
Chapter 323

ZOINKS! Why are you screaming suddenly! ”

You… You… Real are you crazy?”

“What? Don’t You… are you crazy? This is where you get a peek at … ”

As Park Dae – yun burst into tears, Hye – rim suddenly closed his ears and frowned. Then, in the ensuing rant, he raised his eyebrows with his twin eyes, but within a short time he saw the face of Park Dae-yeon, and he was blurred.

At present, the face of Park Dae-yeon has a complex and subtle light. Yeonhim was blinking three or four times about the situation, but now she was stuttering.

Nothing… I really did not say much. I just used to be close friends at the academy … ”

“…Exactly what I said. Exactly, exactly. ”

“Just when we get back to the city, we bring bummers to our clan … . It’s held soon, so let’s go there … ”

In the answer of Yeon Him, Park sighed a heavy sigh. However, it seemed that there was no time for this, and soon he looked up and started to jump up the stairs quickly. Hye-rim, who was left alone, looked up at Park Dae-yon with a blunt face and slowly climbed back.

The place where Park Dae-kun ran was Han So-young’s office. She opened the door without knocking, and as soon as she got in, she began to torture the harem of the hyeolim.

Han Soo-young showed an uncomfortable smile at first, feeling disgusted at entering without knocking. However, as the tattering progressed, the expression changed little by little and, in the past, it revealed the feeling of ’embarrassment’ to the face. It was a very rare feeling since I got the title of ‘The Queen of Iron-blood’.

After listening to the fallow. Han Soo Young set a record with her slender sigh. Then he opened his mouth quietly, watching the stream coming out of the door.

“Yeon Hee Lim. Is this really true now? ”

“…No that’s it. ”

“It’s true?”

“…Yes, I can,

Han Sang Young grabbed his forehead with both hands. So I pressed my forehead for a while, and then I was speaking with a voice that was tired of fatigue.

“You really … . How are you so stupid … . There is a lot of work to do … . Yes. it is.

Me It did not mean anything bad … ”

Then Yeon-rim felt that the situation was not good enough, and he scratched the records on Han’s desk and muttered into the voice of crawling.

Strictly speaking, the meaning of the actions of Yonghim is not wrong. The original rule itself. The trial of the bums is led by the representative clan, and even now, it seems good to have the mansion clan join the clan.

But words are different and different. In short, it was a matter of method. It is said that there is a minimum procedure to keep each other.

The most important thing here is that Mercenary Clan is not a subordinate clan of Isantelero and that it is a free mercenary clan. No, the subordinate Clan does not treat it like this. Although there are rules and circumstances, it is the privilege of the Mercenary Clan, which nobody can invade, to determine the primary rights to the boomers and the participation of the summons.

To summarize, Yeon HyeRim ‘s actions have ignored the necessary procedures for believing in the good friendship that we had in the academy. In the case of Mercenary, it was a very disgusting act and a great example.

“How would I do that?”

Park opened his mouth with a weak voice. Then, Yi Him, who had been noticing until then, carefully answered.

“I see what I did wrong. So can not we just say sorry? It does not look like that narrow person. ”

“And again. And then to try something … . I only used half of my head back to battle anyway … . Anyway I apologize for that, but just apologize for it. ”

It was a natural word, but Park Dae – yun shook his head with a sarcastic tone. I was so nervous that I could leave it as it was because I had a lot of activities and conversation.

So a little silence passed. Han So – young touched his forehead with a bit of hair that was bruised. And I opened my mouth quietly as I watched the two who stood before me.

* I was not surprised to find that there were first-time users. I think that there were users who showed deep interest in the mallionnie all the way back, so I thought that Cho Seung-woo and Koo Ji-jee might come in.

However, the employee told him that the client had arrived. Now, in the context of the invasion of the continent, the commission was frankly unexpected. But I was so excited about it that I quickly ran a meeting and asked my employee for guidance.

Soon as I walked into the reception room with the guidance of my employee, I could see a female user dressed in a nice robes. And as soon as the woman lifted her head and saw me, I paused for a moment.


“Ah yes. Good morning.”

She was a user I knew. Of course, not in the second car, but in the first car.

“Are you loading the mansion?”

“Yes. I am Kimon Sung Hyun Kim. ”

A-ha Are you younger than you think? Anyway, nice to meet you. I am the Lord of the Starlight Clan, Seung Hee. ”

With a smile that seemed lively, Hyun Seung-hee suddenly reached out to me. I had a chance to face her hands, but I still could not figure out why she came to me. I do not remember much, but at least the starlight clan was not currently a clan to be active in the South.

In the meantime, a lot of questions were raised. Anyway, listen to the story because it is a job I asked Hyun Seung-hee seated seat.

“I hear you have a request.”

“You’re right. Oh, is that my first client? ”

“It is not.”

“Oh, sorry.”

Seung-hee looks at me with a sad face, and twisted my legs in a relaxed manner. Then he clapped his pods with both hands and smiled and laughed on his thighs.

“Do you know about me?”

“Yes. To some extent … . I know it is the only user who tamed the Unicorn. ”

“Yeah. But it is not the only one now. I just got one more user who tamed unicorns a while ago. ”

I was clear to the person Hyun Seung-hee said. It has been a long time since I brought the baby unicorn, so rumors spread throughout the country. Anyway, somehow I thought it was related to baby unicorn. As I nodded to keep talking, Hyun Seung-hee slowly began to talk with an alluring smile.

The Starlit Clan was originally a subordinate clan in the western general city of Halo, and was one of the many clan members who attended the Steel Mountain Expedition. However, I suffered huge damage due to the failure of the expedition, and with the aid of Unicorn, Hyun Seunghee was able to barely escape with his life. Since then, the continental invasion has begun while trying to regain somehow, and Beth and Dorothy have been forced to leave Halo after being vigorously assassinated.

“So you withdrew from SSUN’s subordinate clan?”

“Right. I honestly did not like anything after the expedition. For the last time, the user development plan would bring a lot of new users up and make you skeptical. Beth and Dorothy sent a request for salvation, but they would cut off Warpgate. And now you’re coming directly to Halo? There ‘s no better thing to call in the meeting every day, it’ s better. So I left everything on the base and got away to Monica. I was really dying to stay there. ”

The complaints that have been accumulated so far are enormous, and Hyun Seung-hee complained very quickly.

“Anyway you can scare me cowardice, but look good. There are many such users right now. What would you do? ”

“I do not think it’s cowardice.”

I answered clearly and looked at Hyun Seung-hee. I wanted to ask about the situation in the western city or something like this, but it seemed that I did not want to talk about my appetite again.

“Anyway, now I’ll tell you the details of your request. Actually, it’s called commission, but there is no place to ask except Mercenary Clan. ”

“Maybe it’s about a baby unicorn.”

“I like people who are quick to notice. Mazayo I told you I was able to survive thanks to the unicorn in the Iron Mountain Expedition? At that time, the Unicorn helped me until the last time I was wounded. Fortunately, both of us were alive and we were able to cure the unicorn’s wounds. But since then, he has not been able to do it. ”

Hyun Seung-hee really thinks that he loves the unicorn, and the darkness shadows his face for the first time in the face where the smile has spread.

“I do not know if you know that unicorn is an emotionally sensitive animal. I do not know whether the clan members who saved me were dying or simply can not forget the scene. Anyway, I could cure the wounds of the body, but I can hardly see the wound of my heart. So, I want to meet with a unicorn that is in Mercenary. ”

“You’re trying to find a way to get a baby unicorn to meet you.”

“Yeah. The unicorn is very strong, is not it? I think that if we meet each other, something new can happen. ”

It was certainly true. Whether I considered my response to such a consent or not, Hyun Seung-hee suddenly changed his attitude. Not too bad, but she was wearing clothes that exposed her flesh slightly. He is facing both hands and bends his upper body a little, revealing his chest bone, and opening his mouth with earnest expression.

Now I would like to ask you to be a user who tamed unicorns with each other. Can you help me save this one poor girl and help me once this time? ”

It was in the state of asking for the request of the future. Certainly, Hyun Seung-hee had pretty face and good body. The technology that attracted men was also good quality. But for me, I already had a concert performance that was just like the last chief. I was able to answer with a very relaxed mind.

“I know his mind well. Moreover, you came here to ask me, but I do not want to turn down. If only compensation is certain, I will accept the request with pleasure. ”

At that moment, I could see the face of Hyun Seung-hee changing into a squeaky face. I laughed inside.

* Today, the clan house was very busy. A few days ago, I was able to express my clan members’ behavior as quick as I read my mind to move quickly at the meeting. And the things I ordered were going on one by one.

In the clan house I am seeing now, the residents’ entry and exit have become frequent. Jung Hae-yeon pulled out a quote in one day, and asked residents who built the clan house that day to go to work. Soon I brought the design and construction cost to me and I gave it to me. As a result, I was able to enter the construction work yesterday. Jeong Hyeon-yeon could be said to be a neat job process.

I stared at the inhabitants of the lobby and underground, and looked up at the rooftop. It was because he had temporarily moved the roof to the roof because he could not keep the bumbers in the middle of construction.

I watched the bums and I was looking down at the concert. After shaking her hands, she shook hands with her hands, and this time she went inside the clan house and moved to the third floor.

As we entered the third storeroom, we were able to see equipment placed on the corridor, and a Guze apparel order, one by one. Ahn Hyun and others, Sung Sang Yong, and Hyeon Hyeon were cleaning up their equipment without knowing that I was coming.

For a while I watched the sight with heartfelt heart, and I turned to the office. Nowadays, Vivian does not seem to see him well, so I thought about going to the studio.

Soon I arrived at the office on the fourth floor and sat quietly on the desk chair. Everything was going well. Maybe sooner or later we will be able to complete all the work, now it was time to think about the next move.

It was the moment I took out the record and the quill pen, in order to briefly summarize the future that will happen.

Toc Toc

“brother! Are you inside? brother!”

As I knocked on the door, he heard a voice calling me angrily.

“come in.”

When I told him to come in, the door opened wide, and I could see the reason that he was having an urgent face. She quickly laughed and walked up to me and immediately opened her mouth.

“brother. It’s a big deal. ”

Ian has been having fun with my practitioners these days. At first, I simply put it as a performer to look closer, but I thought it was more efficient than I thought. However, there was only one disadvantage that there was jade tea. That is, it was a big day for nothing.

What is it? What’s going on?

I put my record on the desk, and I turned around the quill pen effortlessly. Then, he dragged his throat once, and opened his mouth with a harsh voice.

“I came from the Islantilla Clan. It’s also a Clan Road directly. ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== It’s August 26th. It is finally opening. Many of you were worried because you filled your credits. I am heartily excited.Four days a week, lectures are held until late in the afternoon.) You’ll have to face it yourself, but I’ll try my best. Thank you. _ (__) _ “Relief” 1. Cheetos: First celebration. Ah. Are you talking about an attack, even if you are a healer? 🙂 2. Red Wilderness: It’s been pointed out that the deployment is slow. If you are looking for a quick deployment or want to see what you want to see quickly, it’s probably hard to go one step at a time. So it seems that you are telling me why you wrote it because it is unnecessary. Of course there are people who are against him. 🙂 3. retire: I’ve spoken once in a while, but it will take some time to incubate eggs. 🙂 4. Yangbang-chan’s Yangyang Unity: Please help. My brother saw me today. You seem to be dead. LOL

5. Pineiro: There are people who want to see the treatment of equipment or white papers. However, it is already completed when the scene comes out. It is a little difficult to omit all of the contents before that, because there are some parts that are linked with the content that is being conceived later. Please wait a little more and I would appreciate it.

6. Little Hero: I envy you. When I eat it, it is a style that is excreted when I eat it. ㅜ. ㅠ 7. Blami: Maybe it’s because there is a part omitted in the middle. I should have used it to make it understandable … . Our apologies. 8. Latty Doll: Haha. Shin Jae-ryong has not joined yet, and is staying at the Mansion-ni Clan House in favor of Kim Soo-hyun. 🙂 9. Sunset s: Thank you. Park is a personally affectionate character, and it gives me a feeling of gratitude because he likes me. ㅠ. ㅠ 10. Potatoes 띱: There are those who have already been recruited at the end of this part of the war. Maybe men will come in. 🙂 Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are a great strength.
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