
Chapter 528

“Suh Hyun-ah! Suh Hyun? ”

I have no idea. I just gaze at the sunny ceiling with a blank feeling.

“Suh Hyun-ah. Really, it was really wrong. Your brother was short of idea. I want to apologize, please open the door. Yes. it is.

Week 2 It has been 2 weeks since the 12th event match was over.

But it does not disappear.

At that time, I felt stupid in the shit, and hansoo – young ‘s back – hugging as I ran away with my face covered with both hands, still remained in my head and distress me.

“You do not open the door today, after all … . Do you really see your brother? The user academy is now over? ”

An angry voice calling me from before.

“…Soo-hyun Now, why do not you just give me an apology? Dear sir, I’m sorry for now. You’ve already come to me all the way in the second week. ”

I was slowly moved to gaze, drawn by the clear voice that followed. There is a woman who looks at me with anxious eyes next to me. I opened my mouth without strength.

“Hyeon Yeon.”


“Because it is noisy, please do not hit the door.”

“Ah. We were sleeping, right? ”

However, his brother, who is not Hae Yeon, responds quickly. Perhaps he was pulling up his hearing with magic.

Sorry. So you’ll find him later? Then you must meet me? ”

“…….”Yes. it is.


After all, I felt a drop of my brother ‘s pace. Within minutes I was stared at the road ceiling.

Ah. It is hollow. It’s just idiotic. …How am I supposed to carry my face in the future?

Soo-hyun Please do not get up. And? The user academy ends in two days, but what if you have been doing this all weekend? ”

“…….”Check this. Now the kids are waiting for you, too? ”

“…….”Of course, the right thing to say. But after that, I had to endure all kinds of harms for two weeks. No matter how loud it was, no one believed it. All that was a lot of stress, now I just want to be like this without thinking.

“I want to be alone. The meeting is over, so please leave. ”

“… after. OK. Soo-hyun Then just tell me this one. ”

“……?””It was a gift to the easter Tantellow Road … ”

“Damn it. I’ll have a meeting. ”

“Ho Ho.”

I immediately raised my body. Then, after gazing at the gentle smile, she sat down on the table waiting for the clan members. I think that I did not look very good in front of the kids, and now I feel like I should get up.

After shaking his head shaking his head and looking around, I can see a sexy figure that seems to be sloping somewhere. Ansol and Yu-jung also seem to be very dissatisfied. On the other hand, Shin Jae Ryong and Ahn Hyun are looking at me with a cheerful face. No. Why are these guys again?

“after. Sorry. Everyone knows, but nowadays it is not so bad. Anyway, user academy thing is going to be knotted to today. So let’s start the meeting. ”

After I finished speaking, I looked directly at Ahn Hyun. Because the aura which is hard to attach the word to other children why was coming to be scattered.

“Ahn Hyun. What happened to Cha Hee Young? ”

“Ah. I tried to tell you, though. First, recruitment is a good direction … ”

“I told you last time I let you in. Not that. Did not you have a problem? ”


Ahn immediately asked his mouth. He was scratching the ball and showed some difficulty. I was a little bit, but I had to feel my chest tingling.

First of all, it can be said that Cha Hee Young’s recruitment was very easy.

In fact, the grades revealed were not very good. I was shocked at the first time because I was so shocked.

However, Cha Hee Young’s user information is a very good level. As he proved it, Ahn Hyun helped in many ways, quickly found his mind and body stable, and from then on he burst into potential with a terrifying momentum. You can also see the sexual curve that rose vertically in the second half of the education.

It is said that the clan has offered to recruit because of it, but already had a lot of reliance on Ahn Hyun. As such, I was able to confirm the recruitment immediately in the words of Ahn Hyun.

The recruitment proceeded without any difficulty, but it was not uncommon.

After a while. Ahn Hyun looks at me and smiles a bit.

Hehe. In fact, it will be a little burdensome, but do not worry too much. I finished my story in a good way. ”

At that moment, I felt the ears glaring.

Really? How…

“At first I was thinking about what to do if I got hurt for a few weeks. . Actually, I do not have an idiot, do you? So just as it is, I told the truth. I thought that would be better. Hee Young Oh. I appreciate that you like me, but it’s still a burden. ”

“It’s really a stone.”

“Yes. So he was crying suddenly and suddenly. You’re throwing me away? This … ”

I knew it. But to some extent the expected reaction, I was knocking on the table.

Really? So

“So it was not so, I wanted to have a little time to get to know each other. There are a lot of good guys in the world, and you have not experienced the world of Hall Planes yet. So after finishing the ceremony and looking around the world a little bit, I will think once again if your mind does not change at the same time. ”


“I did this … . Well, did you handle it well? ”

I looked at Ahn Hyun, looking at my eyes, and I nodded in the sense of saying yes. Not only me but all the clan members nod their heads. Some of you were looking at Ahn Hyun because you were wondering what you were doing. It was not very neatly arranged, but I could say that I passed quite well for Ahn Hyun.

I was worried about it but when I wanted to be less, she opened her mouth with a smile.

“Then what if you really want to be good later?”

“Umm . . . I know I should go then, but I guess I’ll change my mind. In fact, this is the first time. ”

“Is this the enemy?”

“Yeah. I am the first woman to look at me like this. So I do not hate it. ”

So, he looked at me with a convincing face.

“It seems that Cha Hee-young was good at letting the prefect.”

“I think so too.”

“Ho Ho. Your prefect has a ball? Anyway, then you say this is … . What happened to the instructor, Jin Su Hyun? ”

“It is half.”

On the topic overtaken immediately, I replied clearly.

The possibilities for the acquisition of Jin Soo Hyun literally were half as current. But I do not worry so much. As I tried to tell you one more time, I still have room and even if I fail to sign up, I had a good relationship with my brother.

On the other hand, I will try to talk to you once before the end of the user academy. It was good, and even if I refused, I was in a situation of lane.

“Maybe it will be confirmed until the ceremony.”

Within a few moments, Hae-yeon paced her face and thought it was a pure voice.

“If you come to Jinseo Hyun, some people come along with you, right?”

“Yes. I think at least one person will come. I’m going to take that, but I know that my colleagues are not too bad. ”

“That’s good. If at least three people come in, I can see that they have come in. ”

Haha… Is it still talk? ”

Before he was released, he lowered the standard, but he insisted on increasing his number. So it is a good thing that we have brought in three people this time. Anyway, since Jinseo Hyun’s stock price has risen considerably since the last match of the 9th, the clan members agreed with no complaint.

“So let’s make Cha Hee Young and Jin Soo Hyun together. And…

I stopped talking for a while.

In fact, there is still one more user to recruit.

That ‘s right.

A few weeks ago I was able to hear the first passage with a secret messenger sent by Han So – young. After I talked with him, I tried to sign in secret in the 13th week. The answer of Jegal Hasols is “I will think until the ceremony.” .

If you look at it, it’s like you’re picking a clan. You should be able to see the user information.

One thing I’m glad about is that there is no clan with an offer except for Istanelow. I mean, if you refuse the offer of Istanelourou at the closing ceremony, it was inevitable that we would get a chance. From that time on, whether it is recruiting or not, it depends on my choice, not on the mallard.

I do not think it’s better to know myself first than to talk now. …okay . . . It may be a little bit easier for the clan members, but it would be better if you think about the situation surrounding Jegal Hasol.

“Clan Road. And what? ”

I thought for a long time that I was quiet and quiet.

“Let’s end this meeting with this.”

* 14th weekend After the weekend, the ceremony was almost complete tomorrow.

The user academy after the weekend was busy. Education has already ended, but preparations for the ceremony and the recruitment war are still continuing. The clan who participated as an instructor should somehow attract the trainees before the ceremony, which may be natural.

When I helped prepare for the ceremony and returned to the hostel, the sun was going down slowly.

It was really a stormy user academy life. Incident with Koryo Clan, Witch Cha Hee Young, Jin Soo Hyun, Battle with Chan Ho, Jeegal Hasols and so on.

But how could I get along well (not all of them yet), and now I have to leave this user academy tomorrow.

I looked around the place for a while and started to pack one by one. I have to go back to the clan house tomorrow. You can not even let Jim clean up because he says he will help you prepare for the ceremony until late today. Not too much luggage in the first place.

After spending a little bit of time, the day was light and dark.

I opened the window and closed my body and looked slowly toward the entrance. My body is tickling a little. Probably, dust is piled up in every corner. It was not too late, would it be a simple wash?

It was then.

Toc Toc

As soon as I try to move my body to do simple cleansing, I hear a knocking on the door.

Brother anybody home?”

Within a few minutes, the user who opened the door was Jin Soo-hyun.

I was a little surprised and blinked a couple of times. I was going to visit tonight though.

“…Jin Soo-hyeon? ”

yeokshi I came in because I was busy. ”

“I am true. But where do you knock and come right in? Anyway, what happened? ”

Ah… It’s not any different. just… User Academy is over for tomorrow, right? When it is finished, it seems that it does not see for a while. And I have been thankful for some time. Anyway, I came to visit the last greeting. ”

I have not seen it for a while. And last greetings.

It was meaningful. I do not intend to grab the crotch, but Jin Suhyun was the user who wanted to try it once. I thought I should roll my tongue for a long time and I laughed and pointed to the table.

A-ha That’s good. Sit there. ”


Jin Soo-hyun is sitting down with a grin. I also sat on the opposite side and took out one tobacco and opened my mouth.

“By the way, the last greeting. I think there has been a change of heart in the meantime? ”

“on. I do not know. Rather than a change of heart … ”

Jin-Soo Hyun, who had stopped talking for a while, was scratching his head with a fuzzy face. When I see such a figure, the figure of someone comes to me. He is also quite similar to Ahn Hyun.

After a while, Jin-hyun opened his mouth.

“I still do not know. But I think there was a little change of mind. ”

A shift in thinking

“Yes. I think that I have been led to my old memories. So I guess I was a little rushed? ”

“Hmm. Keep talking. ”

“In fact, I still have a lot of shortcomings in my life. So I do not just hang on to the user information, I want to know the whole thing about Hall Plane. ”

“I know what you mean. How…

When asked, Jin-Soo Hyun put on his arm. And I looked at the open window with a good eye. It falters.

“Once I had one student. I’m trying to do it myself rather than taking someone away. ”

“Umm . . .

“So when I’m done, I will go down to the pioneer city and experience it. I really want to start from the bottom. …How about your brother? Is this a good choice? ”

“…….”I thought for a moment and opened my mouth late in the half-time.

“…It is not bad. No. Very good. good choice.”

“Wow. I am relieved to hear you strangely. I was actually nervous. ”

Let me agree, the color of the light turned on the face of Jin Soo Hyun.

Jin Soo-hyun showed a pleasant smile and said with a sad face.

“Anyway I think I will do this. So what are you going to do next? When you’re done, will you go back to work on mercenaries right away? ”

I was worried about how I had to say it, but finally, Jin Soo-hyun pulled out the word. I put a fire on the tobacco that I had put out before, and I spit out a sip and shook my head.

Ah… No. When I get back, I have something to do. I’ll do mercenary work, but I do not think I will be able to sell out. ”

“seperately… . What to do? ”

“Huh. It’s important. It is also a secret outside. ”

“To this. brother. Please do not tell me. I’m curious. ”

I laughed inside. The horse has done so, but maybe he knows Jin Su Hyun.

I do not care if I do not know, I pretended to think for a while. And after about ten seconds into the inside.

“I do. Someday it will be announced. ”

Then he quietly opened his body and closed the window, carefully looking around and sat down on the road.

“But do not go anywhere. It’s not a good thing to talk. ”

Sure do. Brother That mouth is heavy. ”

Jinhyeon hammers his chest.

I looked at the scene, and I opened my mouth with all the voices of my voice, which is really important.

“I’m going to prepare for the Steel Mountain range when I return.”

“…Steel Mountains? ”

Jin Soo-hyun, who lifts his eyes with his eyes.

Looking at such Jin-Soo Hyun, I secretly drooled into my mouth.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hoo … ?

Anyway, I do not mind if I say anything, but rather readers who are laughing and laughing. Some of you reacted yesterday?

Ho Yes? Yes?

P.S. I will go up to the reservation today. 🙂

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