
Chapter 381


The iron, which the weapon and the weapon meet, shook everywhere. It was not a silent one. The tremendous vibration that bursts from everywhere made them guess the intensity of the battle.

And the sound that followed was really different.

The roaring crowd, the painful scream, the shouting blasphemy, the crying cry.

Sooty breezes and flames from everywhere scattered the dirt and sand, and the flesh gradually fell and the bubble burst. It was an unexpected melee. The East and the West were fighting each other so much that it was difficult to distinguish between enemies and friends.

“You bastards! Watch the formation! Do not run away and keep your seat! ”



When I was in the middle of nowhere, I could not help but wake up to the air, and with a mysterious scream, one bum tore down. Soon after the body, which was separated from the neck, fell on the floor, the man burst into laughter.

“Come on! Come on! I will deal with the villain slayer Kim Duk Pil! ”

The hero of the province was Kim Buk-pil. There were dozens of dead bodies in his future. Within a few minutes the blood was dripping and the eyes flashed, and some enemies trembled.

– Oh! Oh!

However, whether or not he has gained strength from the ally’s shouting from behind, he begins to move forward again.

The current battlefield is still favorable to the Western continent and the vampire ally. In fact, it is because we were overwhelmed by factors such as momentum and numbers. It was a miracle that Eastern users resisted and resisted so far.

No. Actually, a miracle has been done.

By making the most time for Kim Seo-hyun early, the East was able to do a very minimal maintenance. And Ansol ‘s unique ability’ miracle ‘has had a tremendous impact on the battlefield. It was not enough to bring all the states of the alliance to the peak, and it removed the remnants of the remaining ‘Matan’.

Even now, although it has been dominant, the allied troops have been deceiving as time goes by. In the end, the resistance of the eastern provinces has been increased.

It’s really nothing, suddenly.

After all, the plan of the allied forces to penetrate the preliminary troops at once was nothing more than a failure.

And it was a matter of time for the situation to reverse when the support troops arrived.

– Drill it! Drill somehow! If not, just go by!


As soon as I saw the enemies that gathered like a tidal wave again, Kim Duk – Then he took his head for a moment and stared over the crowd of enemies. There was a lot of madness in his eyes, but he had a little bit of eagerness for salvation.

Soon after the dripping of blood dripping, Kim Deokpil shouted in a cheerful voice.

“Get together! And hold on! If you stay a little longer, support units will come! ”

I do not know how much longer I should endure, but that was the only hope for the eastern users.

Soon the eastern users started yelling at each other, and each other shouted and shouted.

And in the meantime, the changes that would bring a new aspect to the war had come to an end.

It ‘

Very close.

In a fierce battlefield, I could hear an inexplicable footsteps in a somewhat different place.

The sound is excessive. Then thousands of footsteps are carved again on the wet ground where the enemies have stepped on roughly.


As soon as the amplified voice echoed, the pitcher cycle began to shorten gradually. It was no wonder that the march rate rose further.


The number of users who were following up on the pace was almost 6,000.

It was. The users who were advancing in order in line with the heat and the heat were the users who were in charge of the south gate and the north gate. The support team that has grasped the situation and finished maintenance has finally arrived.

“Huh. The situation is not a joke. It’s totally messed up. ”


At the end of one user, the man nodded. Despite the fact that it still seemed dimly distant from a distance, the feel of the field was breathtaking.

The man was sighing.

“I wish you were alive … ”

“Clan Lord. The alumni unit has been contacted. I have a seat … . We’ll be waiting for a lot. ”

“It’s not a clan rod, it’s a commander.”

The man who had spoken a word amplified his voice again.

(In the shooting …. We have to let you know that we are here, so you can shout as loud as you can.

The users looked at each other alternately in a nonsense command. But as soon as the guy starts running ahead of me, he starts to get even faster.

Before long, the shape of the rectangle, which showed a flat shape, began to come out slightly from the center. The head of the team, including the inmate, is followed by the closest, far-off class.

Cheeky, boom! Cheeky, boom!

Slowly, the march of 6,000 users begins to change rapidly.

As the distance narrowed, everyone ‘s face relaxed and the heart pounded.

Boom, boom! Boom, boom!

Now, it has turned into a full run. The man shouted out his sword, shouting, “Did you think this was all about this?

(From now on, the salvation of the preamble unit begins. All ready for battle!) Along with spearing the weapon from here and there in line with the voice, the sound of chanting the spell simultaneously sounded.

And when the battlefield came near enough to see with the naked eye. The man pushed the sword as it was, and shouted with a big voice that had never existed before.

(Attack!) Waaaaaaaaaah!

Pound thump thump thump!

At the same time, the south gate and the north gate began to cross the field with their shouts.

Soon, 6,000 users ran through the corpses as waves of allied forces.

Meanwhile, the same time.

Wow ah ah ah ah!

A huge cry shakes the whole field. When the sound was heard, the castle citizen slowly raised his body. As he walked forward, one person caught up with him.

“One load. I guess it started to happen anyway? ”

“Yeah. It looks like I moved right after I contacted you. It’s good to be fast. Haha

She looked smiley and smiley, and she looked strange.

“Do not you regret?”


But on the next door, the woman asked her mouth.

There was a moment of silence, and the castle opened again.

“I acted on my beliefs. And I just followed the operation.


“So the answer is … . Yes. I do not regret it. ”

After you finish. The castle looked around with a relaxed eye.

Currently, the number of alumni units is about 3,500. At present, they are gathered at a certain point to form a rectangular compact structure. Just like waiting for someone.

As a matter of fact, Sung-Hyun could immediately notice something strange from the moment this happened. And when the walls were destroyed and the enemy confirmed that they all ran to the front, the notices turned into conviction.

However, the Sung Hyun people chose a slightly different route than the salvation of 3,500 people. They immediately sent messengers to the South Gate and the North Gate to inform them of the situation, and they would have bypassed the battlefield and renewed the enemy’s expected retreat.

Of course, it was an act that did not deviate significantly from the operation, but there was room for controversy. But considering that, Sung Hyunjin acted according to his intention. I only knew what intent was hidden.

Soon as the earth began to tremble a little, Sung Hyun-min stared at the front for a while and opened his mouth slowly.

“It looks like it’s finally coming.”

“Can I win? I think we are more than that. ”

“Now we can win.”

The eyes of Sung Hyun Min, who speaks, were filled with confidence. The woman gave a sigh of confidence and she quietly spoke voice amplification spell.

The faces of the users waiting around were all different. Some users have had a broken face and some users have looked up.

They had not yet fought with the enemy, but they knew that the frontal units were fighting hard.

The Sung-Hyun residents quietly opened their mouths, sweeping them quickly.

(Enemies are approaching.)

At that point, the tension begins to spring up in the atmosphere where it has sunk.

You do not have to be nervous. The preparation is perfect. Everyone explored once, did not you? Just do the same thing as you always do.)

Sung Hyun-min threw a joke-like tone but no one laughed. In the meantime, the tremor of the axis was increasingly intensifying, and the phenomenon of moving something from a distance was captured.

Finally, the leader of the allied forces pierced the battlefield began to appear gradually.

Even in such a situation, the castle citizen did not lose his spare time. There were two choices. The enemies are turning to the left or right as they are, or they run away.

In fact, it does not matter either. Suddenly, from the standpoint of the alumni unit, they were allies. They were completely done. It is no longer a random outburst, but an organized battle. It is now possible to show the talents of the users of the North Continent. Of course, there was its own calculation.

The castle citizen who thought for a moment smiled coldly.

(Well, it ‘s time for the revenge. Everyone was patient. Prepare everything.)

Soon the enemy ‘s leader began to be confirmed gradually, and the castle citizen spread the voice without delay.

Rick, Rick!

“───. ───. ─── ”

Then the archers begin to hear the arrows and the sorcerers memorize the spell.

Critical users have tried to shoot threats.

(Still waiting.)

However, immediately restrained, the castle citizen looked sharp ahead.

The allied forces seemed to recognize the alumni unit that had been camped out. He stopped moving for a while, but he started to run in front of him as soon as he was chased by something.

Looking at such enemies, I thought that Sung Hyun-jin was stupid, but he did not mind. The sound of being assaulted as it was, the enemies who succeeded in breaking through the invisible place.

(Wait, wait)

Doo Doo Doo! Doo Doo Doo!

After all, there was a lot of allied forces in the back of the head, whether the expectation of Sung Hyun Min was right. It was 1.5 times the number of alumni troops at first glance.

Although it ran at random, it was definitely a threat.

As a result, some users start to shake noticeably. The hand holding the protest shook and the noise mixed in the voice of the spell memorizing the spell.

(You do not have to be afraid. We can win. In this war, you become a hero!) Before long, the lead of the enemy was fully revealed.

– UO Oh OO Oh!

And as soon as they came into range, the Sung Hyun people cried without delay.

(Those who come in will not miss one! Attack all!) Chou Chu! Shushushu!

At the same time, the loaded arrow flew in the air.

And the arrow that was shot painted a parabola, and poured out an excellent number to the enemies that ran.

What was that?

During the run, I suddenly felt doubt about the suddenly growing body. Arrows and magic wiped out all over the land, and the corpses on top of them were almost Allied.

As a matter of fact, in pursuing Simon, I found it the most difficult to break through now. I could have traversed as fast as I crossed the straight line, but I thought that the more I went forward, the more enemies I would have crossed the battlefield. And the ally will be much smaller.

But the enemies are also almost invisible. This sound … .


The answer was that the moment I broke through the body pile. It was because I was caught in the sight of distant and distant battle. The sight of the users and the allied forces was signaling the arrival of support forces.

‘It’s time to arrive, but … . ‘

Then the forward-looking unit, not salvation, blocked the retreat of the boomers.

I was left with some uncertain questions, but as soon as the sound of the engineer hit me, I immediately shook my head.

Anyway. No, the users of the Forerunner may think it to be vulgar, but it was a good time for me to shout.

Simon, who ran away from his pussy, was in the midst of his enemies. But this creates a place to turn the enemies’ nerves. You can break through without interruption.

I thought for a moment what to do, but I decided to break through the battlefield.

Though he was constantly being seen from the beginning, Simon Maan was constantly watching me. It was as if I knew that I would kill myself.

But in my memory, Simon is not a close family. I guess it’s close to the wizard class. If there was no obstacle to the enemy who ran like a firefly, I could catch up in 10 minutes.

There was a rough dust in front of my eyes. I can not feel any more water from the ground running over.

Soon into the dust of the fierce battle, I jumped in without delay.

To earn two years of time.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Simon does not have to worry. There are a lot of kids who will come out even if he does not. (?) Oh really I want to write next time. I think it would be really late to add more content.It is not a cut. Please believe me.

I think now that October was a slump for me. I have had a lot of difficulties since. By the way, I felt it while writing today, but I seem to have a feeling of gradual escape.

Perhaps it is because of the support of the readers and the strict indication. Hahaha

There are a lot of things I want to say, but I’m just grateful to readers. Child I’m ashamed to say this all of a sudden. Why suddenly. LOL

Thank you anyway, and thank you again.

I will work harder to complete the first part!

P.S. Next time, we can be cruel. He’s another madness. If you have a sense of rejection, please consider it.

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