
Chapter 265

It was a bit of an early decision, but it was a bitter decision. Even though I felt myself, I could be sure that I was superior to Marco at the previous clash.

Anyway, the other player first took out a hidden hand. Until now, it proceeded as planned, but it was the feeling of walking like that. I will go to the goal as soon as one side makes a minor mistake.

‘And then the clan members … . ‘

I was afraid that I would be embarrassed by the situation that happened suddenly.


I hear a weak sound that tears the air. I immediately lifted my sword, and threw out a tiny arrow of magical power that was shot.

“Whoa, do not turn your head. Friend. ”

“Who is your friend?”

“Holholt. You would know if you have extraordinary power. How revealing this power in earnest is a great burden on your body. I was exposed to the burden, but do not worry about it. Pour all the nerve into me as I have done so far. ”

Crazy guy

Even though he swore, Marco was giggling and expressing his sincere gratitude. The first gentle expression was changing rapidly as the force exerted it. It was soft and sharp. I am happy, and I get angry. It was literally showing the name of the madman.

‘Well, it’s hard to say I’ve been sane for almost 300 years.’

I decided to do this. It was because the air was floating in the air behind the back of Mabolo, floating in the air. Before long, an intense light burst out of his staff in his right hand. But that was not the end there.

“The way I handle it in this quantity is not my taste, but … ”

Every time his wand is shaken, a lot of magical circles react. Every time I arrange a formula like a formula, the ripples grew bigger and more and more simultaneously.

“I think it’s the only way I can bring you down now. Agreed. done.”

Flashing! Woo Woong!

It was at the end of Marco’s words. A ripple in the air sprang round spheres one by one from here and there. And I wanted to divide the spheres of light into dozens, or hundreds, in a matter of seconds. It was a tremendous amount of money. He looked up at the sky and said with a satisfactory face.

“I mixed ancient magic amplification, copying, and division. How can you stop it? ”

“…….””There is no answer. You’d better not think about avoiding it. Otherwise, the spheres of light will be covering the very, very hard fighters behind me. Chuckle! ”

With a creepy laugh, Marvelo struck down his staff as hard as he could. And, starting with that, hundreds of flashes of flashing began to pour in all directions. Exactly towards the point where I am.

‘It reminds me of old times.’

It comes down. Slow down. As you slowly pass through the magic circle that comes down to the air, the acceleration comes down to the descending speed. It was a torrential rain. Like a sudden rain shower, like a meteor shower. Myriads of light raindrops were falling at me like flashes.

Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong!

I take a deep breath and calm my mind. I stood firmly on the floor with my feet, divided my sword into my right hand, and January sword with my left hand. They must anticipate every single incoming orbit and strike it all out. No, honestly it is impossible to knock everyone out. I was forced to believe in my anti-horsepower as much as I could to get the most out of it.


With the laughing laughter of the old man behind me, I bent my body slightly. And the moment the flash came near, I waved a twin knife as hard as I could with my eyes.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The swordsman and the January sword are wielded like a windmill and block the approach of the flash. There are dozens of spectacles flashing in his son-in-law, which traditionally produced a sophisticated gum film. The more explosive the light, the more explosive the sound was, but that was also for a while. Sometimes I felt a slight vibration in my body and I felt that the glory of the sun was hotter than necessary. It was a dispute that one or two missed things were hitting my horsepower.

“The god is gone. It’s a great sight. ”

I once heard a ridiculous voice, but I can not afford to worry. If the sphere penetrates through the bows of the battlefield, my last battle, and immediately hits the body, the body will shake greatly. Then naturally the sword will become dizzy and there will be a gap. I felt an intense vibration from time to time in the hand holding the new sword. The vibrations that flowed into the whole body were the feeling of ringing to the head as well as the arms. However, this is a bad idea.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

How long has it been? As Mabolo said, it seemed like a dance for a while. And when the offensive was a little bit less than the first, I felt something subtle incongruity.

‘Is this quiet?’

I could barely raise my head in a little bit of room, and I stared at Mabulo with my gaze. He was mocking the order with a ghostly, smiley smile. That said, he was preparing for the follow-up.

“I did not think that you would end this anyway. Is that so? ”

“…….””Chuckle Chuckle! It was time-dragging, real … ! ”

Slightly diminished, but the sphere of light was still continuing. However, Mabolo had just finished aiming at Ordo toward me as if he had memorized all his orders. And as soon as the light of Ordo was shining without giving a break, I could feel the energy of the opposite side rising on both sides.

It was a magic circle. It was just that much I did. What I just felt was that there was a frost on one side and a gurgling heat on the other. “This magic was pretty hard for me, too. Summoning and unifying. Then I will take this, and I will look forward to you on the floor, begging for your life. ”


With Mabolo’s voices, the magic rushes to the left and right. The speed was so fast, I was going through my horsepower while my eyes were blinking.

Kenichi Momoyama Dangerous.’

As soon as I realized it, I burst into the floor once more, exploding the potential power in my heart without any hesitation. And at the moment the earth rumbled, I could see a splashing fire in front of me with a huge roar.

* Boom! Kuo Oh Oh Oh!

“It’s over. Holol. Well, was it too much? ”

With a huge roar, there was a huge explosion in front of the eyes. Marco looked at the place with a shallow face and soon he kicked his tongue. It was a good timber that I found in the tide, but it was difficult to die. However, he immediately said his head was excited.

“no no. To be able to penetrate that monstrous resistance, this should be cancer. ”

The magic used by Mabulo was a magic that forced the aura of the pagoda to coalesce and exploit the explosive power coming out of it. Moreover, the summation this time was the energy of another world that did not exist in the middle. It is a very powerful aura even if I leave it alone, and I can guess even if I do not see the power because I forced it to unite.

Mabolo said, “I have a big stretch as if my whole body is fuzzy.

“Eing, I have not been feeling so bad these days. Come check out the results and unlock … ”

In the place where Kim Soo-hyun was just before, there was a thick smoky smoke. Mabolo grunted lightly and shook Ordo once. No, it was a moment to whip.

Harauk, hell!

The sound of the flame burning, the head of Mabolo was slightly tilted. According to the calculations, it was normal for the two forces to collapse at the same time when they hit each other. But if you hear the sound of the fire still burning, it was the mistake of Mabolo’s calculation. The ability to exercise for a long time, but there was a slight error in the face of the wizard was a bitter.

“It’s hard to deceive my age too … . Yes. it is.

It was then.

Harauk, hell!

One flew through the fog of smoke and a clear burning sword came out. They pierced through the smoke and showed up at once, and soon they flew into Marvelo.

With dozens of deteriorating swords filling up the air, Mavolo circles his eyes without knowing himself. However, experience does not go anywhere, but as soon as Ordu is lifted up with the skill that has been accumulated over the years, dozens of corresponding magazines are beginning to accumulate in front of him. Marco was relieved first. And it was moments when I was trying to get my eyes down to figure out exactly how things were going.

Hook! Hook! Hook! Hook! Hook! Hook! Hook! Hook!


When I saw the eagle-burning swords stuck in my body, Marvelo spat out reflexively. Soon his face turned blankly toward the front. The magic circle piled up in layers was very neat and melted down and there were holes in the place. At that moment, one thought passed over Marcello’s head, and the bottom began to get closer regardless of his will.

No way…


“Ahh ah ah ah ah!”

As the fire that exploded into the inside explodes, it breaks the whole body into a pantheon. When the pain came back late, Mabolo rolled on the floor crying in painful screams. Somehow I tried to evolve by raising the horsepower, but the fire was not turned off. No, I was getting rid of my own horsepower into the race.

“Hey, fuck.”

And then. In the middle of a smoke-filled explosion, a man slowly showed up. He was Kim Soo-hyun. She was walking out of her face with a sword, one by one in her hands. His appearance was not normal either. Apparently it was obvious that some of the clothes were torn and torn.

“This motherfucker makes the real person mad. I was really surprised. I never dreamed that I would see here the sixth fire of hell, the first heat and the ice cap. Dogs like dogs. ”

Now, I was filled with roaring voices filled with anger. I would have been pleased that the usual Mavolo had finally made me angry, but now I can not afford it. Because the Great Mage has been feeling the fear of death for so long.

“He, how do you … . 큭! Oh, no how in the first place … ”

“How long. I also revealed the bottom. ”

Nome You are hiding these powers … ! ”

“You knew. I told him I used it when I tore it. ”

Bearing the pain of making the inside muddy, Marbolo barely got up. The ability is still maintained. I am not allowed to take pride in being a great wizard who has lived until now to accept death as it is. Marco, who thought so, was able to aim at Ordo slowly. But,

“Get it down.”

Harauk, hell!

As Kim Soo-hyun spoke out cold words, dozens of clear flames came back to him. Mábolo was a nuisance and magic.

Wow! bang!

The flames and Ordot ‘s circle collided. In response to the flame, dozens of magazines suddenly come up and melt in a flash. Before long, Marvolo had no choice but to allow the impassioned approach of the deteriorating sword.

Hook! Hook! Hook! Hook!

“Huh ah! Huh ah! ”

With his sword burning all over his body, Marco did not fall back again. With one left hand, he crushed Ordo and grunted like a child. Kim Soo-hyun, who had looked at it silently, wanted to catch a moment’s posture and lightly rushed the ground once.


Mavolo stood up and pushed back one step at a time without knowing himself. The head is shunned, the reason shouted to avoid immediately, but the body does not follow the horse. The newly-impaired swords again sparked a new flame, burning the whole body. What he can do is lift the Ordo with a superhuman spirit, just as it is a bitch.

Kim Sue-hyeon, who shortened the distance for a moment, greatly shook the knife before the light of Ordo.

“Shut up!”

Soon Orpheus, with puck and sound, sprang up into the air, and Marco’s body blew up the air.

Kudang Hot Tang, Kung Tang!


Soon afterward, Marbolo, who floated on the floor, poured out a bloodthirstful blood. And Kim Soo-hyun staggered toward him slowly and step by step.

It’s a jerk.

The moment I heard the footsteps approaching, I found the feeling of fear in the eyes of Marco.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

I had a bad night. ㅠ. ㅠ I’ll go to bed first. I’ll take the ripples together next time! It’s too hard. Sobbing. He, though, if you can pat your hair, tomorrow will be a colony … . Hehe.

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