
Chapter 294

The next day, the clanhouse was busy from morning.

Requests to visit the Isantelourou clan and the fuse. In other words, it was the voice of the representative Clan and Monica’s temple. Especially since they said that they would come with me, I felt something inevitable to think of it as a light visit.

But there were some who liked it. Jung Hoon Yeon prefers clean things, and as soon as he got this news, he became a fish that met the water. Honestly, I did not seem to come much, so it was enough to host in the VIP room on the fourth floor. However, since she moved into the clan house, she opened the convention room which was closed all the time and cleaned the interior. As a result, employees had to be busy in two days of their arrival.

When we were all ready to welcome him, the sun was already in the middle of the sky. However, when the year of floating in the middle gradually passed to the west, and when the deep twilight was scattered in the garden, neither was seen.

The employees were already at work. Some of the early-night flowers told me to stay if I needed them, but I was more frank in my absence. Even if I heard yesterday that it might be a little late anyway, I could not feel Kim Sungda’s performance.

I buried my body on a soft sofa and I slowly looked around the VIP room. The high ceilings with beautiful patterns and the upholstery decorated with colorful ornaments were creating a luxurious atmosphere. At the center of the room was a pretty round table, with three sofas arranged in a round shape.

Some seemed to be very satisfied with today’s cleanup, but I felt like blowing the day without meaning. Even if it was in the VIP room, it was like wanting to burn the tobacco now. I was worried for a moment but finally I took out the tobacco in my arms. The wall of the VIP room is marked with a spell that cleans the air, so I wanted it to be okay if I had no other person. It was at that time that the fossil was put on fire.

Usdangtang! Kung-kwang! Pull!

“brother! It’s a shame! ”

foo Callok Callok! ”

‘It was all this time.’

Hyundai waited at the bus stop and picked up a stalled oden, and the bus I was waiting for came. I cough severely and spit smoke on my neck. And looking at the wide open visit, he showed a hasty face to the urgent face.

“What a big deal, it is so urgent. Choose your breath first. ”

“Oh, no! brother! The people who came yesterday are here! But the fight with the playing sister … ! ”

“What?” Combat

“quickly! The atmosphere is completely bloody! It’s all gone now! ”

I quickly raised my body and rushed to the hallway. There is no other idea. Only the idea of ​​going to the first floor was fast. I went down the stairs on the 4th, 3rd, and 2nd floors, and as I got closer to the first floor, I could feel the strange life that pierced my whole body. I have not arrived yet, but if I live as deep as this, I would have been able to come out with almost two 10th grade users.

The stairs were able to run in full speed at full speed. However, leaving the stairway where the first floor is visible, I had to stop for a while.

There were several users on the first floor. And in the midst of their surroundings, two women were close enough to take on each other’s breath. The source of living was right there, from Gohyeon and Yeonhelim.

“Where did you smell the rotten stick, but the princess of the rag came?”

I do not know if I know I’ve arrived. Suddenly, he was wearing his arms, and suddenly he grasped his nose with one hand and frowned. Her tone was full of sarcasm.

“In your shadow, is not I the smell? Anyway, the princess of the mop … . I do not think that’s what the queen of the prostitute is saying. ”

Hye-sik, who stuck his hands on his side and stuck his waist on the side, also fought back with a sore point.

Then they shed a subtle laugh together. It was a laughing sound that seemed to be flowing from the jade glass, but the eyes of both of them gazing at the eye were spreading their lives. In the past, I wanted to endure the difficulties in the community or the user academy.

If I kept doing this, it would have been almost as if I was going to have a big mess, so I started to walk down the pace I had stopped. It was then.

“Yeon Him!”

The day was cold and cold, but somewhat familiar voice rang around the lobby. As the space above the stairs did not reach the top, it was possible to put them in sight. At the entrance of the first floor, Han Sang-young and a female feminine who had seen her once before stood.

“I’m out for a while.”

“Great, Clan Road.”

“I do not say twice. Whether you are out and waiting, you should go back first. ”

“…….”Before I even came out, one person came up and arranged the situation. Han So – young ‘s “command” had an unbearable bite. The princess of the execution rattled his lips, but within a few seconds he stood back, sharply shooting the performance. Soon, he looked at Yeon – lim, who turned his body quickly, and laughed at Ko. No, I tried to laugh.

“Ho Ho. Bye, little boy … ”

“User and performance.”

“Big, Clan Road?”

“What are you doing now?”

Then I felt that I was coming, and the performance turned and turned around.

Slowly toward the center, I opened my mouth.

“Go back to your accommodation.”

“…All right.

Yeon-hee’s first step was to retreat, and the performance was better than I thought.

An awkward atmosphere that completely filled the lobby. I threw a glance at Han So – young. I thought that I would guide you directly.

In the end, Han Soo-young and the female fuze introduced me directly to the VIP room, and I was able to calm the turmoil for a while. Although the work was roughly spoiled by KADAK wrong, I was able to finish it with the rapid action of Han So – young and the appearance of my timidity. Of course, it was not just over there.

“I’m sorry. I apologize sincerely for the turmoil in Mercenary’s clan house. ”

Sure. It seems that there is something wrong between the user and the performance. ”

“I saw right away. If I knew this, I would not have brought him to Hyeryum. . I will keep the work going today and I hope you will pass it. ”

“It’s really okay. I will also pay attention to the performance. ”

Han So – young ‘s appropriate measures and apologies. Considering that he was a representative clan and a clan rod, he was able to concede himself. I also took her apology with delight because I did not have much thought to make things bigger. Anyway, now that I have enough applause, it was time to get into the mainstream.

“When I first got a call, I was surprised. I did not know you were going to say that you both came together. ”

“I originally intended to come a little earlier, but I stopped to see other places, so I was a little delayed.”

Yes “Sure you are.” So, can you hear what you are visiting? ”

But of course.

Han Soo-young responded sharply and turned his head sideways. As I gazed at her, the female fuze was quietly drinking tea. She pretended to be an expressionless man, but she was shaking her fingers. Perhaps it was still in the aftermath of the ten rivers living near the street.

Before long, the priest gave a long breath and opened his lips gently.

The story of the festival that started long ago was frankly in the expected category.

The investigation team confirmed the achievements of the M & A, and the clan rank will rise accordingly. And while we were following our trail, we found a clue that there was a high probability of ‘moly’, and we also found traces of bums around the mountains of delirium.

One of the interesting things was that the bums did not find any traces back to Monica.

“Then you are not a bum with a rider, but a bum.”

No. I made a separate request before the mission departed. I asked him if he could follow the mummeriner from the city. There are so many traces that I could not catch it, but maybe I could have come sideways through another door. ”

“So I left the city and never came back … . Is this what you mean? ”

“I’m not sure, but I think it’s the most likely to be personal.”

After talking for a long time, the thief was thirsty and took the mug again and took it to the mouth.

I thought quietly. When I thought it was cool, it was not a tremendous tremor. They used to ride or whatever they used to be. They were the ones who walked all over the place. However, there was no sense of guilty to turn this way.

‘It is unlikely that we are waiting yet … . I’ll have to keep a few things in mind. ‘

Anyway, this was a big harvest, so I nodded slowly.

“I would have been nervous about the investigation team, but thank you for checking out separately. But the need to come to the … . I could have come to see you. ”

“Oh, actually, there is one more thing I have to say. actually… ”

“?””Hershey. jamsimanyo

Was the name of the woman’s new house Herzegovina? Han So – young has only been listening quietly except for one or two episodes. But when she came out, Hershey glared at her eyes and gently nodded her head. Somewhere in her eyes was a mixture of desperation.

Han Soo – young seemed to put a little bit of breath on me and immediately opened my mouth with straight face. It was a good idea to look at the atmosphere, and it seemed to be a good idea from now on.

“Mercenary Road. From now on I will tell you. ”

“I will listen.”

“I’ll tell you straight away. Do you have an Elixir in Mercenary Clan? ”


It was so sudden, I frowned slightly without knowing. When asked in a strange tone, Han So-young expressed a sad expression that he interpreted it in his own way.

“You do not have … . Well … . Oh, I’m sorry. ”

“Oh, just a second. Why is Ellis suddenly looking for? ”

Han Soo-young’s face began to become tinged with fatigue in a moment. I thought that maybe the reason why she came late today is that I was going to go to this clan to find Elixir. She shook her head, feeling sorry for me.

“I keep telling my apologies. Sorry, Mercenary Road. I want to clarify the reason, but I can not tell you in detail because it is complicated. ”

“It may be helpful in marmalion. Have you ever been injured in the Isantelourou? ”

no The investigation is finished successfully. It’s not what you need in Islantilla, it’s a request from the eastern city. There is a very dangerous user in the eastern clan who needs an Elixir. That user is someone I know well. ”

“Sure you are.” I’m curious, can not you tell me at all? ”

Han Soo-young made a gentle expression, and quietly opened his mouth.

“There is a place called Hamil Clan in this newly created clan. I need an Elixir there. This is all you can tell … ”

Four Hamil Clan? ”

At that moment, I felt like my heart was falling down.

The night was deep. I went to a private room on the 4th floor of the main building and tried to sleep in bed, but I did not sleep.

Elixir. There are now three elixirs in Mercenary. I originally had two bottles, one used by Vivian, and two additional bottles from Chaos Mimik. It was already set for use. One bottle is mine, one is Kim Yoo Hyun, and one is Han So – young.

If Han Sang-young’s life was in an emergency, he would have given it without saying two words. But the user was not Han Sang Young. My conversation was so complicated since I had a conversation with her. I slowly recalled the conversation I had with her with her eyes closed.

‘Hamilton Clan.’

‘Kim Yoo Hyun? Do you know Hamil Clan’s Road? ”

No. The user is not Kim Yu-hyun. ”

‘I am a user who has been attacked by Banshee, and I have no choice but to save my life. Two weeks left … . ‘

When I first heard of Hamil Clan, the first thing that came to mind was my brother-in-law Kim Yoo-hyun. I was able to recover immediately, and I was relieved to reply that it was not Kim Yu-hyun. But even so, the complexity did not come.

In the first episode, I was just a normal user at this time. It is a daily life to get a caravan for a day trip in the square. It was much later that I met my brother in person and got into Hamil Clan.

Of course, I remember my brother’s actions roughly. The Hamil Clan will become one of the best cranes in the next few years. But I did not know the details of the days before I joined. This means that at the present Hamilton Clan does not know who needs the Elixir.

‘Why do not you tell me why? . Who would it be?

The more I had more ideas, the more I felt like sleep. For a while he turned around, but eventually gave up sleeping and raised the upper body. It ‘s like sleeping in the underground fireplace after sweating.

It was the moment when I came out of bed with a sincere heart and caught a new sword in January.

Couch … .

At that time, the door sounded carefully.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

I have one thing for you today. I’ve heard from the writer who knows at lunch, some of the Noblesse users are misunderstanding. I hope to solve misunderstandings, and I think that some of you might think so. 🙂 When I upload a novel to Joe, it is divided into ‘content’ and ‘late’.

The content is literally the place where the contents of the series are raised, and the latter is the place where the author’s later contents are uploaded. And what goes into the latter is not included in the capacity. This means that the latter is not included in the capacity and is not directly included in the calculation of the best exponent.

I once contacted Joaar about this issue. I’ll stick to the answer I received at that time.

You as Eugene! Greetings.
Customer Service Center ‘Blue’ is.
A non-serial letter can not be treated as a serial number.
If you write in the series, it will be recognized as a serial issue, but it will be a big problem.
Thanks for booking with us!
Good day.

We know that if you raise more than 10K based on one time, you can get the highest score for the meeting. There is a loss of getting the best index from 9K or less, but from 10K or more, you get the same score as 10K if you raise 12K or 16K. And I am updating to 11K (10K based on notepad) of the recent serial number.

So, I would appreciate it if you take away the misunderstanding that you will increase the capacity by writing a long term. 🙂 I’ll take a day off today.I will put it together next time together with comments this time.)
Thank you for always reading. Have a relaxing day today. : D PS. Next time, some of the contents of sexual love are included. If you do not want it please skip that part!

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