
Chapter 222

‘It’s a secret. It must have happened recently too. ‘

I cried out to the inside, but on the surface it gave me a serious look. Within a short time, he slowly nodded his head and Park Hyun-woo wet his lips with his saliva. What the hell is going on so nervous and hesitant?

“Umm . . . Then I will trust you. It’s been almost two months now. Do you remember when there were several clans gathered together? ”


“Then you must remember the godmother.”

“I did not see it once, but I remember it very carefully.”

Hawksbill sea turtle 9th year user hand division. A legendary figure who laid the foundation of the golden lion in the past and led the clan’s heyday.

As a result, I remembered how to control the gathering place of various big players from user’s personal ability. I did not know she would be mentioned, so I listened to the following words.

“Sure you are.” So let’s go on to the next story. At that time, the godmother left immediately after the end of the summons. It was to cure our clan roads, who suffered great injuries in the Steel Mountain Expedition. ”

“Ah. I still do not see any roads. ”

“Yes. I barely managed to save my life … . Anyway, the godmother told me that he was just going to the eastern mountain range. You did not tell us about the destination. ”

‘You do not want to tell me much about the status of the clan road.’

Though I stuck it once in a burying way, Park hinted at the fact that he had already spoken about the facts already known publicly. Soon he was putting a pod in both hands and speaking.

“I think you went to find a new remedy in the past … . To be honest, I have never been contacted since the opening of the Inn’s portal. That’s how it goes in seven weeks. ”

“Did you say when you will be back?”

“It is not.”

“Then I do not think anything strange is going on. It may take an unexpectedly long time to find a remedy. ”

“…….””If you are anxious, you can organize an inspection team with highly trained users and send them … ”

“The room is already dispatched.”

Park responded with a gloomy voice and pulled out a toddler. In the eyes looking for understanding, I also responded to bringing out the tobacco plant. After we lighted the mana stones and fired each other, we vented ash smoke at the same time.

“…There is a complicated situation inside. Excluding clan members. No, except for executives and some clan members, most of them are unaware of this situation. So I can not tell you more. ”


Thank you. Anyway, aside from the situation, the godmother needs to come back soon. Even if you look at the external situation, even if you look at the internal situation. Mercenary Road is just about to enter the Hall Plane, so there are many things you do not know yet. Now, the northern continent is chaos itself. It’s too far behind … ”

Park Hyun-woo’s expression could not be found. Somehow it sounded like a complaint. He was able to barely speak to his face with a sincere gratitude. I gazed at Park Hyun-woo quietly, but he just sucked in the early morning.

“As I mentioned earlier. I just can not wait to be contacted. To clarify everything, the clan did not find the godmother even though the user with the best tracking ability came out. ”

“Was the trail erased?”

“To be precise, the traces remained before entering the eastern city. But I could not find any trace after that. It’s also a very interesting move … . I do not intentionally erase traces. ”

“if so… . It sounds like someone has deliberately wiped it off. ”

“It’s likely. Since you used Warpgate in the first place, there is a possibility that someone moved in a deliberate way. The investigation team is now in the eastern mountains. But there is a report everywhere that I can not find the traces of the godmother anywhere. ”

‘It sure looks weird. But if you are a godmother … . Ah…

Suddenly, the time came when I checked her information in the conference room. Then she was also deeply hurt internally. Compared to the time when it was called legend, it was in a state of weakness.

Park Hyun-woo was breathing as if he had finished explaining everything. The remaining fire of fire fluttered like a dancing, and slowly melted into the air. When he looked blankly for a moment, he opened his mouth with the first voice he had in mind.

“It’s a shame, but if you can not do it with the power of the inside, you have to borrow the outside force.”

“So you asked me to schedule a visit to Go?”

Yes there are. I would like to borrow her ability if I can speak straight away. The trail of the shadow of the queen that reached the tenth river is unmatched. If she is, she’ll be able to find something else we missed from the clan. ”

“…….””Thank you to Mercenary Road. You do not need to get any results. Please help me once, and the golden lion will never forget this grace. ”

I looked at Park Hyun-woo, asking him to bow his head politely, and I thought for a while. It seemed as though the thoughts floated like a rage and quickly occupied my head. It was in the midst of balancing with the clan things that are going on. I felt a penetrating gaze, flowing through the air. He gently lifted his head, but his face was still tired, but his eyes were shining brightly.

I gazed straight at him, and I slowly opened his mouth.

“It seems a little tough.”

* The way back from the conversation with Park Hyun-woo. I was invited to the invitation to see if I could get a little piece of information, but I suddenly heard a huge story.

‘When I refused, the look was pretty good.’

I embarrassed the face of Park Hyun-woo, who heard my complicated refusal. However, “It seems hard.” Does not mean a complete rejection. I was able to calm her down by telling her that she would be visiting by the end of the 8th week.

It is also good to reject the request and proceed with work just as early as planned.
It is good to listen to a favor and to make a debt to the golden lion clan.

Both of them have one-size-fits-all, but I eventually made the judgment to the performer. Rather than making a direct judgment there, I felt that she could make a better decision as she is now in charge of the plan of the clan. There were a lot of things I had received in the first place, and I refused to do so.

Suddenly the sun was falling. I was able to catch the warm air of the evening air when I crossed the quiet academy vacant lot.

I suddenly heard this thought.

‘I am now about the present. How much did you know in the first episode? ”

Strictly speaking, I do not know. At that time, it was only the user of the year 0, and it was a busy time for me to look ahead. Of course the future was twisted. It was clear. Originally by now, it should be the continuation of the west coast and the fall of the west cities. But something that was not visible to me was still alive.

I could not figure out whether it would correct the twisted part or jump in the other direction along the flow. It was the moment I thought so. Suddenly, the air that felt warm until just before seemed suddenly more unpleasant.

I made a sigh of excuse to walk to the hostel.

* User Academy’s 8th week has started. The total completion period was mostly between 13 and 14 weeks. It was a little over half now.

The intensity of training was gradually increasing from the first week. But compared to when I was there, I felt that the intensity of the 8th training was similar to the 1st. Anyway, the new personnel have been adapting well as I have learned so far, and no one wants to leave. But

‘Once you have a doubt, everything looks suspicious.’

At present, the Academy does not have any visible problems. As other clan members are participating in the education, one or two people are doubtful, but they were all praised by Park Hwanhee. What do you think they know about his popularity among new users?

Ironically, Park Hwan-hee’s point was further heightening his value. It seemed to me that if I could recruit Park Hwan-hee, it would be easier to scout for talented and friendly users. Of course, there is a clan that looks behind him, but Park Hwan-hee’s work was quite an excellent part of his life.

I checked this morning with a copy of the bill that I received and then stepped into the lecture hall where the education was held. Morning education was already finished, and there was physical education in the afternoon.

As we moved to the central playground, we were able to see new users gathered from a distance. I stopped for a while and looked at their ranks. At first glance, they were scattered indiscreetly and shouting at each other. However, when I raised my powers by raising my horsepower, I soon found a strange point.

I immediately went to the place at a quick pace.

“What are you doing here?”

“Ah. Ah? Ahh! Hello

The one hundred in the corner and the one that was in the corner, I lifted my head as soon as I put on my shoulder. However, the voice was unintentionally weak and shaded throughout the face. “I still have a little time left, so I’m fine.” I forced him to sit back and slowly put his butt next to him. I was very pleased to have come to his side, and he showed a tearful reaction to almost tears.

“Do you have any hard work? Why are you sitting alone shaking your head? ”

“that… ”

One hundred hairs that were a little hurt in my words turned my face to a grim face. Turning his head in the direction of his eyes, he saw an interesting sight.

Users surrounding Park Hwanhee. I was able to see a lot of them from my eyes. However, the eyes were not filled with displeasure, but only a mere eyeball. In addition, I had a time that seemed to be considerably pleasant when I was smiling to each other very well and was smiling. It was a very unusual scenery compared to the past that always stuck together.

A hundred people looked at the place with a faint eye, and then dropped their shoulders again.

“Did you fight your girlfriend?”

“…….””So you broke up?

There was no answer. Instead, he slowly nods his head, and replaces it with a pounding of his head again. The face looked very awkward. His lips seemed to be drowning in tears. I gently stroked his head, then spit on his lips.

“I’m glad you did not break up. Could you tell me why you’re having trouble with your girlfriend? Since then, I think that there is some sort of relationship about dating. ”

“Oh, really?”

Sure! I once … ”

“Kim ~ Su ~ Hyun!”

I was hoping for a moment when I was about to shine my eyes. There, from a distance, the sound of a whistling voice hitting my ear. When I heard the voice, it seemed that a training instructor, Yeonhim, came. I rubbed his head harder and stroked his body.

“Oh, the instructor is here. I do not know what’s going on, but be strong. It is okay to come to my quarters if you have trouble. ”

“Can I really do that?”

Sure! Again, I am in charge of life beyond control. It is my job to listen to the troubles of new users. ”

The acupuncture I was wearing was getting dry. I do not think any more lies will be difficult.

She was always looking at me with a fresh look, but she was showing her unbalanced shaking.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

I relaxed a certain amount of time today, and I became quite comfortable. It was not something else yesterday, but it almost hit my car. ㅠ. It ‘s hard to say that it’ s a car accident. Obviously there was nobody on the road. So I thought I was trying to get into the road from the alleyway, and I wanted to see the distance and the speed and pass by before I crossed there. But the car that passed well suddenly stopped, and I ran into my body as I walked along.

ㅇ (car) ㅇ (bicycle) ㅇ (me) It is only like that because it expresses in the picture. Anyway, fortunately, I stopped in the middle of the road, I ran quickly and I just hit the end. What I wanted to see was that two students in uniforms were passing by in front of the car on their bicycles. ㅡ _ ㅡ I was in the car with my uncle’s decade-old face, screaming whales for a runaway bike, and I was not in a hurry. Sobbing.

“Lilipple (220 times)” 1.Monthly night: Congratulations on the first place. I think that I have been intimidating the comment of 4 or 5 consecutive 1st place unintentionally. (__) He, though. This is a true first comment!Fuck!)

2. Diableret: The answer will be the main character correction. Yes. No matter what the character is doing in the novel, it turns into an unconditional benefit. . Oh, no. I made a bullshit for a while. Hmmm.

3. Backstreet child: Thank you. ㅠ. But, please do not get angry. 🙂 4. Hyeon-Oh: I missed the comment of Hyeon-Oh’s post. At that time, the comments that I saw exactly how I saw Ansol’s behavior, have remained in my head so far, making me laugh at times. I am waiting for the comment of Mr. Chung Sung-hye’s comment of the comment of the commemoration. Posthumous. : D 5. Woong Ryong Sensei + a hot novel boy + [Priest] Priest: I’m sorry. I know how it feels. I had never seen NTR for the first time and I was in a state of mumbai that day. ㅠ. ㅠ However, as I have already mentioned, there is no direct NTR (reference to the main character) in the future, and the indirect NTR does not matter. It might come out. However, I will do my utmost to develop the content so that I can understand the reason for the act. Please! (-) (__) “Relief (221 times)” 1. The broken demon mark: First congratulations. Haha I did not try to catch it, but I was able to raise it a little sooner. I am not a liar! Oh, anyway, I’ll celebrate once again. 🙂 Please enjoy this time too.

2. Blami: I think I’ll have to keep my mind straight in the future. I was really surprised when I was thinking about the contents while I was singing and suddenly the light was flashing in front of my eyes.

3. Standing: Huck. Was it a lot complicated? I should have used it a little easier. ; ㅇ; Please ask if you do not understand anything. I will reply as much as possible. 🙂 4. Strawberry pie: I’m sorry, sorry. I thought I was cute without knowing why I saw the comment of strawberry pie. + ㅁ 5. letzgo02: Hut! You were the one who married! I envy you Well, I want to find my partner. Sometimes I am lonely these days. ㅠ. Your recommendation and comment will be the motive power of chakra. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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