
Chapter 449

Man knew.

And I knew the usage.

Great War.

Under their own beliefs, this war, which lasted decades for the initiative of the continent, left only great injuries and severe damage to each other.

Will you keep it, or will you recover it?

Therefore, I may not be able to back up more.

And also,

The last battle in a mountain range, where humans and dragons were competing for the long and long end of the war.

After I came down the hill, I lost sight of the fortress in front of me. This fortress was literally the last fortress built by humans in preparation for the final battle.

What kind of words can you express?

When I saw it from above, I could not see it in detail because it was full of mist.

However, when I came down from the hill and looked directly at my eyes. The size of the cloudy fortress was truly enormous. It is unlikely that any army of the Middle Ages will be able to penetrate. I think it is because of the use of the word ”

“I did not know you would find it as soon as I got out of it.”

“It took almost a week and I found it.”

I looked around slowly and I saw Huh Joon-young and Cha Shaolim talking about two of them. The same was true of other clan members. I was talking about the fortress or looking at the faraway. I applauded a couple of times and focused my attention.

From Now that we have found the ruins, it’s time to go dig. ”

“Hey. Are you going to go right now? ”

In fact, the main purpose is not the excavation, but the rescue of Ahn Hyun. So I threw a light joke in the sense of excavating Ahn Hyun, but no one responds. I felt a little bit sad but I was positive.

“Huh. I do not need to take time off. I’ll have to look for a bridge. ”


Vivian slumped his head. Seen from the view that Sunyoung gave a rough explanation, I turned my gaze and looked at the fortress. And I started to move quietly toward the fortress.

A good fortress is often built on a strategic location that can be overlooked with its original wide view.

However, the facility named this last fortress is different. On the contrary, I took the place downward and stood on the back of the giant mountain.

I do not know why I set it up for some reason, but I thought maybe it was a drainage drain.

“By the way, this mountain is really jingling. I’ve been in agony, and now I have to explore the ruins again … . Huh, really. ”

“Fuhu. Come on. We are here to rescue the prefecture. And do you know what? Here comes a performance dagger. ”

The tone of the tiredness of the well and the tone of comfort of Hannah were heard in succession.

Yes. it is.

Looking down carefully, I saw a pit deep enough to be nearly 10 meters long. It seemed to be a moat to prevent the invasion of the enemy probably because it seemed to be long along the wall.

Just 15 meters to the front of the moat, there was a fortified wall of fortresses. Also, at the end of the wall, there was a circular tower.

The height and the structure of the walls are enormous, but the fact that they have been preserved even after many years has been admirable.

Suddenly I was greedy. If I could know the architectural design of this fortress, it would seem to be able to raise the defense power of the opener this year. Oh, is it a magic city anyway?

“This is true, is the fog too strong? It does not look cool in the circle … ”

“That’s right.”

The sound of a sudden voice. The clan who grunts with this big voice is a new one, and the clan member who answered with a short, low voice was sure of a good luck.

“It was originally foggy, but not so much … . I feel uncomfortably a bit odd. Clan Road. Be careful … . Ansol Yang? ”

Shin Jae-ryong, who touched his tongue three or four times and gave advice, suddenly stopped talking. I wanted to see what was going on. I did not know why, but I saw an angel who was white.

“Not sure? Ansolang! ”

“…What is it? Yes Yes!”

“Where do not you go? Your face is white … ”

“Oh, no. all right It’s okay. I just suddenly feel strange … ”

I moved my step without delay. Since I know the user information of Ansol and the ability that I have shown, I tried to make sure every time I get such response.

wae geurae How do you feel? ”

When I got close and asked, I felt the gazing of the clan members. Ansol stroked Dori Dori’s head and laughed softly. It was an embarrassing laugh.

“Oh, no. I do not mind. ”

“Tell me it’s okay.”

just… I feel sick and suddenly feel sad … . It’s not really strange. I’m sorry to bother you. ”

“…Hmm. I know.”

A silent message to ask no more.

Ansol’s face looked so confused. I do not think I would have to say that I would stick around here, I nodded my head and moved to the front. I waited to calm down and began to walk along the wall. Thus, if you walk, you will find a place where there is a bridge.

It did not take much time to find a bridge. After about 10 minutes, we were able to find an old doorway that was struggling on the seabed. I was worried that it might fall down, but I did not hear a creak when I stepped on it.

“Well, let’s go inside.”

Just before crossing the bridge, several clan members had moved themselves.

Until now, there was a lot of cases when I came to the anti-dust, but I changed to the stratagem when I was in the battle. The three close class people including myself were standing at the forefront and priests and wizards came in more inside. In order to cope with the unexpected situation as much as possible, Han Yoon and Han Yu moved to the left and right to know what might pop into the ruins. This is because the class is better than archers.

When we crossed the bridge, it was the entrance to the dark and dark castle that welcomed us. As I walked in one step, I saw a pathway where there was no light like an endless tunnel. After turning on the horsepower detection and confirming that there are no signs of anomalies, the signal was sent out immediately, and Han and Seung Ryong carefully caught the light spell. Within a few moments of sight, I moved again.

And I felt endless silence. …its sillent. Quiet is too quiet.

‘…This is so strange? ”

As I walked through the dark pathway, I was caught up in a sense of insecurity. This remains was really dangerous when I stood on the hill with the old Isantelou.

I mean, did you feel instinctive fear? Han Sang-young felt a similar sense and summoned the Queen’s army to send it first. And the summoned army vanished without sound or rumor.

The sensation I felt at that time was so intense that I was constantly sensing my horsepower as it continued to fall. However, at least until now, there is no detection. It is as if the area around the fortress or inside has been empty.

However, I thought that I would not know what would happen if I went inside.

Walking slowly for 5 minutes, we could find a closed door. This is why I did not see the light when I entered the entrance.

At best, the fact that some of the statements inside the entrance, combing through the eyes of one third check could verify the facts.

‘There is a trace recently opened.’

Strictly speaking, now the iron gate in front of me was not closed. Thickness was so thick that it seemed almost closed, but the sides of the door and door frame were slightly offset. And the scrape marks on the doorframes were clearly telling them that they had been closed and opened more than once recently.

The saliva goes over the neck. It seems to feel the feeling of tension for a long time really. It was not a tense out of lack of ability. It was the tension I felt in the fact that no one was able to attack the first and second cars, and that it was a place I did not know anything about.

I calmly calmed down and touched the iron door with cold chill. The door knob seems to be invisible.

As I turned around, I saw clan members watching me in a tense eyeglass. After I signaled to be careful with eyes, I slowly gave strength to my hands.

It’s not … !

The iron gate began to open little by little with an unpleasant noise. A gleam of light streaked through the slowly opening gap.

When I pushed the door as it was, the door opened wide with the sound of breaking down. With him, the cold air, which would freeze, was covered and the entire body was wounded.


At the same time, the sound of someone pulling the protest ran through the aisle, but there was nothing likewise in front of me. It is empty as expected.

If there is one unusual thing, the fog is more severe than the outside. Huh Joon-young stepped forward and looked inside the fortress and frowned.

“Unexpectedly, the fog is very thick. I’ve gotten a little stronger, but I can not see it 10 meters … . Now I suspect that this is foggy. ”

It seems that Shin Jae – ryong said that he feels strange, but I also agree with him.

As Hur Junyoung said, his vision is blurred even though he has increased his vision. The inside of the fortress was not so well seen even on the floor. It was a mistake if we were in the cloud.

Anyway, the iron gate was opened. I took a careful step by taking a peek inside.


It was then. I felt a strange touch to my toes.

As I gazed at something I wanted to do, I could see the cumbersome things piled up over the mist between the fog. I bent my waist for a moment, and my arm was caught in my hand with a faded white stick.

No. It was not a stick. This is … .

“The bone.”

As Hur Junyoung said, the bone of a person was clear.

I immediately threw out what was holding. And every time I stepped in, I had to hear the rumbling sound from below. This means that the land on which we stand is covered with countless bones.

As the clan members followed, one felt like a low moaning.

I stopped pacing again. I noticed that I was troubled, and Dae – Eun and Huh Jun – yeong came near me at the forefront of the clan.

“It’s hard to cope with this limited vision, but … . Kim Soo-hyun What are you going to do? ”

“I’m thinking.”

I scratched the surface with my third eye and magic. He looked around with me as he looked at me again, and shook his head again.

“It’s definitely a strange area.”

“I think so. When I come in, there’s no reason to go … . It ‘s too quiet to be quiet. It’s like something is squatting. ”

Accept The fact that the bones still maintain their original shape, but the fog is not thought to be foggy. Not one or two oddities. This is the first such area to be ominous. ”

“Rather than going straight up, why do not you go up to the top and learn the terrain first?”

‘I’m thinking.’

I thought I would want my mouth to shut up in a moment. However, I closed my eyes immediately and calmed my chest.

My nerves became more sensitive than I needed. It has been a habit and a habit that has been suspicious for a long time.

In some ways, it was frustrating, but the place where I stand now was an unknown place. Because of the nature of the Hall Plane, where life is blown away, knocking on the legs is a crucial choice to increase the survival rate.

“Let’s go to the high place first …” ”

“Rather than … . Why do not you just go inside? ”

Quietly, after hearing the words of Da-Bye, Vivian sneaked into the door. As he opened his eyes, Vivian waved his lips lightly with his tongue.

“I agree that something is strange. But now I do not see it well here.

“So you’re going to go inside like this?”

“So now I have a sharp point. Was not you going anyway? Or would you like to summon my faction troops and take a frenzy? ”


I immediately dismissed Vivian’s words.

One of the laws in exploring the remains is to maintain the airway concealment. As close as possible to the center of gravity, where there is no need to get as close as possible to the beehive.

Of course, I do not doubt Vivian’s ability, but the method has already proven to be ineffective at the first round.

Soon after I finished browsing around I stared at Ansol reflexively.

Ansol, who suddenly lost his words, was still sad. But there is no fear on his face. I was really sad to say that I do not even know how to do it.

“Hmmm. The majority of these places are caused by the central part. For example, it’s a square, or something that looks like something special. That means finding out the cause and removing it. ”

I was thinking for a moment at the words of Vivien, who had done this in vain.

‘There’s definitely something inside. Pretty sure?

Now I felt the same feeling as the storm eve, just before something happened. Not only me, but also many clan members told me that they felt uneasy about this place. However, I could not find anything with my third eye, so I was really mad and I was going to replace myself.

But as Vivian says, you have to go anyway. ‘This is … . You know … . ‘

“…I’ll go inside. ”

In the end, I decided to follow Vivian ‘s opinion and I gazed forward, directing internal entry.

In front of 10 meters, there was an ascending staircase about 20 stories. Maybe if this is the beginning of the ruins, you can look at the inside of the staircase as if it were a full-scale inside.

I held my heart firmly. And he sensitively sensed the sensation of the whole body, and took a step toward the stairs in front of his eyes.

And that was the moment.

I am…

At first glance, Ansol’s small self-talk.

“…I hate heroes. ”

I whispered into my ears, which were as sensitive as ever.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Ah. Sorry. I was sleeping when I was writing today, but I woke up and it was over 12 o’clock. I woke up instantly and woke up immediately. ㅠ. It seems that life has changed almost day and night. You should get back to life when you went to school. I will do it soon. : D

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