
Chapter 302

As soon as I left Warpgate, I went straight to the ‘Jewelry Priest’. It was a lot of time, but it was just that Ansol had a lot of words. It seemed like it would be better to go back to Monica immediately after the rough handling.

Unlike my mind, the streets of Mule were overly peaceful. I was so nervous that I was nervous. However, it was usual to say that there was no harm in passing over the contrast, so I did not stop looking around even when I entered a shopping complex lined with buildings.

After about 15 minutes, we were able to get to the target jeweler. As I pushed through the flawed wooden doors all over the place, I was able to see an inspiring impressionist reading an eager record of a record. I did not feel like I was coming in.

“You’re an inspiration.”

“Yes… ? ”

As he lifted his eyes off the record and sigh, he turned his gaze as soon as he heard my voice. When the eyes meet and the time of 3 seconds passes, the eyes of the guinea turned round.

“Now, are you?”

“Long time no see. You’ve been in the river since then. ”

“…You still have that unusual greeting? ”

Haha Fortunately, you remember. Well, I do not use it often. ”

“He is right. By the way, what are you doing here? I have something to see here … . Hmmm. ”

He said that, but he was already giving himself a hand chair. I laid a light smile on the chair with the clan members.

“But I am glad to see you alive.”

“Yes. I have promised in the past, and I had to visit another city for a while.

whew! Because of the incredible promise … . I would have asked him to come. ”

“Ah. Did you know? ”

You will be telling about the clash with the representative clan. When I was in a strange mood, the nod nodded at the expression that the inspirer was not a star.

“At that time, I was ludicrous. It is not unusual for the representative clans and swordburst to happen. ”

“Sure you are.” I wonder if there was anyone who knew what the … ”

“Not at all. Anyway, I’m glad you were later treated as a self defense. I swore. ”

Yongkang turned to the topic in a ludicrous manner. I had one or two head backs. It is not a big deal since the innocent verdict, but it was a sensitive subject to keep getting the story. I knew that, so the inspector would have turned the topic around.

There was silence for a while. I unconsciously looked down the shelf. The shelves were laid out in line with the records that the inspector was reading.

“But what were you reading? When we came in, we were so nervous that we did not notice. ”

What is it? These, are they? Nothing! Bo, do not look. ”

The inspiration hastened to collect the records, but my eyes had already been through a great deal of records. And the records on the shelves were all about the Mercenary Clan.

“Huh! Huh! ”

“…….”Suddenly laughing seemed to burst. The inspirer quickly covered the record, but it seemed like I had already seen what I saw. I regulated my breathing and laughed quietly and opened my mouth.

“It was a little sudden, but it would have been nice if you just went with me.”

“No, what do you mean? I think there is something misunderstanding, I just read it with bored words. ”

“Ohh. “Sure you are.”

“He, yes. I do not have any guests these days … ”

“It did not mean that. I just said purely, I wish I was with you then. ”

I heard that there was no impatience for me, laughing at the cooks on both sides.

“Yes. I’ve only been nervous about not seeing you. But at that time, it seemed cool and cool. ”

“It’s a joke.”

He joked once and became a young man without a skull.

In any case, the atmosphere was flowing smoothly. This would have been the result of the aftermath. Now it was time to enter the mainstream.

“Kim Han-sang.”

Soon after he called to beckon, Kim Han – dum immediately raised his body and approached the sidewalk. I felt a sense of surprise when I held out her hand and held her arm. I slowly dragged Kim Han-bum toward me, and I opened my mouth toward you.

“You, sir. This kid is a gem wizard. Goodbye, goodbye. ”

“Oh, hello … ”

I stuttered a little, but Kim Han – soo bowed his head like a clenched. The nod nodded a couple of times, lifted glasses, and smiled softly.

“arc. This witch is a jeweler. Yes, nice to meet you … . By the way, you brought Yonge from the golden lion. Great. ”

“Five. You knew that too. ”


The inspiration was blowing hard and I shot me sharp.

* The red sky was gradually darkening from the end. The sun is ready to move west, and the earth is dusky twilight. It was time to prepare for the evening and the black night.

The streets of the shopping mall where the people were coming from before had been spotless. The distance that is activated in the evening time zone will be just three places. Sleeping inn, drinking pub, or prostitution. It was true that not all the buildings in the shopping mall were turned off, but there was a relative decrease in people’s appetite.

Soo-hyun What do you think? ”

When I turned my head to the sound suddenly heard, I saw a performance that was leaning against the wall of the jeweler just like myself.

The present and the performance of the present were for a while inside the jeweler. Of course, it does not matter if you are inside, but it was your own consideration that you should talk to Kim Han-bum more comfortably.

Of course I also had a purpose. The purpose was to talk to the two of them. Then, the problem of ansol (?) Was a problem, and fortunately it was possible to leave it in the condition that I would quietly see the jewel that fills the inside.

“I have to think about it for a while.”

“like that… . But how did you know about that grandfather? ”

“I learned it when I was active in Mule. You’ve done well to me. ”

“Well, unlike the seemingly cute face. Ho Ho. Oh, by the way, I was really surprised. I did not know there was a rare class called a jewelry appraiser? ”


After Kim Han – hee revealed that he was a jeweler, he immediately revealed his class. Of course, I already knew that I was just surprised. However, the clan members were quite surprised to find that there was a rare class in a job that looked like a non-combat class. Even the high performance.

But I do not think that angels have made a class as a gem judge. Could not it have been given somewhere to set the rare class?

It seemed to be able to make a good match with the class called the jewel wizard although it was perseverance. Even if it was not so, the recruitment of the inspiration was a clear benefit in terms of clan management in the future.

Anyway, I think the possibilities are high, but the recruitment of the inspiration has not been confirmed yet. Moreover, since the size of the clan is not large yet, it was drinking Kimgwangguk to think about operation already.

I looked around and looked at the side. I bowed my head down and looked at the performance. I looked for her for a moment, and she opened her mouth.

“Play it.”


I played with a beautiful smile and answered. Then a pair of light gray eyes looked at me. He stared at his eyes, and then he gently bent. I can not find any resentment of one thing about me. If I were a woman, and I was so beastly, I would certainly have been uncomfortable. In fact, the performance was tearful.

Nonetheless, Gogaku has not shrugged off the rumor since it happened in the morning. So I may be even more sorry.



Sorry. I was not crazy today. It is, I am really sorry. ”

“…….”Koh played a puzzled look for a while. Then I smiled lightly, and the distance decreased. Then she looked at the door once and she leaned over her arms and hugged me.

“What else? I got enough apples this morning. You do not have to be so sorry. ”

“I was surprised to see it crying … . Did it hurt so much? ”

At that moment, the performance of Koge laughed. She barely touched her face in her chest for a while and shrugged her shoulder. I muttered and lifted my head again.

“I did not cry because I was sick.”

“…….””Well … . As a matter of fact, I remembered the first night with Suhyun throughout the whole relationship. Suhyun of that time and Suhyun of the dawn today were different from each other. I was just sad and scared without reason. And at the end of the relationship, suddenly my sadness suddenly popped up like a pussy. So I shed tears. Well, honestly I did not expect incontinence. Ho Ho. And then you become a peeper? Will you keep it a secret? Oh, will I get some salt? ”

He played with a gentle glance one by one, then laughed and laughed quickly. The last thing I saw was a joke and I just wanted to cover it. But I slowly embraced her.

“He said. I am really sorry. I’m serious. then… ”

“Is it really all right with me? Suhyun’s heart is well known. ”

“I… . Towns

“Stop talking about it now. Do you really want to see Suhyun as I do not know what to do? I’m so embarrassed. And when I look at it, I have something that provoked me first.

I just wanted to convey my sincerity, and Goo played with one hand to close my mouth and the other to stab my chest. And within minutes I gently leaned my hand toward the door of the jeweler.

“What if I did better to you than you, Mr. Hae Yeon ~. Anyway, stop now. ”

Four But I still have to talk … ”

“It’s over. Actually I was listening to it from before. ”


It was then. Suddenly, the door of the jeweler opened wide and Kim Han –

“brother. It’s over …John

And when we saw us standing right in front of the door, we raised the end of the story subtly.

A man showed a rust out of the forest. He shrugged around with a keen eye and stroked lightly.

Oblique cord Sasaku!

Before long, hundreds of people in the forest seemed sad to look at.

The man turned his gaze toward the people standing behind him. It was filled with pride in the gaze of men looking at them.

“Kim, Kang Soo, white paper.”

Before long, the man quietly called two men. Then a man with loose muscle and a woman in tight-fitting tights stepped forward slowly.

“Yesterday I received a call from our main office. I have already posted the advance notice, but the due date is before tonight. Everyone would certainly have preached it to their respective units, right? ”



The man nodded with a cool answer turned his gaze toward a man who was righteous, Kim.

“. What happened to the internal personnel? ”

“Now everyone is waiting to breathe near the North Gate and near Warpgate. And as soon as the north gate opens, we will open each door and take over Warp Gate. ”

Agreed. I lead the troops first and hit the north gate. The north gate will be pierced and the inside will be pounded, so you start attacking the front door as soon as you open the door. And Warpgate … . I’m sure you did, did not you? ”

“Yes. I certainly gave it. Do not worry. ”

The man turned his attention to the woman this time.

“Seo. Honestly, I’m still not sure if I should leave this task to you. ”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I do not believe my skills? ”

“It’s not a problem. You have too much. Not like a bum. ”

“That effect is sure, too? Do not worry, leave it alone. I will reach the Warp Gate through the alumni first than the prefecture or the gang. ”

The woman, called Seo-yun, seemed to be confident and turned her head with her dagger. Kim ‘s impression was slightly frowned, but he looked down at the sensation of the prefecture and calmed down his expression.

“Keep in mind. This is war. I can not help but die a war man. If you jump in without me again like that … ”

Don’t be.

“…I know. And again, the south gate is left. I think I want to kill all of you without thinking of one thing, but I still have to give up a hole. Just like they did. ”

The prefecture stopped talking and turned. And I opened my mouth with a silent voice like a blade.

“. White paper. Right now they lead their troops to their destination. Be careful not to act first, because I’ll give you a clear signal. ”

As soon as it was over, Kim and Kim started to protrude from side to side like a lightning bolt. At the same time, thousands of things felt in the forest were also divided into left and right.

It was the beginning of the war for revenge.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Sorry for your readers. Soon I tried to raise the Lip and Lip … . I just lay down for a while. My head is still heavy and my body does not get strong. Our apologies. Today, I will have one more day, the rest of my life. Originally, I recovered as much as I can in a day. No matter what happens tomorrow, I will put up a three – Thank you for your understanding such as the sea of ​​readers. _ (__) _ ㅇ –

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