
Chapter 439

It was then.

“───. ───. ─── ”

“───. ───. ─── ”

Sounds of mumbling began to flow between the people standing in the open space. It was almost impossible for the placenta to understand, but for some reason, it was strongly thought that it was the order chant.

Woo Woo Woo!

The thought soon became reality.

Along with a mellow vibration sound, two stereoscopic magazines covering the empty space are spread out roundly. They flashed into the air in a moment, reddish and blue, and began to emit terrifying aura like a volcano right before the explosion.

I immediately set my mind. When I looked at the open space, I saw some people still standing still. But as soon as the mellow eyelashes in the fog bend, I cried without delay.


“Angelus, protect us!”

Was it prepared in advance? Unsally, Ansol immediately answered my call.

And that was the moment.


For a moment the sound of the wind ripped through. At the same time, a hemispherical membrane emerged beneath our feet and enveloped us roundly.

Woo Woong!
Bang, Kwang!

Within a short time the blinking wind of the wind flickered on the dull membrane and faded away, leaving a ripple. It was literally the difference between shorts.

“Ansol! Nice timing! ”

I shouted in the voice of the oil well. But I shook my head in the sense that it was not yet. Though it was surely a quick response, it is because it is said that it is still to toast.

The recall of the magic circle does not have any significance to this one-shot. Usually, the main purpose is to increase the magic power and further reduce the ordering time required for the speaker.

I looked up at the sky again. And as if my thoughts were right, I could see a lot of magic that filled the field of vision. The magic of power that can not be ignored one by one was holding wildly over the shield like a giant pouring waterfall. Ansol was also staring at the magic of chewing his lips and flirting with the face that he could not stand.

After a while, the magic of bundles and the clash of Angelus shields began.

Boom, Boom Boom, Boom Boom Boom, Boom Boom Boom Boom!

He who wants to break and who wants to stop. The Angelus shield that Ansol created was certainly great. Every time they hit each other, they had a slight ripple on the shield, but the magic was finally neutralizing the tribe that could not penetrate the ripples. In the midst of lightning and lumps of ice, Ansol was completely blocking all of the attacks with a single glance.

“Shouting … ! ”

However, since I can not afford to be able to do it forever, Ansol makes a squeal and squealing impression. The hand holding the staff was trembling slightly, and the light of the shield was gradually weakening.

Of course we did not have to be quiet.

The first thing that inspired me was the ‘Jewel Wizard’.

“Targeted, Angelus Divine Order. Use jewelry, light white. ”

Soon, a small gem emerged from the hand of one person, shone with a bright light and blended into the shield.

“Jewel Boost!”

And the cry that came straight away was ‘Jewel Booster’, a unique ability of Han.

Sir! Sir!

The effect of amplification appeared immediately. As soon as the gem was turned into a powder and melted down on the surface of the shield, the shield, which had gradually lost its light, began to regain its original color. Not only that, but rather gradually expanding the scope of the original power began to give more.

Likewise, Han Byeong, who was holding a white light in his hand, shouted in a rustic but slightly rustling voice.

“Sol! Leave the shield to me … ! ”

“Uh, sister. Then please. ”

Whether or not he just passed the flow of magic, Ansol stepped back and said, “Uh-uh.” I breathed out. The face that I will live now … .

“Ha ~ Suh!”

Was not. Rather, he breathed his hard – nosed enough to make the ball again, and grabbed his staff with both hands and pointed at the empty spot. And as I snorted my eyes and spit out my exhausted breath at once, my back! I screamed.

“Let your wrath be!”

It’s a knack! Home

Along with that, lightning struck three or four times with lightning. Lightning had a white light like a shield. Ansol’s secret class, ‘the priest of the brilliance,’ the unique ability, was the invocation of the ‘wannabe’.


At the same time, the ripples that had just begun to bump into the last blue sphere began to slowly disappear. I waited a little there, and I was able to confirm that the magic did not come. Maybe Ansol ‘s power’ Nenwal ‘is a lucky hit for a man who summoned.


It was difficult to maintain this state, and Han – il confirmed that the empty magic circle had disappeared and then released Angelus’ shield.

As a result, the battle was briefly lulled.

“Mandatory … . Mandatory … ”

Ansol was spouting his breath and giggling. It was a misunderstanding that anyone could see as a priest who runs around in the middle of a war. But it was just a mistake of breathing, so I turned my gaze and stared at the empty space ahead. However, despite the increase in strength, the still mist and the ‘aftermath’ caused by the aftermath is not seen more mixed.

“after. It was hard. ”

After a while, Ansol, who was breathing, lifted his forehead and shook his head.

Sibling how was it?

And I came to the side of my lips and stood firmly in the neck and waist, and the water was cold.

Turn off aaaaak!

For quite a while, silence flowed.

A terrible screech that was supposed to be a fugitive sounded in the open air. When I looked at the side of the glance, I could see the Ansol watching the empty space with a hollow face. I shrugged my shoulders.

“Still alive?”

“Uh, how … . I’m sure you got it right … ”

I stumble to see if I was in a big shock. However, Ansol’s “Woo-ning” certainly worked. The chorus of the mans who are heard now is a big crowd thought to be fewer than the number which I confirmed in the first vacancy.

Turn it off! Turn it off!

Huh, Joon-young, stood on my shoulders and stood on my shoulders.

“Maybe there are those who are defeated … . Kim Soo-hyun Although it is not visible in detail, the sound is closer than before. ”

“I heard that. All ready for battle! ”

Huh Joon-young replied to me, and I turned right and stared at the clan members.

Was it a little scary, or was it because the infamous dragon was the first battle to enter the sleeping mountain range? Everyone was aiming at the weapon in a calm manner, but the nervous strangeness was strong.

“Heehee!” Will the blood of the people die? Is it hot? Do you have a sword? Is it red? Hehehe!” …Except one.

He was tongued for a moment, but now he was familiar.

After replacing the sword that was holding within a month with a new sword, I immediately gave detailed instructions.

“We will change from dustproof to stratified. Namdaeng, Cha Shaolim, and Huh Joon-young will come forward with me. Priests and wizards are in the back, the archers are moderately withdrawn, and support fire. Yu-jeong is a keeper, and Yu-jeong is taking care of a support battle. ”

The three who were called earlier went forth. And I calculated the incoming direction and listened to the new sword at an angle. The moonlight of the moon, the new sword of January, was emitting an eerie blue light.

Turn it off. Turn it off!

The grotesque was getting closer than I thought. As expected, there are quite a few people who have been hit by ‘punishment’.

Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit!
thud! bang! thud! bang!

‘The remaining distance is about two meters … . ‘

“Right in front. I do not think he’s one. ”

Cha Shaolin said. And immediately there, Rust showed a drecky look with a foggy mist.

Before long, weapons, dark gray legs, and red light shine in turn. The skin was not able to break apart and the red half was shining brightly, half of the face rotted and half of the skull was exposed. It was hard to see human beings.

“Simultaneous dash … . if so.”

Huh Jun-young quietly mumbled and stepped forward. It is like a long sword with a sword striking the sky, as if to measure the distance.

However, Huh Joon-young did not shake a little. He just nodded his head and walked forward two or three steps, knocking his arm down and crashing the sword onto the earth.


The sound of the earth splitting louder around. At the same time, as the words of Cha Shaolim, the people who seemed to be half and a dozen protruded through the fog at once.

It was a moment when they were about to jump on us.

Cha Cha Cha Cha window!

In the moment, the dozens of magic swords in the cracked ground rises to the middle district heating. They were just entering the mobs who were just about to jump. It was one of Hur Jun-young’s abilities but I do not remember the detailed name. Anyway, it was a great timing to offset the rush of the men.

Stop, stop, stop!

Turn it off! Turn it off!

There were dozens of swords in the body of the men in a moment. In the hole where it is made, the blood of the sword comes out. They did not come in. However, it was a painful scream with pain that was different from the previous one.


At that time, Cha Shaolin stretched out the window he was holding straight forward. Then I wanted to hear a brief recital, and left a long afterglow with silver light in the air in front of my eyes. Cha Shaolin rushes straight into the crowded crowd.

Arshu, armed with Valkyrie set, was beautiful and brave. It was so strong that I went into the wind with my long hair hanging in the wind.


The sound of tearing through my flesh has flowed up to here.

Cha Shaolin immediately pierced the window to the leading man, and pushed it away. Mangin lifted a reflexive rusty big sword, but Cha Shaolin shook the window, keeping the distance as much as possible. And yet he did not stop running, and the man was soon pushed back without hesitation. If Hur Junyoung kills the dash and distracts Jean, Cha Shaolin has disintegrated the jeans altogether.

Eventually, as the man lost his rusty big sword in his hand, Cha Shaolim waved the window wide as he looked at the man.

Kudang hot tang!

Because of that, the man fell off the end of the window and flew in the air and rolled around the floor. And the bastards who barely raised their bodies, fell to the spot where the window had passed, and slammed it again.


But at that time, just before the space where Hur Junyoung and Cha Shoolim churned out, new mans came out in the mist. Six of them were not all. A little while ago, they were just the vanguard, and they seemed to be the followers.

The moment when the people who support it spread to the left and right to surround the car Shaolin.

Seaning! Seing!
Fuck, fuck!

Two arrows flew like ghosts, and they were inserted into each of the men nearest to Cha Shaolim. One foot touched the chest with flashing glare and the other pierced cleanly through the face of the man.

“Get down!”

During the very short time the archers made, Hur Junyoung ran forward shouting sharply. Cha Shaolin was trying to catch a defensive posture and immediately fell back. The rest of the men were delayed by one beat, but they were throwing their weapons back as hard as they wanted to encircle.

Before long, Hur Junyoung came to the ground firmly to the sound of a thud. Then he leaned his upper body and stretched his right arm straight toward the newly emerged men.

He painted a semicircle with a gleam of reflections reflecting the moonlight. The streets are a bit remained, but the length of the sword is very long. In addition, the arm length is combined and the upper body is tilted. I ran through the back of the elongated black car Shaolin, and ran through them without torture. Sadly, the blood was pouring out.

It was then.

Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit!
thud! bang! thud! bang!

The sound of coming up again.

This time, it was the sound from the left and right direction, not the front.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I will be right next time.

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