
Chapter 273

At the end of the performance, the kids burst out at once. Especially, some of the equipment hanging on the wall shone light on its own. Looking at its fine appearance, the three of you, except me, stared at the remains of the mighty men, who seemed to be bemused.

But as soon as I found it. Because the reason I came to Magia in the first place was to get these. I was more surprised when I was able to go beyond what I expected from the mule that I had only seen one of the ‘

Anyway, if you look at it objectively, it is right, but it was in the expected category anyway. Even though it feels good, there is no great inspiration to the extent that it is unbearable. So, I met my palms lightly as I watched the clan members standing still.

It’s a shame.

“How long will you be watching for a soul.”

Yoink! Look at my mind. ”

As he touched his hands and cautioned, Kohmu muttered his mouth with his hands. Then the kids also started to look up and make their merry faces. The rewards of exploration always make users feel good. I felt that the atmosphere that had been subdued even before had begun to dissolve very slightly.

It was then.


Suddenly there was a loud cry of Anthol on the first floor outside the door. Soon after hearing his enthusiasm and listening to his ear, he said, “Huh?”I felt that she was breathing so loudly.

“Other users woke up Oh!”

“…Ahn Hyun. It’s a reason. ”

“Your brother.”

“Yes, brother.”

Both responded at the same time. Then they looked at each other and at the same time, while at the same time, the impression that the district. The faces of both of them were clearly visible.

“Where are you looking now? Anyway, you are well. You said there was one more spot on the third floor. ”

“Yes. It was like a lab. I could not see it because I came out soon … ”

“Then you two are going up first. I’m going to go straight up and play right here. ”

“Okay, brother.”

“Give me a bag. And then he tells Ahn to go down in 20 minutes. ”

Ahn gave me a bag with a slightly sad face. I can not take these things myself. However, the two of them nodded with a fluttering face and turned away. Perhaps another expectation is that you are going to see a new performance.

Soon afterward, I stepped out of the door with a quick step, and I turned my gaze toward the performance. I was going to organize this place. However, the moment I saw her face, I had to stick my lips away.

Koh had a very ripen look on me.

“Why do you see that?”

“Fuyu, Suhyun is also true ~. I can not live really. I usually do not care, because it is cute in this case. ”

“?””Do not pretend you do not know. I know you did it because you wanted to stay with me. Ho Ho.”

The performance was beautiful and laughed and glared at me. There was no excuse. So, I moved my head to the wall quietly, giving a sigh of relief to my face. In this case, Ignore was the right answer.

“Awful. Are you ashamed? ”

The first thing I took care of was the clothes made of leaves. It was obvious that the name of the wig de lasil had already been worn by the queen of the sofit fairy. Certainly, the refreshing and refreshing aroma of the forest, which was blown up all over the clothes, was impressive. But there was one problem.

“He, what’s the reaction, Suhyun!”

“Stop the bullshit and get the equipment.”

In the tone of the performance, there was a lot of feeling that he was crazy. I replied coldly, and I lifted my clothes forward.

‘If you wear it, I’ll be cool.’

The clothes had an integral one piece type as a whole. However, it was only a pure leaf, so it was not a problem that there were too many holes in the middle. The upper part of the collarbone and chest were completely exposed and the lower part was barely covering the underwear part. Below was the feeling of seeing very short hot pants.

“Sobbing. It has changed. I want to have enough to kill. I’m caught and now I see neglect. ”

The fairy queen of the Fairy Queen was said to be a bow. Then there will be a mark as an archer. The moment I thought there, I suddenly had an idea for Imhanna. In some ways, she was in a very similar mood with the Fairy Queen. A neat yet pitiful face. White, fine skin. Starlight eyes. Gentle elegance. And it may be bigger than playing … . Oh, well. I did not want to think about it, but the appearance of Im Hanna in these clothes was constantly rising into my head. Eventually, as I lowered my clothes and shook my head to shake my nagging thoughts, my sad voice poked around my ears.

“I’m tired. I was not introducing Hannah. ”

“…….”As a heart, I wanted to protest why Imamad came out. But the moment I heard it, I felt a scintillating energy scouring my back.

I swallowed the spit and looked back. I was able to see a giggle playing with a kiss like I already had. The sound of the crying was as if it had been decorated, and her mouth was slightly up at the end. I was hit.

“How the Queen of the Shadows of the World became a prisoner of the air. Soo-hyun Are you really just waiting for me? No? ”

“Sol! Hang in there! I’ll go soon. ”

What is it? Carr. Yes for your troubles.” Then I will wait for Suhyun’s words. ”

I hear the sound of Ahn crying toward the first floor with good timing. If this is all about you.

“Huh, huh, huh. I have to boast about Mr. Hae Yeon ~. ”

Not before that. How do you think I can replace Ahn Hyun with what I have answered? I felt like a tackle, but I had to endure it. When I was talking about Limhan, I should have taken care of it without looking back. She was a 100-notch girl, and she could not get over anything.

How can we reverse this premortal? After all, there was only one method. After checking to see who was on the outside through the detection, I opened the bag and slowly moved to the performance. She grinned her eyes with a smile and a smile, and gently leaned over to try to put things in her hands. And that moment.

Yes. it is. Wed

I quickly calculated the angle. And yet, he pushed his face quickly at the target with his lips faded with smiles. It is becoming more and more embarrassing to the face of the performance, and “Eup … ! ”

side. Soon my lips, something warm and soft, gently overlapped.

* “Oh brother! I’m here?”

Really? I’ve got everything on the second floor. How about here? ”

“Do not say huh. I’m glad you’re here. There was a little gold and jewels in it. I put it in first, but I packed my bags. I can not even put the goods in … ”

The words of Yoo Jeong, who had never been without a break, stopped when I saw the magic bag that I was carrying. I was also almost closed because I pinched the bag as it was. Anyway, it seemed to know what the gaze of the well means, so I turned the carrying bag forward.

I’m fine. Where did you put the items once? ”

“I put everything on the floor except one.”

As he said, there were several items on the floor. Colorful colored potions, palm-sized wooden boxes, strange chunks of sword-red light, and so on. I looked up at them and nodded, and the sound of lifting one of them lifted his head again.

“Why did I get one?”

“that… ”

Yoo Jung-joo grabbed his head and lifted his finger toward one direction. I turned my gaze toward her point and opened her eyes slightly. There was a strange scene spread out there. Almost a man ‘s face was floating in a blue film. And around the egg, a blue ball was spouting around and circling around.

“I wondered what it was, so I put it in my hand, but it just got caught. I did not know, but I let it go. ”

“Well done.”

I reacted roughly and activated the third eye.

“The Egg of the Fairy (Queen)” “The magic ball for the preservation of Mabulo” I did not hear that I got eggs here. ‘

I was worried about that, and suddenly the record I read on the fourth floor came up. So, I saw that Margarita had once had a pregnancy. Perhaps this egg is likely to be what she had. In fact, the message is also called the queen’s egg.

‘It’s better to take one, whatever you eat.’

It was the moment when I decided to open my mouth to two people who were so determined to do so.

“Shadow Queen. This is what I discovered. It looks like an egg. ”

“Ho Ho… . like that… ”

“Fuhu. OK. What do you think? ”

“Ho Ho… . ar It’s good… . Not good … ”

“Wow, sister playing?”

“Ho Ho… . The egg … . It is the fruit of love … . I also have the eggs of Suhyun … ”

Fortunately, the performance was lagging behind, so I could avoid mischief. okay . . . Probably not. I decided to think so. She still had no flushing on her face, and she was staring at her with an awful face.

I put my hand into the bag with a sigh. I felt some of the books I had packed and the texture of the equipment. Even further down, to the end, I could not find anything in my hands. As he picked it up without delay, he looked at him from the side with a curious pupil.

“brother. Is that a chaos mimic? Have you packed? ”

“Huh. I know that. ”

“Dad, mother, baby?”


Suddenly I felt very awkward to answer immediately. Oh, it’s a baby chaos mimic. Something cute on a monster theme.

I looked at Chaos Mimick with his head down and saw a guy clutching his mouth (entrance). Most of the power as a monster has been lost, but the ‘red gem’ that can control it is not yet renewed. In short, it was the sound of opening.

But it’s okay. I grabbed the chin section of Chaos Mimick and then tore it at once.


I was surprised by the sudden scream, and they looked at me with a surprised face. With such a glance, I said with a loud voice.

“Let’s hear about it later. Is not it enough after you go back to the city? Let’s pack everything you see. ”

“Pierce … . Piee … ”

“This guy is noisy.”

puck. “Beep!”

Chaos Mimick continued to cry. However, when I hit a hard one in order to keep quiet, I stopped crying and started to calm down quietly. When the loud noises disappeared, I handed the crying chiropractic mimic to Yi. She stroked it with her embarrassed face a few times and soon began to sweep things out of my eyes.

List of Pokémon List of Pokémon Beep … ”

So we started to get one or two gear in the chaos of Chaos Mimic.

* It did not take long time to pack things. We spent about 20 minutes and we were able to sweep things on the 2nd and 3rd floors. When I came down with such a messed up bag, I saw Kim Han – seong hanging around the stairs. She also lifted her head as soon as she felt her way down the stairs.

“Ah. brother. The exploration is over? ”

“Huh. How about the first floor? ”

“As you said, I cut or loose all the ornaments and put them in my bag.”

“Well done. and also

o . . . I have found a lot of these and other equipment. I think it’s something people use here. ”

Kim added that he had not handed them over yet and quietly waited for my reply. Users’ equipment. I could not go back to the naked, so I was thinking of returning their equipment. But I had no intention of returning the equipment of the already dead users.

Regarding ‘rescue’, the practice of the Hall Plane is quite special. Of course, sometimes costume is often returned, but it was literally moral. I was able to show that it was enough to just return the equipment to the surviving users. And for the remaining equipment, Mercenary can claim the first ownership.

In that respect, Kim Han – hee was definitely smart. If it were not for me, I would not have asked for my permission.

Anyway, I watched Kim Han-bum waiting for an answer from now on, and I was still thinking. Originally, there is no big flaw with all of them, but these are the clan members of the clan of Istan Tello.

I fell asleep in thought, but I soon put my thoughts together and opened my mouth.

“Give me all of the clothes once the rescued people are wearing them. You can not go out naked. And do not give me anything else. . Oh, do you remember the first one who woke up? If there are any equipment in the equipment, such as Mickey, you can hand it to him. Only to him. ”

“What if other people ask me?”

“I can not say that. Everybody knows that much. We go back to the city and buy it again in the clan, or we have to dispose of ourselves. So do not worry too much. ”

“Your brother.”

Kim Han-gil answered gently. And after we finished talking on the stairs, we soon moved to the center of the hall.

Now it was time to get out of the ruins.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Our apologies. I will take a break from the release today. (I’ll join you next time. Today ‘s headache and stomach is so bad. I eat too much cold, or I turn on a fan. Is this the air-conditioner I’ve heard … . Even if I try to think a little deeply, my head hurts like a bang. I would like to take a rest for a day, but I would like to have a rest if I take a day off. . I thought it would be better to punch even if I just took a little power off.

I ask for your understanding and I hope you enjoy this time.
Thank you for always reading. _(__)_

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