
Chapter 320

“Also, the city! Really entered the city! ”

How alive? We’re alive! I lived … . I do not … . It’s not … ”

As soon as they entered Eden, users cheered for the city to leave. There were people who sat down and burst into tears, but it was tears that showed the joy of returning, not sad tears.

It took three or four weeks for the first three or four days. I never expected that this would happen, and I also had to see a new city that I had seen for a long time. I had to deal with it as soon as I came.

“He said. What happened to that? ”

Four That? ”

At first, he played his eyes round, but when I stared at him, he smiled deeply.

Ah… Equipment? Of course I kept it well ~. ”

“It looks like some users are hanging around.”

“Yeah. There are too many devices, so I packed it as full as I could but there was no free space. So I got all the things I wanted to do with my eyeballs, and the rest of the damage was done, but I wanted to go with something useful. ”

At the end of the performance, I took a look at the users who were celebrating each other with the third eye. Her eyebrows are good, but I do not know.

After quickly checking the equipment information, I was able to take a sigh of relief. Fortunately, I did not see any good equipment that was outstanding.

I thought about the rewards I promised the users. It was a lot of equipment that was damaged so much as she said, but it seemed like it would be useful if it could be repaired.

‘I can get it now, but it looks like … . I’ll just give you what you’re wearing … ? ‘

When I thought so, Koh played carefully to me.

Soo-hyun If you are worried about the compensation issue, I have an idea … ”

Yes Oh, yes. Tell me. ”

“Why do not you tell them to take what they are wearing now? So people would not appreciate it very much … ? ”

I was able to see that I had a similar idea as I was slightly raising my eyebrows along with the ending.

Obviously, capturing bums, especially Whiteheads, was a sweeping sweep of the North Continent. I am at the center of this case, so the name of Mercenary will also be known. And the users who rescued such rumors would also help.

In a nutshell, it was the sound of high performance, which means to give a good reward to the equipment that is not available immediately.

I know the ripple effect of the rumor that comes in my mouth, so I nodded my head again.

“Yes. Then you said that you came out with gold jewelry, too? ”

“Yeah. Not so much. Gold coins are less than 500 gold, and there are about 20 pieces of jewelry? ”

“Leave the jewel and give me the gold coins. Do not be ridiculous. ”

“Ho Ho. Okay.”

I played with a beautiful smile and answered.

Soon I turned around and ran to the audience, and I went to the place where the clan members were gathered. It was precisely the purpose of Shin Young-ryong with the clan members. Of course, I did not forget to look at his information once again on the way.

Player Status 1. Name: Shin Young-ryong (4th grade) 2. Class: Normal Priest (Expert) 3. Nation: Barbara 4. Clan ): – 5. Jinmyeong · Nationality: indomitable effort, indefinable will · Korea 6. Sex: Male (42) 7. Height / Weight: 176.2cm · 73.8kg 8. Propensity: Good · Passion · Passion) [Strength 78] [Durability 82] [Dexterity 74] [Physical strength 90] [Power 84] [Good luck 68] ‘Clan seems to be dismantled … . That’s fine. ”

It was not enough information for the user to see the snow flicker, but this was enough. Above all, I liked the propensity. Moreover, as there is now a lack of priests in the Mercenary Clan, I thought it would be better to recruit this opportunity.

“Shin Jae-ryong.”

“Oh, Masonic Ride.”

As he walked through the clan members clutching around, Shin Jae-ryong replied, showing a soft smile typical of middle age.

“It would have been a lot harder … . I am really grateful that you participated in the rescue team. ”

Haha Thank you very much. I just acted on my beliefs. And I owe some. ”

“Sure you are.” Anyway, I just feel a little bit like this. Do you have any next schedule … ? ”

“Oh, there is nothing caught.”

As if he could not find a suitable spot yet, Shin Jae-ryong answered with a calm glance. Then, because there was no distance, I opened my mouth with much selfishness.

“Then I would like to invite you to Mercenary’s Clan House. I have to say very carefully. ”


Shin was also a user on Hall Plan for four years. He seemed to notice the meaning in my words at once, and he made his expression look a little hollow, but he replied with an awkward voice.

Ah… Yes. Okay. So when do I see you? ”

“Haha, you do not have to pay too much. It’s okay if you stay here for a day, as I have already said. ”

Shin Jae-ryong will need time to think, and I did not even have to force him to join in. Then he calmed down his embarrassed mind, and he had a more relaxed and familiar face.

Soo-hyun I’m done talking. ”

At that time, the back voice of the performance was heard. As soon as I turned around, she looked at me with her confident face as if the story had been good.

“He suffered. What did he say? ”

“Everyone is satisfied. No, not really. I thought I was going to get down on the gold coins. ”

“You have an exaggeration.”

“It really is … ”

The temple. In a situation where I have lost almost everything due to raids, the reward I give will feel like a drought.

I turned around and looked at the users. However, he looked back at Cho Seung-woo, who was bowing his back deeply.

This solved the equipment problem, and the recruitment of Shin Jae-ryong was also completed. The only thing left is the return to the clan house.

However, there was a man who was last to say hello before.

“Suh Hyun-ah.”

‘The tiger came to me as well.’

I laughed and turned around, and I could see my brother standing tall. My brother approached me and tried to put his hand on his head, and suddenly he turned and put his hand on his shoulder.

Really? What are you going to do now? ”

“To return to the clan house. I’ve left it empty for too long. ”

“Well. So I thought well. Having the status of “Clan Road”, I have a lot of things to worry about. ”

“Oh, Huh? That’s right. ”

I stared at him with a fresh heart. I immediately thought I would take him to the Hamilton Clan House and protect him, but it was an unexpected response. I felt sorry for somehow.

I do not know if I know my heart. My brother laughed and took his hand off my shoulder and looked at me and opened my mouth.

“I’d like to put it on my side … . Suhyun is in a position similar to me, so I can not help it. Thank you very much. ”

“Ho Ho. I always get help from Klan Rod. Rather, we worry that we will do our best. Hamil Rod. ”

Haha Hamil Rodney, you’re talking too hard. Anyway, it was a pleasure to meet you. I think there will be things to see often in the future. ”

“I was honored to meet you. Thank you in advance. ”

‘What, what?’

I have a brother and sister who exchanges words with each other. Soon, when I saw a couple of hands grabbing lightly and I was stunned, my brother, who had finished shaking hands, snatched me.

“Suh Hyun-ah. Can we talk for a moment? ”

What is it? Yes, I can,

I wondered if I was going to talk about something, my brother.

“I think I have a lot of thought in the process of organizing the rescue team and returning to the city.”

“What do you think?”

“I think you are an adult now.”

“That’s right … ”

“Huh. But from my point of view … . What do you think it should be? It looks like I was wearing a middle school uniform and boasted in front of me. . There are some people who grow up to be following you and who want you. ”

‘brother. That’s when I’m on Earth, and this is Hall Plane. ”

It was the feeling that there was a slight confusion in the mind that there was something to be out of focus. However, it was something serious and worthless, so I tried to tackle it and listened to it.

However, the following sentence of my brother struck my mind more strongly.

“Oh. I think that is the woman named Jeonghae Yeon. You’re the woman who saved your life? ”

“uh. By the way?”

“I’ve talked a few times about it. That was fine. If you are Jung Hae-yeon, you are in favor. ”


‘What do you agree with?’

I flicked inward and opened my eyes wide, and my brother knocked on my shoulders like a man who knows everything.

“I thought I was a strong man, and I was a woman who was deeply in love with you. Anyway, you are all grown up, so you can not say it, but you like it. ”

“…….””Especially against Lee Hyo-eul, I was very impressed with the speech. Yes, it should be that. ”

When I look back on Jeong-yeon-yeon, I can understand his words.

Jung Hae-yeon seemed to have a very good feeling of something, he was smiling and smiling. And around her, I was able to see her playing with her lips chewing on her lips, and Ansol holding her fingertips.

“…I’ll go. ”

What is it? “Oh, yes.” But with lunch … ”

“No thanks.”

After I cut it off, I sighed deeply.

I am the same brother, thinking that I can not understand whether I have not noticed yet.

After a brief breakup with the users who were on the way back, we immediately used Warpgate. The users were attracted to the crowd as they attracted all the bummen, but they were able to reach the clan house within 30 minutes after focusing on the fast return.

“Ayu, finally arrived.”

“Black. I missed you so much Oh … ”

When I heard the sound of the performance and Ansol in front of the main gate, I suddenly thought about the bum. They did not get a word out of their mouths after they were reunited with the rescue team. But even if I did not listen to them, I could guess their feelings.

The white paper star, the Iga person, and the understanding person were revealing the inside with a dead face, and the other four people looked around the city with a strange look and an unfamiliar gaze.

I gazed at the bumbers quietly and opened my mouth with a slight gag.

Get started

“” “” ───. ───. ───. Paralysis. “” “”

At the same time, the sound of the magic spells that sound. Paralysis is not usually so high-level magic, but you can see a big difference in effectiveness depending on your abilities.

In addition, current bumpers are as common as 70%of the horsepower circuit is broken. So, the bumbers who were hit by the paralysis spoiled the body without interruption.

Then I looked up at the clan members who were upset by one or two people, and I opened my mouth to catch the body of the white piano player who played the high performance.

“He said. Sorry, but I have to go to the store for a while. I need an inhibitor. ”

all right But if it’s an inhibitor … ”

“Good quality, please buy three sets once. 20 pieces of gemstones for the store would be enough. ”

All right. But I think it will be a little heavy to come alone … ”

As Koh played in a languid voice, I spoke to Ahn Hyun.

“Ahn Hyun. Follow me. ”

“Thank you brother!”

I do not know what he was thankful for, but Ahn Hyun cheered me, throwing a bum on his hand. He was trying to grab a bum when he threw it out with his empty hand. Shin Jae-ryong replied on his behalf.

Koh played for a while and looked at Ahn Hyun with eyes that he did not like, and he turned his lips out.

After confirming the two disappearing over the hustle and bustle, I approached the front door of the clan house. Behind the door, I felt two people. Jung Hoon-yeon said that he sent a message to Han Hye-kyun, so maybe he’s waiting.

I slowly opened the front door. And it was a moment when I stepped inside.


At that moment, with a strange sound, something sharp and shining with silver struck me.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Mmm. There is one thing that I would like to ask your readers. So far, Sylvester has a cover that you have drawn on Seraph and Goguryeo. Do you have a character cover that you would like to see except for the above two? (I have not been confirmed yet.)If you have any comments, please post them on the next cover page. I would like to ask you a lot of advice. _ (__) _ 1. Usain Bolt: First celebration. Haha You got a sense of your first nose. Please let me know. One of my wishes is to do it once during the midnight update. : D 2. Split into three: Haha. Chaos Mimic is going to take it. If you carry it during the war, you will see a good effect.

3. Devran: Thank you. Credit is a bit scary, but I will try hard as I can.

4. Kurosion: ☆.

5. Rainbow: Corrected. Thank you. _ (__) _ 6. Monggu Hunter: The order of invasion leads to the western small city-general city-Barbara. This is the situation right before the general city launch.

7. Pinoy: Yes. Mabolo was a great set of mental manipulation was immature. But if Vivien can control his mind, he would be out of line. I do not know if it’s a soul commander. 🙂 8. Dahit: I have now received a partial copy of the first revision. I am thinking about going to 19 years old now. Haha

9. Shelter: Yes. I plan to do it sooner or later, and I think I will do so before the full-scale launch. 🙂 10. Nickname Duplication: Sure. Vivian is not a good boy. Considering the first things you did … . And so is the inclination. 🙂 Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are a great strength.
I want you to always read with ease.
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