
Chapter 427

I opened my mouth wide. And I barely cut one of the two huge hills in front of me.



Hannah flinched. However, soon I have to try to endure the lip somehow. I stroked her back, and I began to tear the milked mouth. It was too big to come in one mouth, but I moved my mouth to the best of my ability.

“Hmm, huh.”

I can not stand an empty nipple through the gap between the closed lips. I grabbed one of my remaining breasts by lifting the remaining hand. And he licked his nipples with his tongue, and sucked the milk deep into his mouth.

“Oh, no… . Ah, aaaah! ”

For a moment, the hair hanging down is a big surprise to the left and right. At the same time, I felt a slight resistance to pushing my head out.

But I did not fall. Rather, he was stubbornly clinging to his stubbornness. The nipple is stretched with the thumb and index finger, and the tongue is rolled round and lick the entire grave. Of course, I did not forget to inhale properly in the middle.

“Fuck you!”

The direction of the force was quickly reversed. Hannah’s hand, which somehow pushed down, this time began to push her head against the contrary. It seemed as though begging for a little giggling at the piercing pillar occasionally while shaking.


Within a minute, she took her mouth off her breast and looked up at her head. She was stroking her chest with her face all over her face. The red mark on the new white hill is worse than I thought. I suddenly felt sorry.

“Are you sick a lot?”

yeokshi My sisters … . Yeah, right.

What is it? Is that what you mean? ”

You… Chests I really like it … . Juha … ”

Hannah stroked her breath and strangely bent her eyes. I cut my hands once, after I had been bitten once or twice, and still had to touch the milk. She giggles.

What? You can add … . You were so cute. I look like this for the first time. ”

“…It does not sound like a praise. ”

I felt a little nervous, but I have nothing to say. When I think about it, every time I have a relationship with them, I always find it from my heart. Awesome. It’s self-reliance.

Anyway, it is not a good way to do foreplay with your chest. Hannah was also a virgin who had never been in a relationship. If you want to reduce the pain to some extent when you insert it later, it is better to pretend to be precious.

“Kiss me again … ”

As soon as I received the request, I immediately gave Hannah a gaze. I was worried that my desk would be cold, but I thought I should warm it up soon, so I threw my upper body forward. I felt a sense of pressure to press my chest and kissed Hannah’s lips.

“Umm . . . Hum…

Hanna’s lips drifting a little bit. I decided to become a little more bold with the more aggressive movement. I gently rubbed my lips and slowly put my tongue in the opening. Her thin eyes drift away.

After breaking into Hannah’s mouth, I immediately looked for her tongue and moved. Hannah was trying to avoid twisting it, but it was like it was already over. When I tasted the smooth and soft texture of my skin, I quickly wrapped my tongue and entangled it. Inhale as it is without giving a break.

“Yes, it is … . 쩝 … . gulp! Hmm, 쩝 … . 쩝 … . gulp!”

I held Hannah ‘s neck fixed. She slowly raised her body and swallowed her strongly.

The response that had just been seen collapsed in an instant, and Hannah turned to passive again. The tongue is pulled as it sucks and the saliva is taken as it is given.

When Hannah sat back on her desk, I dropped her lips.

“Puha! Hahaha… ”

Hannah glared at her head and took a deep breath. The eyes were lightly wet and the breath was warm. Deep kisses seem to be very impressed.

But it is not enough. I can not say enough that I enjoyed foreplay. There is no sense of insufficiency to insert immediately.

I sat down beside her for a little more time to warm Hannah’s body. And lightly placed on the thigh. She was sitting on top of me, as if she were to overlap each other.

“What else are you going to do?”

Hannah ‘s voice seems to be shaking a little as she was shocked by her breasts and deep kisses.

I opened my mouth naturally.

“I’ll take off your pants.”

“Ha, why the bottom ?!”


Mohl 꺅! ”

Hannah had a jump in her mind as she took off her pantyhose quickly. Now I think I have some normal screaming and I started taking off my clothes slowly. At the same time, I watched her backwardness in front of me.

The big advantage of the Hannah figure is definitely big breasts, but the line leading down is also beautiful. A mature S curve that goes out to get out. In particular, the white and rounded buttocks, reminiscent of peaches, and the gorgeous thighs of fine-looking flesh, were showing off the charm of a woman who was so ripe.

I handed Hannah both sides without delay. Then she twisted her waist around and spouted her displeased face.

“You were surprised. Do not you have to tell me ahead of time? ”

“Do not tell me.”

“Was he?”

Hannah replied with a shy face and looked at her again. For a while she looked at her nervous neck and raised her chin on the white, fine shoulder. And whispered in my ear.

“Do not worry about anything. Just stay still. got it?”

She was shaking her head, but Hannah had a nodding nod.

I slowly and carefully began to move my hands holding my side. From the side to the abdomen, from the abdomen to the navel, further down from the belly button. I sweep down all the parts I’ve seen a few times.

Soon, when I tried to go deeper, I felt a sense of resistance. It is instinct to defend his precious place, and Hannah has thrust his thigh.


“Ha, but.”

“It’s okay … . Yes. it is.

Nevertheless, the thighs did not open. However, I do not feel a strong sense of resistance even if the force is slightly released. I threw my thighs at once and dug into the inside. At that moment, I felt the feeling of conspiracy that was fogged with my fingertips.

The pressure on the hands starts to get stronger again. I was laughing because I felt the warmth and warmness of the horse. Enjoy the touch for a while, then start slowly again. More and more, down to the most precious place of women.

Then, we could see that the stop at the end of the valley began to crack. I scratched the part once.

Hannah’s body shrinks and her thighs tighten more and more. But I did not stop. There is no place to go, even if it is already digging in. When I go down all the way down, I feel a gap that divides vertically from the crack.

Along the gap, I swept the hand at once and to the end of the crack.


It was then. At last Hannah’s mouth burst. It was not a nasal sound coming from the nose, but it was a raucous tone boiling from the inside.

I wrapped Hannah ‘s waist with her left arm. Then she listened to her shoulder and asked her quietly.

“That’s cool. Now it is. You are unique. ”

“Huh, huh, huh. No, do not make fun of me. ”

Haha How are you feeling? ”

Ha… Because the man touches … . I’m so uncomfortable … . There is definitely a difference? ”

“…Does the man touch it? ”

He does I’ve never done masturbation once in a while. ”

I was a little nervous for an unexpected confession, but I could understand it soon. It may be that there is a difference between what you see in ordinary people and what you see inside. Is not it just me? Or maybe I could make Ansol (for the moment, Ansol’s clear face came up, I shook his head sharply).

Suddenly the pressure to tighten his hand was gradually weakening. The thigh, which was so tightly closed, began to open itself. But Hannah was still staring at her. I feel like I’m taking a shichimi, and I laughed inside.


Now I think I need to be bold to some extent, I bent the stop in the form of a ring. And I began to look for holes to push into tightly closed flesh. But the gap was tight, and refused to enter the stop. Even though it gave me a little strength, I was stiff enough to get into the end of the bar.

‘If you put it in before, it would have been very painful?’

I was relieved and I dropped my left hand with my waist down. The thighs are still going on, so there’s plenty of room to get in.

I left the omun on the left and right with my left hand. Hannah’s ass was twisted.

“Uh! Rice, transformation. ”

“I do not see anyway.”

I responded naturally, and I was careful and diligent at the last time I was exposed. Then I pushed my finger slowly into the hole again. Then, I felt that the stop was buried in the wrinkles and the resilient texture. As if inevitably allowing her to, she tucks her fingers in tightly.

I ended up pushing my finger in a word. I wanted to get to the spot, which is like the heart of women’s best sensation, but it was the place behind the hymen. For that reason, I was just one word and started to stir soft stops.

It is warm

But unexpectedly Hannah did not react. No, I did not make any noise. I looked at her sad face and I could see her biting her lips as she picked up Amy. Occasionally I shook my head and shook my hands. It is a calm ripple in my body, which is leaning on my body.

Are you doing this because you’re not even talking about it? Are you trying to stop some moaning?

‘Then you can not stay still.’

I listened quietly. I can see Hannah ‘s ears that come out of her. It seemed to be true that it was leaking in a long gap of hair. In the end, I could not bear it, I asked her ears.


It almost succeeded, but it failed. I felt sorry for myself and I pinched my forehead ears. And he sneaked down and kissed his soft lobe.

“Uh … . It’s not … . Hmm … ”

It is a little bit, but it begins to leak. At first glance, it was a weeping tone, but the loud ear lobes are not.

I did not let my left hand stand still. I stopped to open the entrance and quickly followed the gap. In the crack that I first touched within, I felt that the protuberance that had not been felt before felt like a pussy.

At one moment, I gathered my thumb and index finger and grabbed the protruding part.


At the moment Hannah’s thighs shook tremendously. At the same time, my posture is disturbed, until I lean on the momentum to knock me down.

I thought it was time to start a new era. I felt the smooth liquid feeling on the right fingers steadily swirling. The gentle love that came out of the spring was releasing smoothly the vagina.

I stopped paddling inside and calmly paused. I raised my hand, caressing a precious place, and brought it in front of Hannah to see it. There was a bundle of bundles on your fingertips, but once you put your thumb on it, the juice leads to the thread pulling.

Why not?

Hannah did not say. I just looked at my head with a shameful face, and now I open my mouth carefully to get to the end of the nod. Soon to swallow the love that was stuck in the silent stop, it looks like where I am.

“Do you want to start now?”

“…Yes, I can,

I was worried that I understood the meaning of “start”, but Hannah quietly gave me permission.

The clothes had already been completely naked. And my penis was also a long stretch letter. The dark red color on the column seems to have been driven by blood.

I lifted Hannah ‘s butt and pulled it to my side. Soon as I laid her across the space between my stomach and the pillars I was hearing a weak scream.

What is this

“…You do not really know, do not you? ”

“That’s what it is.”

“If you’re not asking for biological significance, I’ll be right in.”

After kindly adding, I began to lie down at the desk. So Hannah’s body came down, and soon she was visible in the ceiling with darkness.

In the meantime, I sometimes felt the touch of the tortoise slightly touching or poking. The first penis looks very strange.

Anyway, I thought I had to slow down, but I was moving quickly and quietly. Hands were ready to aim at the roots.

I could not see it because I was looking at the ceiling while lying on top of each other. However, I started to calm the country with my experience.

Then suddenly I felt a slight vibration in the whole body.

“…….”Hannah’s body was trembling. The tension is soaring again that she felt like she started now. It seemed that I did not speak because I thought of myself, but my body is honest. I do not lie.

‘I do not think this is a word to use.’

I had a head in my head and let go of my ear. And whispered in a quiet voice. It was enough to relax the tension moderately.

“Do you see the pattern on the ceiling? I close my eyes and count one by one. Close your eyes and count one by one.



Hannah closed her eyes as I told her. And I took my lips quietly.

“Ha, one … . 2 sethI did not really mean Serra. No, before closing my eyes, how does it count the pattern?

I shed a smile. At one point, I could see that the male end was somewhere. Hold Hannah with both hands and slowly push it down. At the same time, the penis began to push up anti-sluggishly. It was finally the beginning of the insertion.

“eleven… . Twelve owls … ? Duck! ”


Hannah screamed at the feeling that a precious place was forcibly broken, and I admired the hot pressure of tightening her head. At the moment, the desire to break through at one time rose, but I could manage it. Instead, he carefully moved the left and right side of the rush. It was supposed to soften as much as possible by burying the spilled fluid.

I am not sure how to treat Hannah in the future. But one was a user and a woman in a fence who came to want to hold herself. So, at least for the time being together, I wanted to do my best and make good memories. It was the same in the first relationship.

“Fuyu … . W, thirteen … . fourteen… . Fifteen

I wait quietly and hear Hannah’s great breath. Then again, at the same time counting the numbers again, I stabbed the man again. Do not be surprised, slowly.

Hannah’s interior was very tight and tight. However, the penis entered steadily. I was stubbornly advancing as I wore honey on my teeth, writhing crazy and inhaling wrinkles.

Then it was a moment. When I wanted to go in about four days, suddenly there was a sense of subtle resistance. I tapped it lightly but it does not enter even if I try to go in. Sticky mucous membranes with weak elasticity and elasticity do not allow intrusion. I guess I know what this is, I quietly called Hannah’s name.


Hannah did not count anymore. His neat and friendly face was in a state of distress in pain. I still closed my eyes, but I was afraid that blood would flow from my mouth to my lips.

“I’ll go in now. It will hurt a little, but do not be too scared. got it?”

It was hard to open her mouth. Hannah only nodded her head.

Before long I moved the penis calmly. Though it has been pushed carefully, the more the penis and hymen contact each other, the more concave the mucous membrane becomes, the more the inner sin becomes. On the other hand, my penis was swollen enough to swell, so I thought it would burst.

I thought about it. It can be seen that the over-arbor ridge that has come to this point is over. Originally, I tried to take a slow rhythm to the end, but I felt like it would be better to finish fast because it is hard to get here. It will be painful for a moment, but it is better to stop the movement after inserting it at once and give time to adapt.

I took a long breath. At the same time, I put my hand on Hannah’s solid ass and fixed it once or twice. Also, my ass was a little bit too easy to finish all preparations for breakthrough.

I wondered something strange. The head of Hannah Hannah gazes back at me. And at that moment, I did not hesitate. At the same time as she took her butt off without delay, the penis also struck hard with her.


It seemed like the breath was broken for a while, and the scream like the ending sounded. At the same time, it was felt that the thin mucous membrane which had resisted to the end tore at once. The penis tore mucous membranes and penetrated my roots as I intended. It is finally successful to insert to the end. I felt Hannah’s rough struggle and I grabbed her with a reflex.

“Hannah. I went to the end. ”

“Ah … ! Ahh … ! ”

We could finally lead to one body.

But Hannah ‘s head was hitting a heavy torch. I was twisting my back and twisting my body closely.

The more the pain was, the more I hugged her body so hard that I could not move. Then she lifted her legs and wrapped Hannah’s legs and buried her penis deeply. In such a state, I leaned against Hannah ‘s nape as she hid her face.

After a while, Hannah’s struggle stopped. But the pain is still, or is it more than just imagination. There was a tear falling down on her white ball.

How much time has passed? When I was so quiet, the sudden breathing sounded disappearing, and instead, the faint hissing began to be heard. I kissed him on the nape of the mullet, and then he was silent.

“It hurts a lot?”

“…Y..yes. Suddenly I feel like my body splits into two … . Black. You, you … ? ”

I am… I feel great. ”

I just answered the truth. Because Hannah ‘s inner feel really good. It wriggles and encases penis perfectly comfortably. I was so vivid that I was sensitive, hot, tight and vigorous. Maybe it would melt away in this heat.

A little time passed again. His arms and legs were closed, but he did not move. Then Hannah paused and opened her mouth when she was a little adjusted.

“This, I do not understand … . What the hell is this? . I’m sick of it. ”

“It’s the first time. And the intensity of each person ‘s pain is different. When you get used to it, you’ll feel something else. ”

“like that… . Oh, is it over now anyway? ”

“It’s over. It’s the start. ”

I answered with a smile. Hannah seemed to have a blank face, but she soon laughed at me.

But… It is wonderful. Afterwards. ”

“…It would not be good already. Are you a slut? ”

stupidIt’s not like that, it’s good to have you. ”

As if she was breathing, Hannah spoke for a moment.

“You smile so smoothly, and you speak gently … . Do you know it’s my first time? ”

“Was not it before?”

“…There was a sense of distance only on the terrace. I tried to cut it somehow but the distance was not reduced. But now I feel a little shrinking. Yeah, sure. It’s a special feeling … . Oh, and of course, I have seen me with insane eyes from time to time. Especially when you look at the chest … . Uhh! ”

I went out of my way and suddenly made a bullshit, I moved the penis very lightly. Hannah’s reaction was intense. I puddle my body for a moment, and it starts to frown a few times in the air. Within minutes the ripples touched her abdomen and I quietly opened my mouth.

“I’ll give you a chance to correct your words.”

“you you. I really do. If you get used to it later, you will be … . Y..yes. Oh, it hurts! Sorry.

Once again, Hannah hit my waist several times and listened to the white flag. I laughed at each other, but I was afraid of the heart.

Once in the past, I remembered that she had been busted and incontinent in her relationship with Goo.

If the woman had one, she said frost would come down in New York. Since then we have had one more relationship, and we have had a realistic reward for the performance of the high performance that day.

So I grabbed Hannah with a grin.

Why not? Would you mind if I move a little now? ”

“…It’s better than before. It still hurts, but does it feel a little adaptable? ”

“Let’s start slowly.”


Hannah nodded reluctantly. And I started a slow, very slow round-trip. I did not put it in until the end, but I started to subtract it little by little.

Grind … .

It is a desk not yet a year old. And though it moved as slowly as possible, the sound of the seams cracked.

Yes, I can, Uh … . Y..yes. Sob …

Nausea and pain began to flow alternately into a wet moan. Only one thing is that Hannah is trying hard to accept me somehow. She was awkward at the first time trying to play sex, but she let go of her ass a few times, and then she let everything go.

Hannah’s tight yet. The vagina that tightened tightly is released slowly, but pushes it again and shrinks it again. Whenever it is solved, pleasure that reached the pole spreads on the penis by telegraph.

Grind … .


Grind … !


Hannah’s moaning comes out whenever you hear the sound of a desk as if you are putting on a chorus. But it is a bit of a dull voice. It was a nice tone to ask if I would rather be okay or not?

“Oh ha.”

In Hannah’s stinging mouth, hot breath leaks. I immediately covered her lips. I felt warm and sweet in the open space. Hannah also responded positively to kissing as if to forget the pain felt in her lower abdomen.

Grind … . Grind … .

The sound of the desk and the sound of sucking into the room began to stir up the room that I had left behind.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Midnight next month.

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