
Chapter 512

“Ansol? Ansol is the most important cause? ”

“Yes. Think carefully. The similarity between user ansol and user alias. ”

Similar thing.

Then, when I first met my mother, I definitely remembered Ansol. There were similar acts of speech, but it was not just that.

First, natural … . No, it is not.

High luck.
The same truth.
And I can not say that I can not use words, such as the gods seem to be awake.

I think it seems a bit understandable. I’ll look at the altar, Seraph nods lightly.

“When the user first stepped onto the hall plane, all the angels looked at her. I was referring to the user Kim Soo-hyun’s move much in the first hero upbringing plan, but I could not find the agent of the user’s anol even if I washed my eyes. ”

“At that time, the second Mansa came to Hall Plane, and he was right, and he gave it to Jin Soo Hyun.”

OK. We did not doubt that a user who is a fool would believe that hero-building plan would be more resilient. That’s why I was given the qualification as a guardian to try it even more seriously. ”

Or is it?

At a moment when I was silent, Seraf said.

“But in less than half a year, our prospects have been thoroughly missed.”

“…In what way? ”

“We think that the user has the most influence on the achievements of user Kim Soo-hyun. So I thought the existence of the manga was indispensable. However, if you tell me that you are in a hurry, Jin Soo-hyun and Sang-Ara can not be Kim Soo-hyun and Ansol. Rather, as time went by, the difference became more and more difficult to catch up with now. In the end, the two users could not escape the rating of downgrade even better. ”

“Umm . . . I do not know what else, but I think a little bit about the first part. Certainly I appreciate Ansol’s virtue. But I think it is the most important thing to do with the role of the helper. ”

Here I objected immediately. There is a slight difference in the principle, but there is a sense that angels judge Ansol too high.

However, Seraf slipped his head slowly.

“The power of the Hwajeong is certainly powerful, but every time you use it you have to take enormous burden. But your anus is not. Just by being at the side of the user Kim Soo-hyun, even us can exercise the terrible ability which it is difficult to judge. Do not you know that Kim Suhyun better? ”

“…I hear it, but I do. ”

“The only weakness is that we do not play against every situation that happens. That is, the probability of invocation is very low. In fact, it’s just a pity, but it’s not a weakness. ”

“Hmm… . That ‘s good for you. I still have about two more questions? ”

Seraph stared at me quietly, allowing me to.

After sorting out my thoughts for a moment, I quietly opened my mouth.

First I have said that I have referred a lot of my progress to Jinsoo Hyun ‘s upbringing plan, how can it be? I have not heard anything about JinShyun’s work so far. ”

“Did not you tell me? This plan is a quiet plan under water. ”

“Then you did not even finish the user academy?”

Anneoyong haseyo The initial training on the user Jin Soo Hyun was conducted in a special way, and the main activity stage was not the north continent but the northward unexplored region. We can not disclose more information about this area. However, the user Jin-Soo Hyun won a much bigger reward than the user academy reward 4 points. ”

I did.

I did not take the user academy and did training in other ways, and I focused on the unexplored area.

If you think carefully, it was enough. At first, I tried very hard not to reveal myself.

And the fact that it went to the unexplored area probably served the fact that there is no place in the northern continent where there is much to achieve. It would also have been perfect for users not to notice.

Second What is the exact meaning of the abandonment that Saul said? Are you referring to the abolition of the plan? And why did you come to tell me that? ”

“It’s that simple. I mentioned earlier that I have initiated a new plan. At the same time that the heroic upbringing project was permanently abolished, the support that user Jin Su Hyun was given to Kim Soo-hyun was made. ”

“To me? …Ah. So even the mercenary academy? ”

“You saw right away. This new academy founding right is part of that process. ”

I could understand how it worked, and I breathed a short breath with both hands on the cold floor. It feels somewhat uncomfortable.

“Again, I do not care about the user Kim Soo-hyun because I heard that he was abandoned. In fact, it is not abandoned, is not it? I just want to get out of support that I did not know until now, and to recover many benefits I did not belong to. Even the achievements that we do not recall are substantial. ”

“It’s not a mistake, it’s your position. In the case of Mangia, you can not help but feel like the Nakdong River. But one more thing. When I heard the words, Jin-suhyun seems to know the situation, and on the contrary. So why is it so desperate to be born? It’s strictly speaking the third person, you know? ”

“I will comment on that part. However, you should be aware that there is a continuing discussion about the current status of the user’s guardian status. ”


Although I said no comment, I was able to understand what it meant. The guardian must always stand in a neutral position. However, there is a debate about the qualifications of guardians … . Would not it be obvious?

After a moment of silence, Seraf said.

“Information disclosure is here. User Kim Soo-hyun. ”

The long and long explanation finally came to a full stop.

“Right… . Agreed.

Seraf ‘s gaze slowly climbs as he raises his body.

“Then you convinced me?”

“Every time. I know the situation completely, and I just figured out why you mentioned the user academy this time. ”

“……?””Until I came here, I did not understand why this user academy was such an issue. But now I see. okay . . . There is no way to get chicks to target only. …No, it’s not.

I looked at Serfaff for the sake of consent. But Seraf slipped gently at me. Then he tucks his chin with his face, which is not like anything, and slowly peels his shoulders. What is this reaction?

“The recruitment of user Jin Soo Hyun … . It’s not a bad idea, but it’s not going to be that easy. ”

“why? Anyway, is it Nakdong River Duck? Even if you do not know. I do not care about you anymore. ”

“Yes, but the user Jin Soo-hyun has been at the center of all the work he’s had. In other words, he was in charge of the captain on a ship that sailed the sea called the Hall Plane. Do you know what this means? ”

“That’s what I’ll take care of. Anyway, I know. Thanks for the info. ”

In the words of Seraf, Jin Su Hyun was not the person whose personality to enter below.

As a matter of fact, when I first saw Mangia, I thought Jin-Soo Hyun’s recruitment was as much as the creation of Clan.

But it was not anymore. Once the hero upbringing plan is over, Jin Soo-hyun is now just one user with decent user information. It still has no place in the North Continent.

If so, I do not think I can handle it as I know the possibility of Jin Soo-hyun.

Anyway, I was completely resolved. At the same time, new thoughts arose, I walked without delay.

It was then.

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”

As soon as I get to the portal, Seraph’s voice catches me.

Looking back, I could still see seraph at the central altar. Seraf was staring at me.

“Look Before You Leap.”

“…What is it? Do you want to see the place to play first? ”

Anneoyong haseyo It is one of the proverbs that continental users sometimes say. ”

“I know the American proverb. Before you move your thoughts into action, you have to judge every situation. But suddenly that’s why. ”

Seraph finished his mouth. And I wanted to take a moment, and then I opened my mouth.

“The acquisition of Jin Soo Hyun is only an option. Please do not forget the essence of user academy. ”

Do not forget the essence of user academy … ?

“Of course, I’m going to check one of the chicks.”

“That’s a good choice.”

In fact, it was a strong feeling that there was no feeling. However, Seraf could not help saying anything more. Then I gazed slowly at the seraph which lifted my head, and I buried myself in the portal quietly.

When I left the room of the summons and went out of the temple, I could find Ansol standing alone on the stairs. It has been waiting for me all the time.

Sibling Did you work well? ”

I watched a smile in my room, I looked around and asked. I can not see the blind.

Really? Thanks to. But what is it? ”

What is it? Are you angry? ”

“Why. There you are. It’s like you. ”

Ah… He was gone early … . No, wait. Sibling Is it similar? ”

Like, ‘Did I do well?’Ansol, who said in a nuance, changed his attitude in an instant and showed an ax. But even his looks look cute, I responded to the hair shine flowing shiny.


Soon soon, Ansol who smoothed his face laughs innocently. I see that kind of thing, and I also get a smile on my face.

This is a user whose angel has been greatly appraised.

Soon As soon as Ansol grabbed my hand, we both slowly walked down the stairs.

Then suddenly I thought, I opened my mouth quietly.

“Ansol. Are you hungry? Would you like to stop by the restaurant before returning? ”

Four I like it.

Ansol answered with a smile.

Y..yes. Yeah! Oh, you brother! Hot, hot … ! You can not do this … ! ”

“Sola. My sister, my sister. Are you okay? Fine It hurts a lot? ”

Sob … Fuck you! Ha, I always thought about it … . I still have my mind ready … ! Mandatory … . Mandatory … ”

“Sola, Sola! What do you mean? Yes. it is.

I stared silently at the anolus lying on the bed.

The face is blushing and reddish as it blows away, and it breathed out with a warm shoulder and a warm shoulder. And Yeon – yeon was wiping the anol ‘s body with a piece of water – stained cloth. …I do not know why Ansol suddenly happens.

After finishing the work in the temple, we ate only the rice in the restaurant where we stopped by on the street. However, on the way back, I wondered if Anso would falter as soon as I arrived at the lodge. It also sends out hot heat from all over the body.

It is a little time, and it is about time when it is gradually weakening of the sound of ansol whether suma comes.

Hae-yun, who was bothering her body, came to me with her sweat flowing on her forehead.

“after. I think I just barely slept. ”

“That’s right.”

“By the way, it’s really big. The priest came and saw that there was no sick place. But the heat is rising … . Soo-hyun Do you have any idea why Soli is doing this? You came out with me today. ”


I replied angrily. I personally think that there is no shame in point of looking up to the sky, but it is because it is something to say that there is nothing.

In fact, it was difficult to see that much, and I just had a simple conversation at the restaurant.

Sibling Sibling I am. The brother is very nice. Do you like me too? ”
‘Wow. The answer is so simple. Oh. I do not believe you. Show me the evidence.
Evidence How…
It’s simple. Here’s a kiss on this lips … . Right
‘I will. side.’
‘Ansol? Ansol! ‘

Of course, he did not really kiss his mouth, he just put his mouth on his forehead. It was also not deeply meaningful. I had a sister in the first place and I was also intending to consolidate my strongest weapon.

Strictly speaking, the dragon was a kiss that was not much different from what the oil did on the forehead in the sleeping mountains.

I hope so.

“Aang … . Ah … . How… B. B. It’s gone … . I was finally hit … ”

Since then, it’s been tasting all over the place.

Hae – yeon was also giving a suspicion of having heard the same words.

Well… I do not know. Why did you eat so well and eat it? . Oh why do you do it. ”

After all, I had to shrug my shoulders.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

I’m sorry to be late today.

In fact, previous comments did not concentrate on the nervousness. There are fewer than 200, 300 comments that have been hurt by the comments, but strangely it was really hard today.

I have completed this meeting once, but the contents are a little confused today. Originally, the part that was scheduled for the second half of this session was different, but it is a little less timely. But in this situation, I have no hands, so I eventually replaced it with something that is a little bit easier. It just seems to be a little shaken.

I fully understand what you are saying about my content. If the content is interesting, you can praise it, or if you do not have fun, you can criticize it.

But it is not about me, but about communication between readers … . Especially yesterday I did not really understand it even if I read it a few times.

I do not think I desperately wanted it. Since all readers’ thoughts can not be the same, there is no doubt that opinions will come out differently.

No matter what the situation is and how it is accepted. I would like to make sure that it is really that way.

In the comments at the beginning, I thought I was able to pass it well enough, but it became bigger and bigger, eventually overheating. Later, the criticisms came and went.

As a result of thinking about it, I think that some people and I think the standard is a little bit different.

I am very grateful to those who give my intention exactly. It’s a proof that I read it in the direction that I wanted, as I intended.

But on the other hand, I do not think that the words that some people have spoken about have gone too far. Among them, I just want to say ‘Would not it be good?’I am sure that there are those who have said that, I am sick because I think of the injuries they have received.

The comment that somebody left me in the past, and that the dispute between readers will not stop, no matter how much I try to write.

The night is late.

I sincerely apologize to those who have been waiting.

Have a relaxing night.

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