
Chapter 325

Just like milk, the whitish and white skin was brilliantly shining with the glorious light from the moon.

A woman in a sister stare at me with eyes holding a blue moonlight. I also looked at her straight. Before long, the beautiful eyelids of women moved up and down three or four times.

After swallowing the silence that I looked at each other, I sat down in front of the woman.

As expected, the identity of the woman was Lee Hyo. She was embarrassed as far as she could not seem to look cool. As soon as I’m looking at my face, a momentary aura scans my back. The expression does not seem to be connotative, but the eyes are frozen cold as ice.

‘It’s fun. But it’s been a while since I’ve eaten. ”

If you are a guardian of the North Continent, you will probably be a person who has suffered a bitter war.

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): Lee Hyo (8 years) 2. Class (Class) ① in the North of the continent protector (Guardian of the Northern Continent): enabling ② General Wizard (Normal, Mage, Master): disabled 3. Dept. of State (Nation): Barbara 4. Affiliation (Clan): Hamill (Clan Rank: B Plus) 5. Jin gang · Nationality: India a light · Korea 6. Gender (Sex): female (27) 7. Kidney · Weight: 168.7 c m · 49.3kg 8. Inclination: neutral · Middle ground (True · Neutral) [muscular 35 (-12)] [duration 50 (-13)] [agile 58 (-11)] [health 28 (-11)] [HP-92 (-7) (+3)] [lucky 99] (remaining ability points are 0 points.)

‘You have recovered a little.’

I recalled Lee Hyo – ri ‘s user information, and calmly calmly so as not to worry.

“Do not be ridiculous. What the hell … ”

Lee Hyo – eul stuttered, still without perplexing light. I slowly pulled a tobacco out of my arms and bit my mouth. It fires a fossil of dots and sucks in a sip. And I opened the mouth with a calm tone.

Really? I heard you wanted to talk … . What are the angels’ boots to me? ”

The smoke from his mouth spread like a dancing figure in a deformed form. And when the smoke completely melted into the air, Lee Hyo-ri, who was covered in hazy gas, showed up again. The feeling of embarrassment, which had stained the face of the woman until just before, was disappearing like snow.

Soon, Lee Hyo-eul smiled softly. The eyes were curved with a soft curve, and the pinkish lips painted a thin line.

“What does that mean … ? ”

Lee Hyo-eun muttered in a high-tone voice. With a much more orderly voice than before, he does not stutter. I was guessing why she came to me. I wanted to design a tired piece that pushes and pulls like that. So I deliberately drove a stone fastball from the beginning.

“Surprised, you do not have to pretend. Beats. ”

“Ho Ho. Who said it was not your brother Yoo Hyun Kim? And do not you call it that way from the beginning to the end? I hear you feel bad. ”

In Lee ‘s sensible answer, I laughed. She swiped her hair back with both hands and rubbed the back of her head so that she could hear it.

“Why is it so complicated? . Whew. Anyway, first of all thank you for saving my life. Thank you Of course, I do not like what I call “Hangul” and “Taulgari,” but I’ll just skip it because it’s a silver coin. ”

“You’re the first person to do the first thing, and the fact is that you have to bite.”

Strictly speaking, all users, including Lee Hyo – There is only a difference in degree. But I did not take this fact out of my mouth. I wanted to talk about this part. I know a little bit about the Protector of the North Continent, but I do not know the extent of her access.

“…I tell you so. ”

“Anyway, I want to get rid of the useless horses, and I want to get into the matter now.”

Lee Hyo – eul paused for a moment, but he nodded that he would agree with the words to enter the mainstream.

“Then I’ll ask you again. Why did you want to see me? ”

“It’s simple. I was wondering. I heard a lot of words these days, but I was curious about who it was. No, I thought it was strange since I first saw Mule’s publicity record? So I tried to figure out how to call it … ”

“…….””Do not look so bad. You seem to know a little about me, honestly, can not you just wonder in my shoes? I do not find the ruins every month. The clan won the battle with secrets and rare. I know that I am the guardian of the North Continent. Does not it seem like a zero-year user? Even if I ask the angels, Tanay says, “I can not know because I have no access to the streets,” but rather to be friendly and to help me as much as possible. If this is the situation, do not you think? ”

I did not think it was just here. It is obvious that I had to investigate myself in advance with my own grudge. Of course, it does not seem to be very good. I shrugged all over the tobacco burning.

“Angels do not tell you, do you think I’ll let you know?”

“I have thought of many ways. Once I knew about you with my own abilities and showed me that I was the guardian of the North Continent, I wanted to pretend to see something. And I tried to cheer you up … . You knew that your inherent ability was being caught by your unknown powers and being a defender? So, what is your identity about your ability? How did you stop the guardian’s ability? ”

As much as I was honest, I was curious about many girls. Of course, the curiosity that Lee Hyo-ha had for me was a natural thing for the user, but it was her situation. When I answered with a sigh, I could see that Lee Hyo – eul ‘s face changed.

“Huh. Then just let me know. How the hell did I know I was the guardian of the North Continent? This is a very important matter and I want you to answer it. ”


“please. If you answer, I’ll give you one answer. ”

This was a bit of an appeal. I was still thinking and nodding.

“I just knew. And have not you already been to your angel? If there was a problem, the angels would have taken action. Looks like I passed by without a problem, but it did. ”

“…Gabriel is pleased. Keep your secrets. And I’m waiting. So what does this mean? ”

“Now it’s my turn to ask.”

“It’s really crazy.”

Lee Hyo-eul shook his face for the first time and began to chew his lips. Without hesitation I slowly asked the question.

“What do you have to do with my brother?”

Lee Hyo-chul, who had lost his face for a long time, stared at me in a moment and said “Kick.” I laughed. I know why she laughs. But this is the most important issue for me right now. Though I kept it alive, I was able to decide what to do next depending on how Lee thinks about Lee. Whether it is alive, chance to kill, or cooperation.

“Fu. I do not think anyone is a brother. Anyway, to answer that question … . I am the guardian seven years this year. And the user who most recently chose to lead is four. Of course I did it recently, but two years ago. ”

“……?””It’s rare for a guardian to stay in one place for two years. A really long one year? Of course, Kim Yu-hyun is well worth it, so the angels do not seem to say a word … . Now it’s over. Anyway, my personal will is the biggest thing left. I am a woman in heaven. ”


‘Now that’s over.’It took me a while to say, but I answered coldly.

“Well, frankly, if you can quit now, I’d rather stop right now. It’s a problem because I can not. There is no heir … . Huh, hell. ”

Lee Hyo-uk waved his arms and shook his head and shook his head. Then, it suddenly started to send strange eyes.

“There you are. Maybe it will be between our brother and sister, but can we just add one more question? Of course you can. ”

“I can not accept the words before, but I will do the same.”

Agreed. I do not like to talk more, just answer yes or no. Are you the new guardian? ”


Immediately, Lee Hyo – eul screamed with a very disappointing face. Anyway, I expected something from it.

“My turn again. I heard you were going to hold a big party in the near future. ”

What is it? Huh. But it is not that big. I’ll only call the kids who know me. ”

“I think so. Then let me ask. How far is your story going? And what is the purpose? ”

“?”In my question, Lee Hyo-ui looked up at me. It seemed like I needed to zoom out a bit like it seemed to catch the range too broadly.

“Not long ago, the star clan came into Monica. It was originally a clan who was active in Halo, and he said he was scouted by Istanelow. ”

A-ha Why? This is Mr. Soong’s mistake … . No, it is not. Would not it matter if it would blow up work soon? ”

Lee Hyo – ug had a rabbit ‘s eyes when he caught a sensation, but he quickly laughed and screamed. No, it was not a sound. ‘Mistake’ and ‘I’m going to burst do not have much to do.’. Perhaps she seemed to answer me by twisting me, noticing that I had asked two questions at a time. I was told that both of them would answer, but I thought it was an incompetent user.

“And the purpose … . I think this will be a little longer … . Oh, there are angels and even Master, it is bleeding service. Do you ever wish … . Adventure. Do you know that your godmother was killed? ”


“sieve. Hard to answer. Anyway, I thought that there are a lot of things to be said about the death of the godmother personally. So I took action to solve it, and as you know, I was wandering around. I survived because of you, but when I woke up, things were bursting. So at the moment you were troubled, you woven and brought the bums together. The purpose of the order is the bums you brought. Ah. Do not misunderstand when I say that. I do not mean to take away your authority, but because it is an absolute request. ”

‘Are you trying to solve the problem?’

He explains that he exploited the ruins. However, the meaning of Lee Hyo was different. If so, we can divide it into two cases. She is lying or there is something she can not tell.

I tried not to reveal such thoughts and I opened my mouth.

“Then you say that murdering the godmother is a bum?”

“It’s good to be smart. Huh. Something strikes me. If you combine it with the situation now, you smell pretty much. To be honest, I was in desperate need of a bum, and I was able to catch up to the white paper. He is a senior-level kid, and I think he knows a lot about it. Maybe if I were right, she might have been involved in the massacre. ”

For a long time, his mouth was sore, Lee Hyo-eul touched his lips for a while, and then he gestured with both hands.

“Oh. I was just drinking gumguk. Will you join the second command? Of course there is Kim Yoo Hyun among the participants. Yes. it is.

I do not know what that is, but I gazed at Lee Hyo-ri. Her thoughts are similar to my thoughts. No, it must be said that it is similar to memory. Anyway, I can not believe it completely yet, but I was able to make a certain conviction in today’s conversation. It was a good idea to treat her right away.

So, for a while, I put my thoughts together and made a decision of heart by smile of conversion inside.

I’ll keep it alive.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Today is five minutes late. Our apologies. Suddenly, the rhythm of life is disturbed, and it is not able to be able to do it. Haha Oh, and soon I will change the picture of the performance that is hanging on the notice. I asked the person who created it to revise the picture with a little more chest area. 🙂 And… . Those who have sharp eyes may have felt something in this meeting. Even if you have noticed, I would be very grateful if you could take a few words for others. _ (__) _ “Relief” 1. Anma processing: First celebration. Is he right? Hahaha. 🙂 If it fits, it was fun to meet you!

2. TrueEyes: Yes! I’ll give you a lilipple here. It’s a dick! _ (__) _ 3. Month of the Beast Month: Think about the curse of the Hwajeong and Banshee. Ability is not all the same ability. 🙂 4. The dream of the dream: Mm. They are different from each other, but they are not comparable.

5. Sun Moon and Stars: Yes. Lee Hyo-eul has so much influence over the South and the East. I am going to show up later in the future.

6. podytop: Lee Hyo-eul was not in the memory of Kim Soo-hyun. Originally, it was not until the first episode that he died because he could not solve the curse of silver banshi and Kim Soo-hyun entered his brother’s clan. If you are curious about the Protector of the Continent, I encourage you to read the dialogue between Simon and the Head of the Boomer. 🙂 7. Yuri Kenne: Hyori’s name is pretty? Haha Suhyun’s strings would be a good match for strings. 🙂 8. Lepil: I assure you that the third eye is a fraud ability. Haha

9. JF: In the case of Suhyun, I am the owner of the sword now. So I get the love of all the swords. Haha

10. Sunset s: I was surprised to see him until the middle of the night. -_- a And at the end, I was surprised to see that I was holding my neck again. Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are a great strength.
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