
Chapter 191

There was a small sandwich on the thin fork. On the stabbed surface, a hot liquid with poles of hot fumes flowed on the fork. The yellow liquid that flowed in when the coagulated dairy product was put in was flowing in glossiness. I do not know if it will be expensive, but it sure looks delicious.

I felt like I had a mouth-to-mouth material, something in my mouth. At the same time, I felt a sweet smell filled with fresh fragrance.

When I saw what I ate, the children quickly reached out to the sandwich in front of each other. It is still a sandwich, though it is a small sandwich. Ahn Hyun lifted it up and threw it into his throat at once. And he giggled, and soon he saw his throat moving from top to bottom. I did not chew properly and seemed to swallow it.

“Wow. It’s really delicious, but I do not get any messages. ”

Ahn picked up a cookie to pick up his appetite. The clan members were also eating sandwiches and trying to compare them to the food of the high performance. For a while, the tasting of the sandwich continued, and fortunately the evaluation was good. Everyone has gathered that the food made by the performance is delicious. In those words she said, “All right. How about a rustic inn before? ” I was nervous but I had a soft smile on my mouth.

I put down a sandwich with tooth marks, and then touched the bottom. Hae – yun was dripping his mouth and turned his head to his surprise face. As I rolled my eyes around, I noticed that I understood my intention sooner or later. Soon after she had moved her neck, she opened her lips gently.

“───. ───. ─── ”

I do not even know. Rather than being eccentric, she had been abundantly experienced and externalized in these externalities. Of course, the internal parts may be a little bit short, but those things I could care about.

Her clear voice vigorously ran around the table as soon as she had memorized all the orders.

“Block Field. Reverse. ”


Up to the block field to reverse. Again, the block field can go in and out and block all incoming sounds. However, Yeon-yeon seemed to have touched the outer part with the appearance of the application of the magic circuit. In other words, if you look at the intangible act that now unfolds, you can hear the outside voice but not the inside voice. It was a minor difference between users who learned and did not learn deepening. Of course this minor difference will determine your life on the battlefield.

“User advanced … ”

Before I just opened my mouth, I arranged for a while what things would happen. At present, the golden lion clan and the friendly clan have been on the power reduction stage due to failure of the steel mountain range expedition. And now it was time for the weakening of the control of the northern continent, including Barbados in the big city, and the summons of the bourgeoisie, which was aimed at the gap. The gap has about a month.

After I finished my conception, I was able to see the performance that I was looking at without seeing me. Perhaps he reacted to the voice calling himself and then stopped talking for a while. So, I just continued.


“…Yes. Please speak.”

“I need information about the Steel Mountain Expedition.”

“I’m trying to find out, though. But it will take some time. What exactly do you need? ”

“It is the situation of the participating clan and the aggregate situation of the damage. Nonsense is not necessary. You can tell us about big things. Even though things will soon be revealed, I need information a step ahead. The sooner, the better. ”

“Well. I know. I’ll try to move as fast as possible. ”

He played with a cool tone and then glared at me. When I saw her reaction, I felt like a corner of my mind.

In the future, the mistake of a golden lion leads to a blast. One of them was trying to reduce the damage of this expedition. It was nothing but an eye-opener to keep them in control. For reference, these actions will have a significant impact in future when representative clans of other cities are independent. Of course, the direct cause is a separate excuse, though.

So I left my important work to the performer and turned to other clan members.

Ansol was crying. It seemed that he had eaten his own cookie. I gave her a cookie to stop her crying. Vivien watched the sandwich he left behind and glared his lanterns. As she handed her a fork, she began to lick the yellow liquid flowing like a person who was a prisoner.

It was a moment when I was going to take out the matter after I had soaked the atmosphere.

“Hey. You did not eat it all. Why are you trying to get up? ”

“Be quiet. You said it was weird. I think the block field is open. ”

“There is no more than a star. You said no traces? ”

“I do not know. I was mistaken or I could not find any traces. Let’s get out of here. If it’s the latter, it’s too cold to be here. ”

A bunch of users walked in front of the entrance. The users standing at their forefront were not strangely familiar. I did not see the impression. I could not see my face exactly because I had long hair hanging around my bangs. However, I felt a familiar feeling in the atmosphere that was blown from the body. I activated the third eye again.

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): thin glass (4-year) 2. A class (Class): General Wizard (Normal Mage Master) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): Barbara (Babara) 4. Affiliation (Clan): reverse (Reverse) 5. Jin gang · Nationality: crazy clown of the flame · Korea 6. Gender (Sex): female (25) 7. Kidney · Weight: 165.5 c m · 45.5kg 8. Inclination: aggressive · It’s a challenge (Aggressive · 1 Sharp) ability. [Muscular 55] [Duration of 48] [Nimble 64] [Health 56] [HP-92 (+1)] [Lucky 52] comparing strength value 1. Kim Su-Hyeon: 544/600 (stats point remains 12 points.)
[Strength 96 (+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 72] [Power 96] [Fortune 90 (+2)] 2. Huryeong: 367/600 ~
[Strength 55] [Durability 48] [Agility 64] [Stamina 56] [Power 92 (+1)] [Fortune 52] Reverse Clan. The moment I read the information of the user at the forefront, I came to a confusion. I wanted to be seen in many places, but also those in memory.

The reverse clan is a clan that exists up to the end of the Hall Plane. And it can be seen as a characteristic place. In that clan, there are no outstanding users of the tenth. Secrets, rare classes, even if there was one or two people.

However, I once wanted to enter the reverse clan. If I did not scout myself, it would have been good enough to apply for membership. Because the reverse clan can be defined as a group of endeavoring users.

They showed that ordinary users can be strong enough. One of the famous anecdotes is the one with Clan Odin that was formed in the South Continent. At the time, Odin had a great number of users who could count on the quality of his users, and he did battle against the clan.

They were so aggressive. And it was the elite group that was at the top of the militancy and was operating in Rivers. The reputation of Hanshatsu was so familiar to other continental users. If you do not, you should have told the bumbers to avoid it if they meet the killer.

A little bit suddenly, I was curious about why they are here now. At the moment I got a complicated idea, but soon they quickly got out of the entrance. For a moment, I slipped my head slowly as I walked through the entrance where they left. If they are reverse, they can not be considered enemies. In the past, I had an alliance, and when I look at the first episode, there was no reason to take heart.

The clan I am currently oriented to is Odin-type elite clan. The greatest disadvantage of the small number of elite type clan was that it did not come out. Then the answer was to ally with other clans and replenish the volume, and the reverse clan was a very good clan. It is a clan that becomes strong enough to be called battle name after enough number of people are enough for general users to become state.

I laughed and laughed and looked at the table for a while. I met old friends in an unexpected place, and I was soaked with nostalgia for a while. The contact with them will be a little later, and I could see that the meeting was premature.

Anyway, now, I needed to tell the clan members why I came to Barbara.

As we have created the Mercenary Clan, we need to base ourselves on future activities. Assuming there is enough money, everyone will think of Barbara. But I never thought of bassing Barbara. After the civil war, I knew very well what this big city would look like. However, the reason why I came here now is because there was a need to measure the current situation.

I sucked my finger and looked at Vivien again, and slowly opened his mouth.

“I would like to continue the story I could not do in Mule. Please listen to everyone. ”

You can speak Korean

The children answered at the same time. I did not know, and after checking the block field once more, I was speaking in a low voice.

“As you may have heard, the Golden Lion Clan has failed the steel mountain expedition. I am going to see how things will flow for the time being. It would be better to be in the center of the flow, the most sensitive, to see the trend. Long time is not necessary. The current plan is just one week. I will stay in Barbara for a week and leave for another city. Of course I do not want to make fun of that week. If you have any questions, please let me know. ”

I heard her immediately. I nodded and gave her a question.

“The user and performance said they would gather information. You said you do not want to make fun of a week. So what should other clan members do during that time? ”

“Yeah. In fact, there were a few things that took place in the mule. If you go to another city, you are going to enter full-scale activity. And before that, we will handle all the things that are taking place. I probably have time to sort things out for a week. ”

“It takes … ”

“It’s also related to personal privacy, so it’s hard to say so. However, it can be said that it is a problem to be solved. I can not speak at the place where everyone is gathered, so I will let them pass on to the clan members individually. ”

There were many reasons for coming to Barbara. The biggest reason was that I was going to watch Hall Plane’s flow as close as I just said. Recruiting new colleagues, organizing equipment (Mimick’s affiliation), registering clan patterns, etc., were only secondary things.

Much has changed with the first car. There was so much happening in Mule that there was no guarantee that the future I knew would just happen. In other words, I do not know how it will change in the future. Now that it is an important turning point, we can not predict how things will change rapidly, so we can identify changes and then modify the plan accordingly.

These and other complex ideas filled my head. I sighed greatly and looked out the window. The sunlight was slowly disappearing and the darkness was dim in the empty space. I lightly stretched. It was time for users to come back from exploring out of the city. It would be better to move ahead and catch the crowded inn.

I had a few more cautions and then slowly got up. As I stood up, the clan members were also raised. I went to the counter to do the calculations. I saw the first waitress with a grim face. Although it seemed a little disappointed, I did not want to give a tip again.

“Four gold 70 silver.”

Thanks! come again!”

After calculating the value of the snacks I thought was still expensive, I moved my foot outside the entrance. After opening the door of the breeze, the cold evening breeze wrapped around my body, and it quickly disappeared.

At the same time, the thoughts of Kim Han – woo rubbed his head for a moment.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Fortunately, I was able to upload it before 4 o’clock. Yes. It is kyoki. Yes. @ _ @ Because I am too sleepy, I will update the Lilip after sleeping. Thank you. (__), but I think it would be better to just write it down and sleep comfortably. So, I need five ripples. Lower luck. whew! Why do I get this typo? I will lock it.

“Lilipple” 1. Whirly: Congratulations on your first. This time, if I did not have a relief, I would have made him sad.The last time … .) ㅜ. ㅠ Anyway, please enjoy this time also interestingly. 🙂 2. EyeSeeYou: Well. So you’re saying Ansol Vivienne. Ah ha ha ha. “Sure you are.” what? Is Vivian so sad? I’m dripping tears!

3. Cheonhyeok Shincheon nozan: Brother Daimon. Stomping Stomping Stomping Stomping.

4. hohokoya1: Thank you all the time. (__) I’d like to sleep soon. LOL The eyelids are full bloom.

5. CEO:! I was pissed off at the moment. I always question that, too. I bet you can not do that at midnight. I want to try it at midnight today. Fuhofu. This is a challenge.

Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force of your journalism. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

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