
Chapter 358

I could not think of looking for me, so I had to feel a little bit puzzled. It seemed like the users around me were able to see some of them turning around with a slight fuss.

“Mercenary Road … ? Suddenly he … ”

“Here it is.”

I was already in the forefront. As soon as Koryo Road heard a muttering voice, I immediately lifted my hand and answered.

“Hmm. You are here. The wandering is probably talking about a bum … . If you do not want it, do not worry. ”

“I want to answer.”

“Then, yes. But do not talk too deeply. They’re dangerous … ”

On the advice of Koryo Road, I nodded my head once or twice. Before long he glanced toward the wizard standing next to him. Then, with a short spell, the voice amplification spell was activated again.

(You are a marshalling rod.)

On the wall, we are visible. As soon as I came out, the low voice of etiquette spoke to me.

By the way,

(In the mule, he left a lot of boiling water. It was impressive.

I think you are wrong about the definition of boiling. It is drifting.)


‘If you know the work in the mule … . Did you hear the rumor? Or have you been to Warpgate? ”

It was a word that made me nervous, but I decided to put off my thoughts.

Agreed. Then I’ll ask you one thing. There must have been some of my men who tracked you back then … . What happened to them now?)

It’s dead.

(One without one? Everyone?) The voice that came back was still low and calm, but had a subtle feelings of anger.

I do not know how much they know about it. But the important thing here is that you do not have to tell me the details, as you have been publicly executed, even if you have been captured.

okay . . . All died.)

o . . .

After the word “him”, the voice of the bum stopped. It seemed a bit cloudy at the end, but there were at least 30,000 people listening to the voice. I will be noticed when I ask about personal matters.

I do not know why, but I thought maybe I wanted to ask about white papers.

(…So. I know. I am grateful for answering the question, despite my mutual enemies.)

Are you done?

okay . . . finished. And to say goodbye to what you told me, but to give you something good.

‘Good things?’

Already in addition to anger, other senses were also full of attention. Once again, when I looked closely at the walls, I could see that there was a long stick standing between the walls. One thing that is noteworthy is that there is a round, blunt stick at the end of the stick.

“Watch your step.” Mercenary Load. Wizard Now stop the voice boost magic … ”

It seems that Koryo Road is saying to me by the side, but it does not come in detail to the ear. Since then, my nerves have been sticking all over. It was the first to stand vertically, it was slowly tilted and then leveled, and then tilted further downward. And the end was aimed exactly at me in the past.

So long as I’m ready to throw my stick back as far as I can.

(Mercenary Load. Then it is a gift to boiling. You guys will love it too. Soon, it started to come in with a low incidence.

I love you!

Is that what activates the senses? The piercing sound of a stick sticking straight down toward me is unusually bloody. But as much as I was already seeing the action, I reflexively held ‘Caligo Abraxas’. I do not know what is at the end, but I did not intend to do it.

The first distance off was about four hundred meters. However, the sticks were cutting into the street quickly at very high speed. I blinked once in the snow, and I came close to it.

At this moment, I glanced at the approximate distance and bent my knees slightly. As soon as the stick was in range, it was necessary to cut it with a foot fencing.

It was then.


For a moment, the light gleamed.

Yes. it is.

It was literally a moment when light appeared and disappeared.

Male breeding.

And the following is a bit of a mess.

Maybe it might have been dim if we looked at it with the naked eye. But by activating my mind, I was clearly caught in my sight. One light sting that flares intensely, ran like a flare and correctly aligned the ends of the sticks. Yes. It was like a flash of light.


The stick, which was swiftly flashed by the evidence, was intoxicating in the air and scattered in the air with reddish liquids with shredded fragments. It was a part of the human body that was at the end of the stick. Among them, it was likely to be head.

‘I do not know whose head it is.’

I shook my thoughts about my head, and I switched my mind to the protagonist of the arrow. I guessed roughly, but I turn my head around. Then, in a place not far away, I could see a woman who seemed to be familiar but unfamiliar.

Where has the gentle smile and the gentle smile that has always been shown gone. Imhanna was raising her eyes and looking at the wall. In her left hand, I heard “Brilliant Flash, Laura Phyllis”.

Wow! Wow!

There was no protest, no bow. But soon there was another one of the arrows that emanated a brilliant light, and once again a ghastly momentum began to flow. Im Hanna was very angry, and at the end of the arrow, a force like the earth was splashing out.

“You are a user. Please stop … ”

Coleman, Courrell.

I was going to order that I stop now because I think one pair is enough. At that moment, suddenly the clouds are hitting and the noise like ure is ringing everywhere.

I quickly turned my head and looked at the wall. This time, on the other hand, there was a pessimistic movement in the wall.

‘This again … . ‘

And before I even tell him to confirm the identity of the order and quit.

It’s a knack! Home

In the darkened sky, I could see a giant thunderbolt hanging down a zigzag.

* Chijjiji! bang!


A gigantic bell ringing his ears, and Simon surrounded his head with both hands. Soon after he had acted like a grim actor with a furious aftermath, he looked at his side with his nose open.

“Oh My God … ”

It was a moment of the moment, but the shield was clearly created just before the lightning bolt was stuck. However, the shield was torn in a moment, and the lightning struck the wall without any reason.

As a result, there were a few people who were groaning with the dark smoke.

Because it is a big city, the size and thickness of the wall are thick and hard to say. However, there was a deep hole in the wall where the lightning bolt was pulled down, and still smoke was flowing out.

Simon swallowed his saliva with a grim face and sighed a sigh of relief soon after he had no further attacks.


“I’m sorry. I sincerely apologize for having acted arbitrarily. Simon Grimes. ”

The chieftain next to him spoke to Simon. He was also unable to avoid the aftermath of the lightning, his face was buried with a black soot.

“It does not matter. I did not think people outside the walls would accept the offer in anyway. ”

“Thank you for thinking so.”

“In order to be recognized as a mage class in the North Continent, it is said that the essence and the magic circuit application are necessary. . Huh, it was real. ”

“…….””Anyway, by the way … . Traveling. Do you have anything to say to me? ”

“Say what?”

When the prefecture asked with a strange face, Simon nodded a nod.

“I feel a bit strange now.”

“What’s strange? I want you to tell me specifically. ”

“In many ways. I do not think there are a lot of people who have attracted surprise … . I said that I had radish, blood, mouth, and castle, but it seems that I did not panic very much. Anyway, I talked about it all the time, but it looks like I know the situation. ”

“…….””Was not the original situation the opposite? Rather, you know that you planted a mole in them. Ah. Field effect is not a reason. It’s definitely turned off now. ”

There was a medium to awkward context where the translation spell was not perfect, but enough to hear and understand.

However, the prefecture did not reply. I just keep silent and silent. “Hmm. You do not know how long it has come from the mule … . Anyway. And let’s fix the arbitrary action from now on. ”

“…I know.”

The prefecture responded with soaking and turned a heavy turn.

When I turned my head and looked outside the walls, I could confirm that the eastern users started moving slowly. Some remained, but some were moving in different directions.

The moment I tried to move slowly in line with the scene, a silent voice flashed behind the back of the prefecture.

“Not only you, but the whole bum. If this happens once more … . We will go through Warpgate immediately, even if we give up all our plans. ”

At that moment, the footsteps of the prefecture stood still.

* There was a clear night in the plain.

As soon as he arrived in Barbara, the East first met with the continent and the boomers.

It was a trivial battle, but it could be said that the end of the first battle was dominated by the East. Because the eastern part has no damage, but your brother’s thunderstorm has definitely damaged the bum.

Morale was higher in the East. If they met each other in the plain, they would have fired a total strike once, but the East’s decision was a setback.

It was necessary to take time until the southern and northern parts recapture the city, because they had not built forward bases yet to attack. Of course, the huge magical progress depicted around the city was one of the reasons.

And now, the eastern part was preparing for the invasion one by one.

The four units began moving to the gates where they were supposed to occupy, and the units to which they belonged also moved to the front direction.

After moving the unit, the unit immediately went into construction of a forward base and resumed the work of interpreting the magic circle around the city.

The top leaders were not playing.

“Perhaps the biggest weakness of ours is that the units are distributed in four. From the point of view of each unit, it means that attack and defense are weakened. In particular, the weakening of the armor is extremely dangerous. If they are insane and hit one side of the unit … ”

“Obviously, one side can be burdened. But the other side has the advantage of being able to spread the firepower as much as I want. ”

“Then the unit is focused on defensive spells, and if it does not work, would not it be better to step out of range? And if you want to be a little quiet, then again into the sights … ”

In the Command and Control Room, which was first established, there was a heated debate. In the past, there were a few people who responded a little bit, but today there is not a single person like that.

Maybe it was because of the first attack through dawn mages. So the firepower of the mages was seen as the key to the success of the war. And it was not that I did not understand the excitement as early as dawn, the first battle was right.

It was then.

One commander flashed into the command and control room, which did not know how to keep warm even after a long period of time.

“The news has come! Just one magician says he deciphered the magic spell drawn around the city! ”

What is it? So quickly with such a big magic spell? What kind of unit do you belong to? ”

“It is a preamble unit! And now he is waiting outside the control room. ”

“Then our troops? Heo Let’s bring it here once. ”

When Koryo Road spoke with a loud voice, the messenger jumped out in an instant.

Then one woman walked into the control room. And for a moment I checked her face I got a weak wind.

Impression that looks sweet and smart. Pale blue eyes and hair.

The identity of the woman was Jung ‘s family.

Jung Hae-yeon caught up with me for a moment and smiled when I sprayed it. Then he opened his mouth with grace to all.

Hi there. Mercenary is a clan member. ”

“Ohh. If you are a member of the Mercenary Clan … . I think I heard your name somewhat. Have you ever class … ? ”

“Secret class. It’s a blue moon. I was able to quickly recognize the identity of the magic spell rather than the class associated with ancient magic. ”

“Ah. The editors of the blue moon. Obviously it was one of the trillions of trillion won. Certainly I heard that. by the way… Being fluent in ancient magic … . This seems to be a real problem. Haha

There was no heat accompanied by turbulence as before, but the inside of the meeting room was hot. In particular, some male users were gazing at Jung Hae-yeon. Her beauty has been shining ever since I got the secret class.

Koryo Road finally opened his mouth.

“Hmm. User definable. Then, can you tell me what the identity of the spell is? ”

“Yeah. I’ll tell you right away. The spell drawn around Barbara now has a name for Guardian Blocks. ”

“Guard for horsepower chin?”


I knew it for a while, but other users did not know what they were listening to first.

“Guard for horsepower block … . I’ve never heard of that before. Do you know the detailed effect of the corresponding jeans? ”

If you do not know it, you would not even come here.

But of course. In short … . If Jin is activated, the magic that is exercised outside the Jin can not affect the inside of the Jin. You can see it as a sort of large-scale harness. ”

“Large-scale harness? No such a fraudulent … ”

“It’s not a scam. Certainly it is powerful in its effect, but that magic jean has not been widely used in ancient hall planes. Rather, it soon became a boss. Because there is a fatal disadvantage to the guard’s power block. ”

“If it’s a fatal drawback … ”

In the question of someone, Jung Yoon-yeon replied with a clear voice.

“Yeah. If Jean cuts off the power of the outside, it will freeze all magic power inside. ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Sorry. I have not forgotten my promise to readers this weekend. So I decided today and I sat down at about 16 o’clock. I can not wait to see the end of the first part.

I am really sorry that I failed to keep my promise. _ (__) _ I do not know when the collateral force will recover, but now I will focus on the recovery and maintenance of the pace.

That’s weird. I already have a plan and I just have to write it. a PS. The head of a thrown user is a golden lion clan. It is also a fairly named user.

1. Dooyoung Rock 2. Sung Yu Bin 3. The golden lion clan road that still can not keep up the spirit after the steel mountains 4. Who is Park Hyun-woo? 🙂 “Lilipple (356 times)” 1. Ray cancer: First celebration. Haha I have such a memory. I read it and hit the next one. 🙂 2. Time Person: Shin Sang Yong is not a traitor. However, his tendency is ‘safe’ and he feels extreme fear in the present situation. I will elaborate on the details later.

3. Sensitive: At first I thought to put it. By the way, it became gag atmosphere and it was deleted. Haha

4. Sense 2010: You are sharp. You’re almost there. However, I feel different about the last Ansol. The important thing is not wrong. I have a different opinion. The interpretation of the readers really enjoyed it very much. : D 5. Yi Yeon Lee: I can have relationships with many women, but I am going to limit the number of heroin thoroughly. In a line that I can adjust. I hate collecting the folding screen. ㅜ. ㅠ “Lilipple (357 times)” 1. Seagull in the sea: First celebration. I was too late. “I’m so sorry…” ㅜ. ㅠ 2. Blami: It’s a war now. There is no gag during the war, and I do not know. 🙂 haha. I will write more hard!

3. Islilia: I’ll see you a long time. Modified. Thanks! I would like to take a lot of advice during my travels. 🙂 4. deblan: If you are referring to the queen card of the nude, it is a character that has not appeared yet. Afterwards.

5. 123 Aura: I’m sorry. Please hit me very. Thank you for always reading. I want you to always read with ease.

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