
Chapter 460

The request of Magna Carta was simpler than I thought.

First, it returns the seals that are caught. And in the process of returning the seal, he made his way to help the soul settle in the body. In a word, he would take care of the rest of himself, after thawing the body of the great hero frozen in the coffin, and then putting himself and the great hero’s soul in turn.

The soul was a sphere that was just a tentacle standing before me. Two spheres that were black and white. This was the soul of Magna Carta and the great hero.

I could not fully understand the intent of Magna Carta until I heard it.

First, I want to look at the human world.

Taking up the body of a great hero is enough.

Second, I will avenge the great hero.

Magna Carta first puts his soul into the body of the great hero, and then requests that the soul of the great hero be added. This means that in fact, the master of the body was a great hero, but Magnakarta gains control of the body by entering first.

So what happens to the second hero? It is the tenant who is deprived of the house right now.

And third, I want to be in the face.

In conclusion, a series of processes can be seen as the incorporation of the dragon soul into the human body. This was the sound of mutual interference.

Also, considering the case of one case, the body and soul tend to be attracted in the direction of the wavelength of each other. In other words, the tenant has become a tenant, but the soul of the great hero will not be quiet. Somehow they try to regain control of the body. Of course, Magna Carta is not going to be quiet either.

This process. While the unsound souls are constantly staying and fighting for control, the flesh of the great hero will not survive and a crack will occur. And if the crack grows too big to be able to get out of control, then one way is left.

It is death. When the body dies, the soul ascends, and this is what the Magna Kartha spoke. How can it be said that this is the initiative battle that can be seen as an extension of the Great War.

“One, one, two, three, five … ”

I started pushing the beads in turn from the left, as Magna Carta told me.

And after five beads of a total of seven beads five times, I stopped my hand. Although there were two beads that had not been pressed yet, he did not touch Magna Carta, who had never been involved in the Shin-Shin Party.

Then I slowly lifted both hands. What is left is to put a hand on the shape of the palm of the tube and inject magic. As soon as we feel the texture of the cold brick and look around slowly, we can see the monument standing upright and the magic circle filling the hall.

In fact, I do not know in detail what it means to press the ball. However, since the great hero has already made all the conditions and preparations, I would like to have a good fortune and eat bread. I am thankful to the hero who is shaking by now, and I poured it into the pipe by raising my strength.

Then the change began to take place immediately on the magic gin which had a dull light. Maybe it was because some kind of device was working from the moment you hit the beads, or when you gave the horsepower, the reaction took place in a moment.

Furrer Lur!

The reaction was rougher than expected. Around the hall where I stand, seven green fires rise up and start to extend in different directions.

The verdant green flare stopped when it reached the monument erected at the end of the spell. The seven monuments that receive the flames are painted in a sudden green light.

Woong Woong Woong Woong Woong!

Then, the monument spewed out a strong vibration sound and poured out a splendid mellow light, and soon I wanted to see a big discharge happen.


I blew up a loud bang to the ear.

I reflexively blocked my ears. If the hall was an enclosed space, then the storm would not have been a joke.

The scenery that was seen after the ups and downs was the phenomenon that the green flame that brought up the size came back from the monument.

Fingerless! Wave support!

The flames that arrived in the center of the world were swallowed up like pipes. Then, for a moment, a green spark popped up, and the light began to spread out roundly and the markers on the floor began to shine. Just like pouring dregs into a dice, I started to expand the circle around the place where I stand.

And as the tune coincides with this phenomenon, it begins to vibrate and vibrate with a lull sound.

It was a long time before the magic light turned green.


I suddenly stopped breathing without knowing it. It was because of the suddenly warm feeling in the palm of the coffin. No. It was not only silk hand. As the whole tube was heated, I felt a strong feeling of warmth coming up around my standing.

As soon as I looked into the detail, I was able to find a singular point.

There was a long gap beneath the part of the pipe that was supposed to be the lid, and the water was running down through the gap.

Then, did the great hero’s body appear frozen? When I came up with the idea, it seemed as if I could see the identity of the water. Perhaps the ice that surrounds the body of the great hero is the water that melts into the flames of the magic gin.

Rubbing! Rubbing!

Then it seems like my idea is right. For a moment, I felt that the two hands that were attached to the shape were torn off as the tube shook violently.

Up to this point, it was as Magna Carta said. I quickly stepped back.

It was then. As I was still watching my front, I could see the sudden opening of the pipe lid that was shaking around.

And after a while. Chan, Chan!

There was a sound of water shaking. At the same time, someone from the inside of the coffin began to float slowly. Like a dragged thing caught up in something, the drooping flesh floats in the air.

It finally came out. I was finally able to see the appearance of the great hero.

The body was worn by armor and other equipment. However, the face of the great hero, who seemed to have said that she was her, was a beautiful woman.

My eyes were closed, but when I saw my long and thin eyebrows, I felt that my eyes would be beautiful. I saw an ice-lipped lips in my pale nose, and a chin below it had a slender line.

The impression seemed totally repressed, but the silver hair like a waterfall and the wet part of the skin revealing a part of the skin are white. Moreover, even the half armor of the body was pouring a pale silver, and there was a sacred and holy aura that was so difficult to approach.

Anyway, I had pretty beautiful beauty, but I decided to do my best. It was almost at the end, because it was when I moved again.

Once you have calmed down your breath slowly. I stared at the two spheres still floating in the air. Black sphere and white sphere. Among them, I slowly raised my hand and pushed the black sphere toward the rising body. Then the black sphere flowed into the body of the great hero as if it were waiting.

And that was the moment.

Support gripping!

There was a big discharge that was dazzling in front of me for a moment, and the noise of the monument became bigger and filled the surroundings.

At the same time, the body of the great hero was shaking violently and a bright light was caught. But it was not over yet. Then another change began without a break. The silvery hair that the light of the light flowed gradually began to be tinged with a dark red light and a dark black light.

Soon the hair turned black and white.

Dismissal, grasping!

A spark that spattered a glowing fire was a little cut off. Then the fine eyelids begin to shiver.

Waiting for such a short time, the two eyes were suddenly blurred, and the black eyes were scattered. And as soon as those eyes turned toward me, I could foretell the success of Magna Carta.

Having succeeded in the settlement of the soul, which was regarded as the most difficult, now at least the ridge of the arm is over.

I opened my mouth silently as I confronted my eyes.

“Will you?”

The answer was not heard. However, the woman replied that no, Magna Karta blinked once in her eyes.

I smiled a little. And without any hesitation, I pushed one of the remaining spheres into my body.

Then he turned right and walked to where the clan members were. Now that the two souls are facing each other and a huge magic storm is about to take place, it would be better to drop the distance as close as possible.

In the meantime, how to avoid it, the clan members were all retreating from the magic circle. And the faces that are visible are all the same. When I was about to open my mouth, I poured out a doubtful gaze.

However. What is it now … ? ”

Vivian, the queen of curiosity, took her first word, but I slowly shook her head. I can not explain the phenomena that happen now, and I could not speak to Magnacarta in any way.

What the heck, let me know! I’m curious to die! ”

Still, whispers still popped out and I pointed to the front.


Then, at that moment, the sound of the throne was suddenly heard again.

I frowned and stared again, and finally I could see another liberation scene at the end.

The body of the great hero who floats round and round, and floats in the air. The dark, white light stalks contesting numerous parabolic lines around the body.

The two souls seemed to be fiercely fighting at first, but they were leaning to one side as time passed. The white light stalks gradually diminished leaving only afterimages, and the black light stalks were gradually expanding the area.

In the past, the body of the great hero was completely consumed by the black crowd. Even though the great hero was the original master, Magna Carta, who took on the body in advance, won.

In a word, it was over.


When I thought so, the blinding of the dazzling light filled the field of vision.

I blindly closed my eyes to the enormous amount of light that would fill the hole.

I suddenly realized that there was a lot of work to close my eyes in this exploration. When this work is over and I return to the Mansion House, I have to make sure that I will ask her to play the herbal tea which makes her eyes better.

How long has it been since?

It seems that a lot of time has passed. When I opened my eyes, feeling a sense of making my eyes tickled, I could see a black lump of sagging vision slowly descending on the floor.

Within a short period of time, my vision has been fully restored and I have raised my eyes greatly.

The light that had just come down to the floor was releasing the trunk light from the top, as if loosening the tied thread.

Soon after all the light came down. Although it was a little sad, it still showed a woman in the middle of a bright light.

Dark brown hair flowing in white armor. And the dark eyes that watch me.

Finally, Magna Kartha succeeded in reviving the body of the great hero.

Magna Karta closed his eyes. After thousands of years, he gently smiles as he gently tries to gratify the liberated joy. I could hear what the clan members who had turned into a messy mess, but I stared at Magna Carta without saying anything.

Soon when the light and the noise gradually subsided.

Magna Carta slowly opened his eyes and began to reduce the distance between me and me. I was struggling to get away from it, but considering it was frozen for a long time, it was a more natural step than I thought. The green flame that wrapped the body seemed to have played a role in returning the body to normal.

Magna Carta stopped walking with a distance of about two meters from me. I heard some swallowing gulps somewhere.

Kim Soo-hyun I wonder what this is about now, and can I ask for an explanation? ”

The phenomenon that happened before, or the energy that flows out from the woman in front of me is uneven.

Huh Jun-young, who was always calm, was making a nervous voice this time.

There is nothing to be done. I once nodded my head and shook my head towards Magna Carta. Then Magna Carta, who received my signal, smiled softly.

It was then.

Surreal, Chang!

For a moment, a clear black sound was heard, and a new type of Magna Carta rushed to me. In his hand, he had a sword that looked like a sword.

It was not such a powerful attack as it was still incomplete. But if I stay still, I will not be able to tell my throat. But, nevertheless, I did not take any action. Magna Karta’s offensive did not mix with life. Also, in my heart, white light was leaking from a certain moment, and in fact, I did not have to move.


Two seconds later, I heard a gentle sound through my flesh. It was not the sound of my body, but the sound of the body of Magna Carta.

Looking down at the glance, I saw a black sword that stood still, leaving only a gap for a piece of paper. The end of the sword is trembling as I try to push through my neck somehow. But it seemed like something was blocking it.

I stroked my chest slowly. As a result, we were able to confirm that the sign of the contract containing the Magna Carta pledge was properly executed.

Looking back, I saw Magna Carta standing right in front of me. And there was a sickly light shining around the body of Magnakarta.

The elongated sword unique to Huh Jun-yung was tilted at the neck, and Arkus window of Shaolin and Shaolin was pointing at both legs. I felt a cool sensation in my neck.

Not only that. When he turned sideways, he was poking his red eyes and poking his way through Magnakarta’s side.


Magna Carta spewing out a terrible cough.

After confirming that the light leaking from my chest gradually diminished, I quietly opened my mouth.

“Why. I did not even need to check this out. ”

“Callok! Bo, more … . Hoo … It was to give more faith. by the way… Did you have good men? I did not know that I would really poke. Cork, Cork! ”

When the calm conversation came and went, I looked at the clan members in question. Magna Carta stepped back a few steps as he pulled away the weapons that were pointing at him.

After a while, Magnakarta picked up his breath and opened his mouth with a fine voice.

“This proves that my words are true. So now, can you give your colleagues time to misunderstand? ”

“Of course.”

At this point, the cranes that are spinning fast have noticed the situation. Nevertheless, the gaze that was still furious was still there.

Now that he realized that the wrong way of proving the truth was wrong, Magna Carta shrugged and put a sword in his shoulder.

“My name is Helena Ruejens.”

Then he lowered his hands slowly and laughed and laughed.

“Alcatraz was the last star, a woman who was called a great hero.”

* Alcatraz’s final star, the great hero Helena Ruijens.

In fact, it did not reveal its identity because there was a special request from Magna Carta. In the future, he wants to play a great hero while he is alive. In order to adapt to the future life of the clan, at least the great hero will be better than Magna Karta (and I also decided to call it in the name of the great hero).

To give some help, however, I returned the great hero’s resurrection to my choice. It is a change of heart that I resurrected the great hero who knew his sin and repented.

To tell the story, the clan members then looked at Helena Lueyens with a slightly calm gaze. There was a clan member who still did not get well, but it was not enough to strongly oppose Clan Road’s decision.

To be honest, Vivian or Sasha did not have a good relationship with us from the beginning. What’s worrying, too, that you made a vow to sign a contract?

When I explained that the attack on me was nothing more than a simple confirmation of the contract, the clan members nodded with the familiar light.

And again, the clan members were also users of the Hall Plane. Finally, at the end of the story with the monument of hope, everyone started to look at each other with expectant eyes.

“So now you have to keep your promise.”

Absolutely. Did you touch the sixth and seventh beads before? ”

“Not at all.”

“Then it is. It does not take a long time to play, so please give a brief explanation to your colleagues. ”

Helena, who had already spoken to her, returned to her body and began to walk. Then the clan members surrounded me in a moment and sent a glittering gaze. It’s an unspoken pressure to tell me … .

“there… . brother.”

Then. As I watched his cautious voice, I could see a person standing with his head.


“I promise … . What do you mean?”

I wanted a moment. I dragged the story to my own resurrection, because the promise had nuances that I had to deal with each other.

I tried not to be afraid, I opened my mouth with a gentle voice.

“Oh, I persuaded him. Frankly, I lied a little bit about the response of souls. At first, I feel so guilty. . Anyway I told him that I could meet him once with the sword of the oath, and he said that it would be a good idea to apologize to him. So it was like a pussy pulled. So I asked him to activate the monument of desire in return for help. ”

I felt it was a lie with a lot of holes in my mouth. I thought I would just say that it will be revealed anyway, but I think it would be better to go ahead. Anyway, I have an appointment with Magna Carta, No Helena.

However, Han-gil still frowned at Ami when he was not convinced.

“…Yes But I’m strangely strange. I do not see any behavior or attitude as guilty. ”

“Kim Han-bum. Stop it. I do not think that’s important now. ”

At that time, Huh Joon-young stopped forward by saying one word. I laughed. Nowadays, the acting power seems to be far away. He seemed to be the first to notice him.

Han-gil looked at Huh Jun-yeong with his cold-eyed eyes, but soon he asked.

I thought I should take care of my mouth in the future and I sighed briefly. And Magna Carta … . Goddamn it.

Helena. sack. Ayens. I briefly explained the monument of the desire as I heard. Only one opportunity per user is given. And if the desire of the individual is the first priority, the desire may not be triggered. “This is a little ambiguous … ”

“The greed of the individual. I can not tell you that. ”

Then the clan members who listened to were all disappointed.

In fact, that was the same thing for me, so I did not have much to say. It is because most of the wishes come from the greed of the individual. But if you limit your greed, will there be a wish to be made?

It was then.

Courrell, Courrell!

Everyone was intrigued by the desire, and the sound of moving something hit me in the ear.

When I turned around in the middle, I could see a monument moving to the center of the magic circle. And the remaining six monuments centered on the monument, and the monument was formed.

The moment Helena moves her arm, the green light begins to spread in the center of the middle of the monument with the sound of magic flowing.

And also,

Soon the green light of the monument was painted like a ripple in the water. It was like looking at a portal into the room of a summon.

And I could feel my intuition.

The monument of the desire was activated.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I know. I finally came to the monument of the desire. I have crossed the ridge of the arm. Hahaha

I honestly do not know if the number of people is small. It is unlikely that all the members of the staff write down their wishes one by one, and plans to light up about a dozen or so. The rest of the clan is just going to be the result of aspiration.

So let’s try to answer the questions that are expected here.

1. Is it a woman again ?!

Sol) But the spirit is male.

2. Anyway, the flesh is a woman. Is he the target? Is not there too many women around Kim Soo – hyun?

Sol) ah. Do not worry. This dragon was just trying to eat it, not at all. I have already set the life span.

3. What is it? Then why did you live?

There are several uses. You can raise the level of melee wizards in front of the steel mountains, and you can solve many problems with the magical city of Maima. Of course, it will also help boost your power.

4. What about Bedestin’s plan for the dragon?

Never, never, never. Even if sexual content can come out as a joke, the possibility of actually converging converges to 0%. If I imagine that I am writing such a thing, I think that the psychological body is a male, and I have a strong sense of rejection.

5. Wait a second. Was it a dragon for a tarot card?

Left) Yes. OK. But that dragon is not a dragon. Posthumous. : D

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