
Chapter 415

Hall Plane vampires are a species that are known for their vitality.

In this sense, the intruder ‘Sasha Felix’ has clearly shown the aspect of race characteristics. As soon as it was turned off, the dying man scooped his arm and fed it, and it was revived immediately. Of course, it is not completely resurrected, but only enough to have a proper breath.

“From now on, I will ask two questions. Vampire

A three-story conference room with a deep, quiet atmosphere. There is a vampire on the floor in the middle and Park Hyun-woo and Namdaeun watching the man on both sides. The weapon pointed to the throat was cool, but he had not even left his head.

I opened my mouth silently.

“First, why did you try to steal Elixir? Second, how did you know there was an Elixir? If you answer these two questions correctly, do not consider the mercy of the word. ”

“I will consider mercy.”It was true. Of course, at first, rather than mercy, I was going to kill after interrogation. But if you remember, the vampire in front of you and his master are the ones who will play the role of “Holy Queen” Yoo Hyun-ah.

I do not know why they are at Monica now. If only one guess can be made, the future has changed with the death of Yoo Hyun-ah. It was then that the users who originally had to go under her had drifted into the air from the second car.

However, the talent was sad. If you touch this situation well, you will get quite good talent.

Before long, the vampire lifted his head slowly. And then I look up at him gently as he pours out his nose three or four times.

“I did not know you had an Elixir.”

“…What is that sound? ”

“I did not come in to know that there was an Elixir in this place, but after I came in, I knew.”

I gently frowned. I understood it, but I did not understand it.

I felt my vampire, and the vampire breathed out.

“Huh. I suppose I must. I suppose I must. I will believe in mercy. Human

Then the scarlet pecked in the darkness.

“I’m going to let you know the identity of this body. Jim is … ”

And the words that followed were surprisingly true stories.

As you saw in the third eye, the vampire was bound to a kind of contract. In other words, he wrote a contract between the user and the resident in the temple. The relationship is called master and slave, like me and Vivien.

I’m going to go out and do it.

The owner of the vampire is in a situation where his life is threatened. It was because of Lich.

The two have been based in the northern city of Mule for a while. Then I realized that the cave of screams in the blue mountains was revealed, and I decided to try to play the role of ‘janitor’ when the time came.The janitor refers to the first detectors and the third to enter the ruins after the investigation. The purpose is to find the treasures that the ancients might not have found, and occasionally even discover the actual performance.

“It was a fleeting moment. The moment I was struck, it happened in an instant. ”

The vampire frowned and frowned. When I recall that time, my legs are boiling.

The two participated in a battle against the rich corps of blue mountains. The power itself suffered great damage to each other on the equal footing, but how could I barely win. But the finish was hurt. Lastly, Rich left alone and struck his master and said he was self-defeated.

“I have a certain level of master, I think I coped aggressively in an imminent situation. So I could have saved my life from that huge explosion. But I do not know why, but after the explosion … ”

“Which part of the body is numb.”

“Right arm … . Uh, huh? ”

“And as time goes by, there’s more of a lost feature. slowly.”

“Uh, how do you know that?”

The vampire shouted with an astonished face. I put a hand in my arms instead of an answer and pulled out a toddler. I know why I need an Elixir once. But there was still a question.

At that time, she was watching the situation and opened her mouth with a good voice.

“Rich is the body in Hall Plane, but the soul is a monster in a world we do not know. If you attacked yourself … . Maybe he was ready for the annihilation of the soul in another world. ”

“He, what are you talking about?”

“Now your master’s wounds are not the flesh but the wounds of the soul. I understand that life is dangerous now. ”

What a house girl you are. I stared at the vampire nodding and still confused in the sense of being right.

“So I needed an Elixir … . Elixers are able to heal over all conditions, healing is definitely possible. It is a wound of the soul, but it is just a setting. ”

“awhile! What else is that? Setting? ”

“We are users. It’s not a word you can understand. You do not have to. Now

I lit the tobacco early in the day, and I was speechless.

“after. How did you come to this place? I have not heard the answer yet. ”

“Did not you say? I did not come in, I came in. ”


“…This is the eighth time. Oh, the ninth. ”

“Eight ninth?”

“Elixir is not something that can be obtained so easily.”

The vampire answered quietly.

After returning from the blue mountains, the two tried to cure the body in various ways. However, there was no remarkable achievement. No matter how much money he poured out, he only temporarily regained his senses or slowed his progress. After finding the way back and forth, only Elixir was told that he could cure the wounds left by Ritchie.

“At first I did not know it was such a precious thing. I asked the store if there was an elixir, and I was treated like a madman, and in a big building I was treated like a madman. ”

That’s right. Elixir is a treasure in treasure called the extra life in the Hall Plane. A thing that should not be bought even if it can not live with billion dollars. Who will pass it like a patron?

“So I thought a little strange. So I thought of it and I could make one conclusion. Elixir certainly exists somewhere. But it is a very precious thing that can not be given to others. ”

“right. It’s smart. ”

Haha Thank you. Oh, no. Anyway, as the time passed, the owner was getting harder and I wanted more Elixir … . And at some point I came to the decision of a seedling. ”

“I will steal it because it will not be saved. Until you find a place with an elixir. ”

Finally, the conclusion came out. The vampire nodded his head carefully as he looked at the sad eyes.

When I heard the reason, the feeling of admiration came to me rather than anger. Then vampires have been infiltrating several buildings so far. What kind of ability did you have so that you could go around like you did?

‘Maybe there is a unique ability. I’ll look at it a little later. ‘

I thought I was very capable of coveting, and I calmed myself up.

Agreed. I heard the story well. Vampire

“Hey, will you keep your promise?”


The vampire asked the body with a wink. It looks like he thought he was disposing. I slowly reduced the distance from him.

“I should meet someone who is your master instead.”

“What, what?”

“Why are you so surprised?”

“This is a different promise! I took all the stories without lying! Well, I’m sure you will consider mercy … . Keuak!

The vampire’s shouting ceased. It was because of the uncomfortable feeling that he had squeezed his brother’s hair and put it down.

“There is something you misunderstand.”

Put a light hand on the hand holding the embossed flushing rose on her face. I felt my hand touching my hand and falling. And there was a shivering head behind him.

I took out the Elixir I had put in my arms and shook it a few times. The golden liquid is gleaming with brilliant light. It’s worth a ride.

“Whatever your circumstances, this Elixir is of Mercenary. It is the voice of your heart that you will save your master, but it is only an intruder who would have taken your treasure from us. And you are in a position to say nothing if you dispose of it right now. I’m wrong? ”

“Large … ! ”

“But the reason I will call your master anyway is to find a peaceful solution. I think this is enough mercy and consideration … ”

“If you do not have a solution, you’ll want to take responsibility for her, too … ! ”

‘Ohh. Sharp? ‘

I laughed. The vampire’s words were poking through my heart.

This was not the only thing. Frankly, I thought that I could easily be able to roll because of the tendency, but I lost my heart in conversation. He talked about the facts, but he had to hide what he wanted to know. Though I was almost sure of the moment she told me.

“That’s right. The mistake of the original slave is that the owner is responsible for a certain part. Anyway. So you have no mind to say? ”

“Do you think I will? Kill it! ”

I suppose I must.

The dawn was deep. I do not want to take the time anymore. I pushed as hard as I could toward my bowed head.

“Shut up!”

And he struck his abdomen hard with his kick before he was fully depressed. Soon I looked up and looked up at the vampire. All of the clan members were gathered in the conference room except for the performance.

“Vivien. Drag it and kill it to some extent. Do not run away. ”

What is it? “Oh, okay!

As he opened his mouth with a vampire, Vivian nodded his head. I turned my attention to her.

“In the morning, send a messenger to Isantelourou. You can say that you will borrow a square today. ”

Hae-yun had a headache, but it seemed as if he knew soon.

I thought for a moment and looked around the remaining clan members. It is not the case that the … . That would be enough.

I was talking to the six people I just thought.

“I am going to hang this guy on the square tomorrow morning and play. So the six people I have just pointed out are now in pairs with two of them. Then three sets will be created, so you can alternate at appropriate intervals. If you have any questions, please respond accordingly. ”

The six of them looked at each other stupidly and gazed at me. I do not feel like I’m going to do something.

‘I do not like playing.’

If it was playing now, “Suhyun! I know what you mean. I’ll take care of the rest. “He would smile at me.

I smiled and laughed and finally I looked at the two priests.

“User Shin Young Ryong, Ansol. The two of you should go to the temple as soon as the permission of Istanellow falls. Then tell them about the matter and tell them you will use the forum’s bulletin board. ”

“Oh, very well.”

Now, only a few clan members, including Shin Jae-ryong, have become aware of it.

“The night was deep. Everyone suffered. I’ll let you go. ”

When Vivian approached him, he shouted, shouting at the same time that he would start at the same time.

“Who can help me move to the basement ?!”

I was accused of seeing the moving clan members in Busan.

‘You meet her like this. It’s unbelievable. ‘

In some ways, I can see that Busan is faltering to meet one user, but the owner who will appear tomorrow is a worthy user. Of course it is unknown, but if it is her character I will remember it.

I greatly stretched out and walked out of the room quietly. Suddenly I feel like I can not sleep tonight.

Anyway, you just have to wait for the vampire master ‘Flash’ to appear.

* Morning was bright. I had a big event last night but the morning I am coming is still as calm as ever.

It is much quieter than usual when we eat breakfast and look around the entire clan house. Perhaps most of the clan members went out to deal with the things I dictated yesterday.

After I made a round trip to the hostel, I stayed for a long time in the third floor warehouse. Then I headed straight to the office. The clan members work hard and the clan rod can not be playing.

The problem we have to face now is the security of the warehouse. The intruder has the specificity of being a vampire, but there is no excuse for this part. I wrote that I was nervous, but it was true that it was a result of security breaches.

‘If you put the bumper number, the burden of the clan members may increase … . Would I rather move my accommodation to the third floor? It’s the main building anyway. ‘

With a record of the reinforcement plan in front of me, I turned my quiver, which was in my hand, meaninglessly. It does not increase security because it pours money only unconditionally. One way is to pick up the strands about the direction in which to keep things in the warehouse. And it would be the right answer to think about ways to connect as efficiently as possible to that direction.

‘Moving the accommodation to the third floor is a hold. The security of access to the warehouse … . Notifications are already installed. Would you like to install the trap and the obstruction magic in combination? Ah. Can you get help from Ordot in Vivian’s order? ‘

Male breeding.

How long has it been? I felt that one of the clan members who were out was returning two people. The record, which started with blank paper, is filled with writing. I looked up at the window and saw the sun slowly approaching the middle. It will be noon now.

It was the moment when I was thinking about eating for lunch.

Toc Toc

“Clan Road. It is oil luck. May I have a moment? ”

“Yes. Come on in.”

When I sat down again halfway, I heard the door open.

The person who was exposed at the opening of the door before long was Yoon Yu-daun who brushed his hair neatly. Did the clothes say the wings? I once took him to the warehouse and asked him to pick up archery equipment, but I remember being amazed by the way he looked at Barbara.

Yin Yuun, who bowed his head graciously, opened his mouth with blunt speech.

“The owner of the intruder has appeared.”


“The owner of the intruder has appeared.”

It ‘s like a parrot. I stared at him blankly and laughed lightly.

‘This is too cool.’

It was me who had always been talking to the people who were talking to me during the week of the week. However, when I received the report of Seon Yu Luck, I heard a strong sense of strangeness.

Haha Yes Where is the owner now? ”

“I brought you to the main gate. We’re looking forward to seeing the current Clan Road. ”

I do not know why I’m laughing.

I laughed and gave permission.

Clear right. Please come in. ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ==================================================================================================== Last time I was an illustrator who worked on Seraph and Goh. Hahaha. 🙂 Well… . There are some people who want to live in Yoo Hyun-ah. I thought it was a bit surprising. -_- a I was wondering what kind of feelings the reader had about the character of the ‘Sacred Queen’. : D

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