
Chapter 283


“You should not try to vomit or vomit. It hurts my body. ”


“Oh, not a soul. Please stop… ”

Shin Sang-yong was still alive, but Ansol’s index finger was crossing his throat without hesitation. But it has been long since I had already gone down the esophagus. In addition, she already has 2 points of “magic (exclusive) residual points added to her air.” The message that comes up is also in the state.

“I do not … ”

Ansol did not come out on the road several times, and Ansol lifted his waist down with his gaze. Shin Sang Yong scratched the back of his head and said.

“Oh, you may know, but I do. Raising points right now is a really bad choice. I will save it as much as I can, but it’s better to consider it when two years pass and the rise in stats will stall … . Ugh


But what came back was the crying of Ansol who burst out and all the power he had done. Shin Sang Yong, who had been hit by a sudden blow, bowed her back around her abdomen, and she jumped up the stairs. Soon, on the second floor, “Oraborn!” It seemed that Kim Soo-hyun was going to go to see him.

“Hahaha. This is true … ”

Though he was burdened, he did not hurt much, but Shin Sang Yong stroked his belly with a smile.

Im Hanna watched a series of events that took place just before. And her expression on Shin Sang Yong was mixed with half an interesting half of the excitement. After a while, Dong stared at him quietly, but Imhanna slowly released her lips.

Are you okay?”

“Yes Yes? Ah yes. What… ”

“Still, Mercenary Lord gave it to me … . You’d be angry ~. ”

“Yes, what. I think it will be angry. Well, I’m just sorry. So I’m trying to run away for a while. ”

Shin Sang Yong, who spit out a disgusting horseman, could not find a sign that he was sorry for a single person. Rather, I was seeing a pleasant tone.

“Is not it sad? It’s a sol, but there is still a possibility of growth, but it is not Shin Sang Yong. ”

“I am also a user. I can not help but be honest. ”

“Then why … ”

“I have already received a lot since I was with the leader. The leader kept his promise. It’s my turn now. ”

“A promise?”

When Imhana got his head, a smile appeared at the mouth of Shin Sang Yong. And I wanted to see my eyes as if I were reminded of something, and I was speaking with a calm voice.

“I’ve learned alchemy. Of course, even if the foundation was a wizard, I could not overcome my greed and learned alchemy. It’s worthless alchemy. ”

“…….””I was originally dead. If it was original, it would have disappeared in the corner of the mule by now by no trace. However, I could save Ms. The leader is really a great person. Not as a user. At least I think so. ”

Limhan hit the index finger with a pod. Shin Sang Yong once gulped his awkward neck, which made the horse lengthen a long time. Then he breathed a short breath.

“Not only that. The leader returned all equipment without any conditions, and received my unreasonable request that I wanted to learn from Master, and later gave me a rare class. I was able to break through the tight wall. When I think about the feelings that I felt at that moment, my heart is still heavy. ”

“Oh, you owe your life. But if you eat the medicine and improve your skills so much and contribute to your future plans, it will be ok in your own way. You can see that they won each other. ”

“I am now joining the party and pledging to do my job. But a person is a kind animal. If favors continue, they will mistake it for their rights. I want to keep the feelings that I felt at that time. It seemed as if I lost my initials at the moment when I received magic powers. I do not want to be an abomination to repay grace unjustly. ”

Shin Sang Yong finished all the words at once. And “huh?” He spit out and circles his eyes. Perhaps he is surprised to himself that he has not stuttered once. Then he glanced down the stairs with his face and laughed and laughed.

“This, oh. Maybe Rod is coming down. I’ll have to try to sin later and avoid it. I’ve been receiving it for about an hour.

“Go to the left. I’ll tell you that you went to the right. ”

“I would appreciate it if you did. So I’m just … ”

Shin Sang Yong went out of the hurry to see if he was tired of the conversation with Kim Soo-hyun.

Looking at him disappearing to the left, Imhanna moved his hand, wrapped around his elbows. Then, the big breast was naturally gathered in the center, and he boasted his bounty.

“Huh. Envy. ”

Imhanna looked at the stairs with strange eyes, tongued her tongue and wetted her lips.

* “Absolutely, I have to take it unconditionally.”

The clan house of Istanelow. The inside of the reception room to host the guests who came in was in the voice of Park Dae – yun, and he was ringing the king. A total of three people were sitting in the gorgeously decorated living room. On the table where the glitter shines, Park Dae-yeon and Yeon-heim faced each other.

“Assi, when? I sent a letter to the temple yesterday, but what if I do not come yet? ”

“Sister Hyeolim. You’ve been contacted just before. Wait for you. And do not ever say that in front of Mercenary Road. ”

I’m fine. We are close friends. I got some friends from the academy. Ho Ho. Not before that. Did not you like him that much? ”

“That’s because So Young has acted nonsense. But now it is different. ”

At the end of the park. He leaned over his waist and stretched out his hands, “What is different?” And began to gently beat the body of Park. Park Dae – yun had the hand of Yeon – lim in the hands of his familiar hand. And he snorted his eyes.

“Things were a little different. Mercenary ‘s share price is already skyrocketing. I have to make sure that I can not spit in another place. ”

“That’s all I know. Was not it originally planned? ”

“There is a difference of proof. To be honest, the record in Mule was so public aware that it was long-term. However, Mercenary succeeded in the hallucination of the canyons, and rescued the users. ”

“No, so what is different with me and now?”

“Ao real! Would you accept the commission until you put off putting in place? In a nutshell, I am proud of myself. We have this ability! The achievements in Mule are not worth it! I’m telling you this. And it will be stronger by succeeding this expedition. Do not you know what I’m talking about? ”

After all, Park Dae-kyun was telling me that he was a fussy person. Park Dae-yun gave a hard cock to Yeon-hyung, and he hummed a humming shout.

“Hehehe. I did not want to see the Koryo Clan guys disrespecting the Hamilton clans from Princika. Good. Good. Wow, chill. ”

“Hamil? What is Hamil? ”

“A while ago, Kim Yoo Hyun made a clan, right? The name of the clan is Hamil. It is said to mean the clear sky behind the rain. ”

“Kim Yoo Hyun? Oh, the brain? ”

“Yeah. Anyway, we also have a … ”

There were only three people, and only two of them were opening their mouths. However, decibel, filling the drawing room, was getting bigger and bigger.

It was not a strange thing in some ways. Monica is so polite, so it seems to be happening inside or around the city. So it may have been, but the ghost that Mercenary drove to this expedition was full of boredom to become the talk of users who were bored.

It was after the news that Masonic Ridge Road was coming to the reception room as a messenger.

“Everyone is quiet.”

She opened her mouth with a cup of tea sitting on it, and immediately asked her to wear it.

A short time passed while silence was flowing for a while. Soon, I heard a knocking knock on the door.

“Come on in.”

The answer was Park Dae-yeon. The voice had a subtle tone that was so different from when it was touched. The door, which was closed, was opened slowly while I was staring at the face that there was no hyeolim. Then there was a man with a coat-type plate, guided by an employee, between the doors.

He looked at the inside of the room and opened his mouth with a low voice.


eoseo oseyo? Mercenary Load. Sit here. ”

“Yeah. then.”

After the employee closed the door, the man, Kim Soo-hyun, sat down slowly at the place where Han So-young led us.

Han Soo Young carefully watched Kim Soo-hyun’s face touching the cup. It was a little different from the time I saw before. Eyes lashing lips and a cold light. It was still a cold impression, but nowadays, the depth was shaded.

Are you okay?”

Four Ah yes. Fine. What

I open my lips once and then close them. Han So – young had a headache. But I was able to come up with one guess. It was a success and a lot of achievements, so it was a matter of rejoicing. However, showing anxiety may have caused problems within the clan. Among them, there was a high possibility that there was a conflict in equipment distribution.

Han Soo-young also knew how sensitive it was to a person who represented a clan. Thinking so, she comforted him with a sigh.

Cheer The more the time, the more important is the position of the clan rod. ”


Kim Soo-hyun scoffed at his eyes.

At that moment, Han So – young realized instinctively. I was wrong. She picked up the mug quickly and took a sip and quickly turned it over.

“I heard about this expedition through the shrine. He suffered, Mercenary Rod. ”

* Michael was one of Monica’s inhabitants who had been granted the authority to establish a clan. He has been soaring discomfort lately.

It is the creation of the clan, recognition of the performance and so on. There is a day to go, and the things to be dealt with are pouring in, and even worse, the surroundings are noisy and scratching his planting. I knew the reason for this, but I was not at all happy with him as he liked to work in a quiet atmosphere.

“Freaks. Do you want to recognize this as an achievement? There must be a conscience, a conscience. ”

Michael, who was staring at the record in the middle of nowhere, threw a pack of documents he was reading and snorted. As soon as I ran into my nose with the fatigue and looked at the next record, someone ran into the halibut cake.

“Come on! Michael

“Hen? Is anything urgent? ”

“The Shadow Queen has gone! Shadow Queen! ”

“Shadow Queen? Oh, the 10th? ”

Michael seemed to be in a state of utter sympathy. Then he pushed forward the paper he was carrying.

Really? Look at this. She left the clan renewal application. ”

“Bastard, the tenth is the tenth. I do not see it once or twice. 쯧. Give it to me. ”

Although he was uncomfortable to plant, Michael accepted the record that he gave out. This is due to the fact that he must have a reason to be nervous as Henan, who has a similar character to himself. Soon he slowly looked over from the top. At the top of the record, it was written “Clan Renewal Application” as Hen said, and the letter “Mercenary Clan” was written in a rounded handwriting.

“Mercenary? Ten people in total … ”

“Pass it once. Look at the clan’s personal details about the break. I can not figure out if my eyes are strange, or if the granted authority has an error. ”


Michael quickly stopped his gaze. There, the names and classes of the clan members were written in order.

Kim Su-Hyeon: Secret, an expert in fencing (Sword Specialist) County: Rare, pore window psychics (Energy SpearMan) Sol: Normal, ordinary priests (Normal Priest) reason: more than Rare, the Gladiator (Gladiator Of the Dawn) Vivien la climber Cedar: Rare, chimera Alchemist (Chimera Alchemist) to: Secret, Blue Moon’s Tosa (Magician Of the Blue Moon) liberty: Rare, chimera Alchemist ( Played Chimera Alchemist): Secret, shadow Queen (Queen Of Silhouette), Kim Han-rated: Secret, jewelry Wizard (Mage Jewel) off: Secret, divine shield (Aegis) separation zones was during a window into history through the eye. Michael’s eyebrows waved hard as he found something strange.

Huh?? What is this? ”

“How are you?”

“The total is ten, but there are five secret classes? Four classes? ”

“There is one regular class. Right?”

“what is this? You, really.

Michael lifted his head. However, Hen is glad with a sigh of relief. The authority was not gone. ” I was muttering.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Our apologies. Today’s review and release will be a day off. (Lilipple will be combined next time.) There were many things … . Well, I do not know what to say. I have to find the pace quickly, but it’s getting worse for two consecutive days. 쩝 … . Time is too bad. I have to get up. Thank you for your understanding. _ (__) _ Thank you for always reading. I hope you have a comfortable night. 🙂

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