
Chapter 356

‘Do you have a point?’

I felt an instant interest in the young proposal of the melody. But when I think about it, I do not think I have any questions.

I tilted my head for a while, then slowly shook my head.

Well… I do not have any questions … . Sure.

Yoink! You refuse now? ”

“Rather than rejection … . I do not have much questions. Anyway, I appreciate the courtesy. ”

“Do not take a look. Maybe next time. Well, I can not tell you guys about this. ”

Is it my mistakenness that I felt the thorn in the voice of the melody very slightly?

No. It is not a mistake. The melody was making a lean look whether I thought I would refuse. The attitude that I was not familiar with before was gradually diminished, and my ego seemed to be hurt.

“You say so … . If you refuse it again, it will be an excuse. Clear right. Then let’s have a look. ”

“Right. You thought well. Just think of it as a little fun. Because it does not take so long … ”

So when I saw that the original look was restored, I thought I was good at changing the words.

“Huh. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a man against … ”

Soon, the melody muttered with the sigh and began to shuffle the card with a gentle face.

Tak, Tak, Tak, Tak. Tak, Tak, Tak, Tak. A card shuffling that sounds quite regular. Think of it as a small fun until now. The motive of mixing the cards on the mentioned subject is prudent.

As we watched the process of preparing the dots, I suddenly felt a single question arise.

“Maatoprod. But why do not you look at the guy against him? ”

“Ah. That? ”

I was wondering if I could talk about it because I was concentrating quite a bit, but the answer was lukewarm voice. She seemed to make a casual look, and it was a lie.

“I’ve seen it quite a while ago. But since I’ve had a bad case, I’m reluctant to see a guy. ”

“A bad case?”

“Yeah. It was that year before I got the secret class. I did not have the money, so I used to make a point with a card made roughly. . I still remember. As soon as he saw me. You say you’re good at it? I said this … ”

‘milk? No hitting? ‘

I guess you will not. It was not a mistake, but I could not erase the feeling that my mind was strange.

Tak, tak, tak, tak!

And at that moment I felt that the sound of the melody mixing of the cards became stronger. When the eyes glare up, he recalls the time, and the inside is boiling.

It took some time and the card shuffling regained its original rhythm again. At the same time, the melody lips were torn.

“I suddenly took off my pants and took out my penis.”

“?”I suddenly burst into tears and felt a strange feeling. It seemed to be heard as milk, not a definite point. But her face was still calm and focused on mixing the cards. I can not find a corner where I play.

‘Are you talking in a serious way?’

When there was a slight confusion in his head, the story of melody followed.

“I knew I was talking about teat, not punctuation. Do not you know? In terminology … . We are breastfed. It is paisley in Japanese. ”

“Mi, you’re a freak. So what did you do? ”

“How do you do it? That annual user has what power. I just kicked him down as he asked me to. ”


How can I make this story cool? I stared at the melody, feeling a hollow feeling. She had just stopped playing his hand, which was gloriously mixed with all the cards.

“…….”“…….”A moment of silence passed.

He is on top of the table! The melody that dropped the card enough to make a sound opened the mouth quietly.

“It’s a joke, a joke. So do not look so serious. I just cut it. ”


Let’s hear it! Tong!

Before I say anything, the hand of the melody with the hand on the card draws a large semicircle. Soon she pulled out a tiny hourglass next to a fan-shaped card and opened her mouth with a calm tone of joy.

“after. So let’s get started. I have nothing to worry about, so I’ll take my advice. ”

“Load the magic tower.”

“Ah. Do not worry about this watch. It’s just a tool to help the point. ”

“…….”’It is a woman who can not really catch her.’

Suddenly the tension is loosened at once, or a sigh of relief flows through the lips. I stared at the melody in a ridiculous mood. It might be my mistake, but I felt she had a slight smile on her mouth.

“I’ll explain how to do it from now on. It’s very simple. ”

“Yes, yes. You do it yourself. ”

I thought it was very strange that I did not know the melody that spontaneously said without any reason. So the voice that answered the question was filled with plenty of unrest even when I heard it.

“cook. Do you see the cards here? You can pick these out one by one. ”

“…Is that the end? ”

“Yeah. Most of them end in twelve chapters, but rarely in others. However, please keep three things saying from now on. One at a time. And when you say I quit, you have to stop picking. Finally, please leave the selected cards in order from the left. ”

“Ah. Yes… ”

The moment I heard it, a little steam leaked. Of course, I heard that it was fun for the first time, and it did not mean much to me. It seemed that there was something I expected unintentionally on the subject.

So, I relaxed my mind and moved my hand to a visible card. And the moment I tried to pick up a piece, a sudden thought ran past my head.

“But what is this about?”

“Just look at the whole thing.”

The melody was clearly answered.

I had a headache for a while, but I decided to take a little lightly by repeating the word “fun” endlessly. And when I gazed at her, I could see the melody’s gaze headed for the hourglass.

Before long, the melody was a nod to the nod.

“OK, I’ll do it after picking out all the cards. You can put the cards you draw upside down from the left. Keep picking out. ”

In the affirmation of the melody, I nodded head to head. I started picking out cards one by one quickly.

ACT ONE Chapter 2 … . Chapter 3 … . Chapter 4 … . Chapter 5 … . Chapter 6 … .

I quickly picked out a card, and then it was time to go over 12 cards to pick the thirteenth card. Suddenly I could feel the strange eye. When I stop to pull out a moment and open my head, I can see the melody that keeps changing the card and the hourglass continuously.

If there is one thing that is different from the previous one, there is a subtle embarrassed light in the melody of the current melody. I suddenly felt a strange feeling, so I turned my head and I was able to check the hourglass that had been reduced. Compared to the first time, I think it has been reduced by about 4/5.

I started moving my hands again. And by the time the fifteen cards had been arranged on the left from the left, I could hear the melody restraining me.

“This, this, this, now stop!”

The voices of the melodies contained a noticeable tremor enough to be seen even at first glance. The powder in the hourglass is now completely down.

The melody kept on breathing for a while, letting go of the mind, but it was a bit of a quieter tone.

“Wow, fifteen chapters. This is the first time I’ve come out. Anyway. I really am curious. So, will you open the first four chapters? ”

Did you say that most of it ended in chapter 12? Anyway, there were exceptions, so I flipped out four from the left.

Soon the big bloody puddle on the table and the man screaming in it. Clocks going backwards. A sunny fire that burns a will. And cards with a sword standing on the chest and a man standing alone in the landscape were unfolded in order.

One peculiar thing is that the four cards had a noticeable letter on the bottom of the card.

The melody looked at the card one by one with a very concentrated face and opened it with penetration.

Hum… It is difficult. I’ll try to interpret it one by one. Blood puddle. You were originally in a very rough way. Clocks going backwards. But there is something unknown in that destiny. Clear flame. Its identity is this card … . Ancient, the world? I do not know exactly what it means. Finally, a man with a sword in his heart in the world. The first card went through the second and third and became the last card. ”

“What does the last card mean?”

In my question, the melody had a sigh of sigh.

“If you interpret it in relation to the previous three chapters … . Your total two factors intervened, and as a result your fortune changed completely. Here the clear flame is ancient or the world, and you are in favor of the world. ”

“All right?”

“Yeah. But be careful. This is not an unconditional favor. You see a sword in a man’s chest, right? It seems to mean a double-edged sword. So if you screw up … ”

When melody blurred, I suddenly felt like my chest was cool. I blinked my eyes for a while and then groomed my neck once or twice.

“Hmm. It’s fun. Then, will you turn over the next chapter? ”


I wanted to go over the previous 4 pieces quickly, so I quickly overturned 4 cards. And this card was very complex. Because each card had several very complex paintings.

I first turned to the first card.

The first card was a quadrupled quadrangle, with a beautiful woman in each square. And there are backgrounds that show the atmosphere around women.

Blood and Iron A beautiful but very wounded sword. shadow. And… What’s the last one? Light? ”

Among them, the woman on the bottom right was poisonous. Looking at the background, I was in a sacred atmosphere, but I was just shedding tears when I was alone with other women. So it was not a bright feeling though it was a background of grungy light, but it was a picture that gave a rather muted atmosphere.

The second card that followed was unrecognizable. The painting itself was so small that it was hard to see, because there were so many paintings of people, animals, swords, flying dragons and so on.

The third card is relatively subtle but less subtle.

There was a baby in the center of the card, and a clear flame and a flaming flame were wrapping around the baby in an insane manner. Both felt like a familiar flame without knowing why, but when I saw the flaming fire, I felt somehow uneasy.

And fortunately (?), The last four cards were very simple compared to the preceding cards. Only one male wearing a crown was depicted compared to the other complicated cards.

I looked at the melody in a reflexive way. I was curious about the interpretation.

But when I saw the face of the melody, I tried to ask for it. It is because her expression of looking into the card was the highlight.

Unlike her always calm and laid-back attitude, she is now wide-eyed with her mouth wide open. Emotions such as embarrassment, absurdity, and confusion between the open mouths were pouring out. No, that was the feeling.

For a long time, the melody began to open up the stuttering mouth.

“Merr, Mermionary Rod.”


“Wah, why is it so complicated? Why, why? What the hell? ”


The moment “Why do you ask me that?”I wanted to say, but I stayed patiently. Because the melody is still a confused face, because I began to mumble on my own.

Nothing… Yes, it is a king. No matter what happens to the four queens … . Ah. Three? One pushes himself. Oh sorry … ”

“…….”Wizard Archer Priests. Witches and so on. okay . . . It’s understandable up to a hundred times … . It’s human. By the way… Sword Cats Spider For Is not it a good old man? Ah… I do not know… . No, how does a sword love humans … ? ”

“…….””The third is … . One is the flame of purification. One is the flame of destruction. It is natural that purification and destruction are contradictory properties. But why suddenly the birth of a new life is expressed … ”

I felt that the melody of the melody had gradually disintegrated to the degree that I heard.

Suddenly I felt sorry, and I finally thrashed my hand.

“Maatoprod. Let’s stop. ”

“Merr, Mermionary Rod.”

“If it is difficult, you can stop. It depends on the interpretation anyway, it is fun. ”

“…….”I had the light to clash with the melody, but I slowly nodded. However, it was quite embarrassing that the flushing on his face bloomed.

“I’m really sorry. My card comes out differently depending on the status of a magic card. . There is no interpretation at all. Well, then the rest of the four, or even seven … ”

“Please calm down once. What do the rest of the cards mean? ”

Once again, when he was playing his fingernail, the melody was breathing lightly as if he realized his cling.

“Then, follow. So the rest … . The next four are what Mercenary Load wants. You can see it as a kind of future. And the other three … . Once I see it as a fork or a further interpretation, I think I should open it. ”

“Sure you are.” “Forget about it.”


It may be a little disappointing, but I decided to raise my body. If it was different, you might have had a heart, but if it is about the future, it is different.

I want to be honest with you. But there was one thing I had sworn from when I realized that the future had changed. Nevertheless, if I saw this card now, it seemed that my bare mind would shake again.

“At first, my destiny. The second is my love. So far it’s okay. But I think it is better not to see the future. ”

“…….””I’m afraid that I will not be influenced by the future, so I just want to go ahead as soon as I can.”

“That’s … . Yes. The future is to pioneer itself. Of course, what you want is a bit different. Got If the meaning of Mercenary Road is so, I’ll stop here. ”

Fortunately there was still a little bit of embarrassment, but luckily I agreed with my opinion.

I nodded my head three or four times and immediately raised my body.

“Farewell.” It was a good time for me. Maratoprod. ”

“Huh. I’m just sorry. I looked so confident … . I’m ashamed. ”

“I understand your pride. But I’m really okay, so do not mind me. “Farewell.”

I slammed my head slightly, and stared at the seven cards that had not yet opened for a while under my gaze.


However, soon after shaking off the fuss, I immediately turned and walked away.

* next day. I had several days last night, but I always had the same morning. And after completing the ritual simple maintenance, I finally took part in the last march towards Barbara in the East.

I already have a good area. There are no longer abandoned fields, nor rough forests. Well-polished roads and well-rounded meadows spread widely around the users.

I kept the position of march formation except for one more visit to the Third Corps during my journey.

When I went to the third discharge in the morning, I could confirm that Shin Sang Yong came back. But I did not look so good to speak, and even the march was walking on my own.

Nevertheless, I turned my foot because Shin Sang Yong seemed to know that I came. In fact, I also met my eyes once. However, my mind was complicated when I watched my waist down carefully and avoided my gaze.

So I made a decision to wait a little longer so that I could organize my thoughts rather than force it. I wanted to believe in the last will seen by Shin Sang Yong.

The march continued since I returned.

I lifted my head and looked up at the sky. The sunset was dusk, the grassland was dyed with a deep red light, and we crossed the red light along the path between meadows.

After a while, I could see that the road leads to Barbara’s neighborhood.

If it was originally a time zone, it would be normal for the users who were exploring or hunting to smile at each other, or to cry and return to the city. But a little bit, slowly dusk dusk began to build, only endlessly cold and calm battlefield was hovering.

As time passed and the light of the twilight that dyed the world gradually faded away.

“Five minutes before Barbara arrives! Get ready! ”

The shadow of a huge city was slowly getting caught in the plain seen before my eyes.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== It’s hard to spot. I originally tried to focus on the rest of the original seven points. I just did not think I would get to Barbara if I did that. Hahaha Next time I’ll recall it. Of course, Kim Soo-hyun will not be there at the time.

And if you have any questions about this point, please send me a note. I will reply as sincerely as possible about that part.

I have a lot of messages. I am busy on weekdays and I do not have time to check it, so I will drive on weekends and give a reply. Maybe tomorrow afternoon there will be a reply on every note. 🙂 “Relief” 1. ROK1198: First celebration. Because of the ROK, suddenly I think of an attacking knife in the past. HahaIs that right?

2.GaGyAgE + Oricon: Thank you for the coupon. _ (__) _ I will write more hard!

3. Nodens: Hey, come on. Pardon. I am so comfortable that I give up first place. 🙂 4. katalina: If you do not understand or have any questions, please feel free to give me a note!

5. SHarPº: Yes. Yes. You can interpret this meeting in a similar way. It’s all about interpretation. : D 6. hohokoya1: haha. I have a lot of credit for applying this time, so I think I have to ask for a little understanding during the exam. Thanks!

7. This guy is: Huck ~. Then you get too much! LOL Once the melody is not in the plan!

8. White Fire: Kim Yoo Hyun. New. We have intentionally reduced the weight of the two on this march. Afterwards. Why?

9. chlghsk: You can think of the opposite. I like strong, cozy, caring and gentle older sister. I want to be tamed. haha.

10. Tramp 358: Ah, the Spy was a joke. There was a spy among us, and this was a parody. It was the surprise appearance of No Yumi. Thank you for always reading. I want you to always read with ease.

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