
Chapter 351

“I do not like this subject very much.”

In the remarks of the tarot card magician, the melody, the silent silence was found in the interim chamber. She looked all around with a mysterious lighted pupil and was speaking in a virtuous tone.

“Collect those who have special powers as a group, and prepare them for a variable you do not know. Take this. It looks like five minutes of waiting. ”

Wait five minutes. In some ways, it was not wrong. It was a problem if it was a problem that the tone was subtle and sarcastic.

“Hmm. User tune. Once you get there, you may know, but the number of cases can be divided into two. ”

“There is no.”

As the melody was already known, Koryo Road sighed with a slightly uncomfortable face.

“Right. The latter case is not a problem, but in the former case you should be prepared. Barbara is the home of the North Continent. And the objective power is much more prevalent. Nevertheless, there is a possibility that something has not happened yet. So, prepare for the situation that you do not know … ”

“Considering the road? I know what you mean. And I think it is good to be prepared. But that’s not what I want to do. ”

Despite the gentle voice of Koryo Lode, the melody did not bend his will. I suddenly heard her conversation, and suddenly I was curious about her user information.

“It is good to do. But why do you have to give up the people who are in charge of each ladder now? As far as I know, I remember that there was a lot of talk about organizing before departure … . is not it?”

“Umm . . .

“Many cities have left the city. And now you’re going through the middle of nowhere. Taking me as an example, I have only become accustomed to the command of the army. I concede a hundred times. I think secondly, there is a possibility to impose a bad impression on the users who follow the current command. If you want to enforce the agenda anyway, should not we do it on a line that does not affect the current schedule? ”

I was almost finished saying what I wanted to do, and the melody stopped talking for a moment and slowly twisted my legs. Then he said in a tone that the aggressiveness was full.

“This is a little bit to say … . I think it would be enough for me to put a little on the side when I look around. Ho Ho.”

“Fuck you,” he said. The same year as a sickly sow. ”

At that moment, whispering voice, I turned my eyes to the side.

Now it looks like 17 and 18 years old? I see a reverse road sitting on my side with my arms folded. She was frowned upon to find out that the tarot card magician did not quite like her. In addition, I was shaking my legs.

I stared at the melody again. She was in a position to lead the Third Corps of Wizard Classes, now considered the most important power in the unit.

In other words, in the words of melodrama, do not pick up the tough ones, but try to target those who are playing with it.

So it was understandable why Reversed Road responded so strongly. She was not able to take any command despite the fact that it was a huge clan load. And it was the same to me.

‘Do you know that it is a great power to take charge?’

The important thing is that he plays in the war. I laughed inside and activated the third eye.

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): melody (6 years) 2. A class (Class): a Tarot card, the magician (Tarot Card Magician, Secret, Master) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): Barbara 4. Affiliation (Clan): Magic Tower (Magic’s Tower, Clan Rank: A Plus) 5. Jin gang · Nationality: calm yo Hee (妖 姬) · Korea 6. Gender (Sex): female (28) 7. Kidney · Weight: 170.8 m c · 54.6kg 8. Inclination: ladies · Perverted (Lady · Obscene) [muscular 42] [duration 48] [agile 72 (+2)] [health 56] [HP 98 (+4)] [good luck 86] (remaining ability points are 0 points.)

Comparison of Abilities 1. Kim Yoo-Hyun: Total 537 points (The remaining ability points are 0 points.)
[Strength 70] [Durability 87] [Agility 91 (+3)] [Stamina 97] [Power 97 (+2)] [Fortune 95 (+1)] 2. Tune: Total 402 points is.)
[Strength 42] [Durability 48] [Agility 72 (+2)] [Stamina 56] [Power 98 (+4)] [Fortune 86] ‘?’

When I saw user information of melody, I felt very strange. Other than that, however, the true nature and propensity were truly outstanding. On the surface, it was a Hyunsoo lady, a mysterious atmosphere, but inside was the opposite.

‘I am true. I also do not know from the outside. This is why the third eye is good. ”

It was then. To admire the utility of the third eye, Koryo Road’s voice awakened my thoughts.

“after. It certainly seems to be true. ”

Although the tone of being able to say helplessly was revealed, as the Koryo Road said, the melody was not so wrong. Those who seemed to be good at the evidence of the horsetail were keeping their mouths shut this time.

“I think I need to think a bit more about that part. Let’s think of it as a line that does not affect us as much as possible. I will finish the meeting today. ”

A few users in the declaration announcing that the meeting had broken up with a satisfied face. Of course, it was only a few.

“Ah. Wait a second for your wrist. Could you stay here for a minute? I have something to say. ”

Soon after seeing Seung – eun sit back on the call to Koryo – road, I stepped outside the Chamber.

* ‘What did you hear?’

I thought it was the case, and there was no point of contact between my brother and me. Nevertheless, the fact that she has called me apart with male anger, I thought it was likely to be something.

“Where are you going?”

It took me a long time to get out of the camp along the south. Now the camp was not seen, and the darkened field was on the field with only a dark desert.

At that moment, the footsteps of Namdaeng, who walked ahead, stood still. I turned my head and looked around and slowly looked at me slowly.

“Mercenary Road. You know as the Inspection Secret class, Sword Specialist. Are you right? ”

It was a sudden question, but it was already revealed, so I could nod.

“If you’re talking about a swordsmith, that’s right.”

“The yearly difference is still 0 years.”


This will enable Is this the right time to take a 1: 1 captive this time?

I did not answer right away. I gazed at the clumsy Muldae, who kept silent for a moment. She immediately added that she felt my gaze.

“I heard about the story you brought back from Mule. It’s a rumor. ”

A rumor. It was a word that meant meaningless meaning.

I did not want to interrogate any more, I did not want to be with a woman with male anemia, so I decided to hit a player.

“Have you heard of Koryo Road separately at the last meeting?”

“…….”South Korea has not reacted for a while. But it was a while too. It seemed to me that my expectation was right, considering that it nodded slightly before long.

“I was asked by Koryo Road. He responds very sensitively to what happens. So I think I need the ability to quickly respond to situations I do not know. ”


“But the already known players are in command, and most of them do not show great response to Koryo Road.”

“if so… . Ah. So you came to me. ”

“Yeah. Merseyside Road is not currently in command, but it’s likely to be a force. ”

Users who do not influence the current program are selected. This meant that it would open possibilities to the hiding power. But if you sit still, you will not be able to roll up, you will be moving around directly.

Though it took a little bit of possibility, I was able to understand why he came to me. I am the clan rod of Mercenary, and our clan including myself is full of secrets and rare classes.

“I understand for sure.”


The answer came back to pull the sword.

“Well, if I do not mind, can I share a sword once?”


The behavior of the South Dae-eun was quick. Even though I have not finished the preparations yet, I have started to feel the explosive power flow.

Soon, the sword of Namdaeg directed me in a straight line. Though the appearance was thin and beautiful, it was a sword that did not look special at first sight.

Woo Woong!

But the moment I heard the black mark, I had to modify the evaluation. I wondered if the mysterious light of the sword was all the same in the whole sword, and it moved to the South Daeun and began to shine a gentle light on the whole body.

It was an aura. It is hard to say what it is, but like the ‘battle angel Valkyrie’ that appeared in the ‘Valhalla Tower’, it is a majestic and elegant feeling.

Yes, I felt like I was in front of my sword queen.

‘Whether you want to see your skills or fight your life. Or if you think that “all I need is ‘ .’ Is it power? ”

I took a sigh of relief and quietly took my hand to my ear.


The earrings then sparked the light of the day and soon became a beautiful form of ‘Glory of Victoria’. I could see the sight of this scene from the eyes of Namdaeun, who was always silent.

And that was the moment.

“Activate your potential, Rank (Extra).”

“Potential in” Glory of Victoria “,” King’s dignity “is activated. User Kim Soo Hyun ‘s magic ability 96. Fortune stats 90. Summing up … . We judge by S rank. ”

The delicate energy that depressed me disappeared as soon as I saw the glory of Victoria. It was felt that the energy of the queen who spread the all-round pressure was stunned for a moment. It was the right answer to the dignity of the king.

‘It’s one of the correct answers.’

Anyway the battle has already begun. I was able to see that he had come in from the time when he pressed me, whether it was power or magic. It does not fit into the mood to sit still and be tired. If so, it was courtesy to give it back as much as it received, not even the interest.

Sure! I would like one. ”

After spitting out a word with minimal courtesy, I stood firmly against the center of my heart.


But I was expecting, Muldae made my sword obliquely to prevent my strikes. I am a sword, and she is a sword. I was in the midst of a blue horsepower blooming on each sword of Namdaeng.

I gave great power in the direction of descending.

Keying … !



For a moment I almost laughed at the scream that was not like a sister, but I could barely stand it. However, I could see that the weak sound of the wind was inevitable, and the face of Namdaedun suddenly changed.


I want my sword to shed my sword and retreat quickly, and then I poke in for a point at a rapid speed. Before long, like a meteoric strike came into my heart, but I followed the incoming trajectory and hit me again with my blade.


A big roar sounded everywhere, worrying that the sword was broken. It was enough to tear grass of the field in the wave coming out because it hit with the power full of each other.

Fortunately, after the sword was black. However, the fingers are slightly frowned, and the end of the sword is slightly shaken.

The two facts were thus revealed. One is that I am more muscular than the wrist. And horsepower is also exceeded. Well, if it is not, I can think of it as an equipment effect.

The gaehu quickly opened the streets. And as I was breathing, I started hobbling my chest. Obviously, the pupil was still calm, even though the whole face could see the embarrassed light. I do not know if you’ve ever had a difficult experience, but the attitude that does not underestimate any opponent is certainly worthy of praise.

“Mercenary Road. I’ve been stuck with my sword since then. ”

“I was hit by a sword blade.”

The word after the sword was true. And that was what I deliberately intended. When I hit a sword blade and cut off a sword, I did not know what to say, so I refrained from it.

Anyway, it was not enough to die and killing each other but to see their ability. I thought I’d better quit at this point, and as soon as I tried to get my sword back.

“…….”I was worried for a moment, but I decided to respond soon. Basically, a user with a high level of defense does not accept defeat in a short time. I will not be bothered next time I have to break it right now.

So, I watched closely the posture of the sword in the mind to give a fight to the veneer.

‘Sting again?’

I had been using stabs continuously since. It certainly has its own advantages. It’s also vague and can accelerate. But there is no change and it is too simple. If you can not beat your opponent’s speed, the best thing to eat at the counter is the biggest disadvantage of stabbing.

I did not have to wait because I decided to finish it as soon as possible. I moved one foot forward, shifting weight, leaning my upper body and knees obliquely. And he went straight into the back with his hind legs.


At the same time, the gifu also stabs to the front with a point stick.

Just before they hit each other in such a short time, it seemed that his wrist was stretching his arms all the way. My black is still standing on top. Before I could react, I meant to put a sword on my neck first.

And at this moment I could be sure of winning.

I do not know what it would be like to be a real battle, but if you do not feel alive, the difference in technique is the difference between winning and losing.

Soon before I reached my neck, I tilted slowly to the left. The left hand touched the ground at once because the body bended and entered. And at the moment of this moment, I project the horsepower to the floor, and pull it back up like a drag.


As a result, the sword after the sword crossed my ball.

I do not know how to bend more in this state, but the eyes of Mr. Instead of slipping in that state, I pushed the magic power in my left hand and gave it a big turn. Then, my body was instantly turned upside down in half.

The sky is visible. Then, to the right, a tazed sword passed straight through, followed by his right arm after the sword.

At that moment, I hesitated to drop the right arm of the left arm.



The results were as expected.

I heard a scream of a high soprano, and I could see the sword that was held by the wise men in the air.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Sorry. I’ll take a day off today.

Ha… It’s really crazy.

When the holiday season is over, is the after-effects like this big? I walked the road today, and everyone’s facial expression is exactly the same. . LOL

It’s getting really depressing that the real Monday is here.

I am a student, and I do not even think about other office workers. Whew. I feel a sigh of relief. Hehe

쩝쩝. Please work hard, and hope that you will be able to cope with the monthly bottle + holiday bottle (?).

I will do the next round of release. _(__)_

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