
Chapter 341

‘The scale will grow … . ‘

As a matter of fact, I knew this to some extent, but it was a pretty serious affair to justify it.

Hyujae Suh Hyun Ah. To be honest, I had a lot of worries about whether or not I would take this word out to you. I can see it as rationalization in some ways, or it may sound like an excuse in some way … . You may not know it, but my situation is now. ”

His brother was turning his head sadly, unlike his personality. However, I was wondering why I was taking this word at the moment, and I was gravely aware of it. I felt like I was coming up with a bit of physics.

“But I still think it would be better to say it in advance. Even if you are disappointed with me and the people you’ve met before … ”

“I’m not disappointed.”

I cut off my brother ‘s horse with a low tone. Then, my answer was unexpected and it seems that your brother ‘s eyes turn round.

After barely swallowing the nausea from inside, I could barely open my mouth once more.

“How is the world called Hall Plane? . I know how it goes. So I’ll say it again. No matter what you say, I will never be disappointed. At least for your brother, never. ”

“Suh Hyun-ah.”

My brother called my name and suddenly began to stare at me. I faced straight without avoiding the gaze.

Suddenly laughing seemed to come out. Disappointment on Hall Plane? It has been a long time. As a “user” identity, having such an emotion is no different from the evidence that it is glare itself. It is too much for me to survive and take care of the precious people right now, and it feels close to luxury to think so.

I know so well that Hall plane is not such a beautiful place. Maybe even more than your brother. For a while silent silence passed. His gaze was ambiguous and complicated. At first glance, it seemed like a great view, but I also felt a sense of loneliness.

Before long, he took a long breath.

“when… . You’ve grown up. ”

‘now.’Not ‘when.’. Without knowing why, the difference of one word stuck in my chest.

“I feel so relaxed because I told you so. Thank you. And I’m sorry. ”

“I’m sorry not one.”

Really? Then we should start talking again … . Do you know that a gold lion has asked for support a while ago? ”

I started to hear the tap again. It was a kind of habit when deep thought fell. Though he said he was comfortable with his words, his face now says, “How do I say it?”There was a clear light.

“Huh. I listened to it, but I was a little laughable. ”

“I would have. I will probably officially announce the position in the eastern and southern regions sooner or later. ”

“Official position? How are you going to announce it? ”

“We are going to cut off Warp Gate with Barbara this week. I agreed to join the rest of the northern city. ”

‘To the north?’

I did not tell you exactly what the official position was, but I was able to deduce enough of the situation with the answers.

Breaking Warpgate was not such a surprising news. However, the news that the northern part joined was certainly an exception.

After I finished speaking, my brother had a look at my reaction for a moment. But I had a good time, so I was looking at a casual look and listening attentively to keep talking.



It was then. I hear the light of the block field that his brother opened. When I turned my head, I saw a waiter standing in the awkward room with the food I ordered.

“It was originally. I do not know what it was like in the South, but in the East I was told to let go of the invaders. It was the opinion that if it came purely for revenge, there would be no need for conflict. ”

“…….””But thanks to you, I have come to know the real intentions of them, and so I think a bit of change has come to everyone’s mind. I do not think I can just stand still this way. So a while ago we destroyed our original plan and squeezed out a new plan. ”

‘It would have been part of the absence of spies.’

I nodded slowly. And he sent a glance to his brother for a waitress who was still waiting for the war.

“Operation. I’m looking forward to it. ”

“Operation name is Shinsegae.”

New World

Really? It means that we will show the New World to the West continent who invaded this northern continent. ”

My brother, who received my signal, turned around and looked at me with a loud voice.

“We decided not to send any one of the invaders this time. I gathered opinions to swallow all of them. ”

* ‘Originally, I did not want you to participate, but … . Probably not, can not it?

‘Anyway think about it. You are free mercenaries, you will not be tied up. And if you ever decide on your mind, I want you to tell me first. ‘


I filled my mind with the record I was holding and buried myself in a desk chair. It’s complicated I have been reviewing the records submitted by the clan members from before, but I do not see any effect of talking with my brother yesterday.

‘Work goes to my heart … . In some ways, it should be called happiness. Kick

Soo-hyun Do you have a lot of trouble? ”

When I tried to close my eyes after bursting into laughter with a thought that I was in trouble, a beautiful voice flowed into my ears in front of me. I looked up at the front with the head that I was about to put off. Then, a woman with a simple appearance sitting on a table sofa was sighted.

Blue eyes and blue hair. It was Jeongseon Yeon.

“Maybe he came when I was not good at Suhyun.”

“It’s just a bit complicated. I do not do this because of Yeon-yeon. ”

“Oh, sorry. I tried to make my own regular tea time on this occasion, but I’ll have to hold it for a while. ”

Hahaha No. Tea time with Hae Yeon is enough to relax. ”

At the end of Jeong Hae Yeon ‘s selfishness, I laughed a little smile.In fact, I had forgotten the fact that Jeongseunyeon is completely. Of course, he did not reveal this fact. And I tried to sip a sip of the car she brought, and I felt like I had just cooled down.

“Fuhu. That’s fortunate. By the way… Do you worry so much because Suhyun is soaked up to sigh? Is it due to equipment problems? ”

Soon, Jung Hae Yeon, who has walked to the side of JaeBak JaeBak, gently pushes his head and asks. I shook my head instead of the answer. Then she looked at the pile of records on the desk, and suddenly slowly turned away in the opposite direction. I wanted to hesitate for a while, but then I started to slowly lower my ass over my thighs. I smiled cheerfully and pulled out a few legs so that I could sit comfortably.



When I heard a subtle moan between them, I felt a very weak feeling of pressure in my thigh, and I felt that the hair that had a soft blue light tickled my throat. In the body of Jung Hae Yeon, fresh and refreshing sound like cool water is produced. I was soaked with the fragrance of Jung – yeon – yeon, which stubbornly pierced my nostrils, and I took care of her abdomen.

“I think it looks like a lot of applications … . Yes. it is. Oh, no one. No, surprisingly, there is not much overlapping? ”

“Yes. Glad to be unhappy. ”

Jung Hoon-yeon jumped for a moment but soon gave a gentle voice. But in the middle, the words were slightly cut off, and now that the body was shaking a little, I was able to guess her mind.

“Lee Man-Seung asked for feelings about the gems in the warehouse … . Shin Jae – ryong has applied for the newly acquired Leat – Tris Wooden Cane. I am sure he is a good priest, and I think he is a good choice. ”

“Yes. However, there was something that was applied to her. ”

She whispered in the ear, and it was quite ticklish. Jung hoon nodded giggling.

“Yeah. I also applied for a new mirror of Nefronepis. I want to try it once … . Yes. it is.

It was then. Jung ‘s eyes gazed at the record and stopped at one of them. As I glanced down her eye, I was able to see an equipment application that was overwhelmingly overwhelming compared to other users.

『 Equipment application (Clancy won: IM Hannah) 』 1. Brilliant Flash (Brilliant Flash): LAU a la Phyllis (Laura Phylis) 2. Hugues de la disappointment was made leaves clothes (Yggdrasil’s Leaves Clothes) 3. Liza boots (Boots Rhiza) 4. Twilight maiden (Rare, Medium Class Of Twilight) 5. O Chung (age, color)-black (黑): North’s winter tights (Winter Tights Of North) (uniqueness: the right arm is in a State of some part cut off. Except for that part, there is no problem with the physical function. Originally, it has the effect of raising the stamina (+2, muscle strength limit of less than 90), but it does not seem to be effective until you unlock it with its own function.

“Hannah … . It is also greedily greedily. ”

“What do you think of her?”

“Me? Hmm … I want to be in person. Hannah is a good person and she has a lot of talent. What is Suhyun? ”

Well… “I’m not sure yet.” Even so, other than that, I would like to wear leaves or winter tights in the north. ”

I responded to Imhanna ‘s user information. I just thought of her big heart that surpasses the performance, and it was a word that spat out to pure worry. However, I suddenly realized that Jeong Hae-yeon was looking at me in fine detail. I immediately decided to change the subject as soon as I made a couple of blankets.

“By the way, the real problem is the Twilight Gods. Other equipment can be turned into lending, but rare classes are difficult to do. ”

“indeed. Once you master it, it’s over. Anyway, I believe that Suhyun will give good judgment. ”

If I were a woman who was sitting on my thigh now and I was playing right now, I would have been chuckling at this opportunity. However, Jung Hwa-yeon was a calm personality, so he showed me a kind smile and gave it to me. I swept my chest down.

“Yes. I think I should try to talk a little more and talk to the user who is a user of me. ”

Afterwards, I took a moment to look at the body odor of Jung ‘s body, and lifted her hand up. It was a signal that I was going to get up. Jung Hoon-yeon showed a sense of loneliness, but luckily he gave it to me according to my words.

“It was good.”

Still, I felt the sadness of the ending, and I heard a slight muttering of myself. Of course, it was a private message filled with meaning to hear me.

you speak Korean well But I have to finish this inside today. I can not drag it anymore … ”

“I understand it with my head, why is it that I feel tortured?”

Jung Hae-yeon had a long and diligent sense of not knowing her heart, but she was surely aware that her expression of affection had increased for a while. And I also know why.

“I’ll do it again next time I get a chance.”

“When will it be? It will be very busy in the future. ”

I shrugged my shoulders. And again, with the record, he glanced down and said, shedding.


“…………You can speak Korean

Static for a while. I heard Jang ‘s embarrassed voice, but I still did not keep an eye on the record.

“I told you. I’m going to end this tonight. I will continue to be in the office at dawn. ”

* Baby unicorns were feeling lonely nowadays. The eyes that were sensitive to emotions and sparkling were sadly dying, and the tail, which was constantly rustling, was also hanging.

The baby unicorn was sad. It is pretty, it is cute, it is always when you suck it, and as time passes, humans do not play with you. Of course, people understand that they are busy these days. But the fact that everyone did not get along for fun and play together, no matter how it is, has come so far with a great shock to the young unicorn.

Since then, baby unicorns have often been found, but the child has already been deeply hurt. So it was common to hide in the corner deliberately so that you could not find yourself. Of course, in the meantime, if you find it, I do not have enough mind to lose.

“뀨 … ”

The baby unicorn could not overcome the sadness and made a cry.

Humans are bad.

The baby unicorn, who thought so, stumbled across the corridor, where no one was there overnight.

The place where the baby unicorn is heading now is the place where you can feel the energy of ancient times. It is pure but cozy, but it is a pure purifying energy that can not be found in the fall of the turquoise.

When I thought I fell asleep in the bosom of my lord tonight, my feet slowly began to accelerate.

The baby unicorn arrived in front of the place where I felt a lot of energy.

It was a door that was always closed, so I was ready to pour a bean curd into my horn, but there is a very small gap between what is happening today. The slight light flowing through the gap was revealing a little bit in the dark corridor.

Inside there is clearly a feeling of energy. But not one, I could feel two people.

The baby unicorn was troubled for a moment but soon approached the door with a determined eye. Then he pushed his horns through the gap and carefully opened it to the side.

Couch … .

The door opens and the open interior comes into the eyes of the baby unicorn.

There were two inside as expected. One was, of course, a master with a strong sense of antiquity, and the other was a human woman who felt the smell of water.

The baby unicorn, who was just about to run and ready to pamper, stopped pacing again in a sudden crazy fever.

The Master is sitting on a chair. And a human woman who smelled water sat on his knees in front of the master.

Are you confused?

The baby unicorn tilted his head. Then I looked closely at the situation inside.

A human woman who smells water is strange. I was always moving slowly up and down my head, kneeling in front of my master, while taking off the jacket that I always stood up to. At first glance, it seems to be fading, but it does not look well in the hair.

It was then. Suddenly the human woman wished to sweep her hair behind her ear with one hand, slowly sucking out what was faded from her lips. Soon the woman was immediately turned away by the tongue, but the moment of the moment was hidden away.

And even though it was a moment, the baby unicorn could identify its identity.

In the end, the young female unicorn suddenly failed to overcome a shameful heart, and shook his right foreleg.


With a silent hallway, a short scream.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== The process of unicorn girl becoming authentic adult .txt Yes. The baby unicorn was a female. I’m thinking of naming Yumi.Fuck!) @_ @ Friday is here. If you stay somehow for the day, next week’s golden weekends and Chuseok come to you. Hahaprofessor! Why did you give me the assignment at this time? Oh, you did not want to see that it was time for students to relax on Chuseok!) Oh. You just do not have to worry about it because it was my own. Hmmm.

“Relief” 1. Debaran: Congratulations on your first. professor! Stop the assignment! please!(?!) ; ㅇ; No, I’m kidding! _ (__) _ 2. Douser + Trader: Thank you for the coupon. 🙂 I will write more hard. 🙂 3. asldkfjalskdfj: Ah. Sorry. I guess I was in vain. It’s corrected!

4. Tanatous: Heh heh. Please look forward to. I will write it hard as I am the last person of the first part. 🙂 5. Rising Phoenix: We are going to be bored soon. I need the finishing touch. Haha

6. Chi-ui: I have a lot of quantity. Although I am submitting the report, I do not know how many A4 sheets will be printed. Afterwards.

7. Opium Turf 19: Haha. References are not unconditionally reflected. I think this is the right thing to add. 🙂 8. Astrain: Over the eastern and southern regions, you can take advantage of the defenders as much as possible on the northern continent. In addition, if there is also correction of the main character, it will be excellent.

9. Smoked Snails: What will happen? Haha I am worried about it a lot, but I am thinking about it as much as possible!

10. DaMam: You can see the performance officer as secretary of Klan Road. 🙂 Thank you for always reading. I want you to always read with ease.

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