
Chapter 252


When Kim Soo-hyun, who was at the forefront of the march, paused and lifted his hand, Ahn Hyun, who was walking next to him, stopped pacing. Kim looked around for a while and said with a loud voice.

“There is a crowd of poisoned dogs. Can be … . There is a lot. It is thirty eight. As you can see from the name, the teeth are poisoned, so be careful not to bite. ”

It was a casual voice, but Ahn Hyun felt a throbbing through the throat. Monk was a monster who had played against Monica once or twice. Of course, it was a monster that was twice as big as a general wager.

I had to lie down for almost half a day as a result of several bites surrounded by mistakes in previous battles. As the memories of that time came to mind, Ahn brought up the tension inside his body.

About five minutes. The shrubbery that grew in front of me grew shimmering and began to shake. Hyun bowed slightly and started running magic along the circuit in her body.


Kim spit out a word and stepped straight back. At the same time, a robber with a strong body sprung out through the bushes.

It was only the beginning. Those who followed the first one came out of the bush like bamboo shoots. One, two, three, four, five … . By the time he passed nine, he gave up counting. It was only about ten or so, but I felt that there were a similar number of wolves from all over the place. It was a perfect encirclement.

At first, they did not want to rush to see it. However, it was obvious that he was aiming for a glance because he was living in a glazed eye.

“───. ───. ───. The petals with coldness become broken flashes under the dawn storm. ”

A moment of time passes and Kim Soo-hyun makes a call from the moment he talks about stopping. Kim Han-hee’s silent voice resonates in the air. Then a light glowing gem suddenly floated over her palms, and a slight gust of wind around the clan began to rise.


Finally, after all the preparations, she skimmed the poisonous gaze and shouted sharply. And it broke up the exploration quest that had been done so far and became a signal to announce the onset of the battle.

“Cuckoo! Cuckoo! ”

“Cuckoo! Cuckoo! ”

The jewels that were in the blue color blended into the granules and blended into the gusts that revolved around them. And starting from the shouting of the idioms, the gusts became flat like a disk, and began to spread widely in a circle.

Ahn Hyun looked closely at the magic that went into trying the poisoners. When I put magic in my eyeballs, I could see a collection of magical powers that had a flashing blade shape that blinked numerous times outside the blast. It was like looking at the saw wheel.

As soon as I was cheering, I saw Hyun Jae-hyun’s movements, and Ahn hurried out. They were scattered around with a quick move, feeling the terrifying aura of blast. And by the time the gusts reached, some of the hunters who had not escaped ascended to the top and escaped.

Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick!

“Begging! Excuse me! ”

“Begging! Excuse me! ”

The blast of the blade cuts through the bushes and trees, and the screams of those who have not timed out between them have been leaked from time to time. Kim Han-hee sparked a range spell aimed at all of the poisonous characters in the first place, but I did not see the effect as much as I thought as a quick response to the poetry.

Anyway, the situation was better than the first. For the first time, the poisonous dogs who were close to forty were losing their jobs for a second. However, the remaining ones were well beyond twenty.

“I love you!”

It may be because of being attacked by magic, or by a colleague, but the poetrymen immediately floundered with tears. He looked up at three hunters who jumped over two meters toward him. Then, he immediately lifted the window and aimed and triggered his potential.

“Shooting fire!”

Windshield! Cha window!

Suddenly, a window of blackness broke into three branches, and it was stuck in the abdomen of a rancher who scattered in the air. As he stood on the ground with his belly in the air, he was concentrating on his eyes again. At the front, three other dogs were dangling threateningly with their teeth dripping.

Ahn did not panic. This time, when the Master of Special Abilities was activated, a chariot of magical powers flowed through the window. Changshin, who had not been hard, became like a pecker, and bent like a bow to his side. And as soon as they ran away with their mouths wide open, Ahn strongly strained the side of the window from which he was pulling.

Come on!

“Begging! Excuse me! ”

The spattered window, at the same time, scratched the three at once. Each one of them was blown away from each other with a blooming fountain.

It was Ahn Hyun, who had defeated six of them in only two workshops, but he did not mind and took more of his heart. I was thrilled to have been a little bit active at the beginning of the past, but immediately I was surrounded and bitten my body. Fortunately, there was no deep bruising due to the equipment that was worn, but it would have been dark if the joints or other exposed areas were intensively stitched.

For a moment, Visa, Ahn Hyun looked back. On the left side, he was struggling with half a dozen of them alone. There was a translucent film around her body, which was the shield that Anso had walked on, considering that her armor was relatively weaker than Ahn Hyun.

The wells were steadily reducing one by one, making fun of the daggers without hesitation, but the number of the dogs was increasing. Gogak plays perfectly to the right, and Kim Soo-hyun was worried about blocking the keeper and the rear.

The front, right and rear sides were blocked, so the place where the hunters chose was the weakest left direction. Ansol had been supportive of each time the cooldime came back, but the first shield that had been caught had already become faint.

Eventually, as soon as Ansol stopped the bondage order and started to memorize the shield order, the sluggish actors began to act again.

As soon as he tried to take a position to help out with a shotgun fire, Ahn Hyun met his eyes with Han-ful, who was preparing support magic for the well. She looked surprised at the sight of Ahn Hyun, and she opened her mouth with an urgent voice.

“brother! Behind you! ”

Yes. it is.

“Chain Lightning!”

“What, what?”

It’s a knack! Home

Kim Han-hee turned the direction of the magic he had prepared and sent it to Ahn Hyun. But before Ahn Hyun’s speech was over, one shaded shadow from the back caught the throne. As soon as he tried to chew his neck, a yellow lightning struck him straight into the snout.

“Turn it off!”

The poet hunter turned his body from side to side and shook his head, and Ahn hit the window later. But in the mouth of the man who fell down on the floor, a few of the smoke had already risen.

When I took a sigh with the face of Ahn Hyun-ji’s decade, the right and the tail were making a very stable situation. Kim Soo-hyun and Ko-Kyeon were going to organize their respective branches almost all together. It was then.


There was a high scream on the left, with the most crowded crowds bursting out.

Although he was stepping down because he could not cope with increasing numbers of leeches, he stopped backing up after he felt an ansol and a back. When I retreated here again, I felt that the center was dangerous, and I was forced to hold back and try to secure the distance.

As the scarf was broken, ten hunters, who were only looking for opportunities, rushed toward her at once. Ansol finished the spell quickly, but quickly put on a shield, but eventually, one succeeded in breaking through the gap and put the molar in his thigh.

At the moment when Lee Jung-jung collapsed, the left side quickly became a mess. At this time, there was a great confusion as a result of the cries of the cries and the screams of the users.

Then Kim Soo-hyun, who had been in the keeper and backstage till then, jumped to the left as soon as he heard the scream of hee jung. He gently tore off the beater with his teeth in his thigh and immediately turned his sword toward the surrounding area.

Whenever a member of the creeping exorcism waved once, a poisonous dog rose to the air. He stared at the herd of dogs as he ran toward him in the direction of his head, and stuck them one by one with lightning – like hands.

It was obvious that they were the first to jump. However, before each of their attacks hit Kim Soo-hyun, one of them was falling to the bottom of the water.

And then, Ahn Hyun, who defeated one more poisonous snarling dog, looked at Kim Soo-hyun with a blank eye.

Kim’s movements were still, but the surroundings were never calm. As if facing the storm, the hunters were sweeping away like dead leaves.

Finally, the battle with the poisoners finally ended when he put the knife down at the one who groaned under his feet.

* “Hey, do not turn your head?”

“Ah-oh. I was worried and saw it. I do not see it. It’s good to see your thighs. ”

Ahn Hyun pushed her head toward the well where the pants had been peeled off, and after she heard a sound from her, she turned away. I sighed briefly as I watched as I grunted and cleared the tramp on the floor.

“How are you?”


“This battle. Do not you like it? ”

“Well. Well, there were a lot of numbers. Sure.

I shook my head shaking with a question of playing. Now in my head it was filled with different thoughts, not just an assessment of the battle. I rearranged those thoughts one by one, and then I turned my attention to the side of the performance. She was staring at me from the first time she talked to me.

“I’ll finally look at you. Tell me. Do not worry alone. ”

“Did you feel something strange in the battle just before?”

Well… To be honest, the injury was unexpected. I do not know how to do it. ”

“I felt that way too. I can understand it by the habits of them, but it is different from the general case that I did not run to the end. ”

I finished my talk and fell for a while. The expedition was on its eighth day. For eight days we have gone through the folding of the sword wind after leaving the plains of the wailing, and now it was in the middle of the lush forest ahead of the delusion highlands.

‘The battle is … . Was it eleventh when you just added up before? ”

Meeting monsters in lush forests was not really a problem. However, the fact that most of the eleven battles took place in the relatively well-stabilized area of ​​the wailing plains and in the knife-wind folds certainly questioned.

Of course, it is also a hall plane that has to contain all variables, so there is a movement of monsters. But the anomalous behavior of monsters, starting with Ruhno Keros, gave strength to one of the many ways of thinking that opened up.

Take your head and look around. The area around the battle was quiet. Ansol had no intention of treating him, and a hundred people were doing their battle with a frozen face. When he turned his gaze to Ahn Hyun, he scratched the land alone, and found Kim Han-bum within a short time.

However. Thank you. I lived because of you. ”

no I’m glad I found it. ”

“But that’s it. Oh, Chain Lightning. Was originally a magic to support the oil well? ”


Would oi Then there is my fault, too. It’s still a long way away. ”

The nerves of the clan members except for the high performance were dispersed. As soon as I heard him quietly, I opened my mouth with the voice that killed it.

“User and performance.”


“I think so. Anyway … ”

“…….”Even though I have not yet spoken to her, I could see her playing hardening a little. Maybe she might have noticed a little bit. Nevertheless, the first thing I did not mention is the ambiguity that comes from not being able to catch clues as a shadow queen. And it was the same to me.

I had a moment of hesitation, and soon I was speechless.

“We seem to be stuck with us. No, I think I’m being hit. ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It’s Eugene.

As I said before, from the general city, the level of the expedition and the surrounding users has increased a lot. In the future, if you enter the ruins, it seems that it will be less if you play like Vivian or Horence. Well, that would be a lot of reward.

P.S. I’ve changed my tone because my words are so feminine. In the future, I will show my roughness and wildness as much as possible. If you make fun of it, like someone said, Kim Soo Hyun + Ahn Hyun or Kim Soo Hyun + Shin Sang Yong or Kim Soo Hyun + Baek Hanyang or Kim Soo Hyun + Toeol Rock + Kim Soo Hyun + That’s exciting.

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