
Chapter 432


“But that’s not fair!”

A woman hurried down the desk and raised her body. The woman who seemed to be about 20 years old was a very active impression. The chin line seemed a little sharp, but the dull eyes and stubborn nose are lively and refreshing.

But now the face of the woman was as plump as possible. I do not feel like it in the radar, my eyesight is shivering, but I was forced to pour even tears.

“calm down.”

And there was another woman to comfort that woman. The woman with a mature yet clever impression was Justin. Hae-yeon sat in the hand of a woman who was just about to cry, holding a blue-eyed pupil.

“User Kim Soo-jung. I know that you will be very uneasy now. Soon…

While Yeon – yeon handled a piece of white cloth, a woman called Kim Su – jung shook her head sharply. And he stole his eyes with the hand of a scar with a scar, and asked with a voice that he barely endured.

“I heard that one of the mercenaries you sent out came back. What happened to this? ”

Hae – yeon pulled out the hand with the short sigh.

“…Literally. User Kim Soo-jung’s caravan and two of the mercenaries dispatched from our side, now only one is back. ”

“That means … . Eventually everyone except one … ”

“I tell you so hastily to judge. I have not seen anything yet. ”

“So check it out! No. At least I need to meet even the mercenaries returned, but why not? ”

The crystal barked. However, Hae-yeon did not blink, and he replied.

“I told you. I did not expect it to happen either. Of course, I plan to send an investigation team for confirmation and rescue, but it is not possible right now. And the mercenary returned … . As I said before, I am trying to concentrate on treatment because my condition is not very good. ”


He explains each voice one by one. But I did not understand the correction at all, I closed my eyes with no face.

“Oh yeah? Then I can not help it. “In order to accept it, the situation where the correction was made was very desperate.

The crystal bites his lips with an irritated smile. As the breathing slowly began to rush, I suddenly wondered if something had come to my mind. And spoke in a spooky voice.

“Right. If that’s the case, I can not talk to each other. Please do not tell me long, let me meet Mercenary Road. ”

“…You can speak Korean

“Mercenary Lord’s reputation as a mercenary came in. If the rumors that have been heard are true, then he will be something different. So I will meet you personally and tell you the matter. Why Can not this also be done? ”

“I’d love to, but that’s not even possible at this time. Because Clan Road is not in place right now. ”

I did not know what to do, but the face of the crystal that opened my eyes was a dark despair.

Hae Yeon was now in a position to say nothing more. I explained everything with my best, but I can not hear anything either. Hae Yeon was also in a situation where this situation was severe, but it was not possible to move quickly because of the current situation.

After a while, Crystal opened her mouth with a sad eyes and no power.

“Yes, it is. The blue moon is a situation in which the life of the same clan member may not be able to cope. I really envy that calmness. ”

He knew that it was not a praise. As soon as I was about to open my mouth, I was touched by a broken face of crystal. Hae Yeon had a taste. I am a young man who has lost his brother once, so I understand how he would feel about the current correction.

The correction was followed.

“But I can not. My caravan’s colleagues are … . It may be South and South in modern times, but it is a family in Hall plane. ”

“I understand.”

“If you understand … ! ”

“User Kim Soo-jung. We do the same. ”

The more we talk about it, the more we can get to the wheel of the squirrel. Hae-yeon, who thought so, broke the word of correction in a fool. And face it straight and then modify, in contrast to a lower voice than I was saying.

“Ahn, Hyung-sun, the window singer. One hundred shields of God. Some users put aside, that is not my sister or two difference kids. They are also very clan-loving kids. That’s not to say as I am and want to stay. ”

“Then why do you keep waiting? The difference is, those without a clan brother or hitting the road at the time, which is why this important and empty place? ”

“…Clan Road is very busy right now. As soon as I got back, I was out again. If your destination is a valley of death … . Do you understand roughly? ”

“If it is the valley of death … . Ah…

Crystal fell in for a moment, but for a moment he burst into weakness.

Since the North Continent announces a new policy on the bum, innumerable gangs have been created among the various clans and users. One of the most famous among them is the marsonery clan. The marshmallow jailbreak, which makes boorish leaders tremble, was the clan that made the most of the tremendous power and ruthless cruelty.

And the Valley of Death is a very dangerous area that is known to have frequent populations in recent times. If so, the answer was one, if Mercenary Road went there. He would have gone to kill the bum.

The crystal that realized it felt like a sad. It is because I lost a moment to say something. If the work of Mercenary Lord is important from a macro perspective, his work is nothing but a sosa. Because it was not supposed to make a deterrence, the quiver bowed to the depressed face. It was then.

“But I’m not saying I’m going to leave my hand this way.”

Dae – yeon ‘s words awakened the correction. Crystal slowly took his face and staring at Geun-yun.

“I promise. I will take all of mcmonery ‘s capabilities now, and I will do whatever I can. So, please give us a little more time to learn and prepare. ”

“…Follow-up. ”

I wonder if she felt her heart at the end of May. For a while, the crystal that saw Yeon-yeon slowly got up slowly. And he spit out a deep sigh and turned away.

Before long, Crystal just opened his mouth with a loud voice.

“I know this is not the fault of the Mercenary Clan. But there’s a clause in the referral agreement that’s responsible for the safe return of my colleagues. . I want you to know. ”

“I’ll keep in mind.”

“…Sorry. But now I’m only a Mercenary Clan on the Hill of Bebil. ”

widely. Hurricane … .

Finally, the correction was closed after closing the door.

Soon as the footsteps of the hallway faded, she opened her mouth quietly.

“…How did this happen? ”

It was a self-helping voice.

Soon-hee, who laid down her shoulder, clasped her face with both hands. I made a rant but I still can not see the way.

I wanted to dispatch a rescue team to Hae-yun as soon as I was here. But if you do that, you will not be able to turn back the worst. The only way now is to open the mouth, and he was asleep after he returned.

When I felt that my head was going to burst into the complexity of the situation and the guilt to poke my chest. Suddenly, I saw a teleconference keel that emanated a cool light among the cracks of the hands that covered the eyes of Hae Yeon. The moment when someone ‘s face overlapped in the crystal ball, the light of conflict stood on her eyes.

Soo-hyun What should I do? ”

But the answer did not come back. Hae-yeon was also only talking to himself, so he did not want answers.

It ‘s been quiet for a long time.

Soon, he lowered his hand wrapped around his face. I looked at the communication crystal with his determined eyes and slowly extended his arms.

* The surrounding scenery sweeps fast. The whole world sweeping through the eyes looks distorted. As if the unsuitable pieces of the puzzle were forcibly matched, the landscape of the forest that was visible was severely distorted.

I know why it looks like this. The cause is a circle. All kinds of ambiguities including career, illusion, delusion, and obstruction were covered in the forest. And I was on my way to the destination, one by one, through all these obstacles.

As the Valley of Death most likely to have the base of the bums.

‘Anyway, I’ve got a hell of a badge … . Is that what he’s doing? ”

The closer you get to the Valley of Death, the worse you get, but you do not have to worry about it. Because we have the best demolisher. I laughed and gazed forward.

Hurrer … . Hurrer … .

Pak, Pak! Supporting Supports!

Every time a mysterious cry was heard and a blue light sparkled, a twisted world had a big crack like a cracked egg shell. Once cracks do not stop. The range of the cracks is widened in all directions so that it has been completely shattered in the past. The layered pilots are broken at once.

The heroine that was so coolly destroyed was the unicorn. At the forefront of the slaughterhouse, the unicorn, now with its dismayed size, was running intensely. The horns on the head spit out a gentle light, and the tether is torn without tears.

I am good at bringing me into the inside. In the unicorn oil, I wrote a beautiful imitation and named it Yumi.). Now that you will arrive in the valley of death, you must prepare to be attacked at once.

Soon again, a blue discharge occurred, and the sound of the water flowing over the pinned violet began to be heard. I thought I would arrive soon, and I shouted with a big sword.

“Sun Yoo!”


At that moment, an inflorescence rose up from the side. It was sunflower. He ran a large tree with three paws and sat on the big branch.

“CS, Fine Shot. I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Ability to shoot arrows consecutively and ability to specify targets. I heard the sound of pulling the protest within a few moments, and I gathered the magic power as much as I could. As soon as the arrows poured into the valley, I was about to send out the waves. It was then.

“Clan Road! Something is strange! ”

Stop All

When I heard the report of Yin Yu, I immediately ordered to stop.


Then, following me, Yumi, nine people including myself, stopped running at the same time. Then, looking up at the tree with the Sunyoung Fortress, I saw an archer with his head still pointing at the demonstration.

“What’s wrong?”

“I checked the valley and surrounding tents. I just can not see the boomers. ”

“How is it?”

“One Two Three Four Five… . Five are gathered in one place, others are not. ”

It was unbelievable that the magic power in the valley was turned. I nodded my head and immediately activated my third eye. I do not believe his words, but now it was a battle. Moreover, it is a bum man who is a master of the guerrilla war, and it does not know what kind of work he has done.

‘…It’s strange. ”

However, the information that the third eye shows is no different from the report of Sunyuun. I had a few thoughts, but once I had signaled to come down to Seonyuun.

Hurrer … ?

“You come back.”

After telling Yumi, who was looking at me with his head turned, I quickly gave instructions.

“I checked the place that looked like the base of the tramp in the valley. I also felt five people in a large tent in the center. From now on I will try to enter the valley slowly. ”

The answer was not heard. However, only the sound of the people who were running and running quietly tread on the earth was heard. After confirming that the dust was formed, I started slowly moving.

Soon as I got inside, the sound of the water flowed through me. And the moment I entered a little more I felt my eyes thin. Inside, a fence with a round open stairway was seen along a slightly wider open space, because many bodies were stuck at the tip of a pointed fence.

The most visible body among them was a male body. Without seeing where the lower body went, only the upper body above the waist was deeply embedded in the fence. I looked closely at the body that the organs run down.

‘That’s … . It is a pattern of a moon night clan. ‘

I think that there was a pattern of a moonlight clan on the right chest, and it seemed to be a user who acted as a clan master. It looks like it was caught in the station while attacking the tramp, but it was in a state where the eyes and face were largely distorted.

I walked a little further and opened my mouth quietly.

“Sasha Felix. The place where the crowd gathered is the central tent. ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Mmm. We will keep the chain structure of the early stage once. However, just like this one, there will be an explanation for each case.

I would like to put all the explanations at a time like this, but if you are not so small, you can only copy and paste comments and settings that are not fiction. Hahaha

So, if you wait a little while, you will solve all the questions you have. For example, next time you will have a description of Caravans of Crystal, Ahn Hyun, and a few hundred of them. Why can’t dispatch a rescue, while there is some you know and so on. :)User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): Jung HA-yeon (5 years) 2. A class (Class): the Imam of the Blue Moon (Blue Moon, Master Of the Secret, Magician) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): free mercenary (Free) 4. Affiliation (Clan): a Mercenary (Clan Rank: AA – Double A) 5. Jin-myung • nationality: Blue Moon drip • Korea 6. Gender (Sex): female (29) 7. The kidneys • weight: 166.5 g k m c • 54.7 8. Inclination: order • line (Lawful • Good) [muscular 36] [duration 40] [agile 42] [stamina 35] [HP 93 (+1)] [good luck 81] achievement (0) special ability (1/1) 1. Of the Blue Moon (Rank: S Zero) potential (4/4) 1. Ancient magic (Rank: A Plus Plus Plus) 2. Magic circuit application (Rank: S Plus) 3. Vagina Stockade (Rank: A Plus) 4. Port HP (Rank: A zero) compares the latest stats (before the change) [muscular 36] [duration 40] [agile 41] [pt 34] [HP-91] [good luck 81] (after the change) [muscular 36] [duration 40] [agile 42] [stamina 35] [HP 93 (+1)] [good luck 81] * Blue Moon’s unique ability to live, even non-existent secret class.
* The power of the magical power of the blue moon is “fortune memorize”.

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): line cloud (3 years) 2. A class (Class): General Archer (Normal, Archer, Master) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): free mercenary (Free) 4. Affiliation (Clan): a Mercenary (Clan Rank: AA – Double A) 5. Jin-myung • nationality: PESA (break 邪)-my first received the wings of the party, white hair back (is out is a medium-size) • Korea 6. Gender (Sex): male (29) 7. The kidneys • weight: 78.6 k g m c 180.9 • 8. Inclination: neutral • beliefs (True • Belief) [muscular 85] [duration 78] [agile 95 (+ 1)] [health 86] [HP 89] [good luck 73] achievements (2) unique ability (1/1) 1. PESA (break 邪) bolt (Rank: A Plus Plus) special ability (1/1) 1. Crosshair alignment (Rank: B Plus) potential (3/3) 1. Speaker (Rank: B Zero) 2. Tracking (Rank: A Plus) 3. Clairvoyant (Rank: A Zero) compares the latest stats (before the change) [muscular 67] [duration 63] [agile 84] [health 71] [HP 74] [good luck 61] (after the change) [muscular 85] [duration 78] [agile 95 (+ 1)] [health 86] [HP 89] [good luck 73] * line is further 10 Fortune River, and the potential is still a little left over.

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