
Chapter 361

Hall plane, room of summon. Below the gray vaulted vault, there was a rectangular altar in the center of the room.

In the center of the ash-colored altar, one beautiful seraph, the seraph, sat still, standing still. Only one moving thing is the white wings which are occasionally weak. The face, which was covered with a deep eye, had been buried in a static state.

“Uh, why … ”

It was then. I wondered if the eyes that were still hanging were flashing for a moment, and then the jade pupils hidden within the eyelids showed up at once. Seraph’s eyes, which reveal what he was very upset about, contained a slight tremor.

“Why now … . The awakening of … ”

It is quite confused. Seraf could not even finish it. The flickering wings which had been weak were fluttering without anxiety, and the voice which spit out was worry that it can not hide from the depth of water.

“Oh no!” It’s still early … ”

But he soon realized that he could not do anything, and that the angelic feelings struck him.


Soon the name of someone leaks out of the fine lips. Knowing that you can not hear, but knowing you can not hear. Nevertheless, the voice contained an eager feeling of desperation.

Seraf closed his eyes again. Then, with both hands pointed up, I opened my mouth with a calm voice of courtesy.

“Please make a wise choice … ”

* It was a moment of desperation.

And at this moment, the glory of Victoria and the moment of the moment just before the dragon hit. Everything stopped.

Excited. Excited.

The sound of a heartbeat sounds exceptionally loud today.

‘The voice I just heard … . For sure… . ‘

Immediately before the collision, I felt a great explosion of latent power in my heart. But the situation after that was definitely beyond my will.

Time has stopped. An unfamiliar but unfamiliar voice that sounds inside. And the heartbeat of the heart that rocks from the beginning.

I closed my eyes without knowing it suddenly became a mess. I breathe in slowly and then breathe again. Repeat the deep breath and calm the excited mind. I was able to open my eyes again until I was able to do so, and then I could grasp the situation a little bit.


The world did not stop. I just mistaken it. From the time when the inner voice heard, until now, the time kept flowing. Only one stopped. It was the dragon flame that caused the huge flames.

– Do not be idle. huh. This stupid idiot.


Then, once again, the inner voice rang in my head. But without any answer, I was able to see a message window open in front of my eyes.

“Awakening of Hwajeong (1), Declared Area” (Declared) – “Ancient,” he said.Starts. ”

‘Hwangjeong? Awakening

And the moment I read the message to the end, I had no choice but to find my head. Although it was awakening, it was a sudden awakening, in which no signs were seen. It was when I was soaked in my lips quietly in such a situation that I did not know English.

– Why are you so hollow. I’m not even talking to you for the first time. Huh. Is this the third time?

IT’S The voice of a loud voice?

– It happened last time, too. This stupid idiot.

What happened to this situation now? Why did you suddenly come out now?

It was strange that the Hwajeongjeon had come to speak, but I pushed curiosity. For now, I have only grasped what happened. Why We need to know if this has happened.

But the idea of ​​the lantern was different, and the words that came back were far beyond my expectation.

– The situation is later. I do not have much time left.

You do not have much time left?

– Once I declared my name, but … . Anyway, the whole area is now in the “area declaration”. It is impossible to maintain for a long time now at four levels. …What can I do?

At the end of the lunar calendar I immediately corrected my thoughts. I was not in a situation where I was going to have a conversation at this moment, but I did not want to get tired of it. I felt that my quick response was like that, and I felt that the energy of the lanterns turned round the inside of my body.

Yes. it is. You can do whatever you want. What do you want to do?

-Yeah, I do. I already told you the area is already declared! you stupid!

It was very annoying to say that I was always a foolish idiot from the beginning, but I gazed calmly and gazed forward. Then there are still the flames that form the shape of a dragon dripping from the fire.

‘As you wish.’

Until just before, I was rushing to cut it off, and in my right hand I was still holding the ‘Glory of Victoria’, which is a ghastly horsepower. But before long I drove it slowly. Instead, he pried open his empty left hand to the front of Yonghui. I did not feel any more energy.

If I say disappear like this, is it disappearing?

– Live.

Tell them to be scattered.

– They’re scattered.

It was a short answer, but I could understand it now. It is only speculation yet, but the energy of the flame in this area is all under my control.

Right. That’s why it’s called “Area Proclamation.”

Sy! Although I can not say that it is a wide range to express the area, who would you blame? It does not have time anyway, so finish it fast. I will feel a burden on my body.

I feel a burden on my body. At that point I was able to set a spirit. The circuit, which was extremely active due to a momentary magic explosion, was gradually weakening momentarily. Together with that, I could feel the familiar feeling that I felt when I was low in strength in the past, slowly sinking into my body.

expired Reversed? Direction turn? ‘

I can do what I want to do. As such, the choice was so wide that I had a hard time deciding what orders to make instantly.

After about 10 seconds, I finally got to choose one.

The left hand is already in a state of infusion. Soon it was possible to ascertain the sight of slowly ascending to the sky as it slowly lifted it up into the air with one wish. Nothing is more noble than confirming that I can move according to my will. As soon as I felt the pressure on my body gradually increased, I extended my arm to the left without delay.

Gaya confederacy

It was a single word, but the effect was certain.

It’s great!

I was just doing a word with a word of mouth, and I was tearing up the eastern users, and the dragon smashed a huge roar as if to respond to my words. At the same time, he quickly changed direction and began to run toward Barbara’s wall. But before I could see the end of it, something around me. I felt relaxed.

‘This feeling … . ‘

Should we say liberation or release? No. That was not the point.

Soon after, I wondered if it would be fading for a moment, and the darkness gradually began to find its way into my head. In the midst of the moment, I barely turned my head to the wall. And when I confirmed that the dragon struck the walls of the walls I had directed.

maybe Uri See you later. With the voices of the shogun that seemed unfortunate, I let go of the strings of consciousness.

* A warm light crowd wraps the whole body. Then I could feel the spirit returning to my head.

Bro! Type

“You are awake! You woke up! ”

Shut up.

When I turned to the side where the sound was heard, I stared at the familiar faces. I spit in my heart and open my head, and I see an ivory tent on the ceiling. I felt like I was moved to a private barracks soon after I lost my mind.

“I… . How long have you been out of your mind? ”

끙 I gave strength and raised the upper body, I felt that someone’s hand was touching with both my shoulders. I turned my head and I could see Jung Hae-yeon, who had already begun to follow me.

“You did not lose for so long. Thanks to Suhyun, the unit was able to retreat into the battlefield without any major damage. So, please sleep well. ”

Before long, the weak force on my shoulders led my upper body back to bed, but I gently shook my head and lifted my hand. And he called the name of someone right into it.

A lantern.

– …….But the answer did not come back. It looks like it used to be, but it seems to have disappeared. I do not know, but I talked for a while, but it was just an unresponsive echo.

I sigh again and began to check my body condition. I was worried about whether it would be a mess or not, but fortunately I was able to confirm that it is in a very good condition. Her head was not disturbed, and the magic circuit was flowing smoothly as usual without any damage. Of course, I felt weakness in Madimadi, but I could recover soon.

“Clan Road. How are you feeling? ”

Sure. It’s not really strange. ”

“That’s fortunate. My husband and my sister have given me good herbs. It was not Elixir, but … ”

“Is your brother and sister?”

In my question, Jung Hae-yeon added a nod to his nodded head.

“Both of you were here until just before. I have a meeting … ”

Even so, my brother is … . I stared at my head for a while, and now I can see the users who are packed full of barracks. They were the Mercenary clan members. One of the worried faces is that I’m at a step where I am lost.

I have been looking for a long time, but I feel very welcome, but I am staring at me. So, I decided to cut off one or two times and turn around.

“Huh. Clear right. Sure!

At the end, I returned to the city again. I was very curious as to how the result was, so suddenly I felt a sense of incongruity when I opened my mouth to the present situation. And I was able to notice the congestion of the discomfort immediately. It was the Mercenary clan members who thought they were all coming, but no one was seen.

“What is Shin Sang Yong?”


It was nothing but a fool. But I did not miss the subtle light on the face of the moment clan members. It was giving me the feeling that I did not like to say something. And when I saw it, an unexpected thought ran past my head.

No way… Did you die in this battle? ”

“Oh, no, brother. I’m not dead. ”

The answer came from Ahn Hyun. But once I was nervous, I even felt suspicious.


“that… ”

Ahn Hyun scratched his head with an embarrassed face, and he was soon to have his appetite again.

“I do not like the commercial situation right now.”

“How is it bad?”

in Have you ever heard a rumor? ”


There were some rumors about Shin Sang Yong? It really was a hell of a mistake, so I felt the need to hear a little more detailed explanation. I noticed that I did not feel like that, but I saw that he opened his mouth again. It was then.

“You are the prefect. Do not say it unnecessarily. “Stay quiet.”

When Jung Hae-yeon had a sharp eyebrows, Hyun hurried to his mouth. At length when he was victorious in her eye slowly, because it seemed to me a face of the quadrant quadrant dolaboassda.

“he is… . I just have not been able to adapt to the war yet. Do not be too careful, though. Clan Road. Once you have a break … ”

“You are right.”

“Yes Yes?”

I broke Jung ‘s words and immediately raised my body. Then some of the clan members reflexively raised me up, but after a while I looked down and stuck a tangled butt.

A silence of a moment passed, and I opened my mouth.

“Where is your new user?”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== There are many stories that I want to write about awakening. I thought that it would be better to release it gradually rather than putting it all at once. I use these techniques often these days. For example, the picture on the last card that I did not show last time will be shown next time. 🙂 “Relief” 1. Devran: First celebration. It is now a feeling I often see in the first place. haha

2. Zavet: Idiot. nincompoop. Looking forward, the secret! Let’s think about whether to explode or keep it secret.

3. Hooked Hooney: The fun conversation with Hwajeong was delayed to the next opportunity. 🙂 4. Appraisal 2010: If you only consider the price, you can not talk to the vulture. If the moon is mother, you can see that the moon is lower than the grandchild of the grandchild of the grandchild of the grandchild of the grandchild of the grandchild of grandchild.

5. Tear River: When I started to think about the plan. Of course, even the same flame system has a means to fight against.

6. Ming Xiongnu: Some people use their fists or feet. However, not so many. : D 7. Tanatos: Huck. You got it right. Unless the physical strength is 101, Hwajeong will still grab Kim Soo-hyun’s ankle. Even if you take 100.

8. KireiAutumn: It was said not to touch Kim Soo-hyun.

9. Smoked Snails: After the war, some secrets of the Hwajeong will be revealed. Then you will know how much you are. 🙂 10. Sound Summoner: Hmmm. New question. How many are you? 🙂 Let’s take a look.

Thank you for always reading. I want you to always read with ease.

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