
Chapter 457

The first thing that I could see was the empty air flowing through the cold air. When I gazed at it from there, I saw an empty space to draw a circle round about 30 meters down.

So, that place is the place where the heroes of myths came to the last.

I quietly stared at the empty spot.

The vacant lot was certainly enough to accommodate thousands of high school athletes, combined with the size of three or four high schools.

But it is strange. It was a feeling of seeing the desolate desert that the rough and lonely energy was felt without knowing somewhere.

It was an empty spot, but it did not mean anything. At the center, there are black, mud-like materials scattered in all directions. I would have believed that it was a marsh if the center had been hollowed out with a landscape that seemed to have scattered black paint on ocher paper.

And there was a round and rounded thing on the mud. I was able to see through it all the time that I was able to see a lot of things. The body is buried in a clay-like substance, and only the face or feet are raised.

– …….The woman kept silent quietly. However, the eyes that look down on the empty space are slightly tapered, and the pupils are standing with a gleaming light.

I gazed at the woman for a while, then approached and knocked her shoulder. She looked up at me carefully, pushing her shoulder. Suddenly, the eyes with rounded eyes and the reddish lips that peeped out are somehow cute.

“I know where the missing people are. I think you have to pull it out of the mud that’s visible, is there a trap installed on the way down or a magic squad to watch out for? ”

The woman looked up at her head. I realized I was talking. Maybe I did not understand the word clay.

But as soon as I saw my head gently swaying, it seemed that the whole meaning was conveyed properly.

I looked down again. The distance to the ground is 30 meters. This is enough to land safely enough with my abilities.

It’s time to tell them to go down first, and then the others to come down slowly.

Yes. it is.

Suddenly, I felt my body come to rest. Silk, as well as other clan members, were slightly torn from the ground.

The killer was a woman. The sphere that shed the light shrouded the woman ‘s slender hand, and it seemed to have used a kind of levitation spell.

“Oh no! Kim Soo-hyun is falling! I’m falling! Aw!

“Oh, brother. Before I die, I have something I want to tell my brother. “- …Kick

‘…….’The woman burst into laughter with a fleeting smile of Vivian and the well.

I grabbed my face quietly. I could see her clenched hand tightly closed with one hand and shivering shabby shoulders.

After that, I went downstairs and the woman kept breathing and continued to laugh, and I had to try to cool off the flaming face.

Anyway, it was a little cluttered, but soon after landing on the ground steadily it collapsed. The woman was down but she was still bowing her head. I thought she was still smiling because she turned her back on me.

After a slight sigh, I opened my mouth.

“Some of you may already have seen it, but it seems that the users are probably asleep in a place like that marsh. First of all, I look for Ahn Hyun as the center, . Ah. Priests are an exception. ”

Shin, Jae – Ryong and Ansol, who had just rolled up the bottom, nodded and stepped back a few steps.

I looked calmly around. Even though it is a part of the central part, because the size of the vacant space is so large, only the visible face of the head was overtaken immediately. Anyway, I had to look at them all, but I had to bend my arms inside.

“Let’s go inside.”

At the same time as activating the third eye, I took a step to look like a swamp. Then, the jelly-like texture of water, which is difficult to see as a liquid, was soaked under the ankle.

At that moment, I felt a little weak, but it was very weak. I would not know if it is still locked. I do not think it will matter much for a few hours. I walked in through the swamp.

“User Kim Hyun (Death).”
“User Shinji (death).”
“User Hye Yeon (Death).”
“User’s monologue (death).”

Once we had a look around, the name and status of many users came up to the sky. Most users were informed of their deaths. Maybe it’s because I’ve been asleep since I got into this place, and I’ve been drowned in this mysterious swampy territory.

Then, the name that seemed familiar was touched by eyes. I stood up to my head and moved to the place where the name came up.

Looking down, there was a body of unknown form.

It looks like a mummy. His face was so dry that he could not see it because he was beyond his senses. When I lift my foot and roll around, I can see that it is definitely a woman’s body in the shape of my chest or waist.

“User Sung Yu Bin (Death).”

Sung Yu Bin. A former gold lion clan officer.

At one time, she was a good user, but she fell to hell with the fall of the golden lion. The prisoners could be released from the custody of the prisoners of war, but the rumors surrounding the golden lion were not very good, so the later life would have been quite difficult.

I do not know why Sung Yu Bin is in this place. However, I guess that I might have entered the mountain range where the dragon was sleeping with the footsteps of the reverse. Although it is a little pitiful to have done this, it is unavoidable.

Hall Plane was a world like this.

Suddenly a clan member came into my head. I gazed slowly to the side, I found a user with a breath, I grabbed my feet, I was able to see a single dragging out.

I will tell you.

I was a little worried. But I thought I would not have to say it, but I turned my head off without knowing my feet.

After a while, I moved my foot inside and immediately turned my thoughts toward the outskirts. Hyun will most recently come to this place. It was a calculation that if people had not thrown them into Jung-gu heating, they were likely to be outside, rather than inside.

Along the perimeter, I walked by checking the names of myriad users. And when I walked about halfway through the open space, I could find the name I was aiming at.

“User Ahn Hyun”.

I immediately shouted.

“I found Ahn! User unsolicited! User New Dragon! Come this way!”

As soon as I ran and checked, I was able to see Ahn Hyun clinging his eyes easily while standing alone. Before the clan was here, I put a head on Ahn Hyun. Then he pulled up from the swamp and took him out.

Ahn Hyun was not like a mummy like Sung Yu Bin. However, there was no healthy body, and the bone was in contact with the bone so that the bone could be seen.

I just regretted a little hit, and carefully put Ahn on the floor. And when I touched my nose, I felt a thin but feeble breath. Then I was relieved. As confirmed by the third eye, one is alive.

When I looked up at the waist, the clan members who had entered the inside showed a move to come together. I lifted my hand and pointed to the swamp. Ahn Hyun later told me to focus on rescuing other users.

Waiting for such a short time, Shin, Yong-Ryong, Ansol, and the woman arrived in order of the soul. Their reaction to seeing Ahn Hyun was quite varied. Shin Jae-ryong was sulking, and Ansol raised his eyebrows. I was amazed or angry that I could not catch the face.

“live… . Are you there? ”

When Shin Jae-ryong stuttered, the woman quietly lifted one hand and stepped forward. And the woman, as I did to me, touched Ahn Hyun ‘s chest and enlightened the magic of backing time.

– Tempus Auxilium … .

Soon, I started to climb a little bit gradually into the ball of Ahn Hyun. The baggy equipment was packed with towering flesh and muscles.

Is that the magic reality that just turned my body back?

I stared at Anhyun in an interesting mood.

After a while. It took more time than I thought, but the appearance of Ahn Hyun ‘s depression completely disappeared. Good color and breathing. The third eye was making a good judgment, not a serious injury.

I was still sleeping with my eyes closed, but I regained my former health.

The soul of the woman who finished the treatment soon nodded at me.

I bowed my head and said thank you.

After rescuing Ahn Hyun first, we started looking for surviving users again. Personally, it does not matter if you leave it alone, but at least you have to find people who have accompanied Ahn and Hyun.

It did not take longer than expected to finish all the rescue work. The number of users who were locked in the unidentified zone was close to the hundreds, but most of them were dead.

A total of 17 live users. It was really only a fraction of the number. Comforting the fact that I found my clients anyway, I asked for treatment of all the surviving users. The soul of the woman was treated all the time with the magic of the time back without any tough feeling.

According to Hwajeong, the original magic is based on the principle of equivalence exchange, but the actor must pay the same price, but the woman is in a state of soul. Literally, it was just a lucky case.

Suddenly I was looking at Ahn Hyun, suddenly felt a knock on the shoulder. As I gazed calmly, I could see a woman leaning over my head looking at me.

Still, the effect of the time reversal was not so much, and the soul of the woman who had finished all the treatment was considerably fainter than the beginning. I was still able to recognize the shape, but I was worried that even this would be the end of the world.

I immediately opened my mouth.

“He suffered. I would have wanted to go back with my colleagues … . I am sorry for holding you for such a long time. ”

The woman shook her head.

I slowly looked around the vacant lot. The clan members who had completed the rescue work were all gathered in one place and staring at the woman. Those eyes are a mixture of greed and favors. It is probably looking to watch the end.

“Thank you for your help. It seems to me that everyone living here rescues me, so I guess I can stop. Now I want you to go where you have to go, and where you want to go. ”

It was then.


At that moment, as the soul shone a bright light, I could see the woman smile a little.

The soul of the woman did not ascend immediately. Rather, he approached me step by step, and stopped in front of me.

Suddenly it was the moment when I wanted to do this.

The woman’s height was slightly smaller. But when I heard about the fragrance, I suddenly saw her face leaning at an angle.

And the moment I noticed that the red lips were painted softly.

side. I felt a cool texture on my lips, and I opened my eyes wide without knowing it.

What was that? Now, did you kiss me?

“Kee, Kim Soo-hyun? Your really pretty Your really pretty Hey you! ”

“Well, what … ? Now What… ? Oh, no … . What

I saw Vianbi and the mistressed face of the crowd, and it seemed to me.

I guess he felt the urge to take out his dagger with his twins in his eyes. The woman laughed at me, laughing at me. She waved both hands and lifted her lips.

Hello. We’ll see you again next time.

A beautiful voice, like a rolling oval.

While I was not able to answer any more, the woman quickly reconciles with the light of a single stem and soaked in Ansol’s waist dance.

And then I could set my mind up, and I stared at my lips naked.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== This is the end of Ahn’s rescue. But in the next part, there is still a bit more complicated story to solve, and it’s over! It seems to be early to cry. Hahaha

In the previous session, was there a discussion between the man and the woman talking about the soul? What the guy was sweating about, the woman was smiling, and the price of the guy’s side. Yes, you have. The guy was just catching the eye. Afterwards. I believe that you have roughly guessed what kind of conversation has come and gone.

Ah. Marie-Antoinette’s statement was a fact I knew wrong. As one of the readers said, I refer to the Enchanted Wiki, which is a rumor spread by people who hated Marie Antoinette.

I realized that one of my school teachers was a smart woman at middle school, and I remembered that I could not have said that, but that was true. : D PS. Ain Hyeonseok!

I looked at the note well. I clicked on the reply, but it says it’s currently unsubscribed! The questions you have asked are in the early part of the 131st. Currently, I am going to delete it if the progress of revision of North Korea is near. 🙂

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