
Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Meeting with people I know. =========================================================================

There were a total of four people out of the thick bushes. Gender ratio is three men and one woman. All of their hair was messy and their clothes were worn out like beggars. Of course, we didn’t mean to laugh at him because we were 50 steps away from him.

I quickly looked at the characteristics of four people. The man standing on the far left had a short sports head and a long bow in his right arm. Maybe he knows how to handle a bow. I thought it would be a quiet personality to close your mouth and look at us with silent eyes.


At that time, for some reason, I felt quite familiar. If I remember a user, I was active in Hall Plain. Frankly, it was a rather common-looking face, but once I decided to turn it over, I began to look clockwise.

The next person to take the lead was the one with hair almost waist-length. He has a slim face and a slender body, so he was mistaken for a woman from the back. However, his sharp jawline and sharp eyes indicated that he was a man.

In the middle of them was a woman who appeared to be protected, and her graceful appearance caught my eye. She was staring at us with an uneasy look, and at the same time looking around. I think I’m looking for something.

Finally, on the far right, there was a man with a dagger twirling around and showing his teeth. I don’t really like the way he acts.

There was a moment of silence, and the man at the forefront glanced at us. Then he opened his mouth in a hoarse voice.

“I think he’s a similar survivor to us.”

“Survivors have met last time, so there’s no surprise.”

The man with the bow answered in a stiff voice. Then, the man who was throwing and receiving daggers smiled at us and began to mess with us as expected.

“Tsk tsk tsk… apparently early 20? They’re children.Poor guys.”

Ahn Hyun must have been angry at the remark, but he took a step forward, raising the shield to the top. I quickly grabbed him by the shoulder and shook my head quietly. Now it was a sign to stay still. Fortunately, Ahn seemed to have understood my signal and bit his teeth and stepped back again. Then, the jester who threw the dagger opened his eyes wide with a blank smile.

“Did you just see him? That guy who looks like a bully. I told you just now that he was angry with me. Oh, I can’t say anything. That’s scary.”

“You picked a fight first. You’re out and leave it to Jungmin for now.


As the man with the bow spoke as if to be contrusive, he pouted and quietly shut up. But the children’s faces were already coldly hardened. Indeed, it was understandable that they were upset when they chatted among themselves as if they didn’t care.

At such a slowly rising tension, the long-haired man opened his mouth.

“First of all, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Woo Jung-min. You know, a man who accidentally fell into this crappy place.”

“UJUNGMIN, Red Fang Clan Road?”

For a moment, I was startled by the memory that passed by my head. The one who uses the double dagger, called the devil, called the devil. Don’t tell me that the person you see in front of you is Woo Jung-min.?

I quickly activated the third eye.

사용자 User Information (PLAYER STATUS) 『

* Name (NAME): Woo Jung-min

* Gender (SEX): Men (26)

* Height • Weight: 177.9 cm • 65.7 kg

* Tendency: Neutral • Chaos (True • Chaos)


* [Muscle 51] [Intensity 43] [Intensity 59] [Strength 48] [Magic 55] [Lucky 36]

Woo Woo-min’s user information lightly broke the idea that there would be no users who would surpass Ahn Hyun based on the average in the rite of passage. And the fact that the man in front of me was later Lord Wu Jung-min of the Red Fang Clan, the mainstay of the Allies, shocked me.

“…Anhyun. Same as above.”

When Ahn Hyun answered bluntly, Woo Jung-min’s party was even more noisy. Either way, I naturally raised my whole body’s senses sensitively. If he was really, really a friend of mine, the rest of the kids didn’t know, but at least I knew who was holding the bow. Definitely in the second half of the Hallplane, one of the top ten spots….

For a moment, I thought, “Shall I kill him?” But soon I let the idea out of my head. If I were here alone, I would have killed him without hesitation, but it was impossible with the children. Before we knew it, our group and Woo Jung-min naturally took out their weapons and confronted each other. He died watching Ahn Hyun with a mischievous voice.

“By the way, this is why young people shouldn’t be nice. Did you say Anhyun? If you don’t want to die, you’d better speak politely.”

“Oppa, we don’t have time to fight.”

“It’s not like once or twice. It’s not long before we kill him. You just wait quietly.”

For the first time, the woman in the middle opened her mouth, but she hit it right away. At his reply, she began to stare at him with frightening glances. After receiving a woman’s thrilling gaze, he continued, gently nodding his head.

“Oh, okay, okay. So don’t stare at me. Before I eat you up. Oh, joke, joke. He can’t make any jokes.Anyway, good. Hey, you little boys. This old man is Chun Seung-hyun. I’d like to ask you a question, these five monkeys. Did you guys catch him?”

“What would you do if you said.

Chun Seung-hyun. You’re dead when you meet him on the hall plain. As soon as I thought that, a resonant voice rang the air around me. And the voice was full of sharp spines. I was hoping that Lee Yu-jung wouldn’t be the only one. In the first place, I couldn’t let it go because I saw Chun Seung-hyun, who is a proud Lee Yu-jung and seems to be an upgraded version of Park Dong-gul. At Lee Yu-jung’s words, he blinked and laughed back.

“Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha.Hang in there, hang in there, hang in there. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I’ll cut you some slack. And we’re not in a good mood right now. And I’m really busy. Huh? So, let’s answer what we’re asking and say bye. Speak nicely. Well, you don’t have to. I’m not going to warn you any more.”

Lee Yu-jung, who was listening to Chun Seung-hyun’s speech, suddenly became his unique laughing face.

“What if I don’t warn you, you idiot? Look at him messing around thinking he’s something. You’re such a loser.”

As expected, Lee Yu-jung’s talk was cool. Chun Seung-hyun was in a similar department to Park Dong-gul in a way. When Lee Yu-jung uttered a venomous remark with a ferocious face, he looked at us unexpectedly, sighing deeply and picking up a dagger. I put strength in my left hand.

“You have to hit kids and girls to listen. Anyway, bye.”

Chun Seung-hyun, who was flirting, raised his right hand and hit Lee Yu-jung with all his might. And at the same time, I could see a dagger he was playing with coming for the forehead at a shot. Just as he was about to pull Lee Yu-jung, Ahn Hyun, with a shield on his head, was seen moving quickly. Perhaps he was wary of the man from the beginning, Ahn Hyun held the shield tightly and blocked the front of the well. And I….


Peeing! Pooh.


The dagger fell off the shield with a strong sound of iron. At the same time, Chun Seung-hyun fell out holding onto his right hand with an arrow. The situation was simple. While Ahn Hyun blocked the dagger, I modified the orbit and shot an arrow at him.

Of course I didn’t think anyone else would stay put. In an instant, a man with a bow caught a sign of trying to attack me with a protest, and I also tried to shoot an arrow first, but I heard only an empty protest bounce. In a hurry, he pulled out his own strength, loaded three arrows in an instant, and turned a crossbow toward his forehead. And at the same time, it activated the third eye.

사용자 User Information (PLAYER STATUS) 『

* Name (NAME): Seon Yoo Woon

* Gender (SEX): Men (25)

* Height • Weight: 180.9 cm • 78.4 kg

* Propensity: Neutral • Moderation (True • Neutral)


* [muscle 45] [intensity 48] [intensity 62] [strength 54] [mana 50] [lucky 50]


Sun Yoo-woon. That was him, too. An archer who has taken the position of one of the strongest river in Hall Plain. He fired an arrow at the other one and there was a time difference during the new load. However, the ability points would be much higher than mine, but Sun Yoo-woon pointed his head at me almost at the same time. If I had to say, I was a little faster. Seon Yoo-woon’s eyes were shaking, unlike the first dreary eyes, whether he realized it.

There was a chill between the party. Silence hovered around each other for a while, but I felt Ahn Hyun, Lee Yoo-jung, and Kim Han-byul clutching their weapons. I felt proud to see him burning his will to fight even at this point. In the meantime, Chun Seung-hyun was rolling on the floor and making a fuss.

“Argh! Argh! Kill him! Hey! Kill that son of a bitch right now! Kill him!

“…It was you who flew the dagger first. Seunghyun, so please shut up. You sold it.”

Chun Seung-hyun, who was making a fuss, hugged his right hand while whining at Woo Jung-min’s words. Looking at Lee Yu-jung with a glance, she seemed to have no idea that she was shaking her body weakly would fly a real dagger. Woo Jung-min, who had been silently looking at the situation from the beginning, looked at Chun pathetic for a while and soon turned his head toward us.

“First of all, I apologize. Anyway, why don’t we stop each other here? It doesn’t seem like we’re doing much for each other.”

“I’d love to, but he’s not bowing next to me.”

“Seon Yoo-woon, stop it. Undo the demonstration and lower the bow.”

Woo Jung-min, who heard me, raised his hand and forced Sun Yoo-woon to lower his bow. Fortunately, Seon Yoo-woon looked at me for a moment and lowered his bow. I slowly lowered my left arm after checking that they were getting off. However, neither I nor Sun Yoo-woon have released the load yet. Woo Woo-min looked at us and said in a tired voice, raising both hands up and walking forward.

“I’m sorry, they’re not usually like this, but they’ve gotten rough unintentionally because they’ve been going through some difficulties lately. First of all, I’d like to ask you something.We’re running out of time. Can I get straight to the point?”

The whole party looked at me. Even Anhyun. I nodded my head quietly.

“The sea I wanted.”

“These monkeys are the ones we’ve been tracking since yesterday. I’ve been away for a while for some kind of reason.In the meantime, one of our men was kidnapped by these guys. Thank you for taking care of me, but have you seen a woman around here?”

A female user…By any chance?

At the beginning, I was raped by a bunch of mankeys and a self-destructing woman popped into my head.

“Are you talking about the woman with the yellow piece of clothing left? With long hair that comes up to your back. What?”

I sighed and clasped my face with both hands. Is this guy thinking? No matter how stupid you are, you’re so stupid. I kicked my tongue inside at the thoughtless Lee Yu-jung. Hearing Lee Yu-jung’s words, the people over there brightened up in an instant and immediately asked us. The woman with the loudest voice was the woman who said she had no time at first.

“Yes! That’s right! Yellow clothes and long straight hair! Do you happen to know where it is?”

“Oh, that’s….”

Lee Yu-jung was evasive in a bewildered voice. Other people also looked at each other and didn’t answer. Perhaps the woman I saw at the beginning of the Mangi’s place was certain, but I felt sorry to say she was raped by a monster and died. The men’s expressions hardened as we looked at each other. I think I’ve guessed roughly what will follow. But the woman still began to pester us with an imploring voice.

“Did you happen to pass by on your way? Or did you catch a glimpse of it?”


“Please. Please. Just let me know where you saw it. He’s my real sister. He’s really nice and…He’s innocent.”Oh, my God.”

Finally, the group turned to me again, looking at the woman showing tears. The guys who fought well before were leaving this difficulty to me alone. I sighed inside and slowly opened my mouth.

============================ Review of the work ============================

1. typos and contextual corrections.

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