
Chapter 420

(Carr! Carrer!)

“Play it.”

(I’m sorry, Suhyun. He’s so funny, but … . Crawl!)


When I see her playing so hard, she sighs. The moment I wanted to quit the communication, but I barely suppressed the grimace and pressed the force.

‘I’ll just say my words and hang up … . ‘

At first I was going to hear if there was a good opinion about the unity of the clan members. However, the story that I fell into Samcheonpo without knowing it was spread to the present condition of the clan members at any moment. I told him about what happened with Bibiang and Namdae in an attempt to appeal to him. . So who is wrong? It is my fault that I made a mistake.

“Ah, just smile and talk to me.”

(Giggle. I laughed a lot just for a moment. Any good comments? Hmm …

Koh played the glare of his eyes and shook his chin with his podied hands.

Well… There are a lot of things that come to mind, but I think we should sort things out. It is not light.

“Clean up. Yes. it is.

Toc Toc

It was then.

“Orbney, orbney. It’s been a bad day. ”

It was okay, I heard Ansol’s voice from outside the door.

“Is it big?”

“The guest came. I want to see you. ”

She is still. No, what ‘s the big deal with the guests?

“That’s right.”

The sharp pinball of playing. I whispered quietly and then raised my voice.

“Who is the guest?”

“that… . Ahh! You said you came from the magic tower? ”

“Magic Tower? Why … ? Anyway. I’ll be out soon so bring it to the VIP room on the 4th floor. And the car burns. ”


Soon, I felt that Ansol was moving away. As he slowly lifts the crystal ball, he still tucks his chin and looks down at me.

“The guest is here. I think I should go. ”

(Really? So what? I do not want to send Suhyun ~?

“The magic supplier is me. That is, it depends on me. ”

Bloody hell!

I’m going to play with you. But it was not a glance, but a fine eye sore.

Got I’ll think a lot, so do not forget to contact me later.)

Clear right. I’ll see you later. Then I will quit. ”

(awhile. Where are you going? No matter how busy you are. Now, here is my kiss.

Away with you.

Koh played his tongue lips to the crystal ball, but I just cut off his horsepower. It was a small revenge about laughing.

I stretched a little and stood up from the seat. It is said that the guest came from the magical tower. I have not heard the name, but I have a rough idea.

‘Taro card magician.’

Who would come to me if it was not a melody?

Of course, I wondered why I came, but once I got dressed and moved to the VIP room. I opened the door without any thought and was able to see the melody that arrived first. I flirted.


Surprisingly, it was the same. It seemed to me that I was one step ahead of myself when I was about to sit in the seat.

“Load the magic tower. When did you come? ”

“And again. I want you to call me Margot Road … . 쯧, just anyway. ”

“So Ansol is … ”

“Ansol? If you’re talking about a sunny little guy, he taught me about the location and ran right away. ”


“I was told to come in the car ~. Huh, even cute. ”

‘This idiot.’

The melody was spontaneously said, but the moment I felt my face burning. What in the world…… I send a guest alone without a guide. It’s also a secret class and a load of one clan.

“Anyway, it’s been a while.”

“Long time no see.”

After a while, we shared a simple greeting. And when he sat in the seat, the melody stroked the exposed shoulder gently. Her outfit was a little bit of a lingerie laden with a mysterious atmosphere. Sooner or later, you can see a garter belt across your sensual thighs. And up to the netting stockings that cover the stretched calf.

At that moment, I could feel the standing gaze. When I turn my head in a reflexive manner, the melody is looking at me with a quiet eye.

“Mercenary Road. Do you remember the promise I made to you before? ”

“It’s a promise.”

“…Have you been busy a lot lately? ”

Well… no Recently, I was able to do it. But why do you … ”

The melody did not open its mouth anymore. I started to look at me like I did before. When I was worried about madness, sudden thought ran over my head.

‘Come to think of it… . Did you decide to meet once? ”

okay . . . Thinking about it a few months ago, it seemed like I made a promise at the end of the meeting in Barbara. No, obviously.

I wanted to get rid of it for no reason. However, I noticed that I remembered that the mouth of the melody draws a soft line.

When a feeling of discomfort rises, an unexpected savior emerges.

Toc Toc

Sibling No Klan Rod. I brought the car. Will you come in? ”

“Oh, come in.”

I want to be good, I said quickly. And I opened my mouth naturally.

Haha The car is here. It ‘s cold in the day. The car will be warm. ”

“Oh, please turn the topic well. I nearly forgot about it. You can play it very well. ”

But the melody did not go over. The door carefully opened when the bitter bitterness was only coming back. Ansol came in with a tray on both hands.

“It’s a Ramon car left by the Shadow Queen. I want you to meet your taste. ”

“How… . So much so, really gentle. I’ll have tea. ”

Hehe. Oh, what? It’s nothing about it. ”

“…Is it natural? I did not expect this. ”

Perhaps the last word of the melody was heard only by me.

Anyway, Ansol laughed quietly as the melody came to a close. No, it seemed to be trying. It seems that the next step is to show an elegant gait like a model, still in play.

“Hmmm. Mmm, hmm. Please wait a minute.”


I do not know what you think, but from the eyes of a third party … . So, to be honest, I was so embarrassed.

It is a situation where you are struggling to come to the station. She could not see it, so she turned her gaze.

“Oh, Uh, huh? ”

Suddenly I heard an embarrassed noise. When I turned my head again, I could not see my body, and I saw her stumbling back and forth. Perhaps an unfamiliar gait is twisted at the moment.

“Oh, no!”

Eventually, Ansol screamed out and missed the tray. I took a sigh of relief. I wanted to be quiet these days. Anyway, I chased the tray I missed in the thought of catching it.


And at that moment, I felt the power to enter the pupil.

At the moment, the teacup flew in the air. And without a moment to respond, the pouring black tea is poured into the pants.

“Waaaaa!” Sorry Sorry! ”

Ansol fell on his gear and thigh as he fell. I felt a hot liquid coming from her hand and pants, but I did not even look down.

“I will . . . Did you stay still? ”

A little earlier, Ansol’s move was tremendous. I knew she was going to fall, but I could not cope. The angle of the fall, the direction of the pouring, the angle at which the tea comes in. Everything seemed to be perfect as if it were resurrected. If I just had a sword that was not a tea in the situation, I would have been fatal.

“Do not you?”

When I calm down my throbbing breasts and lower my head, I see an angel who does not know what to do.

Sibling I’m sorry… . I do not … ”

Ansol looked up at him with a grungy eyeball and shed tears. But the appearance is subtle. Exactly, I open my leg a little while I kneel in between and sweep her face. awhile. This is the AV … . What am I thinking now?

I shook my head hard. Then, after putting the tumbled tea cup on the table, it was all right to raise it and raise it. I thought that she would not have done this on purpose because of her movements.

‘It’s a coincidence.’

I slowly raided my body, seeing Ansol going out without power. It is dripping down to the inside as well as the underwear as the tea dripping. Oh, please.

“after. Sorry.”

all right It’s rather fresh and good? ”

“…I will change. The office is right in front of us.

No. You do not have to. ”

I want to talk about it. When I opened my head, I saw a card shining in green light was held in her right hand.

Soon the melody lips were torn.

“Draw Out.”

It was then. The green surrounding the card seemed to be getting stronger, and the water around it gradually began to rise. The same was true of wet pants. The tea that had been impregnated into the big rope went all the way and made several water streams.


Follow, follow.

The water stream, which was swirling softly like a wave, stood in the teacup along with the finger of the melody. I blinked my eyes blankly. A little bit of water was felt in the pants and the teacup was filled with cold tea.

Soon, the melody holding the mug of tea was a sip of tea. Uh, that … . I thought it was a little bit damp but wet.

“Well. It’s delicious. ”

“…That’s amazing ^ – ^

“I have to do this sort of secret classon. Did you say Ramon car anyway? Please also listen to the mermenery load. The tea is very good ~ I have steamed. ”

“Hahaha… ”

I thought maybe I could do that with knowing the melody. Anyway, since the idea of ​​tea has disappeared (although it is water in my body), I stared at her quietly. The melody was leaning to the end of the teacup, with the naked light on the neck.

“after. So let’s start playing with this joke. ”

Within a short time, the melody, which made the cup tea, gracefully set down the teacup. I thought I was going to come out of now, so I sat down and fixed my posture.

“I will listen.”

Very Well. The reason I first visited the Mercanary Clan today is … . If you get tired, it’s because of the ancient magical city of Marge. ”

“Finally … ? That place is already where the attack is over. ”

“Right. I finished the survey at Isantelou and it was open to the public afterwards. And we sent a janitor to Maria in our moon tower. From two months ago until now. ”

Two months ago. Is it worth it to Margea? I glanced a little.

A cleaner refers to the third user who enters into the ruins already caught and whether there is anything to pick up.

When Mercenary was attacking Maimaa, it had swept all of the ancient magic books as well as fire equipment. In other words, all the achievements have already been pulled out, so the rest will be outside the ruined buildings. “I do not know. It was also surveyed in Mt. I wonder if you need to spend two months. ”

“Mercenary Road? The magic tower is literally a group of wizards. We do not want to be buried … . That is Marge. The magic of ancient Hall Plane is the best magical city that was built when the best golden age was spent. It is a city where the countless ancient magic that we can not know now collectively. What the city was like at that time, how the city was built, and so on. That’s what we want. ”

The melody was quick to speak with a slightly excited tone that was not usual. My throat is dry until I have a cup of tea in front of me. I waited for her to lift her car again. I did not want to drink anyway.

after I’ll keep talking. Anyway, we have been looking at Margea every two months, and I was able to get what I expected. ”

Suddenly I felt like my ears were flashing.

The melody quickly opened up.

“It’s not the material outcome that Mercenary Road thinks. You can see it in the magical tower. Honestly, it is also called performance. One result? I guess it’s a guess about the preceding questions? ”

“Guess. “Sure you are.” Then what? ”

“As far as the conclusion is concerned, Margea thinks that magic has become a mainstream unlike other cities. In other words, I lived a life different from ordinary life. Giving you an example, Can you understand if you think about the differences you feel when you use stairs and escalators on Earth? ”

“As the inhabitants of the general city climbed the stairs, the wizards of the magical city of Magnea used escalators. That’s right. ”

The melody nodded slowly with a satisfying face.

“I’m correct. And I think it’s because of the enormous number of spells that have fallen asleep in cities. ”

Once again, the melody, which finished the explanation of the long sentence, breathed lightly. And I thought quietly.

It was a story that was not shown in the first car. It was left untill after the attack. Anyway, I did not know what I was interested in, but at the same time I was interested.

“Load the magic tower. There is one question. ”

“Yeah. Please speak.”

“Why are you talking about it in the mall?”

“Umm . . .

The melody was not immediately answered. Then I seemed to be a bit worried but immediately opened my mouth.

“When I made my first conclusion, a month ago. And with the assumption that our guess is right, MaTaT started to investigate the new direction for the rest of the month with all the power of the clan. What was the purpose of this city? And can it be rebuilt? ”


Horses that I could not think of burst out. As I was getting more and more scaled, I fell into the story.

“And just like a month later. So a while ago, we concluded … . No, I was able to make a guess. ”

“You can say the conclusion. So what’s the conclusion? ”

The melody laughed at the moment. And he stared at me with a giggle, and gave me his appetite with his slender nipple. It seemed like a hesitant way to talk.

How about three minutes? When the silent despair felt awkward, the lips of the melody slowly detached.

“The purpose of the city was defense. The city itself was a strategic weapon built for defense. And concluded that reconstruction is possible. One clan member who could interpret Gore found a very interesting record. ”

“Interesting record?”

The melody was a nod to the nod. And it was a speech.

“If you tell me … . There is only one master in Margee. The master can take care of all of Margea. The owner is nothing but a city itself. There is only one way to become master of such a maria. You need a key to control all the spells in the city. The key’s name is … ”

At that moment, the information of the equipment I had read with my third eye started to come to mind. I can not remember any more information. But somehow I felt a throbbing neck.

The melody continued.

“Ordo in order. It’s the name of the key to rebuilding and controlling the city. ”

I knew it. I spit on my lips and closed my nasty eyes. Suddenly my mind is complicated. Among them, the name of Marco de I’lewrite came to the fore.

After a while, I stared at the melody with my eyes open. She was excited and excited with her voice.

“Mercenary Road. Are not you excited? A person with a key can be the owner of the city. Or you can see it as a walking magic city itself. ”


“No! Maybe it’s not a god in the city … ? You can speak Korean

“Load the magic tower. jamsimanyo

When he spoke clearly, the melody waved his eyes in a circle and asked for his mouth in a moment. Looking at her, I opened her mouth with a dry neck.

“I think I need to hear a little more detailed story. Not to the conclusion, but to the process. ”

The melody blinked very briefly. Then he spoke out suddenly in his voice.

“I’m hungry.”

* It was a pretty room. There is a robe on one side and a small shelf on the other. White bed on white wall. This pure white room, which anyone would consider to be white, was the private accommodation of Ansol.

“Black. I was too imprudent. I was not thinking otherwise. This idiot! ”

Ansol, lying in bed, rolled his foot and hit his bed with his fist. I was so embarrassed that I had to take my car and fall on my feet.

In fact, it was the fault of the perfect Ansol. It is because I was carrying out the imagination of the imagination which was not carrying the car. Imagination Naraean was the idea that a marauding explosion would have buried her face in Kim Su-Hyun’s arms. And at that moment my feet twisted unintentionally and I missed the tray.

“You gave it to me and believed … . What do you think of me now? Do you think maybe you should quit? ”

Ansol still mumbled to himself, and he fell off without force.

In fact, Ansol was very satisfied with Kim Su-hyun’s performance. As Kim Soo-hyun was happy to see her every time she saw her, her performance was the best place for her. Because I call a lot, I see a lot, and the time that I have next to it also increases. Also, when Kim Soo-hyun handled what she ordered, she sometimes felt like she was a wife.

“Chi, Chi, Chi, Chi.”

After a while, Anzol suddenly shook his head. The warmth of the eyes and the touch of the hands are telling me that it is okay. Ansol, who had a fist, raised his body.

“He, yes. He said it was okay! You can do better next time. right?”

Ansol encouraged himself and vigorously shouted fighting. I reached the shelf and grabbed the most recently stolen mug. Then, I quipped it with a quill pen, and asked for the position that I was using.

Toc Toc

The licking and drinking of the teacup made me feel better. I felt that my sad feelings had diminished and returned to the mood of this morning again.

Actually, this morning, Ansol was very happy. As soon as I woke up, my head and body were very refreshing. Does the whole body feel so refreshing?

Since there has never been such a pleasant enemy ever before, Ansol felt the feeling that it would be possible to accomplish whatever he wanted, the day that it is today.

“Well. Uh. ”

side. Shaky. Toc Toc

Ansol sucked his cup for a while and closed his eyes. And I recalled when I entered the bridge between Kim Soo-hyun. At that time, I did not feel that there was no casualty, but I could definitely take care of one smell. The smell of a man who has been poured into the gap between soaked trousers. Thinking back then, Ansol felt his face burning hot.

“Hugh. Good. ”

Suddenly, Ansol stopped sucking the teacup. Then he put them on the shelf and began to take off his clothes one by one. She takes off her socks, takes off her robe and takes off her shirt. Ansol, who had been in his underwear for a while, took off his chest. Within a short time, he touched the rest of his panties and began to imagine a bogus for a full-fledged action.

Hehe. Do not you want her to come in and open the door. Then I … . 꺅! Dunno!’

Ansol laughed and lowered the remaining underwear.

It was then.


“Ansol. Jāņi

Suddenly the door opened and somebody came in. I was amazed at Ansol and I was stuck with my underwear down. Then slowly I looked up and saw Kim Soo-hyun standing at the door.

“Oh, you brother?”

“Oh, I am sorry. I did not come call, knocked, but there was no answer. ”

Kim Soo-hyun was also very embarrassed. But he fixed his face right away and turned quickly. Ansol reflexively asked in the midst of embarrassment.

“Joe, I’m sorry. He, but what are you doing here … ”

Oh, that’s … I’m going out for a while now. It may take a little longer to load and eat magic towers. And I will be meeting tomorrow morning so I want you to inform the clan members in advance. ”

“Yes Yes. I know.”

“Then please … . And I’m sorry. It was not intentional. ”

all right

“…okay . . .

bang. The visit was closed. Soon, Ansol sat down as he heard the footsteps gradually moving away.


“Hua, Hua.”

I was thrilled with my heart. Soon soon, he shook his head. Sometimes a question mark flashed over my head. I felt something strange incongruity.

“I certainly wanted you to come in and open the door … ”

But I really came in.

“I said I wanted to do it, but … ”

I did not know for sure, but I smelled it.

At that moment, Ansol shook his head. Ansol’s eyes were shining brightly before.

“Uh, maybe … ! ”

Could it be something today?

It was a conclusion without a basis, but Ansol felt confident in the whole body. At the same time, I felt something exploding inside me. I have not been able to make a lot of light like I used to do nowadays.

The bright eyes began to burn for a moment. Ansol shrewdly opened her eyes and unfolded her own imagination.

Kiss Hug No, maybe even that!

When I imagined what I had never thought of before, Ansol tortured my body. Suddenly his legs started tingling. Ansol, who seemed to come within minutes, lay down in bed as it was. Then he opened his arms and thought, holding his fist tightly.

Indeed, today may be the day to be something.

Ansol’s visible white ceiling looked shiny today without reason.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Futuream.

(Melody, spreading out the cards.)
Melody: Hmmm. Mercenary Load. I see the point. Is the horoscope really dangerous today?

Kim Soo-hyun: What? Is it dangerous?

(Tune, stares at the card with a serious face.)
T: It is likely to be a victim today. There is a tremendous danger surrounding the Merseyside Road. Watch yourself. Already it has passed you for a while. At the moment of detention, the perpetrator will accomplish what he wants at once.

(Kim Soo-hyun, snoring)
Kim Soo-hyun: Do not eat bullshit and eat.

(Staring at Kim Soo-hyun with a melodious, sad eyes)

And the story that Ansol had a happy day … .


The last abduction order starts!

1. I apologize for your inconvenience. It was a little late when I put the capacity in tightly. 2. Ah. I made the mistake of telling you the rest period yesterday. It is good to go to ski resort on Thursday from 26th to 27th (Friday), but it returns on the afternoon of Friday, 27th. In other words, you can write when you return. I have an appointment on the afternoon of the 25th. So, 27 (Fri), 28 (Saturday), but Hugh ash 26 (Thursday), 27 (Friday), Hugh. I am sorry to have made a mistake.

3. Someone gave us an inquiry. I thought that it would be better to say this part now.

Yes. Cha Shaolin is going to connect with Ahn Hyun. There is no plan to change. I think I would be a good fit for this simple case, and I thought it would be funny. So I gave a lot of thought to the readers. At that time, I was really imprudent and still sorry.

I have since told you that I will make a new character according to your readers’ advice, and that character is Cha Shaolin. Originally, I was supposed to appear in Part 2, but I thought it would be better to appear before, so I decided to put it in the abduction. Since I have already thought about how it will lead to Ahn Hyun, I think it will be very difficult to change now.

Cha Shaolin is a virtuous woman. I became inspired to see a character who loves and loves a man for a long time. Also, Cha Shaolin and Ahn Hyun are not related yet. Ahn Hyun is unilaterally, it is not that I have already done so.

For now, I will only mention here. It will not be fun if I tell you in advance what will happen to Kim Soo-hyun, Cha Shoolim, and Ahn Hyun. 🙂

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