
Chapter 313

It was then. The glory of Victoria was a very short moment just before it hit the spot.

Suddenly, a fog in the form of a man jumped out and blocked the white paper between the kite. I was surprised by the moment.


If I remember correctly, this would be a unique ability to temporarily turn the user’s body into fog. It had a short duration, but it was pretty usable except for that. The movement speed increases dramatically, the physical force is neglected, and the horsepower is also highly resistant. It was a difficult skill to deal with by ordinary means except for the magic spell.

Before long, the fog began to emit a dim light, and the water flowed through me and tied my sword together.

‘And then he’ll be quite famous.’

I remember once or twice I heard a bumper who used fogging ability. After gently submitting my mourning, I pushed the sword down further.

Sick, sick!


The feeling of coming in through the palm was quite colorful. I cut the soft meat, touched the air, and felt the feeling of alternating texture. As I gazed, the fog, which had become white only until just before, was cut into halves and seemed to be gradually becoming reddish. The body of the White Paper Yan was slightly leaning to the left. And her right arm was not seen from the shoulder.

Spread! Tukhamyeon

Soon, the dead body, which was sliced ​​in half cleanly on the earth, slowly turned out to show off the fog. And beside it, there was a smooth arm holding a dagger still. The two of them were sitting on the floor side by side and breathed in the blood.

* The faces of the tramps were frozen without exception. It was literally a moment of despair. One of their leaders and commanders, Baek Seo-kyun, was trying to make a fateful attempt. It is used to block the front by using fogging which is a unique ability. But I was relieved for a while.

The boomer who used the fog was obviously able to demonstrate his abilities. It did not just stop at the barrier, but showed some kind of ability to interfere with the course of the sword. However, it was not enough to cut off the radiant black fog, and cut the right arm of the white paper.

It was the result of misjudgment. The fool who used foggy thought that Kim Su – hyun would be using a high – quality cut – off spell, and responded accordingly. If I had known about the power of the Sword Specialist, which is classified as a top secret class in the secret class, I would never have run away.

That is, the vagrant who was killed just before was carrying his own life.

But the boomers were full of things they did not know yet. It was not just about user information. They did not even know that Kim Soo-hyun was deliberately cutting his white arm.

Anyway, the action of the white paper Yan was quick. His arms were cut off, his weapons were all lost, and the fog was destroyed. I was filled with the idea that I should somehow distance her from Kim Soo – hyun.

After the right arm was cut off, the sense of balance became a bit strange, but not so much that it could not move. Because of the fog, White Sutra believed that he would have saved his life.


But Kim Seo-hyun can not see it. As soon as I felt a sense of wanting to fall back to the white paper, I lifted her right foot and cut her abdomen. I wanted to see her body floating in the air for a while, and then she started to roll around on the ground.

Kim Soo-hyun’s move did not stop.

Kim Soo-hyun reduced her distance from the white paper at a quick pace, and got on her. Even though he was in the middle of the boomers, he had no attitude at all. Soon, Kim Soo-hyun’s left arm would be tilted backward, and then he stood up over the face of the white paper.

Come on!


It was a white paper kite that did not scream in any situation until now, and it screamed feminine for the first time. Kim’s strength is 96 points. The force was incomparable to the simple punching. Perhaps it would have been a blow to the blow or a depression of the face if the durability stats of the white papers were not at the level to be observed.

And at the moment when the scream of the white pheasant was heard, the tramps wavered as if the frozen body had been thawed. In fact, it only lasted 5 or 6 seconds, but the situation changed too much.

Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!

wickedness Ahh! Stop it, ah! “Aieeee!”

A high scream that sounds once again. I rushed to the footsteps of Kim Soo-hyun with a bloated spirit. But he did not panic. Kim Soo-hyun looked around with a blink of an eye and struck the ground with his left hand, which was covered with blood. And, it jumped up to the state greatly.

Shu, Shu shu!

Kim Soo-hyun’s body turns in the air with a beautiful curve. At the same time, seven yellow rays struck him from all directions for him.

The archers’ shot was accurate. It is precisely predicted where Kim Soo-hyun will jump.

But that was all. No matter how accurately you predict, there is no use if you can not match. The ray of arrows holding the magic power pierces Kim Soo-hyun as it is, and it goes away far away in the direction that each person is flying. Soon the moment his new model fell into the air, the scream came out again somewhere.

Kim Soo – hyun ‘s feet stood trampling on one’ s chest as if he had used a hemi – transfer ring in the air. Under his feet, a priest was lying on the floor. I came out to see the white paper and see that it was cured, but Kim Seo-hyun blocked it in the first place.

The number of wizards and priests was only 10 out of 50 out of the tracks of the bummers who chased the users this time. Even that was lost to half because of the early surprise and the first. In fact, there was only one priest left, and it was taken by Kim Soo-hyun.

Kim Soo-hyeun, just like that, pressed his feet gently.


“What a wicked!”

The bums looked at Kim Soo-hyun with their faces as if they were ghosts. He was looking for the next prey, his son-in-law.

It was then.

All BACK Exit … ! ”

His voice, which seemed to have been exhausted, trembled at the air. Surprisingly, the person who caused the body was a white pheasant. There was no arm, and the face was bloody, but it happened again. She staggered her body once. It seemed like trying to balance things up somehow, but White Sutra knelt on his left knee without interruption.

At that moment, the back of Kim Su-hyun began to burst into a buzzing power.


And as soon as I heard the voice of the white paper like a crying, a lot of magic and arrows rose up in the air.

Soon, they started to flee somewhere beyond Kim Soo-hyun. The direction was in the direction of other users.

* ‘Right.’

I was able to understand the words of the white paper kite, watching the magic and arrows passing over my stomach. I wonder why 10 people are missing, and it seems that they were preparing time for concentration shooting in front of them. Perhaps you were going to handle the users behind and concentrate on me and use tactics.

Key Ieying!

I wanted to run to the moment, but I stopped walking. Because of the creepy sound of Tirving, where there are users, the magical power that can be machined is poured out. The surrounding shadows are flocking all the time. I was a bit worried, but I decided to believe the performance and users.

So now I have two choices. I looked at the side of the white paper kite and looked around at the bombers who had fired at it. It was surprising that the white paper stood up. Aside from his arms and abdomen, he would have been shocked to shake his brain.

I admired the spirit, but that was all. She has already lost her power. I lost my favorite weapon and lost one arm, so it was impossible to show the same defeat as before.

I thought of it so I could set my mind. Now, rather than disposing of the white papers and the bums around, it was first and foremost to destroy the intensive shooting camp.

I immediately ran into it.

My first goal was mages. My magic resistance is so monstrous that it is not, the ability of the powerful mages was never a shame. We had to process them as soon as possible and cut off the support of the subsequent firepower.

Whether I saw it coming out, the boomers started to look at me. The mages stepped back a few times and memorized the order, and the archers aimed at me.

Also, I was able to feel the proximity to my back from my back. I thought I was one person, and I built a perfect encirclement. This could be seen as a concentrated firearm in its own way.

Chush! Shushushu!

I struck an arrow coming in at the correct timing. The guys in front were all archers or wizards. This means that if you cut down the distance, it was all cooked. I was going to handle it as soon as I could, so I put the magic power in ‘Glory of Victoria’ and swung it forward.

The Quarkquaqua!

The wavy waves that had appeared in the square the other day hit bums. A few who were on the left and right ends or backward, hurriedly bite their bodies, but the bumpers in the middle did not. Instead, they jumped up and showed a move to escape the scope of the wave. And at that moment, I raised my sword up. Then, the wave changed direction and instantly rose up.

Puff! Fuck you!


“Ah, ah!”

In the midst of that, I was able to resist magic and resisted the flame for a while, but the person who jumped in a short time cut off some of the body without exception. After I lightly overtook them, I was able to enter the center of the intensive shooting range.

I swung straight at the nearest bum. The light glowed once in the face of the embarrassed at the incoming speed, and the face of the stranger, and soon the red gold was drawn to the center of the face.

Afterwards, I took two more bums who reached the range, and this time I flew towards the mages.

When I came in, I was scattered all over the place, so I was wondering where to go first, and I felt a flow of magical power on both sides. I looked at my son-in-law and was able to see two flames of fire coming toward me. After a while, toward the magic just before reaching me, I hit a sword from left to right as if I were flying a jab.

bang! bang!

There was a sound that someone was swallowing a hurriedly as they watched the magic that was shattering and disappearing. And it was the moment when the bumbers who ran from behind immediately caught up with me.

After sending each wave to the magicians who sent magic, I turned right away. At the head of the line was a bumper carrying a giant mace with spiky iron spikes.

The bum touched me hard at the moment when I was struck with blue-colored mace with both hands. I swiveled the mace with a sword at the same time as I turned to the left. Then the elbows of the bumper, which was going down, folded in the opposite direction, and I could see that he could break his head just as it was.

And I made my left foot as an axis, and I used the power of rotation as it was to kick it in the air.



I felt a dull thing in the instep. She wields the sword toward the direction that is not visible, but is felt by the senses. I felt a passing feeling of passing something soft.

After turning about half a further in that state, I could barely stop and breathe.


When I turned my head, I could see that the intensive shooting gun was completely destroyed.

I gazed forward for a moment. The white papers stood dead on the ground, and there were suddenly large bushes growing in the distance.

I had a headache for a while, but I decided not to mind. Potential, the battleship of the battlefield was telling me that the clan members were safe.

Of the total 41 people, 26 people rushed to me, including the white papers. Nearly thirty people rushed in, but the rest of the tramp was now in single digits. Seung-hee has completely crawled. And the most important thing is that the white paper loses its mind. If so, the remaining ones are just a tadpole.

I made a sudden turn of magic power and caught up with the bumpers and then quickly flew to the nearest place.

Now I had to leave a little.

* “And played. Is your body okay? ”

I pulled out a piece of tobacco in my arms and talked to the guitarist sitting on the rock. There was a slight blood smear on her lips. The performance slowly looked at me. As she picked up the beginning of the year, she answered with a fluttering head.

“I do appreciate it. I knew it was a concentrated shot, but it’s really scary. Is Suhyun all right? ”

I nodded my head. Then, after attaching the hip next to the performance, I asked the mouth of the tobacco.

Profit, profit.

“after. What’s the damage? ”

“Three. The clan members are safe. ”

“Three people. You advertised. ”

The battle with the chase is over. The death toll of the boomers was 39. 11 of them were wounded and fainted. The user is only 3 deaths. As a result, the battle between the vagrant and the user has returned to the victory of the user.

“The result is just that. Frankly, I almost got caught in a heavy shot once, but fortunately that guy was able to reduce the damage. ”

The person who pointed to the performance was Cho Seung-woo. He was raising his fist in the battlefield. Perhaps the lush bush I saw was a magic that Seung-woo Cho had created for defense.

“But then Suhyun.”


“Why did you keep 11 of the bummers alive?”

“It’s worth living. We do not have enough information right now. ”


The performance was generally sympathetic, but I was able to get a glimpse of the feeble anxiety. It seemed to be able to know the identity of the worry for some reason.

“So if you throw away the body … . What are you going to do with stunned boomers? ”

“I asked them to put them in one place. And I’ll take off my clothes. ”

Four Oh, the equipment? ”

“There is something … ”


Of course I was going to bring all the equipment. What was damaged during the battle was unavoidable, but what was left was quite something to look forward to.

Anyway, information or equipment was a secondary problem. Especially for information, there was something to be done first.

I roughly rubbed the tobacco and raised my body from the rocks. And slowly opened his mouth with stretching.

“Once, I’m going to ruin their horsepower circuit.”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Readers. Our apologies. I am going to relax today and late afternoon. I drank too much alcohol today, and I have no spirit at all.My head hurts like it splits. ㅜ. ㅠ) Hahaha. It was a big day if I did not write a little in the morning. I will put the ripples together next time. We seek deep understanding of readers. @[email protected]

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