
Chapter 385


At the moment, the black hair was disturbed by the earth.

Under the tangled hairs, the red blood is spreading.

Ha… Ha…

Men were breathing intermittently as if they were going to be cut off at once. Every time you puke, the blood bounces off your mouth.

Finally, the pale lips were barely torn.

“Suhyonga … . I remember what you used to say … ? Me Do not save it … ”


“But you … . Survive. Somehow I survived … . Look at the end … ”


Before the young man said anything, the trembling disappeared from the hand he was holding.

The yellow current that is rising from the body slowly fades.

The shaking pupil lost its light in a moment.


Finally, his head and hands fell on the earth simultaneously without force.

And that moment.

Kuo Oh Oh Oh!

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

The cries of rage and sadness burst out like crazy in the air.

* Everything is over.

Something that filled my head a while ago, I felt like I got out of a moment.

I lifted my sigh and lifted my head and looked up at the sky.

The sun has now come to an abundance. It would be nice if a cool villa would come down, but the sky at noon is so clear and clear. I was so empty that I was walking in the sky and suddenly a few messages came up in the air.

“User Kim Soo-hyun has killed the ‘Mazo Nergal of the Spies’!”

“Nerugar of the Spies” is part of a long-time plan that the Devil Lord Belle Zebu has crafted. If Simon Graham was back in this way, the continent of Hall Plane would have fallen into such a big mess that he could not get out of control. ”

“However, the user Kim Soo-hyun made a great contribution to stop the devil’s plan by killing the pre-awakening who received the” seed of the devil. ”

“Judge this point and give 500,000 gold points to user Kim Soo-hyun!”

“…….”’50 million points … . ‘

I looked at the messages in a slightly uncomfortable mood and closed my eyes for a moment.

50 million gold points.

It is very nice to be able to get a good deal of money. In other words, my prediction was right after all. If Belpegor was an accidentally recalled product, Nergal surely had a mix of planned elements. Perhaps that was the point I gave a high degree.

Honestly, there is no inspiration. I’ve never touched a GP that I can count. So, even though it is a gold point not so much, 500,000 GP does not reach that big.

The forest of the field was released. Then, in front of the pace, the busy crowds begin to feel gradually.

I turned off the messages that stuck in the air at the same time as I opened my eyes closed. Then I saw the battlefield that I had been passing from far away through the disappearing messages.

No. Now, is it more difficult to call it a battlefield?

Obviously there were a large number of people walking around. But the intensity that I felt when I passed by now does not feel anymore.

So I walked on. I walked, walked, walked, and went into the people. And I passed them over.

The sun rising in the sunny sky was splashing the sunshine, revealing the fields clearly. It was the weather that was so unfavorable to the bodies scattered in the fields and the landscape of the flowing blood.

I suddenly felt like I was getting warm in the sunshine. When I realized that, I was walking in the middle of the field.

As I passed by people, the scenes around me flowed into my ears.

“Thank you! Thank you! Answer me! Su Yeon-ah! ”

“Somebody please help me! Please come to the priests! ”

People who are looking for someone and wanting help.

“I’m glad I’m alive … . Good luck … . We lived! ”

“Huh … . Hmm … ”

Those who are reassured and rejoice that they have lived.

Bro! Bro! Do not close your eyes! Watch your eyes! What is it? Type Tongue! ”

People crying in front of a dying user.

“Let go! Fuck! I’ll kill them! ”

“Hold on! Hold on! They are surrendered prisoners! It’s all over now! ”

“Who is the prisoner? It’s not over yet! You motherfuckers! ”

People who confirm death and blow their anger.

Brother Brother Is not it? Is that a lie? Damn it! Brother

And the people who are grieving … .

Yes. it is.

I felt the familiar voice flowing into my ear for a moment, and I stopped walking without knowing it. As I slowly turned my head to that state, I was able to see a spot where dozens of people were crowded. In their chest, a pattern was often drawn that symbolized the Koryo clan.

“Shit! You promised to live together till the end, to the end! Oh, no. This is not the time. What are the priests there! I do not order treatment immediately! ”

“User Sangho! Koryo Road died. I mourn his death. But once you calm down … ”

The moment I heard that, I felt a little awakened.

‘Is Koryo Road dead?’

If so, did he die as it was in the first car? …I do not know how he died. But I would not have died as if I had received good evaluation after the original death. I just thought that.

I passed by those who cry with a slender sigh.

As I walked around, I felt that the sound that filled the surroundings was getting less frequent.

Soon the next place I arrived was where I met when I rescued the kids.

Ansol was awakened and confirmed the death of Shin Sang Yong. There was no one standing there. There were only a few traces left with a few corpses. I wanted to see the performance of my son.

“…….”Among the bloody stains that are repeatedly touched by the eyes, there must be a mixture of new and new. I stared there for a while, then started to move again.

The battlefield, which had been quiet for a while, changed again as it walked.

Folkship Folks, Folkship Folks.

The gait that looks downward is slow. My steps were infinitely slow enough that it seemed like dreams that I had run over the battlefield like crazy. I guess I just walked out of my mind to go to my heart?

How far did it cross the field.

The moment I was caught in the sight of the users gathered in one place, which started to appear from a distance, I stopped walking without knowing it.

The visible users were just the mercenary clan members.

At first I did not know why the pace was slow. But as soon as I saw the clan members, one thought ran over my head and I was able to find the answer intuitively.

It was very early, yet the early days of the Merciful Clan. I remember seeing a bunch of users as I came back from exploring. They were also a group of returning after the exploration, and I remember it was a very depressing atmosphere unlike us, who came back with great success. It is obvious why. It would have failed to explore and lost a co-worker.

At that time, the children stopped and just looked at them. I wondered what the kids think of in my head, but I had vowed at the time. I will never fail to keep that sight from coming. I will not see such an atmosphere in the mansion.

But as a result, it failed.

Personally, I did what I had hoped for through the war. But in the whole clan … . I risked all my clan members, and I even lost one.

Of course, Shin Sang Yong was excluded from the first election, and was replaced by a personal request. But I made that decision, too, and eventually participation in the war was an unquestionably wrong choice.

‘I’d rather go alone.’

Along with the thought, I stopped staring at the clan members.

Everyone is safe except Shin Sang Yong, who is the effect of ‘miracle’. I felt relieved in such a figure, but I was worried. Even if I did not get close, I could grasp the feeling of coming into the darkness.

I took a step back from the idea of ​​going, but soon I put it back on the floor. It was when I was biting my lips on a step that did not fall.

“Suh Hyun-ah!”

‘?’”Suh Hyun-ah! Suh Hyun-ah! ”

Suddenly heard voice. I turn my head accordingly, and I can see an elephant running from one side to the other. After confirming the identity of the baby, I felt a weakness.

My brother was running.

“Suh Hyun-ah! Don’t You… Hmm…

And the older brother who came up to me was a little paused the moment he met me.

You… Fine

“Are you okay?”

I took the call.

I do not know the meaning, but it is not good to ask. As “anger” was again deactivated, the body was filled with fatigue again. And as soon as I recognized it, my vision was shaken for a moment.


“Suh Hyun-ah!”


The earth which was unintentionally close stopped in the middle. I can see my brother when I lift my head. When I saw him fall, he ran to me.

“Now you … ”

Then his lips were torn. But I looked at my face and immediately asked again. What was he trying to say?

It was then.


“Mercenary Road!”

Whether his voice was quite large or not, the clan members who have appeared back slowly start to look at each other slowly. I closed my eyes for a moment and stood up immediately with all my might.

Suddenly, a good ogre soared. I’m sick of losing my mind now. And most of all, I did not want to show weakness.

“…….”Surprisingly, he did not say anything. He just helped me to know and helped me to walk quietly with my mouth closed.

Soon the distance from the clan members began to get closer. A few people seemed to run to me, but immediately I took my hand and restrained them. It was just a signal to keep quiet.

As the distance decreases, the concentration of depressed aura becomes thicker and the face of eight clan members can be seen clearly.

The total number of remaining clan members is eight. Four were sitting on the floor or lying on the floor with Shin Sang Yong surrounded, while the remaining four were in a dying light.

“It’s not … . Crunch it … . Type Because of me … . because of me… . It is commercial … ”

Especially, it was Ahn Hyun. Unusually, he was falling all over his face, throwing all his equipment out.

And beside it, Ansol and Lee Jung – jeong sat down hesitantly like the man who was out of control. Both are full of tear marks on the ball, and they have already poured tears.

Finally, the last time I saw Vivian sitting without power. She had not looked back even though I came. I was just watching quietly.

“Su, Suhyun?”

I heard a voice calling me with a question, but ignored it. And it was the moment when I entered inside to see Shin Sang Yong.

Then Vivian turned to me. In each of her eyes she was tearing down a tear.

Kim Soo-hyun

“…….””Shin Sang Yong is dead.”

“…….”I looked down at Shin Sang Yong without saying anything. As I have seen before, his mouth was still smiling and calm.

“I was my first student … . I did not even have a dream to say goodbye … ”

“…….”Me I hate these things … ”

The last word of Vivien, who was shivering, dug deep into my heart.

And I did not answer anything. What do I have to say in this situation?

“…….”A moment of silence passed.

It was then.

“I know how to live again.”

A silent voice suddenly pierced my ears. At that end everyone looked up and looked at one side.

Where the clan members gathered, there was Kim Han-bum.

“I know there is an item in my store called Wish. It’s a huge GP, but it says that you can save people who are dead as well … ”

“Kim Han … ! ”

“What, what?”

“Is that real?”

In Ahn Hyun and Yoo Jung Jung who tries to get along like him, Kim Han-hee says, “It’s just a story, but it’s probably right.”I replied. I got it wrong.

But Kim Han – suk ‘s answer was not enough, and Ahn immediately rushed to me.

Bro! Bro! Really? Do you have any wishes? ”

“…….”I closed my eyes reflexively. Suddenly, the memory became complicated for a moment, but I could barely answer.

“Let’s just stop.”

Bro! If you collect the GP, can you rescue the commercial again? You can speak Korean

Even though he told me to quit, he hung desperately.

I held my trembling throat and opened my mouth.


When I called the name, Ahn Hyun’s hanging stopped for a moment.

“please… . Please stop … . That’s… Let’s talk later. ”

Bro! Huh… Type

I did not answer anymore, I turned my head. But then, the eyes of Ahn Hyun, who saw me, grew bigger and bigger.

It was not just Ahn Hyun. From the time I met my brother, I was struck by the surprise and worrying gaze of the clan members.

And then, I was able to look at myself with my blood. My whole body is so reddishly colored that I can not see the skin in one place.

I took off my coat. But the coat is also unfair. When it came to this, the back part of the shredded tear was a mop. I wiped my face hard with it. I wiped it twice in three times. Then I felt a little clearer in front of my eyes.

‘Let’s be wise. Kim Soo-hyun

For a moment, I was speechless, with a squeezed voice.

“User and performance.”

“Yes Yes!”

“Fix your body now for the user. And I will go straight to the battlefield. ”

Yes, sir, I

Then, I looked back at my brother. My brother still looked at me silently. When I saw your brother, I remembered the memory of that time.

Shin Sang Yong? Wish

I can save it.

But is it right to make a living?

A long time later. Perhaps…

No. Maybe not.

The reason I came back was not to eat well in Hall plane. And to return to the Earth safely, ultimately. It was the future I thought and planned, inevitably.


When the time comes, can you think that making use of the new name is the right choice?

I can not give a definite answer to this problem.

Therefore sign

Even if we try to revive the once-dead user, we can not return to earth at the end.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Successful daily save!

As I mentioned before, I will try to prevent the daily series from being punctured until the first part is finalized. _(__)_

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