
Chapter 258

It was like a chimney, but I did not want to talk about it. Moreover, because it was during the expedition now, I could not afford to waste time on the hard work. So, I could not say anything, and I had to go back to the march once again after I had to go to the Ansol who was bowing my head.

The sun was passing by little by little and the day was gradually darkening.

By the time the dusk after the sun had completely settled on the plateau, the surrounding scenery was in a different atmosphere from the first one.

Every time the wind sweeps the plateau, the leaves and the leaves of grass blossomed unexpectedly. The silent cries that sometimes seemed to be heard between us and the dark scenery just by the naked eye immediately raised the atmosphere.

I felt the occasional feeling of the kids wishing to relax and camp in the middle of the march. But I silently grabbed those gazes and stuck with the march. Because the best way to cross the delicate plateau was to just walk without thinking.

Of course, since the field effect is to pull out the inner surface directly, it can be said that few users can actually do that. If so, it is my current thought that I will rule inward with a good quality circle, and replace the anxiety heavily left with a rapid march. There is a problem that the physical strength is constantly falling, but the harder it gets, the more careful it will take to take a step.

“Hook, hook.”

“Huck, huck.”

How much time has passed. It seems that a few hours have passed since I declared the night march. In modern times, between 3:00 am and 4:00 am? Except for me and Gogaku, most of them were spouting the rough nose. In the meantime, some people feel that they are being driven out as if they were deliberately listening. I pulled my mouth to laugh and forced me to slow down a little bit.

“Oh, brother.”

Yes, I can,

“Joe, can I go for a little rest?”

“…Hmm. It’s good to relax … . I think it’s better to keep the march now. ”

Once I turned my head around saying my thoughts, I could see Ahn Hyun and Yi Jung Jung who were sweating. If proximate lines do so, users of the remote series are much worse off. But I did not stop walking. I just turned my gaze to the front again, chasing the trail and opening my mouth with a loud voice.

“…Perhaps some people here thought that delicate plateau was easy. I have not met the monsters a few times since the mountain of delirium, just like Ann Hyeon did before. It’s just a series of marches, so it’ll be a little boring. ”

“Oh, no … . Rather than think so … ”

“Oh, no, brother.”

“I did not mean to hurt you. It’s not a very wrong word. ”

When I acknowledged some of them, the two seemed to have promised, and they did not speak anymore.

I did not speak right. I looked up at the glittering starlight as I lifted my head for a moment and stuck around the moon as I watched the moon shine. I wanted to take a little more look at the beautiful scenery I had not seen in a long time, but I finally decided to lose sight of the trail.

Soon I turned my head back on, and I stopped pounding.

“I do not have a little bit of it, but I’ll tell you something interesting. There is a training called “external tightrope” during the training of Korean marines. ”

“…….””But before you go outside, he said,” It ‘s great to push – and – push for each person. Until my arms are back. Why should I do that just before training, when I have to lean and hold on to both hands only? ”

Yes, I can, Do not you spread it? ”

It was the right answer. When he nods his head, Yuheyu’s “Hehe.” I heard a giggle of laughter. I thought I liked things that were not very true, and I had a weak feeling.

Sy! So I do not see anything else. He said that all the nerves would be caught only by holding the strings. And if you train like that, you have less accidents … . I think it is similar to marching the delicate plateau. ”

“…….””I’ve been talking about it for a while, but it’s good to relax and relax. But it is an exception to the delicate highlands. If you take a break here, one or two people will be relaxed and there will be a gap. And the field effect will surely come through the gap. I do not know if a lucky guy comes out to be lucky. But if it’s one of the hardest guys to show up … ”

Y..yes. like that.”

No one knows what the kids will be going through on Hall Plane in the future. But I could do this one myself. If you build up your annual and continue exploring, you will someday become more difficult than it is now. What would happen if monsters had been raiding a lot just after a similar march? To be honest, we have followed a certain amount of time because we have only been marching since the mountain of delirium, but if the situation happened, some of them would have already melted down.

What can be the greatest help when such a situation arises in the future can be obtained from your own experience. Even if you feel it is difficult right now, each of these experiences will be a valuable indicator when similar situations occur in the latter days. For example When I was not there … .

‘Hold on. Take some measure and overcome it. ”

In the end, all I could say to them was these. I hope that the children will feel my heart even later, and I have returned the marching rate I had delayed to normal speed. Anyway now it was the best way to go into the hall of hallucination.

* The grass leaves felt dew at dawn, and part of the legs seemed to be moistened when gently moved. Time went by, and suddenly a dingy dong was rising in the eastern sky. The surrounding area is covered with whitish fog. However, the slowly rising sun spewed a warm light through the mist and hugged the entire plateau.

The light of the dawn lightly penetrated all over the fields of the plateau as if trying to drive the dusk that remained. I was greatly breathing as I saw the morning of the plateau where the snow was shining brightly. The fresh morning air pours into the nostrils of the water.

I paused for a moment, enjoying the sound of it. And it was the moment when I raised my hand for the stop signal.



When I turned my head to the screaming weakness, some of the kids looked at each other with their faces wrapped around. It seems to me that I walked while I was nauseous and I could not see my eyes. As he watched them, he played his tongue a few times and opened his mouth with a slightly cracked voice.

“Keep your mind up. I’m almost there. ”


The voices of the clan members were not energized. This was simply difficult to see in the aftermath of the march. I was also feeling the field effect that pushes the whole body weakly. I can do this, but the burden that other users feel will be several times larger. I had to take one more round because I had difficulty staying in last night, but there was no sense of insecurity.

Soo-hyun Where can I hear the water? It seems to have a mixture of water and air. ”

“I can hear the sound and smell it. It seems to arrive in a canyon of hallucination in a little while. ”

After all, when I came out and asked for the words of the performance, I began to feel a little bit of happiness in the eyes of the children. Before long, Ahn spread her nose around and opened her mouth with her head tilted.

“It’s weird. I do not hear any water. Rather, I only take a smell. ”

“Is not there something a little bit smelling the original water smell?”

As he responded reflexively, he shook his head. Then he sniffed around with a serious expression. Soo-jung’s eyes were twisted and uncomfortable, but he did not say anything else. However, Ahn Hyun ignored the favor of Yi Jung and made a big impression.

“No! It does not smell like water, but it smells like blood. Hey, did you have any menses? When human beings do this … ”

“What?” This, this crazy bitch! ”

Heeuljung ran wildly on the legs of Ahn Hyun. When I saw him jump up to the point of dying. I wondered if I was the only one, and female users shot Ahn Hyun with eyes like they were staring at animals.

Anyway, with the unintentional sacrifice of Ahn Hyun, we changed the atmosphere for a while, and we started marching again along the trail.

How far did it go? This time it was less than 20 minutes and I had to signal the stop signal again.

As I stopped pacing for a moment, I started to look forward to seeing the clan members one and two. The morning came, but the mist still remained. The other places were gradually fading, but there were fogs in front of us.

As the fog from the front waved our feet, the air we had before and the sound of the water we heard could feel a little clearer.

“Everybody back.”


Koh played a questionable voice to me, but I pinched my head silently and picked up a new sword in January. The reddish sunshine began to bloom in the darkness of the sun god of January.

I shed the sword down and walked three more steps forward. I did not have a huge posture. No, I think that this posture is my basic posture now. Anyway, the purpose of holding the sword at the moment was not to fight anyone, so I immediately pulled the sword over the left shoulder and pulled it down in a striking posture.


A rough sound of piercing the wind blows into the air, and the wave that was shot tore roughly through the fog that was gathered and rushed downward. And also,

Cuckoo! Fusse! Splash! Boom!

“What, what?”

“The wave has disappeared in?”

It sounds like it hits something, pops up, falls down. Whether the wind pressure caused by the flare was quite strong or not, the fog that was filling the front was a lot of things that had been removed. And as the light shines through the punched openings, we have a superb view of it hidden in it.

It was a deep valley where the walls of both sides were sharply graded. I was able to see the height of the gorge deep enough to see dizziness beneath the cliff. I go a little closer and look down. On the floor there was a glimpse of the flow of transparent river, like one continuing grass. Beneath the canyon was the smoke filled with mysterious aura and the spectacular views of the surrounding landscape.

When I turned my head forward again, I saw a huge hole and a cracked wall around it. Perhaps some of the fallen stones would have fallen to the ground and some fell down the river.

The clan members including myself, for a while, looked down at me. I opened my mind to Kim Han-seong, who is only reaching out to the top of the world.

“Kim Han-bum. How many pieces of jewelry did you bring? ”

“꺅! Yes Yes? Oh please wait. ”

She screamed cute and she ran through her bag. Soon she pulled out a bunch of jewels that sparkle her horse ‘s light and showed it to me.

“Not more than I thought. The maintenance efficiency is also not so good … . The last time I tested it with the smallest gem I could keep it for about two hours. ”

“Two hours? If it’s two hours without any effect, here … ”

“Probably an hour …Maybe not. ”

“In the end it is a time fight. The kids also seem to be different from the limit. ”

I did so, but I counted the number of gems that Kim Han – And I was able to make hopeful predictions.

‘That would be enough. I hope I can leave some. ”

Maybe it was my guess, but it seemed like I got some solid information. If we can go down the canyon in the direction we are standing now, it will not take so long to reach the ruins. Well, you must have been convinced enough to be able to attack the hallucinatory canyons.

I stretched out a lot and looked at Kim Han – hee and one hundred. The atmosphere that had been lulled until just before was revived by the discovery of hallucinogenic canyon partly. Some of the clan members who were worried were also well kept. Though it was dangerous once or twice, I was fortunate enough to endure it. All that remains is the entry into the ruins.

“Then Kim Han-bum, a hundred … ”

Soo-hyun jamsimanyo Come here. ”

When I was about to sing two of them, the performance first hit a player. When she turned her face to face, she said nothing and pointed down. The direction in which the performance was pointing was a few large rocks. Maybe I will be the rocks that have fallen due to the waves that I shoot.

“Why is that?”

“Would you like to boost your strength? Squeaky. ”

I felt a strange aura in the laughter of the performance of the concert that accompanied the end of the talk. I immediately pulled up the horsepower, visual, hearing, and olfactory. Then, the horizon was greatly enlarged and the sight of the lower part of the canyon, which seemed to be caught in one hand, came into my eyes.

And also, The moment I closely observed the rocks that fell in the aftermath of the wave, I opened my eyes largely.

“뀨 … ”

‘Well, is something under?’

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Today’s Katok.

I said, “My teacher.”
I “wi-fi password to save.”
Type “********” or “starter shirt.”
Brother “I read the novel well.”

“Relief” 1. One-way mode: First congratulations. It seems like you are seeing a new first comment in a long time. Huhh.

2. People’s life: It’s that word that you are doing while commenting in a long time! Taan! Hot!

3. Tooka + hot ideal: Thank you for the coupon. _ (__) _ Noble You were making regular payments! It is the same as me.

4. Tong: No! Awakening! It’ll be more annoying! So it will ring! Ha ha ha ha! (Fuck!)

5. Potatoes 띱: If the monarchy can exert 100%power, it will prevail. However, for now, there is no such thing. If you tell me more, I will become a spoiler. Hahaha

6. Admiral: You can understand that part with or without a record. For example, do you report to the temple in order to build a track after the expedition or expedition that came out of Mule? They are made up of a single record and made public to the users. And that he gave the impression that he read them in and out of the library.

7. Raynathis: No. Absolutely not. If you do not belong in the aircraft carrier class, you can not.

8. hohokoya1: hohokoya1 I’m sorry. T0T Nowadays my body grows strangely. I’m tired. It’s not that I’m not joking around because I’m fooled by Yumi. T0T 9. QuistA.Gw * (): You are interesting! Clear right. Here we will have fun. It’s fun! Say hello! Fun “Yes! Hello Here’s fun! HahahaFuck Fuck! I’m sorry!) I wanted to try it once. I apologize again and again. _ (__) _ 10. rose-mary: Kelly Kelly! Ansol is my taste to worry about. Now, if you go into the ruins, you will be able to roll and roll … . Hmmm. Oh, no.

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