
Chapter 346

The shrubbery of the garden, where the sunshine was warmed strongly, began to slowly cool down when the twilight was set.

We looked around scenery of the garden through window of the first floor, and I looked around slowly.

Today is the day before leaving Monica. The clan members went to the first floor lobby or the garden, and were in the process of final checking including body coordination and equipment maintenance.

“Good bye. Would you like to explain it again? ”

No. All right! I remember it all. ”

As I gaze at the voices I heard suddenly, I see Kim Han-hee and the inspirer sitting at the table in the lobby talking about Doran Doran. There was a pouch on the table that seemed to be heavy, but the inspector was holding his pocket in hand with a careful face.

“like that. Good luck then. Anyway, I remember what I said … . And I hope that these pockets will be used freely. got it?”

“Yeah. Do not be too worried because you will always be careful as your grandfather says. And these can be really useful. Gomapseumnida

“Thank you. Anyway, the first is careful, the second is careful. I hope to see you again. I always pray. ”

Soon after I watched the inspiration, holding hands of Kim Han-seum and emphasizing care again, I felt as if I were treating a good-looking girl.

At that time, I was talking to me from the other side.

“Yes, I think human emotion is subtle. Type

The identity of the voice is Ahn Hyun. Let’s look at the body as it is, and the window of the pore-maker’s window, the great sun. Ahn Hyun was sitting on the floor and looking down at them with a faint eye. And I looked up at Ansol, who was clutching something in the back of his back, and the voice made a voice.

“Are human feelings subtle?”

“Yes. To be honest, my body was very rough until a while ago. By this time, I was about to go back to exploring again. So I thought I wanted to pop it as soon as possible. Just yesterday. ”

“…….””But now that I think about taking the equipment and participating in the war myself … . I do not know why it is so subtle. And I don’t know. It’s just subtle. ”

I smiled softly as I watched Ahn Hyun sigh for a long time.

Ahn’s words were a matter of feeling in a word.

So far, Mercenary was standing in a whirlwind of war. Not just us, but all Eastern and Southern users.

But now I am going to move my foot in the eye of the storm by myself. A normal human being would, of course, feel fear. Moreover, as these are the first to suffer the war, the emotions will be getting worse.

But there is nothing I can do. I could give a little help, but this was a problem I had to overcome on my own.

Whew. Why is my heart pounding like this? Should I go back to the garden and sink my body? ”

“It’s not bad either. I often wield my sword until I’m tired when things get complicated. Then the thoughts are organized and my head gets better. ”

“Ah. Ok? However, the window dancing alone … . brother. Would you like to make a decision in a long time? ”

As she recalled her memories of Mule in the past, she opened her mouth with her head. I nodded easily because I thought it would not matter.

Really? Then… Then you can just grab a window and get out. ”

Wow… I’m so happy. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with my brother. ”

I let him lightly, and he raised his body with a smile on his face. He said in a confident voice, lifting the window on the floor.

“I have grown quite a bit, so I will not be tough now. Now I can handle the window with one hand. ”

“Well, it is.”

Oh. You do not believe it now? I can not. Look. I’ll show you right now. Afterwards. ”

“I’ll go outside and wield it here … . Hey, Ahn! Your really pretty

Suddenly, I remembered the fact that there was Ansoon behind Ahn Hyun, and I restrained it with an urgent voice. However, in spite of my restraint, he turned the window as it was, and the black trajectory that followed was able to see exactly what the ansol behind him was. It was then.

Wow! Kakakan!


Fortunately, however, the round spheres shining in white fortunately prevented the window in time. It is the shield of the improved guard who came out to the side of the arm. I swept down my chest for a moment and spoke a sigh of relief.

“Huh, huck! Sola! ”

“Abe, Abeber … ”

And then Ahn realized the situation and looked back. I was surprised a lot. Ansol, who had been wearing his mouth for a long time, soon found himself completely unharmed and raised his eyes in fear.

“brother… ? ”

“Mi, I’m sorry! It’s a mistake! ”

“Thread ~? It’s been a while before … ? Again this time ?! ”

Ansol began to pour out a nagging nagar like a baby bird before he had something solid on him. And he sweated in a sweat and stretched his apples and repeated his apples.

‘Anyway, this guy always goes well and falls into Samcheonpo.’

Anyway, I thought that I was going to go to the garden alone because I thought that Dalian with Ahn Hyun was finished. The clan members who had finished maintenance in the garden also needed to look around and there was also Limhanah, who had just finished wearing the equipment he had paid for. I was wondering if the equipment was a good fit, but I was curious about my ability as an archer.

It was time to get out of the entrance so quickly.

“Cack, Clan Road! You were here. ”

Again, in the voice calling me, I had to stop my pace.

‘Who else?’

I thought that there were so many people looking for me today and I turned my head quietly. Then, I was able to confirm that an unexpected person called me.

Shin Sang Yong stood beside me.

“User-friendly? What are you doing here … ”

“Clan Road. I have a lot to say. ”

Soon Shin Sang Yong’s tone, which answered my question, had a faint tone.

* “I know the sudden horse. First, I’m really sorry about that. ”

“Well. Anyway, can you hear what it is? ”

“Yes. I am late, but I want to participate in this war. ”

“?”I had to take a look at what was going on, but when Shin Sang Yong was in a hurry and pulled out, I had to feel a little stupid. But it was a while too. I opened my mouth with a strange feeling of wonder.

Yes Tomorrow is the departure. What do you mean suddenly? ”

“I’m so sorry…” But it is a problem that I have already pondered and pondered since the meeting. And in the meantime, I made arrangements in time. I will make sure that you do not have a problem with your departure.

Because it was a rarely tough tone for the soul, I closed my mouth and thought about it.

‘Is not Shin Sang Yong originally pursuing safety? But why suddenly … . ‘

As I know about the actions and tendencies of Shin Sang Yong, the first thing that came to mind was the question. But he would not have said anything like that. So, I decided to listen to Shin Sang Yong first and make a decision.

“User-friendly. I have already announced the insignia and it looks a bit like changing it the day before. Did you have a change of heart during that time? ”

“Yes. Actually, I have been thinking a lot since I was excluded from the meeting with Lee, Sung – sung and Han. Clan Road. No matter how I think about it, I think it’s a good idea to participate in this war. ”

Haha User-friendly. It looks like you have a misunderstanding. The reason I excluded you … ”

“No. No. I’m not sorry for Klan Rod. I would have had a problem with my problem. And this decision is for me too. ”

I thought I knew what I was thinking. When I tried to get the word out, Shin Sang Yong interrupted his hand. Then it was like a running wave, not a stuttering tone as usual.

“Why did you exclude me? I thought about it first. As a result, I thought that the behavior I was seeing did not match with the magnolia. That is, the efficiency was low. ”


“Yes. Suddenly, thinking to myself, I thought it might be the most inefficient clan member in Mercenary. ”

Yes I do not think so. ”

“Of course you do. But I felt for myself. This way, you can not eat rice or sushi. ”

At that moment I felt my head hit hard. I felt something strange. Now, Shin Sang Yong’s words are very similar to what I once told Anhyeon about Ansol. It seemed to me that his words would be understood little by little.

“I think it was really useless until I came into Hall Plane and met Clan Road. I did not get enough magic skills and I did not get a pensioner with a low achievement. ”

But Shin Sang Yong ‘s tone was so serious that I could not say anything. It was the only choice I could do right now that I was just listening.

“But one day I did that, a big gift came to me. Rare class. That gift could make me a useless user who was useless. I could not miss that opportunity, I hung it, and Klan Rod allowed me to make an unreasonable request. And I still remember the oath I had when I received the rare class. I will not mind Jiro. ”

“User-friendly. I understand what you mean. But listen to me for a moment. Strictly speaking, Shin Sang Yong also participates in the war. I just stay in the city and help the defense. It’s just a difference in roles. ”

“I do not want to be so cowardly avoided. I certainly decided. I would like to take this opportunity to give myself a chance.


At first glance, I wanted to feel the light shining on the eyes of the new generation.

“Clan Road. I do not want to go back to the old days. I want to be a useful person. ”

“I am still helped enough. And no one else can … ”

No. Do not That’s not the problem. ”

The tone of Shin Sang Yong is not very large, but I was convinced of his thoughts.

“I think I will fall into the dilemma of the same old days again.”

“…….””I mean. I wish there was something to be written somewhere, and I wish there was something I needed. We have always prepared for this and have tried hard. Clan Road. If you really think of me, I would be grateful if you gave me this one chance. ”

Soon, he poured out all the words, and Shin Sang Yong breathed a short moment and sagged his shoulders.

And I was blocked for a moment. To be honest, at first I was only thinking about the indulgences to alleviate feelings of guilt or guilt. However, after listening to Shin Sang Yong’s heart, I thought how much he had to worry about and how bad he had been until he came out.

I stared at Shin Sang Yong. Not all of his words, but some understood. I had thought that way.

I think it is helpful enough for the present purposes. So you do not have to overdo it.

I pushed the answers I had prepared in the first place deep into my mind. As far as I am concerned, I was clearly aware of how much the word hurt Shin Sang Yong.

I stopped my fingers that knocked the table from before. Then he opened his mouth and opened his mouth.

the filtering element. If you are so determined, I will allow you to participate in the war. ”

“Great, Clan Road!”

“There is no change in departure schedule. So make sure you have it ready by tomorrow. ”

Then Shin Sang Yong showed me a bright smile while facing my hand.

Although it was momentary, I felt something warm in my hands.

* The next day, the morning was bright. The desolation of the night was a neat and clear morning that had disappeared without a trace. No one knows what the day will be like and what will happen in the future, but it feels like blessing the future of Mercenary when it comes to weather.

All preparations are over. Now it’s time to go to Princisca and just jump into a real war.

Carrigo Abraxas. Glory of Victoria. The glory of heaven. The glory of the sun. Orotsu long boots. Noble Mithril Shirt. The coat of the blue dragon. Good luck four leaf clover. TOPG.

Finally, after the final inspection of the equipment, lift your head and stare at the garden. Ten clan members aligning in front of the main gate. The rest of the clan members and employees standing around. And a baby unicorn.

It was time to start.

I thought so, and then slowly passed through the sunny entrance.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Mmm. Now, I will change the concept, and I was originally planning to organize about a third of the clan’s wars in the first round of the war.Not now.) Anyway, I will save my words because I will become a spoiler in advance.

Since Chuseok is approaching, I am busy without my eyes snoring. Tomorrow seems to be more like that. I have a lot of homemade sacrifices. Haha I will also have to cook herbs such as bean sprouts and bellflowers.

Let’s continue the series as much as possible. Have a fun time with everyone!

“Relief” 1. Debaran: Congratulations on your first. Haha You are breathtaking. New … . I would appreciate it if you watched.

2. Chi Yu: Well. Pegasus’ egg and fairy Queen’s egg will appear after the war.

3. Lobelian: Haha. Is that so? Please look forward to the journey of the new era in the war. 🙂 4. Yangyang Jang’s Yangyang Unity: Understanding the heart is understandable. But I am sure that I will get a hit with many people who are going to be like that.

5. Rising Phoenix: Well. Accident. In some way, an accident may be right. Haha

6. Lua v: Ah. That’s why it’s unnecessary or redundant. Shin Sang-yong was mentioned in the first part of the article (and if it was mentioned again, it would have occupied the floor with overlapping content), and Shin Sang Yong was planning to follow only the sigh of the rest. This was considered unnecessary and I skipped it.Shin Sang-yong’s feelings were intended to help readers understand the reaction at the meeting and the contents of the last part of this day.) I put it in the original comment, but I left it one more time because I did not see it.

7. Idio: It was a joke. Haha You can go slowly, but the process will not go so far.

8. Hyono: It is. chughahabnida Hahaha I really envy you that you have a hobby in your food. I like it, but I am refraining from being on a diet. ㅠ. (By the way, the ability to describe is still great.)

9. Wings of the storm: Shin Sang-yong It is a user with a painful memory in modern times. It’s been on the hall plane. I am going to reveal it in this war.

10. city: Yes. Thank you. city ​​is having a good Thanksgiving!

Thank you for always reading. I want you to always read with ease.

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