
Chapter 537

The clan who knocked on the door was Shin. It’s got internal news.

Fortunately, I was fortunate enough to hear that. The news that the clan members who had received the commission two weeks ago completed it safely and just returned home.

When I heard the message, I went down to the first floor, and I was able to meet my eyes with the two men coming in from the lead. Ahn Hyun and Jin Soo Hyun.

“brother. I completed the commission and returned. ”

Brother I did it well this time! It’s already 3 wins and 0 losses! 3 wins and 0 losses! ”

Ahn Hyun bowed his head like a shrug and reported his return, and Jin Soo Hyun spread his fingers and shouted with excitement. I feel very good looking at my face. It was said that the 3 wins and 0 wins completed the request three times.

I raised my hand and replied.

Really? Good work.”

Ew, The effort is. It was fun. ”

Is it because of nature that nature does not mind battle, and it is strong in aggression. As if not at all, Jin-Soo Hyun waved his head and shook his hand.

Looking at such Jin-Soo Hyun, I smiled inside.

In the past two months, Jin Suhyun has been more active than anyone else and has adapted more quickly than anyone else. There is some good nature, but in fact, other reasons are bigger. Because Jin Seo Hyun has one thing that everyone has in common.

Ah. This user really loves Hall Plane.

As a matter of fact, Jin Su Hyun sincerely liked Hall Plane and also enjoyed it.

What I have done there is nothing really. It just satisfied the environment. A good sense of belonging, good equipment, good fellows, a different mission, delicious rice and liquor, and a clan house where you can come back and stay warm. In other words, it made us not to worry about anything.

What is the result?

As I had passed through the dark days of the past, Jin Soo-Hyun was not able to get out because he was so intoxicated with the environment I created. Of course it was my aim.


It was then. Jin-soo, who laughed and laughed, suddenly made a serious look and looked at me and Ahn once each time. Then he opened his mouth with a slightly lowered voice.

“…”And?” Brother

Yes. it is.

“In fact. I made a great decision this time. ”

“A great decision?”

“Yes, this request can be heard in detail of the County were to me. It’s about user-friendliness. ”

“Shin Sang Yong?”

I was haunted. Why is that guy name suddenly coming out?

Jin Soo-hyun continued.

“The fact that I saved my brother’s life and died in the war just two years ago, and the fact that he is collecting the GP for the resurrection. …Jin Soo Hyun. After I heard that, I was really impressed with it. ”

Ah… okay . . . It’s an old thing. ”

“So it is.”

“……?”After stopping for a while, Jin-soo gazed at Ahn Hyun-hyun with moist eyes. Ahn also looked at Jin Soo-hyun with his slightly wet eyes.

The two who had faced each other for a while met each other ‘s fists with each other. And Jin-hyun was the leader, followed by Ahn Hyun.

“Although I did not come to Hall Plane on the same day of the same year in the same year!”

“I want to die on the same day in the same year!”

“Oh, in Uh, uh! Jinh Suhyeon helped Ahn Hyun and helped the arm of the user’s new life! ”

“Umm . . . Hmm… . Huh, huh! Anyway, so I decided to form a brother and Jin Soohyun! ”

The following words are Hwangcheon toeok. Look at the meaning of this … . Winning.

However, as if only knowing the front two phrases, they faced one more time with a face that was uncomfortable. And until I bite my mouth with a sick face.

Wow. How do you act like that?

The two boys, who had a very simple Taoist resolution that cut them all around, went to the restaurant with a good hand.

I looked at both of them and I looked carefully at the garden where the darkness descended. It was precisely the direction of the grave of Shin Sang Yong.

Do you watch? Shin Sang Yong?

Now here are the users who are trying to save you.



I have two of them.

“Dad. Are you saying fools to those people? ”

After a while, Marg, who was in his arms, gently lifted his head and swung into my ear. I could agree with that.

Yes Babo is a problem.

After completing the message to Shin Sang Yong, I slowly took a glance. Marg is looking up at me with my eyes wide open.

“Why do you think so?”

“Oh, I feel strange and uncomfortable. Is this feelings of patience? ”

He has… Sometimes it is a crime to be too honest.

After I stared at Mar ‘s back with my head in front of me, I moved to the restaurant along the stupid duo. This is why I was going to drink a cup of tea in the restaurant.

The moment I opened the door to the restaurant, I heard a whispering voice filling my ears.

I looked around and I was a little surprised. There were a lot of clan members in the restaurant than I thought. Although there are empty tables in some places, considering the free time and the fixed time, there are a lot of people today.

As soon as I saw the clowns who greeted me, I immediately turned my attention to Marc. I felt like I did not want to fall dry, but my collar was strong, but after I forcibly turned away, I was able to sit on the table with the kitchen without any interference.

“uh. Clan Road. Are you coming again? ”

Finally, Mr. Sangnam Nam, a chef of Mercenary Clan, greeted me.

“Ah. I thought of a cup of tea. ”

“Sure you are.” Please wait a moment. ”

The user Park Sang-nam was a clan member with an impressive and soft attitude as well as food skill. If you do not like it, you can call it Sang-Nam’s brother, regardless of sex.

Soon I took a sip of tea from Park Sangnam.

‘Lee, leader! Have you spent a comfortable night? Ha ha ha ha ha… . ‘

New. It was a long time name. At the same time I heard a little but subtle feeling. Rather than having it in mind … .

If you think about associating it with the incident that happened with the old Mar, I think it feels a little bit confused. I did not know if I could feel the helplessness that I felt then.

When I was drinking such a warm tea, I suddenly felt that Park Sangnam was sitting on the opposite side. I glance up and I see a smiling face.

“Clan Road. It seems that the climate of the clan is calm nowadays. Is not that right? ”

“is that so? I do not have a mind. ”

Hahaha It certainly makes me sick. I am a horse. But it’s still a good idea. They are all working hard, without big events or accidents. ”

“From that point of view, it’s calm. I understood what it meant. ”

Park was staring sideways with a cheerful face. As I turn my gaze, I see a crowd of clowns gathering together at various tables. Among them, it was Ahn Hyun and Jin Soo Hyun. I am already eating and drinking with a lot of excitement, filling the bowl with the table to see if the food has been ordered.

“Brother Sangnam! Here is an additional order! ”

Then, Ahn Hyun shook his hand and screamed.

Park Sang – nam slowly raised his body.

Whoops. I have to get up. ”

“Do not give too much. I come out of the boat. ”

“Heh.” Clear right.And Clan Road. Maybe you will come to sleep tonight. I mixed some alcohol in the car. ”


“When I came in, my face looked a little bad. Anyway, please sleep well tonight. ”


I looked into the mood of wonder, but Park Sang-nam smiled and walked into the kitchen.

And after a while. By the time when Hyeon – Ki Kim was blooming in the car, I was able to realize Park Sang – nam ‘s care late. The encouragement shown by one action rather than the encouragement of the other.

Indeed This is why clan members like Park Sangnam.

Ahn Hyun and Jin Soo Hyun were arranging the dishes on the table. It looks like you have inhaled the food. I looked at the table next to me and started giggling at each other.

At the next table, Yoo Jung, Ansol and Cha Hee Young were drinking beverages sharing Doran Doran. What else are you trying to do?

The answer came soon.

Soon, Hyun-soon, who raised his body, sneered around with a plate in both hands.

“Is there a beautiful lady with red hair?”

“So I have … . Yes. it is.

As soon as Yuheung turned his head, Ahn Hyun put a plate on the table with a polite attitude. And before the well opens his mouth, he points to the table where Jin Suhyeon is sitting in a decent voice.

“The gentleman at the table gave it to me. Let me bring it to a beautiful lady … ”

The well is empty, turning his head. As I turned my gaze on, I could see Jin-Soo Hyun, who was swinging wildly, except for the fork that had been hitting his mouth with his real smile.

“So please have a good time.”

Unhyeon turned to the end with a polite attitude.

For a moment, silent silence passed.

Of course, the static was very brief.


Yu-jeong exploits all kinds of abusive words on his pretty lips and makes himself sick. I want to tear them both up now. Then Ansol and Cha Hee-young woke up and wrapped her arms around her.

“Hey! You crazy chicks! You want to die? Why do you have a dish? What the hell’s going on? ”

Sibling Hold on! They’re original fools! Rather, this is what it is! ”

“Let go. Do not you? Fuck you! Those twins are … ! ”

“Uh, sister. I’m sorry. I’ll apologize for you. calm down. You can speak Korean

The restaurant, which was noisy yet, changed for a moment more nauseous. Within seconds, he smiled and laughed and watched the two run away, and Yu-jeong screamed.

“You little bitch, shit!”

What the hell is that?

I smiled and laughed. And I felt the tea that softly melts in my tongue and I pondered Park Sang Nam’s words.

A calm day in which everyone works hard without a big incident or accident. okay . . . Maybe this is the happiest time now.

Considering the future, such a tranquil day that may not come again. Then I … .


It was then. As soon as I was about to put the mug, someone rumbled over the door to open the door.

I stared at the entrance as I felt a bit of a turbulence.

At the entrance, there was a ray of air blinded by breath. I ran in haste, and I was holding my face with my back half folded. It was a very urgent face.

“Clan Road! Looks good! ”

If you think of the usual loneliness of nature, you will not get a word out of it. It really looks like it ‘s fast.

“Rapidly? What happened

“Separate order is lost in Istanelow!”

“…Not just a command, but an individual command? In Isantelou? ”

“Yes, yes! It is also a target for a former clan in Monica. ”


When I looked at the meaning of what it meant, it was breathing deeply. And when I wanted to calm my breath, I raised my body in a fluttering voice.

“We have just officially announced at the evening of the week from the Central Government Agency. …It is said that the attack of steel mountains is declared! ”

And at that moment, the turmoil in the diner completely subsided.

An official declaration of the attack on the steel mountains; …If so, has it finally happened?

As the line of sight grew, I slowly raised my body. He opened his mouth with a loud voice.

“If it is an individual subordinate … . Send a messenger to Isantelouro now. Mercenary will meet you. ”

Maybe the day is calm, seems to have ended today.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Oh. Our apologies. It’s been late one hour today. ; ㅅ; I want to keep the fortress road at midnight … . (FuckPook.)

I know my brother is living in the military. He is a close brother. I met at school last year, but I’m really close to my brother. In fact, I have a feeling that the relationship with a person is getting longer and longer, and it is also the guy who broke the formula.

Originally, I decided to go out in early May, but suddenly I heard that it came out today. I asked him why he came out so quickly and he goes to Ansan Gojan Station. The victim’s family. So I did not ask any more. I can see enough of Psa … .

I do not usually say good-bye to my acquaintances. Rather than just saying words, I thought I should just keep quiet. But now, a little bit, no regrets, I will do something comforting when I talk to you, I keep thinking like that.

The chest is so tight that I have a long speech.

It is Monday. I hope all readers will overcome the melancholy month.

Have a relaxing night.

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