
Chapter 349

The first target was a male user as he ran to the front of the performance.

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): Lee Chan Hee (3 years) 2. A class (Class): Jean soul assassin (Secret, Requiem, Master Of Assassin) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): Barbara 4. Affiliation (Clan): assassins (Assasin, Clan Rank: A Zero) 5. Jin gang · Nationality: prayers for the dead · Korea 6. Gender (Sex): male (25) 7. Kidney · Weight: 176.3 m c · 63.7kg 8. Inclination: neutral · Middle ground (True · Neutral) [muscle strength 88] [duration 82] [agile 96] [health 84] [HP 94 (+ 2)] [good luck 80] (the zero point is the status of the remaining ability point.)

Comparison of ability values ​​1. High Performance: 536/600 (0 points of ability points are left.)
[Strength 89] [Durability 90] [Agility 97] [Health 85] [Horsepower 93] [Fortune 82] 2. Lee Chan-hee: 524/600
[Strength 88] [Durability 82] [Dexterity 96 (+1)] [Strength 84] [Horsepower 94] [Luck 80] ‘It’s all right.’

It is ‘strong’ in the hall plane.Means a combination of classes, abilities, abilities (unique, special, potential). From that point of view, Lee Chan – hee ‘s class and ability were acceptable.

Then the moment I tried to see the other two, I had to turn the third eye for a while. Kim Deok – pil approached me and threw his hand at me.

“Give me a cigarette.”

“…….”I thought about putting my finger in the middle for a moment, but I immediately changed my mind. Then I took out a toddler and threw it at me. However, Kim Duk-pil showed his movements like a dolphin and showed a trick to catch the tobacco floating in the air.

“Nice catch!”

Soon I watched Kim Deokpil head to the door with his thumb raised and I forgot to say something for a while.

Haha I’ve felt it since I was at the academy in the past, the user Kim Deok-pil is very interested in Mercenary Road. ”

At that time, suddenly, the voice of Seo Jin-woo flowed. I opened my mouth with a sigh of relief.

“Oh yes … . But you can not see Koryo Road. He said he had a job to do. ”

“Ah. You were there just before, and suddenly something urgent happened and you left your seat. Why do not you wait a moment? It’s not all, but there are other people around, so I’ll get my facial on this occasion. ”

Not in place. So, it was free atmosphere than thought.

At the end of Seo Jin-woo, I shrugged. And after sitting roughly in the empty seat, I started to look around slowly.

I was going to spend a good time looking at other users’ information. So, I turned my head to three people who had not spoken before.

The man standing quietly beside him was Lee Chan-hee, the assassin of the dead man. “Doctor” Son Shihyuk, and a woman who is chatting with an exciting face are “nurses” Gye-bin. It is possible to guess that there is a relationship with the by sharing the harmony with the performance.

‘Lee Chan-hee … . Oh, it was an enemy. I know you followed the performance of Goh … . Is Son Sihyuk and Kang Yeon-bin been famous for their activities as a two-man team? I remember a little faint … . ‘

I followed up the memories with the user information of Son Sehyeok and Gye Yeon Bin. It seemed that these two were almost never mentioned when I started my career in earnest. I do not remember much, but I thought maybe I was dead.

There was a lot to say to the radishes, and there was no sign of the continuity of the four talks. I turned my appetite for a moment and turned my head in the other direction. This time I was going to look at the mysterious woman who touched the tarot card and the men who were sullen by her side.

It was then.

Yes. it is.

I suddenly felt a gaze on someone on the left side staring at me. I turned my head to a place where I could see my eyes, and I could see a woman who stretched her long straight hair. And, she did not turn his gaze upon me even though he had stared at me.

The egg-shaped face has a slender face. The nose is high but the end is round. There was a thin and sleek waist and a long, smoothly stretched leg, it was a woman who clearly gave a slimy feeling.

But if there is only one thing that is missing, it was the eyes and atmosphere.

The woman’s eyes were calm enough to reminisce about Seraf, but she could not get the impression that she was a little upset because her eyes were rising slightly. And when it came to harmony, the atmosphere was arrogant and cold. It was a feeling of seeing cold breeze.

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): m (4 years) 2. Class (Class): black (Secret, Queen Of Sword, Master) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): Barbara 4. Affiliation (Clan): 1000-based (天 屯, Clan Rank: B Plus) 5. Jin gang · Nationality: Empress, misandry · Korea 6. Gender (Sex): female (24) 7. Kidney · Weight: 168.5 c m · 48.5kg 8. Inclination: cool · Cuts (Cool · Scar) [muscular 93] [duration 78] [agile 95] [fitness 91] [HP-94] [good luck 93] (stats point 0 points remaining.)

Comparison of stats 1. Kim Soo-hyun: 564/600 (6 points of free stats are left with the ability point)
[Strength 96 (+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Physical strength 92 (+2)] [Power 96] [Fortune 90 (+2)] 2. Left: 543/600 State.)
[Strength 93] [Durability 78] [Dexterity 95] [Stamina 91] [Horsepower 94] [Fortune 92] I could barely swallow what I could shed. I was familiar with the above one time, but it was definitely a blink of an eye to show this level of performance even without the aid of equipment.

But it was not a problem.

“He’s got an ankle to durability.”

I feel like watching me when I am suffering from physical problems.

Anyway, except for it, it was great, and I had many questions. I was curious about the fact that my name was ‘The Queen of the Sword’ compared to the title of ‘The master of the sword’.

Namdaegun looked at me for a while and glanced at me. It was the interpretation that I was not gazing at the air. In fact, you may have seen user information.

It’s a bitch.

Whoops. It’s a little late. ”

At that time, I heard the sound of the door opening and the sound of me looking. When I checked the door, I could confirm that the Koryo Road arrived.

“Are you on Mercenary Road?”

In the following question, I immediately turned off the third eye and raised my body.

* As soon as Koryo Led entered, we sought our understanding and declared the release of the commander. It was the reason that there were some personal problems with some of the clan roads that were gathered here. I have to say that there is a problem with organizing in connection with other units.

To be honest. If I had a complaint about the East, it was the process of preparing for the war. I know I was in a hurry, but I could not get the feeling that the process of preparing for the war was too lax and a lot of holes. Just by dismissing the commander at the moment, it was revealed that the command system was not yet clear.

‘I guess I know why the East was in the first battle.’

Of course, this complaint was a complaint from relative comparison. In the first episode, Han So – young prepared a war thoroughly. When I was bold, I was bold, but once I was in a situation and situation, it was the ‘queen of irony’ that showed a very organized process.

“I am really sorry. Mercenary Road. ”

I can not poo the shadows of my eyes. I looked at the road, and I shook my head in the sense that I was fine.

It was a time when Han Soo-young was flying in a hurry, when the concept of ‘war’ was already established and used among users. Nowadays users are still used to ‘expedition’, so lack of experience was thought to be inevitable.

“I have not got a mind since the day of the feast is approaching. I have finished preparing, but I do not know why it keeps popping up. ”

So, in the first place, you have to prepare thoroughly. I forcibly pushed into the end of my throat.

Sure. I know I’m always busy. ”

Haha Thank you for saying that. If you want to make an excuse, Lee Hyo-hee is suggesting this suggestion and discussing the problem. ”

“Suggestions? Was not the preparation almost finished? ”

“Ah. That said, he suddenly told me to watch out for variables. If you are able to pick out the most effective users and prepare for the risk you do not know … . But to do that, I have to work a little bit now. It is possible to balance the best balance of users when they are taken out. ”

Before long, Koryo Road seemed to think deeply, and was usually speaking in a low tone.

“I mean, it’s just two of them. I honestly know that this war is not perfect. So, I think I know a little bit about this. I do not personally like her … . I have never lost money by listening to Lee Hyo-hui. So I think we need to keep in mind. ”

I stared at Koryo Road feeling a little surprised. In fact, he was destined to die in this war. As far as I know, the East is going to be chased by the enemies after the game, and Koryo Road participated in the role of preventing the chase.

The evaluation of post-Sine’s Koryo Road was generally OK. It is a little straight and it has some aspects, but it still has a bowl and skill as a clan rod. In some ways, the externally exposed side was a slightly different but quite different person.

“Once I can not decide right now, I decided to have more time to think about it. Right now, I’m in a hurry. ”

“…Clear right. But I heard you called me. ”

“Ah. I have forgotten about the fact that there is no spirit. Actually, I left a mansion road load because there was a request. ”


On my door, Koryo Road nodded once.

“Yes. It is about the white paper kite which is not a favor. I am really grateful to have transferred her for a while. Thanks to that, a lot of clans could handle the internal mole. ”

“It was nothing. I’m glad it’s been done well anyway. ”

“Right. Then it is correct to return it if it is original. I know that the white paper was sentenced to death at the trial of Isantelou. ”

OK. I do not want to keep it alive, and if possible I will be executed before the ceremony. ”

I answered as usual. I was able to see that there was a little fatigue in the complexion of Koryo Road suddenly.

Before long, Koryo Road opened his mouth again.

“It’s a good thing. This will enable Do you like the event? ”

“Good luck?”

At the end of the Goryeo road, I did not understand it for a moment. He had a slight smile in front of his eyes.

* Time passed, and the day when we finally had the ceremony was bright. Personally I still do not have much preparation, but I do not know what to do with the golden lion. It will forcefully advance the dispatch.

Male breeding. Male breeding. Male breeding.

As soon as I arrived at the place where I ran the ceremony, I had to be surprised. It was because of the crowd of people gathered in the whole eastern city and it was due to phosphorus acid.

And around the altar installed on the central plaza, which is full of steep tee, the 16,000 users participating in this battle were aligning their ow and heat according to the unit they belonged to. However, the other place was crowded with crowds of clouds, and it was giving off hot heat without a break.

Wow ah ah ah ah!

At that time, suddenly a huge cheering shook the four sides. At the heart of the cheers were Koryo Road and the followers who followed him, who were dragging a female user.

Koryo Road arrived at the center in the middle of a long time. I quickly pulled my head and looked at the altar. Then, I could see the practitioners kneel in the middle in the middle of the white paper.

Soon after spending some preparation time, Koryo Road ‘s address speech began.

– Dear Eastern users. We’ve waited a lot of time.

And at the moment when the words of Koryo Road were opened, the turmoil was quickly abated.

– I will not say long. Finally the time has come.

Wow ah ah ah ah!

Cheers again. Whether he used voice amplification spell or not, Goryeo Road continued his speech with clear pronunciation even in the cheers.

– The situation is … .

As soon as I heard the speech quietly, I stood at the right side and suddenly I whispered as if the performance was whispering.

Soo-hyun Why did you refuse? ”


“Event. I would have been able to get attention. ”

Well… The event itself does not matter, but I was reluctant to become a subject. ”

I answered briefly and stared at the white paper kite who bowed his head in the center. I did see the face, take a look at the State of the mess her pretending to be good value for the money.

Clothes torn from one place to another and hair that has become a distraction. Seeing it, I felt intuitive. While transferred to multiple clans, it would have been in the hands of millions of users. Focusing only on ‘sex’, the white papers were definitely attractive women.

– …data is present. Then please take a look at this place for a while. You know who the bum is sitting on here. This tramp is one of the men who tried to confuse the North Continent.

Uwow Uwoo Uwoo!

Haha The white paper is here now, yes. As you all know … . Mercenary Road which makes the continent lively in the middle now. This is because the user Kim Soo-hyun has captured him. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Masonic Ridge Road.

At that moment, I felt a lot of attention around the surrounding area. It was not one or two. And the same age as the subsequent deterioration.

Oh Oh Oh Oh!

Kim Soo-hyun Kim Soo-hyun Kim Soo-hyun

‘So what.’

Do not call me my name.

Kim Soo-hyun Kim Soo-hyun Kim Soo-hyun

stop. please.

“Five. We call our name Honey. Soo-hyun Shake your hand. ”

Certainly not.

I just cut and refused. I feel a little uncomfortable feeling, but the tone of the performance was very strange.

It took so little time, and when I was slowly getting older that my name was still alive. I could barely concentrate on the altar. Koryo Road suddenly approached the white pawn and took the sunshine and pulled out the sparkling sword.

– We do not doubt that we will win this war. So, before the ceremony, I will ask you one thing. The white paper kite is a bum. How can we handle this bum?

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Right exactly. Sometimes, in some clans, there are those who insist on rehabilitating a bum, but I think it is different. A bum is a clear trail that users need to be able to eliminate. For example, if you look at a close example, everyone knows about the plan to eliminate the vagrant. And how the results came back … .

The lion’s golden lion Clandis.

However, in this situation, Koryo Road ‘s speeches were convincing, and the killing of users was getting more and more intense. I can see that he is slowly raising his sword in line with his age.

– Then from now on.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

– Officially declares the departure of Barbara in the eastern city!

UO Oh Oh Oh!

And at the same time as the announcement of the appointment, the moment when the enthusiasm of users reached its peak.

Koryo Road hit the sword he heard.


It was a neat blow.

I want to put the white head’s hair in the air for a while, and then I roll down to the floor. The fragile blooming fountain of her throat sprouted beautifully from the throat.

– I will start right from the alumni unit. Everyone into position!

Whitepapers were executed.

Along with the public executions of the white paper Yan, it was only the beginning of the launch of Barbara’s full-scale launch.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I also intentionally speed up the deployment, and I see a chronic problem. The middle is empty … . -_- a But there is no regrets to omit. It is something that can be mentioned again in the course of the war in the future. Maybe if you wrote down one by one … . I guess it has not stopped yet. LOL

This chapter is going to be made up of contents showing the journey to Barbara. I have to pack three more times as much as I have to compress three weeks. : D 「Relief」 1. Devran: First celebration! Haha The effort is. Thank you for always reading. 🙂 2. Furbojae: I am the first. I gave up in the beginning. It is easy to give up! Hate!

3. Repairs: Warp. LOL Kang Yeon Bin. The name is pretty. LOL

4. Oil temperature. : Originally named after his sister, Suhyun. I tried to go with the same name and changed it in the middle. It’s hahaha. I like this tone. Please let me write.

5. Gemun: FUFUFUFUFUFUFU. I waited for this comment! I already finished the idea! When will it be? It rain ~ wheat ~! (Fuck Fuck!) @_ @ 6. El Nido: Right. She’s not that girl. The man. Yes. Yes. And I expect 600 memorize, and readers say that at least 800 times. Hmm. 7. Sunset: I am going to reveal what the brain is doing in this war. Now my brother is a fool, I’m thinking about moderation. 🙂 8. Cheonhyeok Shincheon nozan: Now, wait a minute. I understand everything. “And?” One hundred men are men. Why does Suhyun go to a man … . -_- ;;;; 9. hohokoya1: Ahaha. One day before the finalization, I will strike the back of your readers (?

10. Chi Avatar: Sure. You’re right. You do not have to be the main character. Other men may have a harem, and others may have a stationary harem. 🙂 Ah. I am thinking of Yu-jung to give it to Ahn Hyun. Then I have to delete my previous recollection. Hehe

Thank you for always reading. I want you to always read with ease.

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