
Chapter 464

Crease, crease!

“Aang … ”

The bed was rolling in a big wave, and a woman ‘s moaning moaned as well.

It was almost the same level that I had been thrown, but I can not find the unpleasantness of the ending in the face of the woman. Rather, she took off her breast cover, exposing her breasts with flowing lips, rubbing her slowly, looking up at someone.

The eyes of the woman seemed to be sticky, and it was like the look of a whore in the company.

Ugh Ugh

Within a moment, the man, who had a rough breath, ran like a tear through a curtain that covered the inside and climbed onto the bed. The eyes of the man looking down at the woman are not uncomfortable. The red-blooded eyes were burning in eagle, and it was like a beast of the ridges.

After a while, the moment the woman’s red tongue wetted her lips, her inner senses, like her hair, were broken. As the body of the man collapses, the woman falls down, and at the same time, the woman’s hand softly wraps her back.

Soon the woman ‘s hand swept away her solid back, and a flame of flames flowed from the mouth of the man who had sucked the white neck. And from that moment on, the fire burned in a moment, and the bed began hot and furious.

The man and the woman who melted in the hot fire were clinging to each other and covet each other.

Was he drunk, drunk, or passionate?

The man was taken care of without any consideration, but the woman was standing with a delightful expression on her face. Rather, he grasped the body of the man in a crazy manner and burst into laughter, and the man replied with the sound of the animal crying.

It was not long after the woman’s laughter turned into a godly dignity. And again, time passed, and the dignity changed into a weeping groan.

When the man and the woman cried together and sang the chorus. At one point, the body of the man stands still, and he starts to tremble. Then the sound of the woman’s breath was leaked, and the incident, like the storm, gradually fell down.

Beyond the white mesh curtains that cover the bed, the man panting and the woman shaking his body and breathing his breath shook.

At first, the sun was floating in the middle of the sky.

When the man looked out of the window with blank eyes, the woman laughed and laughed and put something in her mouth. It was the beginning of the year. Within a short time, the man laughed and laughed a sip of tobacco.

after Hee Seon Oh. I must go to the bloody thing. I’ve been way too long. ”

The face of the woman who smiled at the innocent horse of the company and the face of the no.

“Already a store?”

“Already. How much time has passed … . It would not be nice if we stayed together for a long time. ”

“I came to tell my sister that she could not come in today … ”

“You are just a clown to receive a little bit of joy. I’m not. I have to go back and do things right now, it’s a mountain. ”

The words of the company were laid out at first glance, but in the first place it was a face that did not seem to care much like that. Still, the sorry mind muttered with a sad face.

But… I just said that when this is over, I can afford it … ”

“Huh. I do not want to do this because I have room to spare. ”

The man responded with a tantalizing response, then flicked the tobacco lightly and raised his body. Then I put on the clothes of Jusum, and rubbed my forehead and looked around.

“Ah. Come to think of it… . It’s been a few days since the mermenaries entered the mountain range. ”

“Umm . . . This week for a month? Three weeks? That would have been so long. It will be two months in a little while, so it almost disappears? I have not heard anything yet. ”

“It’s been two months … . Is there no action on Monica’s side? ”

“It’s quiet. I do not know what orders I’ve been given, but I feel like there are few fortresses. ”

Whether or not he liked his words, his mouth was laughed at once. Within a moment, he looked quietly at the man in the neck.

“But brother is brother. Uri Is it really okay? ”

What is it? Are you okay? What is that sound? ”

“It is. It is not the clan that is so perfect. Especially I heard that the shadow queen’s ability to gather information is unmatched. ”

“Ah, the shadow queen. Definitely a scary user. I honestly still can not believe it. Five or six years ago, it was the year that people died like eating salmon, and it is really amazing that it has changed. Well, it ‘s only a story I know. Hahaha

The man, called Lee, laughed as much as he could. However, he did not like the attitude of Hyeon, he was speaking with a slightly higher voice than before.

“brother. I do not mean to laugh right now. What would you do if they came back from the mountains anyway? ”

“Oh why. It is a marsionary and shadow queen, and it is still in the mountains. I also checked into the inside. And even if I come back. What are they gonna do? I have removed all the evidence and prepared the tail. ”

“Right. I do. But I’m nervous because I’m nervous. It’s not just this. I can not believe that the movement is even from the county side. Now the internal struggle is too much … ”

“Who is it?”

For a moment, the helplessness shrugged at the front line of the day of the war. The eyes were trembling as they shivered and held the blanket tightly.

Silent for a while.

The vision of Lee, who was staring at Ji-sun, was gradually softened. Then he calmly approached and slowly wiped his head off.

“Hee hee. This is what happened. What is it? After the next week’s selection meeting, a month later, the current representative clan in the western part of the country retreats. Do you understand what I mean? Now it is more important to know what to do next than to worry. ”

“…….””And you do not have to worry about anything. Do not do that. lets think. It ‘s only two months to go up and down the mountain range. And give the next meeting and vote inside. By the way, at most, it is a week. Will not it happen any other day? ”


“Still though. Or you. Do you even feel guilty feeling? ”

“That’s not it.”

He answered his head with his head. Now that he’s a little better, Hyeon quietly laughed and took his hand off. I looked up the leap and hurried back to look again.

Said Lee.

“It’s a world like this … . And remember. It is not ours that we have struggled first, but it is the mansion-like clan. But we did not say anything because there was no evidence. This case is also due to the western city, but it will be the same as the affair. Do you understand? ”

“Yeah. I know… . By the way, how is he doing now? ”

Gnome Ah… It’s already in my grasp. Maybe I’m going to be doing well at the clan side by now. Well, once you get help from me, you pretend you do not know … . But you are so strange today. It’s already been a year, why are you taking it out now? ”

Anxiety Just be careful. Be. ”

He jumped his head and suddenly smiled and laid out his tongue. Hyeok looked up at one side of her mouth and swiftly moved her body to the door.

And as soon as he opened the door, he looked up at him, lifting his left hand.

“I’m worried about it. I am a Mercenary Clan or a Susan Clan who are so worried about you. Now everything is in my hand. So, you deal with your clan job well. Please tell him well. ”

Finally, the horse did not slow down and opened the door.

bang. With the sound of the door being closed tightly, the room still remains in the room where the hot air of the main office and the fragrance of the tobacco remain blurred.

Soon, the smile on which his face was built slowly faded. And after a while, as the first time I took out a horse on his face, I began to feel anxious about his stomach.

Is it a woman’s intuition? Even though I heard the promise of Hyeon, it was a very uneasy face.

Jiro, who stared at the door for such a long time, soon sighed.

The sky is tinted with red light. The year of ascendancy was now ready to slowly fall, and the leaves that were in the bright sunlight were sneaking in the primordiality of the evening glow.

Looking slightly around the pace, I saw still thick grass and lush trees.

However, it was not a dismal scenery as it was coming in. The fog has disappeared. Only one stem of gentle winds blows, and the twigs fall down, and the shrubbery is shaking.

The dragon at the time of going out The landscape of the sleeping mountain range was beautiful enough to be considered fantastic.

“Damn it. This fucking thunder babe. ”

When I turned my gaze on the grumble I heard, I saw Hur Jun-young. Huh Junyoung’s back was still awake, and Ahn Hyun was sleeping. Huh, Joon-young has been in the state of bringing Ahn Hyun-Hyun all the way from when he left the fortress. Perhaps a little bit of mumbling is not a hard body but rather a complaint that comes from the fact that he does not like him at first.

“Hey, Kim Soo-hyun.”


“After leaving the ruins, I heard that the users we rescued were quite awake.”

“But he has not woken yet.”

Really? right. Would not you be curious? I wonder if this is not going to wake up now or not. I do not really understand that the last guy who came in last wakes up late. ”

“…So, you want to say that you pretend to sleep? ”

I laughed at Huh Jun-young’s words. It is because it was not possible. If I have to pretend that Hyun really is asleep, I would have gotten up to Huh Jun-young as well. I was a bit worried about not being able to wake up yet, but I did not wake up all other users except Ahn Hyun. Also, there was no big abnormality when it was confirmed with the third eye.

Suddenly, the thicket surrounding the forest was a little dim, and a vast array of vacant places began to be seen. It will soon be completely sunk and darkness will find. I would like to have a place to finish, so I decided to go camping.

Clan members following me and awake users following clan members. Of course, some of the clan members who were not awake were still on the clan.

Vivian and Helena were constantly talking about what they were talking about, and Daun and Hannah were hurrying and giggling.

If it was the same as before, I would not hesitate but I did not say anything. Even after a few days since leaving the ruins, the mans did not appear once, so they had already been cleaned, and they made a conclusion, and they showed me around the area while I was talking to each other.

Then did I feel my gaze.

Suddenly I looked at me and saw my eyes. Then he blinks quickly and starts to scrub his teeth with a fine lips, like a white ox. Within a short time, he put his index finger in his mouth and stared at me with a fascinating eyeball.

I laughed. That behavior of Dahn is a kind of signal. I wonder if I am going to play with you tonight.

I was ignorant of the dreadful sentiments. After looking around the place once more, he stopped and immediately exclaimed.

Stop All I will continue marching here. I am planning to camp at this place today.

As soon as the clan members were instructed to camp, they began to move briskly. The clan members, who were in charge of one person each, put the users on one side with a little tired face.


“This damn thunder naked.”

Huh jun-young put down a harsh enemy and kicked him with his right face. It was not hard, but it was touched. And when I turned my body and looked at me, I was flinching.

I slowly opened my mouth.

“I like to have a car, but I do not want it.”

“…I’ll let you hear it. ”

So, the face of Huh Jun-young’s frustration was pretty funny and he was smiling quietly.

“Clan Road!”

Suddenly I heard a voice calling me back. Looking back, Shin Jae-ryong was approaching fast.

“Clan Road. We are now camping and preparing meals. I am going to announce the announcement as well, but what would you do today? Will you do the same as yesterday? ”

I was about to nod my head, and suddenly one thought came up, and then I just shook it.

No. This area does not seem to be a monster now. I would like to change from 1 to 4 pairs. I will speak to you after the meal. ”

Clear right. Oh, and … ”

Shin slowly looked around and walked a step further and whispered like a horse.

“I told my clients to speak separately.”

“Umm . . . What is it? ”

“The clients who came with Ahn Hyun-kun … . I do not think we should go into the matter now. ”

“I do not understand … ”

Grasp the matter.

I closed my eyes slowly and fell in thought.

In fact, the situation had already been grasped to some extent. Of course, the clients woke up, but I do not think they would know more than Kim Su-jung. Because, as a result of hearing post-war circumstances, it is not a mere accident.

I can not be pleased with the fact that I have completed my goal forever. If you look at it in a big way, it’s just a fact that you have finally obtained one.

So now it was time to turn around.

Of course, as a result, the dragon has fallen completely into the mountains. The rewards are enormous, users are rescued, and tremendous progress has been made in solving the persistent physical problems.

I could see that everything was getting better.


However, there was no thought to go over as it was.

In fact, I still do not know what kind of dog is going to do something wrong with our clan for some reason.

But the moment I get back to the city and catch the tail one by one, the end … .

The shadows war.

When suddenly emerged, a laugh came out.

I do not know anything yet, but I just keep laughing. I am already laughing without knowing because I am going to tighten my opponent.

Or, I remember myself in the shadows in the first car.

“Big, Clan Road? Are you all right? ”

When I opened my eyes to the sound of stuttering, I saw Shin Jae-ryong back down. The mouth is slightly open, and the club is moving slowly. I quickly struck my face.

Haha “Forget it.” Thinking for a second … . All right. I’ll talk to those users separately, so I do not have to worry about the user. ”

“…….””Then go away. Ah… I want you to tell me to prepare for the first time with me today. ”

“…Clear right.

Shin Jae-ryong, who bowed his head, calmly turned and began to return in the direction of his own.

Maybe you’ve got a sense of what I mean just as the user is a pretty good head. In the future stage, Shin Jae-ryong was an inappropriate user.

I walked slowly and looked back without a look, and I pulled out a toddler out of my mouth and bit my mouth. Then he lifted his head and looked at the sky.

A cloud of smoke slowly faded into the setting sun, with dark red light.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== It’s the appearance of a new character. If you complete this part and are a little steady, you should now go into the Steel Mountains. And when the demons come out, and you finish the steel mountains, . From then on, I think the completion will be visible gradually. Hahaha

There will be a part in this part too early on. Who is this? What are you talking about? You can feel this way. The dragon sleeping in the dragon also had a similar reaction at the beginning. And as I went to the second half, I solved it by one answer.

The shaded war is similar to one. This is the second part of this part, which will be mentioned a few times in the future.

The scale is bigger than I thought. It’s just that it’s not too much fun to catch a few hitters and catch it. Hahaha

P.S. Please help me with the ambassador for the character vote. Han So Young and Hannah are blocked. ㅜ. ㅠ.

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