
Chapter 297

Ansol ‘s eyes were just as clear as he had just woken up from sleep. As she stared at her quietly, she felt a strange discomfort. The face does not show any expression, and the eyes are deeply immersed. I was just staring at me, but I could not find my usual way of looking at it with my eyes washed.

At that moment, Ansol’s lips were slowly removed.

Sibling I was blinking and I missed the word orabney. I’m sorry.”

What is it? Yes, I can,

“But can you hear me once again that you are going to the city?”

“…The first destination is the eastern general city of Prishica. The second destination is the northern, precisely the northeast small town mule. I’m going to work on Mule and come back to Monica. ”

Ansol will also know the city location. Nevertheless, she added a detailed position because her speech and attitude were not ordinary.

And when I heard Ansol, I was able to recall what happened at Barbara’s Warpgate and User Academy.

‘Could it have happened again?’

The performer, who knew the situation, was showing an interesting expression. But most of the clan members were staring at Ansol with a stupid face. So far, her attitude just had a great sense of distance when compared to what she had seen so far.

Seeing anosol that frowned, I activated the third eye.

Player Status 1. Name: Ansol (Year 0) 2. Class: General Priest (Runner) 3. Member State (Nation): Free Mercenary (Free) 4. 6. Clan: Mercenary (Rank: D Plus) 5. Jinmi · Nationality: The person who guided the light · Republic of Korea 6. Sex: Female (20) 7. Height, weight: 160.1cm · 46.7kg 8. (Luck 101) (The remaining ability points are 3 points for free, 2 for horsepower only.) (2) The total points are 5 points.)

‘Who leads the light … . ‘

In spite of the others, Anshol’s significance was not clear. I’ve rolled my head around, but I do not see anything like this. It was only a vague guess that it might have been related to the secret class ‘priest of the brilliance’.

Sibling Please take me to this performance. ”

Really? Copy that.

“I will follow you too … . You can speak Korean

“He asked me to take him. Let’s go with you. ”

I spoke with assertion. Ansol shook his lips as he waved his eyes, thinking he would not let me.

Good luck was the ability to get away with it, but it was a huge figure of 101 anyway. 101 has been able to directly experience how much power it can exert. Because I know it, and I made Ansol’s luck to 101, it’s just me. Ignoring her words was like denying oneself.

I lightly ignored the eyes of the kids who asked me to take them too. And, with the sign that there are no more additional people, I opened my mouth with a higher voice than before.

“Then I will put in an additional number of players, Kim, Han-seok and Ansol. That is all.

“Clan Road. Will we be ready soon? ”

“Let’s do it. I will finish the meeting here. Everyone suffered from the morning. High performance, Kim Han-fah, Ansol. These three are ready to leave right now. ”

“Yes I will. Hey, and Sola. You two follow me. ”

Ko Kyo-kyu made two bodies with his fingers crossed. Kim Han-gil quietly raised his body, and Ansol rose from his room, smiling at his room. Her face was turned back as before.

I thought of a change of expression, and I opened my mouth to Jung.

“You’re right. It should be three days in the longest. Until then, I would like the clan. ”

“Do not worry. And take care of yourself, Klan Rod. ”

Jung Hoon-yeon replied with a clear voice. And when I heard the answer, the enemy could rest assured.

After the meeting, the clan members were ready to go. I did not take much time to prepare because it was close to work rather than on an expedition. Despite the sudden departure, I was able to finish all the preparations before the noon.

I thought that I would start right away, but I decided to start with a simple breakfast and lunch as the Ansol’s tummy made a cry.

And I had to spend a lot of trouble trying to calm the heart that pounded, eating the tasteless food that the employees had prepared.

I finally go to see you. And I go to meet my brother ‘s colleagues. To them, I was a sinner. Only one misjudgment resulted in the robbery of all, and ironically I was the only survivor.

I did not meet my brother until now because I did not want to interrupt the future. But now I think it was a simple excuse. Could it be that they were reluctant to meet with them without knowing the guilt they had in my heart?

I died because of me. I was in trouble.
If only I was not. If I had not acted like that.

I slowly closed my eyes and reminded me of ‘the time’.

whew! We are Suhyeon ~. Did you wait for her? Quietly. Hang in there? I’ll save you soon ~. ‘

‘What will you do? you stupid! Why do not you make it work … . I rather like me! ”

Haha Do not worry. I’ll be in charge here, so get out! Come

‘Stupid man. wait a moment. I’ll just beat the guy in the front and beat me right away. So before that, run as fast as possible and away. ‘

I regretted many times in the first round, and I felt guilty. But even after much time has passed since then, the feeling of guilt to tear the breasts does not disappear. To forget it easily, the last words left by the Hamilton clan members who came to save me are so memorable.

Honestly, I still do not understand. Of course, you may have followed your command, but as they died they did not show any resentment. Indeed, human beings, no user can … ?

Eventually, when I arrived there, I put my spoon on.

When I thought I would meet my brother again and my colleagues on the first occasion, I could not get over Bob’s throat.

* Shoot me! Shoot me!

It was a clear sky without a cloud in the morning, but when I was about to leave, the rain began to pour down like crazy. It was a sudden torrential rain that did not show any signs. But I did not slow down my departure time. During that time, the sunny day continued, and I did not have a waterproof lobe but it was enough to buy it in a shop. And the store was on its way to Warpgate, so there was no need to delay the time.

“Wow. Sibling Why are they doing that? ”

Ansol said, hiding his head, he could not write.

Three of them, including me, were now at Monica’s Warpgate. And as the saying goes, there was a bunch of users around Warpgate. And they were singing a complaint about using Warpgate as one.

“Except for those going to the eastern city, please wait for a moment! From yesterday, the western and northern cities have begun to restrict traffic! ”

Would oi Why do not you go to Pamela! I have to go fast! ”

“Who cursed? Do you keep your mouth shut? We have been unilaterally abandoned by them, but what can we do? ”

“Oh, come on! The weather is boring, too. Wait till when the rain comes! ”

‘West, northern is blocked? The work is strangely flowing … . ‘

I looked up for a moment, but it seemed like there was no big problem going to the eastern city anyway. I grabbed Ansol’s hand and started to move through the users. And when I reached the front of Warp Gate, I could see a female user who was sweating and explaining the situation. There was a clan pattern symbolizing Istantellow on the chest of the stomach.

The woman breathed her breath and turned to us.

“Can you go to Mule now?”

“The central, western, northern pass is now completely restricted. Once we have it open, we will be able to use it again if we open it in the mule later. Wait until then. ”

“So what about Princica?”

“It’s possible. Please put a rate here, and wait a little. I’ll change it right now. ”

The female user pointed at the container containing the gold coins and ran backwards to the warp magazine. It seemed so busy that I was running around alone.

After inserting the charge for four people into the fare box, I looked at the face of the anxiety glance. I originally brought her to see her reaction, but there was only one left choice because the mule could not pass.

Ansol’s face was calm itself. No, rather, I had to hold my hand and occasionally showed a smile. When I thought about writing the number because I just wanted to go with me, the voice of the woman who ran to the magic jean sounded.

“Is it Princque? Come in! ”

There was a feeling of being slightly buried in the rain, but I could hear clearly because the voice was so loud. As I turned my head forward, I could see the warp gate that was blue.

Soo-hyun Do not you? ”

“We should go in.”

I did not go in right away but I just watched it. I slowly began to count numbers inside.

“On one, two…”

And as soon as I saw three, I immediately buried myself in Warpgate.

* One user was rushing to the ground. The speed at which men were able to run or the speed at which specialization skills were agile was tremendous. In front of the towering tower, the other man slammed the door and jumped up the stairs.

After passing through the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors, we reached the fourth floor and a wide aisle with a cool aura emerged. The man looked around with a look that seemed urgent, and started running straight in the right direction of the path.


The man who was rushing in the corridor stopped his feet in front of a glance. And once or twice he choked his breath away, chose to breathe, and opened his door wide and cried out loud.

“Kim Yoo Hyun! Kim Yoo Hyun! ”


It was so hard to open the door to the end, as soon as the male entered, the loud noise was closed.

And in the room, there were several users. They were making a gentle look around the bed and slowly looked around. They were shaking their faces as if they were not happy with the men’s fuss.

However, their facial expressions changed suddenly at the end of the men.

Come I’m here! A man who can cure the curse of Banshee has come! ”

“Excuse me?”

Kim Yoo-hyun, who had always kept a cold look on his face, shouted with his eyes open. The man walked toward the trumped-up bed and looked down at the woman lying down. She seemed to be in a good position to be dead even though she died right now, but she was still breathing so weak. After a sigh of relief, he still laid his hands on Kim ‘s shoulder, urging him to answer.

“It comes from the South. There is no elixir, but he can cure the curse of Banshee. ”

“I do not have an Elixir treatment … ? What’s that user name? ”

“I have not heard a name. Ahh! He said it was the Mercenary Clan. You know that Monica is a good clan these days! ”

“If you are a Mercenary Clan … . I’ve heard the name once or twice. Have you heard from Isantelourou? ”

Everyone who was in the room with Kim Yoo Hyun’s question shook his head. The man opened his mouth with a crush on his chest as to whether this situation was very frustrating.

“That’s what matters! Once you can treat it! ”

“That’s right. Where is the user now? Get It Now!

“I did not come alone. Some of the clan roads and clan members came together. Anyway, I just ran to tell you this, and since he is leading … ”

Pardon me, please.

It was then. Cleverly, there was a tingling sound, and a visit was made.

Before long, out of the door, users wearing robes dripping with rain showed up. Even though they were indoors, they were wearing their hood upside down.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Oh, I’m so sorry. I came to my house a little late because I had an appointment for lunch today, but my aunt just visited me when I started writing. Smartphone purchased yesterday (Finally, you purchased with Galaxy 4 LTE-A.)I did not know how to use it and I taught for almost three hours. Yonsei has exceeded 50, and since I have been using the 018 feature phone for almost seven years. Haha But when I was satisfied, my heart was full. I tried to upload it as soon as possible, but please understand it like the sea of ​​your readers. _ (__) _ “Relief” 1. Kanesada: First celebration. Haha I think I’ll see you for the second time in a comment. 🙂 Please enjoy this time too!

2. Flute: On the flute. There is one question. I wonder what you mean by ‘back’. Exactly, I want to know a very detailed meaning! (Kelkel!)

3. Shin, Yoo Jin: Oh, I’m sorry. When I wrote the article, if the paragraph succeeded, I put the paragraph in front of ‘ㅋㅋㅋ’ and put it correctly, but I could not erase it because it was raising hastily. 4. Steron: Oh. It’s pretty sharp. Perhaps next time I meet Seraf, I will explain in detail. 🙂 5. dark article: I just paraded with thought. haha. 🙂 6. Yuri Kenne: Of course pregnancy is also possible. However, there are ways to contraception with magic or potions. Rather, it is a setting that contraception is more certain than modern. It is also possible to give birth, but most users tend to abandon it. 🙂 Exceptions exist, of course.

7. Note: After this chapter, I think the title of the next chapter is the origin of the continent. Look forward to the next chapter!

8. TRICKSTAR: It’s a good analogy I did not think of. The answer is correct. 🙂 9. Busan Oyabo: Thank you for the coupon! _ (__) _ The speed of northward correction is getting slow nowadays. Haha

10. Infiltration: No. It was not The future has already been quite distorted. If it is original, it is normal that the call of the continental land has already been done, but the time has been delayed by the change of the future. Many things will change in the future. The subtitle effect of this chapter is a subtitle that provides a starting point for change. 🙂 Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are a great strength.
I want you to always read with ease.
Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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