
Chapter 211

“Do you know about the academy’s instructor system?”

“I completed the academy six months ago and I think I know it.”

Actually, I did not know much about it, but I knew it very carefully. Park Hyun-woo was happy with my answer, and he expressed a sigh of relief.

“Sure you are.” So you can go right in. ”

“Yeah. Yes. ”

“This time, I’m going to give Ms. Norman Lord an Orthodox office, but … . I think I will need an assistant, just because I am alone in the clan. ”

I stared at him with a face that I did not know English. Park Hyun-woo had a quiet voice in his voice after he gave his delicate gaze.

“Instructors can also be categorized into different roles. In a big way, there are education instructors, control instructors, and life instructors. They all have a common office and an official position. ”

“I know that. But I do not think I’ll be able to give you an education instructor … . I do not think it’s necessary. ”

“Oh, yes, somehow. But there is nothing wrong with an assistant. If directors play a direct role, they are the agents who make their activities easier. It will surely help in many ways. ”

I nodded slowly. There was nothing wrong with Park. There is nothing wrong with putting an assistant. He thought I had accepted it, he said in a more subtle voice.

“Of course, as you promised in the command, you will be relatively free even if you are a sophisticated officer. But if you have an assistant, you will be able to have more comfort. ”

His eyes were suddenly euphoric. Park Hyun-woo’s intention seemed to be roughly understood. Perhaps he helped me alone and seemed to give me one of the gold lion clan members. Whether or not I read my thoughts, he immediately made a conclusion.

“It is often the case that the original tutor and tutor are made up of the same clan. However, the meridian road is not as good as it is … . We can put one person on our side. ”

“It seems like there is a clan member who would like to recommend it to me as I continue to say so.”

“You saw right away. Originally, I tried to talk about it after finishing the lead of new users, but I think it would be better to do it now. I know you have a user named Kim Han-hee who came out of the academy at the same time. ”

“…….”I tried to refuse it, but when I heard the following words, I fixed my mind for a moment. I had a chance, but I could not help but miss a moment. Anyway, this became clear. There was not a side of a little long time, but the golden lion seemed to tie Sung Yu Bin or Kim Han-bum somehow with me. If it is not, I can not be convinced that the assistant instructs me in the same year as the same.

Ah… Yes. Well, there is a certain degree of face. ”

“I was told by a certain person, but it seems to be quite different, not to some extent.”

“That’s it. Anyway, she is also a little surprised to participate this time. ”

“Ah. You do not have to worry too much. The child was in the same secret class as Masonary Road, and gave a fairly hands-on education. Of course, it is also said that this side is an aspect to participate as an instructor to build experience. As a smart user, I think that I can do well the role of an assistant. Mercenary Road, how are you? ”

“I’m playing.” I could barely restrain myself by breaking my lips. It is quite special. It is unlikely that all of the things mentioned in Kim Han – seong ‘s personality were mentioned. If so, I strongly heard that the clan would be pushing back.

I decided to mix the answers to the questions and flood them.

“You want to take care of it, but if you refuse, it will not be. Please do. However, I will accept if the party hopes for my office. ”

Hahaha You thought good. You do not have to worry about it because you wanted to do it in the first place. I will tell you to write carefully, so please worry. ”

Kim Han Byeong who wants to be very careful in my office. I dare not imagine it.

I shed a laugh and sent a courtesy call to thank him. Park Hyun-woo was nothing, and he was supposed to do it. However, it seemed to me that I was very satisfied when I saw a smiling smile on my mouth.

“I will enter the user academy!”

So while we were exchanging gratitude and taking steps, we heard someone cry out loud at the forefront. When I raised my head, I was able to see that the user academy building boasted of merit. The new users, though not yet, were devouring the head that was different from the contemporary scenery, and seemed to be tired at the academy.

I stared at them for a moment and then teased at the academy more quickly.

For a moment, the other clans had not arrived yet.

* It was safe to send new users to the hostel. It took me a little while to divide by the number of people, but fortunately there were no people to riot. It seemed that the mood was relaxed when I saw a bed where I was suffering from passage ritual for seven days and did not feel threat of life in the liver.

Park Hyun-woo said it was okay, but I stepped forward and assisted the supervisors in the control. Of course, I did not help with pure heart, but of course I activated the third eye. As I entered more than 250 people, I thought I would check each one in advance.

From the conclusion, there was no income. One or two could have found a user who wanted to be OK, but it was difficult to see that he had passed in five days.

It was possible to finish newcomers without any complaint. And it was not until the end of it that the instructors could gather together. Most of the people who came out of Taclan have come to the rescue. Even though I apologize in formal terms, I have even heard that I am a little sorry for Park Hyun-woo.

In each clan, less than one or two, or as many as three, came to the instructors. Not only a few of the participating clan members, but the number of instructors was exceeding 50 people. Tomorrow, not today (when I entered the meeting room, it was early morning.) Because we had to go into education immediately, we needed to do a detailed role sharing.

But I was not interested. This is because they are promised free activities, whether they take education, take control, or live. So, I was concentrating on looking at the people who were sitting on the table at the meeting room.

One surprising thing was that half of the remaining ten players of the North Continent were gathered in the composition of the personnel. Yasutanterou sent the Princess Yeonryim of the execution, and in the Koryo Clan, Seo Jin-woo, who was placed in the 10th class as a general examiner, participated.

In this part, Park Hyun-woo was quite embarrassed. It is not unheard of that the 10th class participated in the user academy, but it seemed to be touched by the active attitude of the non-participation clan. However, the inscription of the non-participating clan did not end there.

Though it is lower than the 10th grade, there was a well-known Kim Deok-Phil due to the rebellion genocide of the Rivers Clan. In the Han Clan, Klan Road Sung Hyun Min directly participated in the precipitation. In addition to this, she showed a glamorous contest participating in the Secret Class Death Knight Jung Tae Tae of the Blue Wolf Clan, Secret Class of the Secret Class of the Southern Freedom Union, Tae Jin Kim of the Sun, and Rare Class Elegant Doll, Na Seung Hye of the Moonlight Clan.

Some of the fameful generic classes that followed them had seemed like nothing. Anyway, in the non-participating clan, we chose all the elites who were chosen together.

On the other hand, the participation of the clan participating in the expedition was not very good. Even though it is not a place to go and be ignored, it was certainly in comparison with the users I just saw. Given the fact that Park is a comparable to the swings among friendly clan leaders, I can roughly guess the level.

If I were to tell my honest thoughts, it could be seen as a tyranny beyond an active attitude. Of course, good-looking users were not bad at coming to the instructor. There is still enough. It looks too cheated.

On average, 99.9%of new users have a normal class, and the fact that they have sent secrets and rare classes with the ability to differentiate from the normal has been quite controversial. Although I know that I can teach as much as I know a lot, it is a matter of different skill that I have and ability to convey it to others. In that sense, Seo Jin-woo from Koryo Clan was considered to be excellent.

Anyway, I decided not to worry about the problem anymore. It was not my fault, and I also had a secret class. And if they were good at teaching, there was nothing to say, so it was a hundredfold gain to keep silent.

“I do not know what kind of subject to distribute, but there are no measures at all … ”

Park Hyun-woo murmured in a gloomy voice and sighed deeply. As a matter of course, the role of the instructor was the most frequently encountered with new personnel. As such, there was a heated debate on the spot, and Park Hyun-woo was not in a position to mediate between them.

“Once tomorrow, for a week, I will let the clan who was in charge of the training take on the education. Of course, I know a lot of people who have been involved. But what you know and what you teach is a very different matter. ”

“So, for a week, do you mean to chase after our trainees?”

“I did not mean to chase you. This is the first time you participate. After a week of learning, I will change the role of the instructor. ”

“Sheesh. It ‘s a terrible thing to teach. If so, how many of you are the first users? Do you think the clan has some know-how? ”

His face was blushing and blurred, and he repeated it. Park Hyun-woo went to power when he was on the planet and acted as a lecturer of the school, and after a lot of time, he could barely calm the reactionary personnel.

“It was too late. I will conclude this with the first instructor meeting. I would like you to follow the instructions that I will start from today. I think it would be better for you to come to a meeting at a later meeting if you have a complaint. I will not end the night. ”

“Let’s do it today. I’m tired, too. I am not sure that I am perceived as a group of instructors in education today. Hahaha

Fortunately, in the 10th round, Seo Jin-woo gave Park Hyun-woo’s words with nonsense words, and all the users who complained about it until then asked their mouths. However, I still have all kinds of complaints on my face, and it seemed that the Academy would not flow smoothly in the future.

After a long period of time, I was able to finish the first instructor meeting which was a mess, and I could barely leave the conference room. I greatly stretched out as I remembered the quarters for the instructors who were informed at the meeting end. I felt tired feeling for some reason.

* The accommodation assigned to me was on the first floor of the main building of the Academy. Looking out the window on the way, I could see signs of dawn mist. A few hours later, a wry smile came out of the idea that the sun would rise.

The role given to me was Free. In other words, it could be called a substitute instructor. It was the first time that he was in control and living, but that he could participate as a training instructor in some cases. Of course, we will go into mental education time rather than professional training to deal with weapons.

I was able to get to a private hostel while I was ruminating my thoughts. After a brief greetings with the users who acted as the life instructor, I immediately opened a visit. The day was really long, so I could hear the head complaining of fatigue.

So when I got into the room, I could see one of the bigger rooms for writing alone. But I did not have enough money to spend three months in the money. .


“…….”No, I was not alone. It was not a room to write alone. I urgently checked the room with me and was able to reconfirm the fact that my accommodation was right. I looked again at the room and realized that there were two beds. And one of the female users on one of them was sitting at an angle and nodding her head.

I looked at the user with a blank feeling for a moment, and I was able to feel that the situation was unfamiliar at the moment.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

#Round & Round #Round & Round Let ‘s write a key ~ knocking on the board. Cigarette smoking. Singing ~. Let ‘s write it happily. Cutting Section ~ Cutting Section Cutting Section ~. Disconnect Disconnect Disconnect … . Our apologies. I put a line on the line for a while. Hahaha I was able to barely match Midnight series. 🙂 Did you have a good Monday? Strangely, I seem to be getting sick on Monday. Maybe there really is a moon. Now that Monday is over, I would like you to lightly pour out the moon. : D 「リ リ フ ァ ル」 1.Menuya: Congratulations on the first place ~! So, I think that you, too, are putting up Spurts nowadays. Fuhofu. I saw the meeting I just raised, and I was the first to do it. . It’s a joke. 🙂 Hahaha. 211 times Have fun!

2. Yongarang: I’m sorry ~. I had a morning lecture and fell asleep early. ㅜ. ㅠ I do not know if you will see this article right now, but I hope you will come to your health.

3. Goksd: Park Hyun-woo did not do as much as I thought. LOL Even if it does, I can not accept that Suhyun is good for his personality. haha.

4. demuri21: Ohhora. You have seen exactly. How did you know. Chatter. Do you have any questions or concerns?

5. Eilea + Brother Meat + LookSiam: Thank you for the coupon! I will devote the chronicle to the next when I can afford it. ㅜ. ㅠ 6. Day Zion s: roughly? Well, I caught about 550 times in the beginning, and I think I could go even more.

7. Carsim: It has a wide variety of meanings. It depends on each individual. For example, you can pick up a protagonist, which is more like a spoiler. If you do not mind spoiler, please send me a note ~.

8. Nickname Private: Hehe, no. I am always thankful to the readers who read it. If I can afford it next time, I will make it ~.

9. letzgo02: Yes. OK. You have seen exactly. 100%correct answer (?!)

10. f Tenryun: ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ. Yes. I strongly and thoroughly shook it. I was giggling to see the comment Tata Tonga. LOL. 🙂 Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force behind the chronicles. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

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