
Chapter 216



“I have something to ask you about Sol.”

“Wow? What is it? What are you curious about? ”

There was an optical illusion that a question mark flashed over Ansol’s head. She stared at me with her lonely eyes and I looked at her with soft eyes. I looked at each other for a while and opened the door when Sol’s face was red.

“Do you remember what you said to your brother in front of Warp Gate?”

Four Yes … ”

“How about now? Are you still nervous? ”

Ansol nodded silently and opened his mouth with a grassy face.

“Oh, though. You told me you trusted me and you told me not to worry. If I keep seeing like that. I feel like I’m worried about your brother … ”

When I saw Ansol connecting the horse with the hot air, I felt a feeling of exhilaration. That ‘s why dads are so cute with their daughters. She stretched out her hand to a happy heart and stroked her head. Ansol laughed at me.

Really? My brother always believes in his words. In fact, many of us have been helped so far by believing in the words of our cloak. ”

Hehe. Oh, no. Oh. I think it’s always just … ”

“What is folklore? So anyway, I want to help him again this time. ”

“Yes? Help? ”

Ansol’s eyes turned round. I made my face look bigger after a while. He could not understand what he said by cutting it back and forth, so he needed to step up one by one calmly.This conversation was learned when the former Ansol luck was raised to 101.)

“I do not feel as relaxed as I thought at the academy these days.”


“I think I can solve this stuffiness by brushing.”

“He, do not. I do not even know the Academy … . And how dare I … ”

Haha I am going to ask you to help me with the instructor ‘s work. It’s something else I want to get help with. And the job itself is very simple. ”

Ansol shook his head and shook his head and said his anxiety. Seeing her like that, I laughed a little smile and relieved her that it was not difficult. In addition, I tried to spice it up as you can only help me, and then I showed a stable appearance.

After a while, I started to swallow her. Her body, causing her body, looked at her with a strange face. It seemed that the overall confidence was burdensome to send suddenly, and overall I was not confident. I came to make sure that I did not regret me, I was hesitant to put up a rubbish.

‘It is a bit strange to see it as a mere misunderstanding. Maybe once I get here, do you think I’ll do it myself? ”

Ansol was a child in the mood. It was a hundredfold gain to induce me to exert my abilities rather than just stop here. Then she needed to help her avoid the burden. So, I joked with a playful expression.

“do not worry. Just do what your brother says. ”

Ah… As you ask? I see. Oh. I do not know … . Anyway, do you want to believe only Orabney? ”

Sure! Do you believe my brother? ”

I tried to make a joke that I just grasped it by hand to solve the atmosphere once more, but I decided to look at Ansol’s hot eyes. Before long she nodded and agreed. Now I have only to test Ansol’s luck skills. I was very excited about what kind of form I would release my frustration. What answers would you bring to me after you’ve played your abilities?

I embarked on Easter Egg with a sincere heart.

* I had a lot of thoughts, but it was my first plan to leave it as it was. I invited her to shake off all the anxiety and then walked to the front of the main building.

“character. You want to go where you want to go. ”

Four Where do I want to go? ”

Really? I do not have to think about anything else. Think you came to play at the zoo. Is there a lot of wanting to go there? As your heart leads, you can go to the most attractive place. Do not be anxious. ”


One of the strengths of Ansol is that I follow my words fairly well. She stared at her head for a while and soon began to walk vigorously as if something had sparkled. I have already followed her with astonishment.

When I went to Easter Egg for the first time, I looked around and looked like a strange face, but this time I was not looking around. In other words, there was a place where I was really attracted to my mind. I continued to chase Ansol over the two to three-and-a-half centuries-old emotions.

But it did not last long. As I went to see the familiar scenery, I felt that my mind became uneasy to see it. Obviously this is where I always walk after I get up in the morning … .

“Orbney, orbney. Better, better. I’ll go in there. ”

Before long, Ansol had reached his destination, pointing in one direction and wondering. And the moment I turned my gaze along her finger, I flattered.

“Cow, Sola. Not here. ”

“Wow? Why

“Anyway, you can not go in here. When you enter, you are a scary man! And it’s hysterical. So come on come on. ”

“Poetry, no. I’ll go in. ”

It was my private instructor ‘s place where she stopped. I quickly turned the detection and checked the inside, so I was glad that nothing happened. However, Kim Han-soo was living there, so she had a lot of supplies. Moreover, to the bed where it is attached. Even if I was blind, I was an innocent woman, and it was obvious that I would have noticed it until I was not a fool.

Ansol saw my reaction and slid my eyes thinly and jumped forward with a quick jump. But I did not stay still either. It was a flea, as far as I was concerned, because there was a huge difference in agility in the first place. As she grabbed the ankle ‘s waist and ran brightly, she ran her hands and feet in the air. I want to go inside somehow.

“I will go. I will go in. ”

“magneton. Good. I hear your brother. ”

“Wuen. Why do not you let it ~. ”

Ansol looked up at me with a disgruntled face as the ball swelled. I felt sweat running on my back. I just wanted to go as I wanted to go, but not here. I also know that luck is springing in a way that I can not catch it, and I gave it to a grinning grin.

Eventually, the two of us could soon come back to the main building.

“Sola. Let’s try this a little differently. ”

“To, differently?”

Really? Do you remember when you explored the city before? You pointed the road in this direction in the blue mountains. ”


Agreed. Remember what you said before? This time I want to go think about those words. ”

“Yeah. then… . Yes. it is.

It was then. Ansol was unable to finish his answer and broke into doubt. It sounds like it ‘s bursting when you realize something is wrong. She soon frowned upon the impression, and the frown was usually urgent. As soon as he thought about what was happening, Ansol began to tease at a fast pace.

Ansol began to descend to the side of the stairs this time. I hurriedly followed her and gauged her direction. There were several buildings, but it seemed that there was nothing to see in the main building.

Unsurprisingly, Ansol did not open his mouth for a while and focused on walking.

As I walked along the road to the left, I saw some new users giggling together. Some users were shouting, and some users were lying on rocks and sleeping. I was given a rest for the day but it was a scene where I was frowned upon.

I thought I would take control for a while but I gave up soon. For some reason, I was very busy, and there was a control officer who was surrounded by new users from afar and laughed together.

If you give up a hundred times, it will be only two weeks and you can smile like that, but I feel uncomfortable when it is so loosely compared to the past.

As I walked past them, many buildings began to be seen. This site was a lot of narrow streets with many parts, because the adjoining buildings were gathered together.

I did not know about it because I was just following it, but when I saw the side face of Ansol I was breathing without knowing it. I do not know when she changed, but her blindness disappeared in her face.

She was so immersed in something. I do not know her identity, but now I feel like she is slowly falling into that sensation. And as soon as the feeling seemed to rise to the pole, Ansol stopped pacing again. I quickly talked to her.

“Sola. Why suddenly? ”

“Sorry I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? What do you mean?

“I do not know. I just keep feeling urgent. I should have gone quickly … . I keep feeling like that. ”

Ansol’s answer was quick and sharp. I wanted to see her face in detail at this time. Her face was not the usual neat figure. I was thinning my eyes, and I was rushing around as if I did not like something. Soon she reached out to reach my skirt.

I wanted to avoid her touch. It is because I wanted to leave it without holding the hem. But when I tried to twist my body, something strange was wrapped around me. I did not know the identity. I suddenly felt that the unrecognized aura that the guitar player had told me was probably permeating me. In the end, I was able to give my skirts in a hurry, and Ansol groaned as if he was satisfied.

Looking at the building for a moment as she navigated from place to place, she led me in one direction.

“…….”Finally, the building she aimed at was slowly starting to be seen. It was not inside the building. To be precise, I was entering the inside along the way I was in between. So I started to relax slowly.

The user academy is roughly known, but it is hard to say that it is everywhere. It is because there was not the edge at the time of the first car, and the land was wide, and the building was also lawful. Moreover, the place where Soli led now was a maze of narrow streets with dense buildings. So Ansol was leading me to a somewhat foul place.

How long did he walk. In the middle, there were not only buildings. There was a warehouse that looked like a container between barely made gaps, and there were some stacked boxes that seemed heavy. If this is a modern place, it would be a good place to paint and hide lessons.

Ansol stopped once again. And there were four lengths in front of her where she stopped. It was difficult to see it as a flat crossroad, but it was way ahead, back, left and right. She then left my skirt and bite her lips. At first glance, I was in a very distressed face.


Soo Lee, who was worried in the midst, turned his head toward me. Should I say that I am standing in a tight spot somewhere? Of course, the look and the expression itself was soft and overall a benevolent atmosphere, but there was a mood that could not be tolerated somewhere. okay . . . This feeling was similar to the feeling that she could have received from the Holy Queen, Yoo Hyun Ah.

For a while, she turned to the side and lifted her hands and pointed to the left and to the front. Then he opened his mouth with a quiet voice.

“I think it would be better for her to choose.”

I was a little nervous about her words. You want me to choose? But within a minute, I started to ask each other slowly.

“What do you want to do?”

When I asked him, Ansol quickly lifted both hands and pointed the left direction and the front direction. Then he answered with a loud voice.

“Strangely, I can not pick it here. I feel like I want to go, but I think I should go to one side. So please come and choose one. ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== We will skip 216 times later.
We will include 216 times in 217 times.

Thank you for your understanding.

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