll tell you why it is bullshit. In fact, we did not intend to kill a female user called Van Dahn. ”

I stopped talking for a while. Then, the music that I had by my side seemed to be like that.

“Right. Actually, I did not mean to kill the boar year. Of course, I stuck my dagger in my neck, but I never intended to kill it. I just did it to threaten. ”


The voices of Gohaku played well. “This is proof that what you said is bullshit.” I wanted to say, but I had no choice but to pull out a new sword. Perhaps the previous conversation was a decision. As soon as the end of the performance was over, Cha Seung-hyun shouted at the rough. And before the end of the window came to me, even in my waist dancing, the blade of cold silvery light flowed like a stream of water.


With a knife edge part, it blocks the end of the window. A shock of enough to make a hand grinning came in a new sword in January. There was a magical power of blue on his window day.

“What is this?”

“Shut up! You …I know what! I mean, it’s saying that killing Da-hee … ! ”

It seems that things that have been suppressed from now on have exploded at once. I felt a little disturbed when I compared his appearance, which was high and prideful in his first episode. Still, I understood as much as I could. At that time, I was in a position where I was in the 10th lecture. Of course, I can not see the third year as a starter, but I am less mature both physically and mentally than then. And if you were under Yu Hyun – ah during that time. It was not in the first place to blame others. I also lived for a few months when I lost my brother and Han So – young.


As if his anger burned to the end of his head, he shouted in resentful voice and swung the window across. I deliberately took over the wave of horsepower pouring from the end. Of course, there was a corner of believing.

“Shield of Reflect!”

And just as I responded to my faith, Jung ‘s spell burst out immediately. I do not know the details at the moment, but she was obviously prepared in her own way. I was worried about what I would do if I opened the attacking spell, but luckily I spread the defense spell. It will be a big help if you later defend against this attack when it is illuminated.

As the yellowish golden shield shrouded in front of the clan members, the power that Cha Seung-hyun poured into was blocked by Reflect Shield. Soon I saw that the waves were back again, and I also went ahead. By receiving the preemptive attack of Cha Seung-hyun, I now have a reason to kill him.

* Chang! visor visor visor

Yoo Hyun-ah was in a hurry when she suddenly heard the song. When I turned my head to the sounding place, I could see a scene where Kim Soo-hyun and Cha Seung-hyun worked together. She did not understand what was going on. I tried to make a voice, but there was only a windy sound. She felt her neck very dry.

visor visor visor visor visor visor visor visor

One small piece of spear that protruded slipped through Yuheon ‘s face. She turned her head reflexively and soon saw a neatly cut cross section off the floor. As the wind came into the dry mouth, she felt dry. I quickly swallowed my saliva and then gave up my trembling breath.

Ha… Ha…

When he was fighting, Cha Seung-hyun was sweating. He was desperately wielding a window with the top cut off. At the end of the window, magical powers struck the stem and attacked it all the way in a brilliant manner, but, surprisingly, all of the attacks were returning to nothing.

Mercenary Clan Load User Kim Soo Hyun. Every time his sword was wielded, Cha Seung-hyun’s desperate offensive was getting tangled. Her vision was so slightly cloudy that I could not see it in detail, but I could see that Cha Seung-hyun was disadvantageous.

‘No. Sung Hyun, Sung Hyun brother only. ‘

I had no idea. For now, only the idea of ​​drying this battle dominated her predecessor. As I went this way, I felt an ominous feeling that I would lose it. Yoo Hyunah desperately tried to move the body. However, her worn-out body betrayed her master’s expectations. Yung Hyun-ah’s body fell down to the floor with a thud, sound. The moment I ran up the floor, I could see a new scene.

“Huh Ah!”

Cha Seung-hyun suddenly twisted his body and turned the window vigorously. Kim Soo-hyun, who was digging in near distance, could not avoid the window. In the long run, a sharp window blade aimed at the box office of Kim Jin-hyun. Yoo Hyun-ah’s eyes turned round. But…


Apparently Kim Soo-hyun’s body was split in half. However, there was no response from the cracks. No blood, no internal pouring. Soon after Kim Soo-hyun’s body slowly melted into the air, he felt odd, and then he looked up at his head with his embarrassed face. And Yoo Hyun – ah could see. Kim Soo-hyun, who is holding up a sword that emits silverlight from behind him.

Ah… Ah… Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Yoo Hyun-ah’s voice burst out. As he reacted to the voice, Cha Seung – hyun also quickly tried to tease the window.

“Ahh ah!”

Soon after that, Cha Seung-hyun’s painful screaming sounded, and at the same time, an arm caught in the window sprang up into the air. And, a light stem of light that rushes again toward the neck of Cha Seung-Hyun, which is greatly staggering. Looking at the stem, Yoo Hyun-ah cried out loudly.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

I was late today, and I did not write much, so the late update was late. I’m tired all over. I took the test today and made a mistake. It’s also a very simple mistake. I usually do not listen to it when I hear it around, but I finally got one today. Failed to change sign due to incorrect orientation. At the end … . It was funny, but I did it. Hmm. I need to get the rest of the exam right!

“Relief” 1. Sensitive: Congratulations on three consecutive 1st! Congratulations on the emergence of a new strong person. But since you’ve already seen this comment for a while, the fourth consecutive time has failed. ㅠ. I’m sorry. (I’ve never seen four consecutive times.) Well, enjoy this time, too!

2. Ticia: Haha. It was already mentioned in the text, so I did not think it was Spo. If you kill Yu Hyun-a, it really gets bigger. 🙂 3. Mecca Star: Yes. It is the part that Suhyun was aiming for.

4. Gemun: Oh! Thank you for the coupon. ㅠ. ㅠ I did not check the comment when I gave the release. Black. 5. Lancelot Durack: Hahaha! Then you say that Lancelot Dulac which I have met so far has been many readers! Suddenly I feel fresh. 🙂 6. Blami: Indeed! Cha Seung-hyun will die or survive. Please enjoy next time!

7. Kazumi: Wishes. Yes, of course. It is one million points. I do not know whether it is beyond middle or late, but I think it is very difficult to collect it in the beginning. You have to participate fully in your GP achievements, but below average users are not likely to collect one million. 🙂 8. Franc Dill: Yes. I have a lot of questions about that part. I am going to set up the settings after the test is finished, but I will make up some of the settings for that part. 🙂 9. Let’s take a nap: Thank you for traveling! It is just amazing to see it in one day. C.I really like your nickname. I want to take a nap. ㅜ. ㅠ) 10. James Dean: Hmmm! That, it is a secret. However, it was really uneventful. It’s a bit like saying … . : D Your suggestions and comments become the driving force of the chronicle. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

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