
Chapter 546

Time flows like an arrow, and the last night came on the day before departure.

The clan house was quiet. It seemed that I had to replace the equipment just for one day, reaffirmed my readiness, and today it is really quiet. It is probably the night before departure that I think I spend my last night in my own way.

Just like me.

“Martha. Ah…


Marr, sitting on the desk, blinked with one frown and opened his mouth softly. When I tucked one of the purified water from the warehouse into it, the dry bulging bolls began to bloom slowly. Well well. You eat well.

Soon, the marbles marking the corners of the globe shine their eyes and indicate the remaining integers.

“Wow … . Daddy daddy. What’s this?”

What? Is it delicious? ”

Yes. it is. It is a strange taste. It seems to taste the stars floating in the night sky. ”

Haha It’s a star. ”

Marl was laughing lightly at the end, but I was a little apprehensive. I felt it before, but Marr’s expression is quite accurate. No. Not to a great extent, but to scary.

The marsh that had just been fed to Mar was one of the achievements of the mountain range, which was called Beatrice Stella. After a period of aging of 100 years on the earth where the blessings of the stars are imbued, seven flowers bloom and were a very precious essence that can be found in the pistils of the flowers.

Efficacy can slightly increase the potential of taking, but there is still a limit to the potential for development. That is, if you have developed all the potential, you can not see the efficacy.

So he fed Marc. Because dry now was growing like a storm to a horrifying thought.

After a while, I picked up one more of the purified water again. I flirted. The efficacy of Via Tris-Stella does not allow duplication.

So I tried to stop it, I suddenly had to stop.

For a moment, the house of the innkeeper, Maru, extended my arms forward. Like a small egg, the hands are littered with bright light like starlight. …Are you going to eat me now?

“Dad. Aye ~. ”

“Martha. Dad can not eat this. If you eat it, you will not get much effect. ”

“Hyoso and? Y..yes. Still aaa ~. ”

“…….”Maru is floating in the eye. But soon, I paddle my head and look at me with my expectation as I move my small, sharp ears.

I was troubled for a moment. I have to eat this, but I have to.

Looking at one side of the desk, I can see five remaining integers.

– Just eat it. Is your daughter giving you a refusal?

It was then. When there was a severe conflict inside, the heart of the heart came to speak.

I shouted inward.

‘part… . ‘ – kill!

‘… … . ‘ – I’ll kill you!

In the voices of the Hwajeong, there was a will to be killed literally. Then the memory of the old face burned, and I slowly calmed down. It ‘s just the day before the Steel Mountain starts, but I can not die without it.

– …I do not really say that. The man is a little sore.

What is it? What? What did you just say? ” – I’m sorry! You son of a bitch. It’s okay, I’m eating fast. There is one reason for every queen ‘s actions. And right now, I’m missing 1 or 2 points. Are you in a hurry? We should grab a straw!

‘…Is there a reason to act? ‘

Hwangjeong said with anger. I did not understand why I was angry or what I was talking about, but I was able to make a decision anyway.

okay . . . Is it personal or not anyway? Or you can just call it a personal greed. I do not think I should be bothered to say anything.

I thought of it, and I ate Margot’s juice.

“We take Via Tris Stella.”


I took a quick pee. At the moment when the essence was over, the texture that suddenly felt brightly filled the mouth full. At the same time, I feel the feeling of splashing. Indeed Does this mean that Marl is a star?

“Wow. Wow. ”

Is it so good that I ate wholegrain? Carrer laughed and laughed. It means to hug. I put my hand between the armpits and felt the weight that was obviously heavier than before. Oops! Did you grow again?

After a while. I have been in my arms for a while, and I have not spoken to it for a long time. I heard a yawning sound. As I gazed, I saw Marg rubbing his eyes with his slightly sleepy face. It seemed that I had been sleeping for a long time.

“Martha. Would you like this? ”

“Yeah. I do not have a nose yet. ”

“But it looks sleepy. Do not do it. Look. There you are sleeping, too? ”

“No, uh. I will stay with my father today. ”

I pointed to the two dolls sleeping in the gorong gorong in bed. However, he shook his head sharply in the midst of dry stretching yawning. Rather, he digs into my arms and even stroked his collar with fern-like hands. As if I would never let go.

I was haunted. I felt a little but a subtle feeling. Dry has never been against me ever once. I would not say that I did not exactly say I hate it.

However, I just showed a clear rejection for the first time since I was born.

As I was staring at the idea, Marg was lifting his head and glancing at me. The eyelids were half-covered with all of a sudden that they could not overcome the throne. But still my eyes are still staring at me.

As soon as the two ears, which were small, were lax, Maru opened his mouth.


Yes. it is.

“Tomorrow … . Are you going again? ”

“…….”I asked for a moment. I did not even know Marr also knew.

There is no need to know. Since returning to Monica, almost all the clan members are ready. However, I did not know I did not tee the other day, but it seemed to have made a speech the other day.

In fact, it is not the first time to leave this long.

But today, strangely, I get the feeling that again.

“I do not want my dad to go … ”

The dry little voice muttered like a private message, but I heard it clearly in my ear.

A little awkward silence passed.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“I’m sorry.”

“…no I’m sorry to hear that. Dad.”

Marr immediately apologized that he knew he could not help it.

While I felt a little strange feeling, I continued to wipe Maru’s back. Within a short period of time, Marr’s head was dismissed, and a steady stream of breathing flowed.

After confirming that Mar was asleep, I took a long sigh and turned my gaze over the window.

The day was suddenly dark.

* next day. The morning was bright. Today, as the Southern Expedition is celebrating its departure to the steel mountains, the sky was clear without a cloud.

Male breeding. Male breeding.

Monica ‘s south gate has already suffered from phosphorus as a group of users from all over the world. Users who are taking part in today’s attack. Users who can not participate but come to cheer the same clan. Or simply those who came to see the departure and so on.

“Mercenary is a clan! Mercenary Clan has arrived! ”

Wu Where is it? ”

It was also the same as the Mercenary Clan, who just passed the south gate.

“You can only go here. From here you can only enter the participating clan. ”

“Yes. Then Clan Road. We’ll watch you leave here. ”

Clear right. Then I would like the clan while I’m gone. User Cho Seung-woo. ”

Hahaha Do not worry about it, and Clan Road can only make you return. With everyone. Well, it’s still steel mountains. I understand where one or two lightly injured. ”

When Cho Seung-woo gave a good smile to the farm, Kim Soo-hyun laughed. Behind such a seungwoo, almost a dozen or so clan members were standing in various faces.

The most impressive among them was Cha Hee Young. I was staring at Ahn Hyun with my bearded eyes. Ahn Hyun scratched the ball and felt it empty, as if he had felt the gaze of Cha Hee Young. What was really going on between them?

“Come to my body. There’s always something you can say. ”

Lee also spit out a feeble cough and was told by Cho Seung-woo. Kim Soo-hyun who turned around for a while nodded his head.

“I will not say goodbye separately. I’ve shared enough this morning, and everyone will come back anyway. It’s just like always. ”

“I hope you like it.”

“So we almost gathered, so we’ll hurry. If the top vanguard troops are late for the gathering, there will be no embarrassment. ”

“…….”Lee Man – sung closed his eyes without saying anything.

In the end, Kim Soo-hyun turned right and moved to the South Expedition Center. After that, 30 clan members quietly started to chase.

Nobody opened their mouths. They just leave, they leave, and the others look. The meeting place of the southern expedition is right in front of the gate. Users who can not participate can not get out of the gate. There were so many participants, so that they could prepare for a mental breakdown and figure out the exact number of people.

Whether it is somewhat late, the site already has thousands of users.

However, the gathering place was not congested. As recorded on the record at the time of the previous summons, the participating clans are gathered to find their respective seats. It was a glimpse into the command of Han So Young.

Soon after a mercenary clan headed by Kim Soo – hyun came to the rally, a woman welcomed me. The motif drawn on the chest was Boa Tantelrous clan.

“Mercenary Clan participates. We have 31 members. ”

“Yeah. Has confirmed. Do you know the deployment team? ”

As soon as she opened her mouth, she glanced lightly.

“You will always go forward from the central unit.”

The woman who spoke like that, she turned to the meeting place and memorized the voice amplification order.

– 31 Mercenary Clan. We confirmed participation. I’m going in now.

At that moment, the users who were gathered in the center split right and left like the miracle of Moses, and they opened the way for Mercenary to pass.

Walking slowly into it, Kim Soo – hyun soon saw a woman standing in the center. The lady wearing the red cape in the black light armor was Han Sang-young, the conductor of the battlefield.

Han Soo-young stood facing Kim Soo-hyun with a grim face. Kim stopped the pace for a while.

“It was a little late. It’s the same city, but I do not have a face. ”

No. Not at all. Rather ten minutes early. Other clans gathered very early. ”

“Are you already gathered? So the departure is … ”

“Now you have to come one more clan. I will leave as soon as I come. ”

It was then.

– 215 members of the Koran. We confirmed participation. I’m going in now.

The voice of the woman sounded and there was a bit of clutter in the rear. The rearrangement is achieved by the participation of the Koran Union, which is responsible for the rear.

As a result, all the clan participating in the southern expedition gathered.

Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young both looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Han So Young opened his mouth shortly after he memorized the order.

– Ten minutes before departure. All to finish the batch in a very short time.

As soon as So – young ‘s voice rang, all the users started to reaffirm their placement. Kim Soo-hyun, who thought that he was standing in the center in this way, was led by the clan members and formed the leading figure. Close-up, archer, wizard, and priest.

When the batch is over and all the users are seated.

– A total of 36 clan. Battle users 3847 people. Residents, 454 non-combat users. The Second Steel Mountain Southern Expedition. All 4301 people participated.

– Southern Expedition. Start toward the steel mountains.

After the report of the completion of the participation, Han Soo – young handed the order to depart. A gentle voice voiced beautifully in the air.

Wow ah ah ah ah!

The following users were one of the big cheers. At this moment, everyone was praying for the steel mountain range.

In such a cheering, cheers and prayers, Kim Sun – hyun took the first step in the first place, the Mercenary Clan. As a result, users who participated in the Southern Expedition began to move silently.

It is the second steep mountain range of the northern continent … .

No. Kim Soo-hyeon’s second steel car started to attack the first mountain range.

And three weeks later. The southern expedition, which marched at top speed, was able to reach the outpost of the steel mountains without riding.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== It really is the beginning of the steel mountains. I am excited personally.

Last time I told you in the conversation of Satan, the steel mountains can be largely captured in four regions. One of them has already broken almost already. In the other three regions, big events are held one by one, and many of the events associated with it are also tangled.

E-SPORTS was the first thing I remembered when I envisioned the steel mountains. I really liked StarCraft 1. There was a professional gamer who cheered.I was a professional gamer who was a master of Terran. Hahaha

Very long ago. So when I was a kid, was it a star finals? Or is it a quarter finals? Anyway, it was probably the fifth and third place to watch the game. I remember one of the two pro gamers was Park Jung-seok. By the way, from the first edition, it is really fierce game. Nearly an hour or so.I can not remember the details.)

Just one thing to remember is the narrator, the narrator told me.

“No, it’s your first game. First game. It’s just the first game, can you be so fierce? What do you want to do with the rest of the game and what kind of game does the two players start from the start? ”

I remember it roughly.

I recalled the idea of ​​steel mountains there. Personally, I would like to have a similar feeling if I have something I want from a steel mountain range part. 🙂

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