
Chapter 542

“───. ───. ─── ”

“───. ───. ─── ”

“───. ───. ─── ”

“───. ───. ─── ”

I hear the memorizing of the order.

It is not the only one who memorizes the order. It was the sound of the wizard users who seemed to be in the thousands to memorize orders at the same time.

I heard that about 3,000 to 4,000 mages participated in the interview, but I do not know the exact number. However, the sound of this number of people memorizing the order at the same time was magnificent and magnificent that it could not be expressed in words.

“You can see the results soon.”

Shin Jae-ryong, who was standing next to him, voiced his voice. I nodded my head quietly.

In front of me, there was a steel mountain range that I had only drawn to my head. I did not just come to see it. This is because today was the day to carry out the plan to pursue the flower field from the old order.

Since the end of the order. The plan officially announced by the Central Government Agency was received more than thought. Among them, there was a passionate response to the idea that the plan for the veteran game was serious.

Your understanding goes. The plan itself is simple, but it is very realistic. Moreover, the plan has given users one illusion.

That said, you might have thought that you could easily solve the steel mountains that you have ever known as impregnable. There is no user who can easily go through difficult roads.

Officially announced plan to attack the vanguard was resilient enough to receive the enthusiastic response. Because there was a vision, users wanted to run the plan as soon as possible and see the results.

It was not this effect that would be tolerant to such a response. Lee Hyo-soon sent a messenger to each area and asked for cooperation, and immediately the wizards who wished to participate began to gather together. There were also users who wanted to try one of us, and had to be controlled by the central government.

After packing up a mage of warriors with their chosen and chosen elites, the northern continent could reach the steel mountains after four weeks.

Idle If you are ready, please aim at the steel mountains and lift your cane up to the sky. Please refrain from direct direction.

Do you want to start now? The voice, which amplified the voice, made the plains clear.

Then, as if my thoughts were right, there was an unbelievable magical flow between our standing point and the open mountain range.

I suddenly felt the snow burning in the color that burns at the same time. The wand that the mage lifted up toward the sky, brightly lit up with eagle lights.

– 1 Prepared for magic pot.
– 2 Prepared for magic pot.
– 3 The magic pot is ready for magic.
– 4 Preparation for the magic pot.

Report that each of the Army Corps is ready.

– 5 Preparation of magic spell is completed.
– 6 Completion of magic water magic.

And when I reported the preparation to the 5th and 6th platoon in preparation for the situation that I did not even know. – All ready.

The order just before launch was dropped.

I held my sword tightly. You do not know what’s going to happen (for example, the freaks pop out crazy) or you have to go ahead and protect the mages.

“…….”“…….”The tension continued for a while and the tension filled up inside.

But still did not last long.


Within a short period of time, a sharp and distinctive voice was heard, and the mages also shouted at the beginning.

At the same time, I could see the lights that were flying around the tip of the cane burst out almost at once like bursting a firecracker. I closed my ears calmly and listened to my eyes. …Fireball? No fireflies?

What should I say? Hundreds and thousands of magic spells are flying all at once. It was so great that the aftermath was so hot, even though there was some distance.

The magic that had ascended infinitely, came to the sky and stopped moving for a while. But, it was only for a while.

The other magic at the peak is a gentle curve within a moment, and the orbit changes downward at one and the other falls. The goal is exactly aimed at the steel mountains. It was as if the rain from the fire seemed to fall off.

okay . . .

– Everybody be careful!

Literally, the torrential rain of fire is stuck in the steel mountains!

Stomping Stomping Stomping Stomping Stomping!
Stomping Stomping Stomping Stomping Stomping!

Steel Mountains and magic caused the first clash. Flames beneath the ground exploded in front of them, and the inside of the steel mountains was whitewashed. A huge roar hit the eardrum as if a cannon burst right beside me, but I did not take my eyes off. As he did, he pulled up his ankle and hearing, and he looked at me as if he were not looking for a moment.

And after a while. Let’s hear it!

Through the white lights spreading throughout the forest, giant flames began to burn.

Finally, the signal to launch the first step of attacking the steel mountains has been shot.

* quiet room. A dark shadow slowly rose up through the darkness that had fallen down. The shadows that took shape slowly showed a slightly slender body and slender shape.

Soon the moment when the shadow was in its perfect shape, the darkness was heavily depressed on everyone sitting on the chair.

‘The king of all demons.’

It was the appearance of Satan.

It hosted the meeting of the Seven Demons with the prophesy of the great leader, and it was the latest appearance.

“Everyone is together.”

Relaxed tone. However, a cold voice greeted the demons sitting in the chair.

“late. Organizers You…

The answered voice is also cold. There is a little voice in my body that has a creepy voice. However, his figure, holding a teddy bear almost self-supporting, was the opposite of his voice.

The devil, who looked at Satan with his blue eyes deeply submerged, was a half-naked girl.

If you only look at the appearance, it will be 8 years old now. A lovely girl who looks like a sophisticated doll, dressed in a black gothic lolita dress with a plump calf. The identity is ‘cruel destroyer.’It was Baal, the king of the east.

Sorry. I have some preparation before the meeting. ”

Satan replied in silly manner and sat easily in his chair. I put an elongated fingertip in my pocket that seemed unnatural, and I took one out of the tobacco, bitten it in my mouth, and lighted it.

A blazing light gleamed around him, and he glazed horizontally across his eyes and red eyes. But soon the fire burned red and the todas crashed, and the darkness of the road fell on Satan’s face.

satan I heard you got in touch with me? Now I can relax in the beginning of this year … ”

I do not like that look. A slimy, somewhat obtrusive voice spoke. The other demons also stared at Satan as if they agreed.

But still Satan has nothing to say.

Time flies and I feel all I wonder about Chao.

Suddenly Satan teased his hands quickly.


A palm-sized piece of paper was stuck in the armrests of each chair where the demons were sitting. The difference between plain paper and plain paper is that the surface is painted in black.

“I put the contact of the big boss together. Everyone knows how to use it. First we eat and talk. ”

Let’s eat and talk. It was a strange saying.

“Sheesh. If anyone listens to you, I think you’ve been invited to dinner. ”

But the subsequent actions were even more strange. The astonished astorist was grasping the paper wisely and crumpled into his mouth at once. Lilith sucked the rolled horses to feed their lips, and Baal gently nibbled from the end. There was a difference in eating style, but the devils literally were eating paper.

And after a while. “Eh? The emergence of a new queen? And the prophecy of defeat? No no no I want you to keep in mind! ”

“I can not understand. Suddenly What are you talking about? ”

The first to eat, Astor, cried out swallowing the paper. Baal also frowned at the cute little Ami, and he immediately spoke.

Satan looked at the evil demons, and opened his mouth with a slightly lowered voice.

“So I held this meeting. To ask your attention. ”

“…….””Now is the time of choice for us. Will you continue or withdraw? ”

“withdrawal? That’s what bullshit! We are still in the temple of promise … . But no! Florence, Iris, Ragnarok, Atlanta! Gentiles have not reached anyone yet! ”

It was also the “demon of wrath”, and Astrod growled with both eyes burning Eagle Eagle. Like an attitude that can never be accepted.

“I agree with the demon’s opinion of anger. Although it is the contact of the big … . No matter how you think, it is an instruction that you can not understand. King of all demons. Do you know why this instruction has come down? ”

Lucifer also asked in an urgent voice. The voice itself was polite, but it was unusual for a “fallen angel” who showed gentlemanly attitude in any situation at any time.

“…The great prophecy has never been wrong. ”

Satan said so slowly. And once more, I opened my mouth.

“An attempt to capture the steel mountains in the North Continent has been captured.”

And? Is that because of it? ”

“It will not be relevant.”

“Really? I am true. I do not have words. The battalion is now too fragile. Hohoho. ”

Liris shook his head with a sneer at the door, saying that he was not really cool.

Well hangin You do not know the seriousness of the situation. ”

But when Satan spit out a cold one, Liris’ laughter stopped.

Soon as Satan moved slowly, the gaze of all the demons was centered. In the meantime, Satan’s words did not stop.

“One king and four queens. Satisfies the primary condition of defeat. Well, let ‘s get rid of the whirring. Rather, we must really see that defeat has come. I think it’s realistic. ”

“Damn it. To me, it’s still cloudy. What do you mean by defeat? ”

“Would you have asked me to think realistically?”

So If you make a hundred bucks and get the Steel Mountain Range, will you say we are defeated? What is it? satan

“Then I’ll ask. Until now, you. No, what have we done? ”


Astarte suddenly fell asleep and fell asleep. I talked about my anger all the time, but when I thought about it, I could not remember what I wanted to find.

“You know. Too much to say. Florence, Iris, Ragnarok, Atlanta. We anticipated that it would take at least three or four more years before the passage connecting these four cities would be pioneered. So I made several arrangements for that time … . What’s the situation now? ”

It was not a hilarious voice. But some demons avoided Satan’s gaze, such as bowing his head or turning his head. Because I knew I did not even say it.

“Well, then, as you say, realistic. Agreed. I can admit that you’re dangerous, exactly dangerous. When the steel mountains are caught, Terra is in a moment. ”

At that time, a deep and deep voice spoke to Satan. It was Lilith.

When Satan stopped pacing quietly, Lilith carefully opened his mouth because of the silent consent.

“But is not that precisely the assumption that the Steel Ranges will be targeted?”

“Otherwise, the prophecy of the heaven can not come out.”

No. I don’t think it’sgonna work out like that. Three years ago we got together in the same way. At that time, you had a voice of concern, but what was the result? ”


Satan shed lightly. It is because of the fact that it is true, and Satan himself was thinking that it was not time for the steel mountains to be caught. Above all, the incident three years ago supports Liris.

Liris’s words continued.

“And if you say defeat is prophecy, it’s only a first condition, change. That is to say, it is still possible to change with our own strength.

“…….””So, why not try to reverse this difficulty? You held this meeting for that. is not it?”

Really? That’s what I want to say. ”

Satan agreed. Liris then smiled contently, grinning, and looked at one side with a bloody face. Astarte snapped at his mouth.

“I also do not like the word” pulling “and have no idea. But now I have to admit it. It is not a favorable situation, nor a position to afford it. We have to change. In a different way than ever. ”

Satan, who moved again, finally arrived at the center of the room.

“But it is better for you to show it than to say a hundred words. So let me show you the arrangements I prepared. I hope everyone will concentrate. ”

Satan said that he had a long, pale hand. Then, like touching the breast of a woman, she whirled soft air.


It was a strange thing. When Satan teased his hands a couple of times, a huge magic circle was created in the air. The magic jean, which turned out to be a gloomy light, soon lit up a large image in the air. The video was a large forest that can not be expressed in words of vastness.

“steel. Mountains

At the end of Baal Satan nodded his head. Turning immediately, Satan opened his mouth to the evil one by one.

“As you all know, the steel mountains can be divided into four regions. First of all … ”

“That. Do not you? ”

Soon, when Satan was just about to open his mouth, Baal opened his mouth once more.

Baal was not the only one. All the demons are staring at the video with a blank look.

It was then.

– Hwaluk, Hwaluk, Hwaluk!
– Wow … . Wow ah … . Wow ah … .

Something blazing from the video. And the intermittent shouting.

Then I saw something strange, and Satan looked at the video.

The moment I checked the video, Satan blinked blindly.

It was a gigantic fire.

Until a short while ago, the green forest was burning in a short time swept away by flames coming from somewhere. The flames were like burning grass and trees in a gigantic burning moment that seemed to swallow all these forests. It was a tremendous speed.

A strange sight at a glance. However, the demons set their minds straight as they shook their heads.

But still, it is Satan. It is the top among the seven demons, and it is Satan called ‘the king of all demons’. Something seems a bit strange, but there will definitely be something about it.

The demons who thought so waited for Satan ‘s arrangement with their expectant face.


“?”Betrayed everyone’s expectations, and a small question mark appeared on Satan’s head.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Sorry. I was strangely struggling today, so I lay down to take a break, and I fell asleep. So even if you are tired, I promise not to lie down … . I’m afraid of Suma too. ㅠ. I read the comment well. There are a lot of people who have similar thoughts. Please wait a little while I will enter the contents without skipping the results of. I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for asking. Hahaha. : D PS. Subheading revised. The king of the east is the name of Baal, and Satan is the king of all demons. I was mistaken for a moment. _(__)_

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