
Chapter 405

High ceilings with beautiful patterns and interior decorations decorated with colorful ornaments. And a circular table in the center of the room and three sofas arranged in a row.

It was a VIP room to greet precious guests.

‘Sword (后)’ Namdaeun visited the Mercenary Clan.

I rushed to the meeting after telling my employee that I had to go to the fourth floor with my grief. Then, as she entered the VIP room, she could see her sitting on the couch.

“I’ll have a cup of tea.”

“Wow. Thank you ~. ”

Listening to the tone I could see somewhere, I tilted the hotly heated kettle.

Chop! Follow … .

A thin stream of water flows quickly, and a white streak of white steam is rising. Within minutes she handed her a properly filled teacup, and she graciously accepted with both hands.

Pouring into a cup that was still empty, I carefully watched the gif to sip the car.

A long white hair wrapped around a small white face. A peachy light lip with smoothly shining noses and teacups. And a slim and sharp eyebrow that rises gently.

Yes. it is.

When I looked into it carefully, I encountered the eye with a goguryeo. She seemed to like the car quite a bit, and she looked at her head with a cup in her mouth.

When I encountered such a pupil, I felt something different.

‘…Is it a pupil? ”

The eyes of the sword that I saw in the war barrel looked sad. Could it be said that I saw empty sorrow and empty void?

But now the eyes are not at all. I still feel cold and cold, but I’m sitting somewhere. It was a feeling of relaxation to the extent that it seemed to be noble now if it was a bokyung once in the past.


The moment “Did you?”I wanted to get ridiculous, but I was barely able to tolerate the reputation after the sword.

After enjoying the scent coming from the teacup, I quietly opened my mouth.

“You will be satisfied with your taste. I do not have a lot of skill in playing car. ”

“If you play … . Shadow Queen? ”


“like that… ”

I’m sipping tea again. I do not see any signs of opening my mind as I look at it. I feel rather happy to spend such a relaxing time.

I was welcomed by my beautiful eyes and enjoying tea time, but unfortunately, the surrounding situation is not so ample.

I decided to open the door first.

“I can not see you after the war … . Is it only four months? ”

Suddenly, he seemed to think for a moment, and soon he laughed and replied.

“Ah yes. It will probably be that much. I came too late? I’m sorry.”


“Then I’ll see you soon … . I was so eager to have the request of Istan Lowrow Road. If you have been waiting, please acknowledge. ”

The answer is something out of focus.

The godfather has the power to save the life of Mercenary clan members in the war with the Allies. And I invited her to the clan house in the sense of thanks.

What was that? I wanted to thank you so much. ”

I understood it in my mind, and I nodded silently.

“Then I heard that you were attending a chase after the war, chasing bums. He was the greatest player ever. ”

“Ah yes. The bum is the biggest enemy of the user. So I lit up my eyes and looked for bums. The time I spent in the track was a significant time for me. ”

“Great. But the meaning is … ? ”

“I do not know if you know … . In the meantime, there were some rumors surrounding my past. ”

A dark light shines at a glance at the face of a sword that has been hung for a while. But she immediately made a facial expression and uttered in a voice like a jade.

“After the war I wanted to start with a new mind. To do that, I felt the need to close the rumors surrounding my past. So I may have been searching more harder. ”

The moment I heard that, suddenly Kim Dae – pil ‘s words came to mind.

Didn’t you know? There is a rumor that Namdae is originally from a bum. And the back is a little grimy. ”

After I drove a car, I opened my mouth.

So Have you been successful? ”

My eyes closed. And slowly I took off my lips.

“Yeah. I did not find a bum that I really wanted to find, but … . I still feel the different perspective. I feel like I’ve been recognized as one of my users. ”

Find and kill. It was a pretty bloody sound to hear at first sight, but it was understandable considering the fact that Namdaeun’s past was somewhat true.

Soon, the gifu who opened his eyes again looked at me and laughed beautifully.

“The reason I got the courage to start like this is all thanks to Mercenary Road. for your troubles.”

“Yes. Yes … . Well? No, I do not … ”

“The child is true. That’s it. When I met at Barbara … . Actually, I was in trouble. But I was really happy to say that. ”

“?”Then. Did you say that?

I was about to get into a little confusion in the endless and endless response.

widely. Gyuhu quietly put down the cup he had held so far. Then he lowered his head a little, and began to rub it with his index finger.

“actually… . So, I did not follow Mercenary Road, but I joined the track. I thought that if I went to that state then I would have to disorient myself … ”

“??””But there is a lot of invitations to join in. Ahaha. It was really hard to avoid every time. ”

“???”In an increasingly confused mind, I began to clean up the situation while maintaining a casual attitude.

Now It was a pleasure for me to say something, and I was able to get the courage to start a new life.
The reason for participating in the track was not to cause any harm to the marsionary clan in the future.
It was hard to avoid the invitation to join the Isantelourous Clan.

Then, I remembered when I met Han So Young and Nam Dae Eun.

‘If you are not tied to your current clan, it would be okay to go to Monica once.’
‘If you come to Monica along the Isantellow Road, please stop by Mansion Nation once.’
Absolutely. It is a life saver. I would certainly welcome you if you are in a hurry. ”


And the moment I was thinking about it, I had to feel the sweat on the back of my stomach.

In other words, Nam Eun got the word I said by invitation, and I have been trying to come to Mt.

Of course this was a huge misunderstanding. I did not even think that I was going to bring her to Mercenary.

‘It’s great.’

And now it seems that I know why Han So – young was asked to let me know if he saw his.

Reflectively, I bit my lips slightly. This situation, in some ways, was a pretty good idea for Han Sang Young. Actually, I put my saliva first, but how could I be interrupted.


I watched South Daeun, who is still in disarray, and I took a short sigh. And I shook my dizzy hair hard.

‘Let’s be wise. Kim Soo-hyun

Work has already been done, and the South has come to Mercenary Clan. Rather than sit still and be nervous, you have to figure out how to handle your work somehow.

“That’s right.”

Four I’m ashamed of it. Ahaha. ”

“Hahaha. Come to think of it… ”

I thought that, once I settled down the situation, I decided to make a round of conversation.

“Today is strangely quiet?”

Four Is it quiet? ”

“The sword. The name… ”

Ah… Do you? ”

Nam Dae-eun, who got to know it at once, laughed at Baeshsi and pulled out ‘Sorry’.

“I am very embarrassed to meet you in a long time now.”

Haha The sword is ashamed. What a nonsense … .

Woo … . Woong Woong ~.

‘…….’…I forgot. That was a sword. After the gifu, I shouted ‘Shall’, which was shedding shyness, and I accepted it with a strange feeling.

“I felt it last time, but I think it is a really strange sword.”

“I think I am my child. When I was in a difficult situation, it was like a half-heart. ”

“Sure you are.” If not, what time? ”

I asked in a sense that I could see for a moment, and the grief nodded easily.

I felt a sense of touching the wind smoothly as soon as I turned it around. Then I hit the palm of my hand and hit my face, ‘Sora’ seems to stick to the clinging. I do not have a light feeling to use, but the cutting power seemed to be very good.

slap. Swish, swish.

Wow ~.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that I could do more with cold sighing, and I was lightly bumped to the face by the thought.

Requests to sign up after the investigation. No misunderstanding.

At first I was a bit embarrassed, but it was a tremendous opportunity to think about.

Nam Dae-eun’s ability, called ‘Gyu-hoo’, was about to bite me. Just as a simple ‘user information’ situation, I was in the same situation as when I started the second car hall plane.

And if she had somehow settled down to the track, she is very likely to occupy the top 10 of the ten vacant seats.

What if the South came to my arms in this situation? It is becoming a clan with two people only in ten rivers of Mercenary.

“Do not you just pretend you do not know it?”

Of course, I feel sorry for Han So-young … . I’m not going to be hostile to Istanelow.

Moreover, the godfather seemed to try to settle the past for himself. To ignore all these points, I feel sorry for her.


When I looked up at the moment I heard it, I could see that I was too deep in thought.

slap. Swish, swish.

The palm of the hand is suddenly dyed red whether it has hit the sword continuously. So slowly I looked up, and a slight flushing of the ball bloomed, and I can see my wrists gazing at the hand with a hot gaze.

Whoops. You’ve been watching too much. ”

“Oh, no. It’s okay … ”

I looked back at the reason why I shook my head.

‘Do you want to see the information once?’

I said that I had tried it myself, so I had to judge it.

I took a little cup of tea and took a sip. And I activated the third eye, and looked at the glare that stared at me.

It was when many messages came to me in the air.

Player Status 1. Name: Remembrance (4th year) 2. Class: Secret, Queen Of Sword, Master 3. True Name • Nationality: Queen of Sword, • Republic of Korea 4. Propensity: Cool • Obscene [Strength 93] [Durability 78] [Dexterity 95] [Stamina 91] [Power 94] [Luck 93]


At the same time, I puffed out the tea I had.

“Callok! Cork, Cork! ”

“Merchant, loader!”

In the midst of my confusion, I barely stared at the air again, and the head was emptied cleanly.

‘????????’”Are you okay?”

“Callock, ah. Callok Callock, yes. Hang, it’s okay. Sorry.

I stared at my grieflyly.

‘The girl you know to enjoy? Obscene? ”

Obviously, male anxiety, strangeness and tendency that had been written as a wound changed strangely. No. Not strange … . What the hell is this?

The barely submerged head is stirred again.

Within a moment, I watched the gifu looking at the eyes full of worry, and I stole the tea in my mouth. And I put out the words that have not been cleaned yet without bothering.

“Sorry. Thank you for thinking so much about the Mercaneri Clan. But I think it seemed to be interested first in Estanzelow. It is also a very good clan. ”

“Of course I do. It’s a good clan. Soon… I felt too burdensome to start a new trip there. And I like this place more with Mansion Nation Road. ”

“Oh, no.”

“Ah. Do not worry if you notice. I was definitely refusing before the chase disbanded. ”

I do not think she is going to give up.

No, it’s more … .

“…….”The shock that I felt in the user information a while ago was too strong, and I stared at Mulganyan.

Did I feel my gaze like that? The gifu showed a sad appearance and opened his mouth with a weak voice.

Probably… You do not like me coming? For example, because of my past … ”

No. It is not absolutely. ”

I responded immediately.

“Wow. What a relief. I was worried a lot inside … . Thank you for your welcome. ”

Then the glare of the complexion grew with a face of good fortune.

So after a little silence. She smiled and laughed, looked around, and spat out the expectant eyes.

“that… . So, can we see the clan house? I think the garden is very pretty. I would like to meet other clan members once. ”

“…Yes Let’s go. “…Now I do not know.

Yeah, well then. You have to say respect for your taste.

I raised my body to be as it was, and went out with the South Dae Eun in the VIP room.

As soon as we walked down the hallway we reached the stairs and stepped down the stairs and slowly began to descend.

It was when I arrived on the third floor.

“Hey! You should not stand there! ”


When I gaze at the loud noise, I see a baby unicorn climbing the stairs quickly. And Vivien chasing after him like that.

“What are you doing.”


I climbed up the stairs and grabbed the baby unicorn that ran towards me, and he looked at me with a startled face.

It was then.

Kim Soo-hyun I got it! Come on, that guy! Huh…

By the time Vivian was chasing after me, he was pointing to me. Then her gaze turns sideways as if she realized she was next to me.

As I turned his head accordingly, I saw Namdaemun, looking down on Vivienne equally.

Looking at the two staring at each other, I opened my mouth.

“Say hello. Here, after the diagnosis, it is … . Yes. it is.

And that was the moment.



With the sound of the beating, the two women ‘s clubs moved at the same time.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Encounters with pros and cons.

It is important today.

December 2 (Mon) Buro Memorize is going to be canceled. The reason is, as I said before, because of the final exam. ㅠ. ㅠ If you want to tell me again, I was going to have a two-week break after the completion of the first part. However, considering the test period in December, we have to cancel the work again, and then we will turn out to be a series of abduction because the period of suspension is too long.

Abduction is too much fun while writing, too much for me personally. There are a lot of things I want to write less.

The talent, the luncheon and the mingling match, the equipment obtained by the exploration, the confrontation with 101 ability user, the melody and the ansole, the development of the mallery, the performance of the hanhanah and nabe, And the current situation of Lee Yorim, etc.

But in all this time, I had too much time in the middle and a little bit of time. I apologize for this one hundred times. ㅠ. Anyway. As the end of this year is the end of this year, I am going to devote all of my energy to my future.

The final exam will be held for one week from Monday, December 9. And it’s probably going to be Monday, December 16th.In other words, from December 3 (Tuesday) to December 15 (Sunday), a total of 13 days will be canceled.

I honestly think that I will do it every other week, but I did not want to make a promise that I could not keep from the beginning.

It is a vacation immediately after the examination. At that time, I will give more attention to the work I have been postponing because I can afford it (editor, I am sorry, editor).

So Eugene will go back to the ghost.

I’ll see you on Monday, December 16! I hope everyone will have a happy December!

The gun.

+ December 20, 2013 20:15 PM

We will reduce the original suspension period.

I will go to the end of this semester in the same way as I was in the second half of the semester.

1. From Monday, December 2, 2013 until Sunday, December 15, 2013 2. After the change – From Monday, December 2, 2013 to Sunday, December 8, 2013: Every day (Monday, December 4, Wednesday, December 6, Friday, December 8, Sunday) – Monday, December 9, 2013 – December 2013 13th (Friday): Abortion due to midterm exam period.

3. Resumed serial on December 14, 2013.

If you live a little tight, I think you can do this.

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