
Chapter 552

The first thing I noticed was the cave. It is not naturally produced, but deep and wide oyster with artificial traces somewhere. I walked without any reason at the end of the career path is different.

But that does not matter now. I suddenly looked around. And the moment I checked the performance I was standing with a blank face, I shed a sigh of relief without knowing it.

Ko Kyoe played with both hands.


“…….””User and play!”

“…Ah. Su, Hyun? ”

Then I looked at me with my eyes wide open. I immediately wrapped around the shoulders of the performance, carefully pulled carefully inside. It is now out of the career circle, because there were still clan members in the area.

Soon after I started playing, Sasha, Shin Jae-ryong, Kim Han-hee and Woo Jung-min walked in their turns. I barely sigh, but I had a strong doubt. Why did he suddenly react? I do not blink in my eyes.

Sorry. I’m so sorry. Soo-hyun I do not know … ”

Koh played his head and waved his eyes. It’s a reaction that is rarely confusing for playing. Maybe something else seems to be the cause, I decided to focus on things in front of me.

Sure. I can talk to you later, first … ”

“Yes Yes. Okay. It’s really okay now. ”

I chose to breathe and I played my lips. Two eyes gazing at the cave struck cold light. I looked at it and it seemed to be stable to some extent, and I turned my gaze to one. Han-soon immediately took out a gem and began to memorize the order.

“───. ───. ───. Jewel Light. WHITE

At that moment, the glow from the jewel came out. Light, which is several times brighter than normal light magic, quickly drove the darkness into the cave. I do not have any problem with magic detection, so I walked in as soon as I could.

The inside of the cave was quiet.

No. It was not quiet enough. The sensation of magic, as well as the sensation of the whole body, is extremely activated, but nothing is felt or heard. Occasionally, the clan members hear only a tingling sound of a piece of equipment. It seemed like walking through the emptiness.

One way leads into anyway. However, according to the artificial traces found at the entrance, there may be a secret room. I stalked one wall and walked along the following road.

“This is why I’m thinking of exploring before.”

By the time I moved another 150 meters, someone took care of it. It was Shin Jae-ryong’s voice. I think I got the horse out to solve the rigid aura more than necessary after the performance. . What is it?

“Stop for a while.”

As soon as I was about to answer it properly, I gave a stop instruction without delay. I felt a strange feeling on the wall that was constantly stuttering. The wall itself was rugged, but it was too much to pass on, but it felt like it was getting rattled. Just as if the wall were in the middle of something.

“Good bye. Light this way. Now with the wall I am touching. ”

Then the gem that floated from 10 meters ahead quickly returned and sprinkled a bright light on the wall I pointed to. I stepped back a few steps and stared at the whole wall.

And, I could see.

flesh. And. I want to. All. The letters engraved deep in the wall, written in Korean.

“…….”“…….”For a while, the static flowed.

What this means is very clear. Probably the trail of survivors. It was easier to find than expected. …I want to live anyway. “live… . want… ? ”

this Famous? This is a steel mountain … ”

Most of the clan members had confused faces when they checked the letters on the wall. Two people keep calmness. I exchanged my gaze once with Goh, and quietly opened my mouth.

“Let’s go inside. Whatever it is, let’s judge it first. ”

The clan members still did not hide the embarrassed light, but they gathered around.

“…I’m sorry. ”

Finally, Sasha’s words resumed my advance to the inside.

The road was not that long. By the time of the further advance of about 100 meters, the end of the cave began to be seen.

In the direction of the gemstones, one large middle passageway and a part of the inner space glanced in at first glance. It still did not take anything for horsepower detection. Soon as soon as he got inside, Shin Jae-ryong and Uhm-jeong broke a little resilience.

The space at the end of the cave was larger than I thought. A space 80 meters long and 100 meters vertically. It looks like you are seeing a spacious room.

What is even more surprising, however, was the various signs carved on the floor or around it. It is a dry stumbling that is disturbed by Jung-gu’s heating, a piece of cloth scattered in the corner and so on. The user’s hand was able to find the traces of burning.

“I can not believe it … . I can see the traces of users. ”

Shin opened with a low moaning mouth. He seemed to be trying to keep calm, but his tone was a slight tremor.

But what you expected anyway. At last I agreed to the idea of ​​saying well, and I asked for a moment. Koh has been wandering around in the co. Then I paused and slowly lifted my head and looked up at the ceiling.

“……?”The reason why I want to do it is because I want to watch it.



The clan members breathed almost simultaneously.

There was something dull in the ceiling.

Something that looked elongated was a skeleton, no different. Exactly one skeletal body with a neck.

The rope is wrapped around the neck and hanging on the ceiling alone. I was not able to grasp the trace of the ground immediately.

“Clan Road.”

The husky voice of the friendship calls me. I nodded my head. Inside, Suhraung, the sound of ironing sounded, and Ujungmin made a fuss. The dagger that was shot in the air cut out the line on the ceiling precisely.

A wave!

A part of the body fell off as soon as it hit the ground. Maybe it’s a pretty old look. As you can see from the state, the body was a complete skull itself, except for barely worn clothes. It shows the possibility that a long hair with a spiky hair on the skull might be a woman.

Only one strange thing is that the left chest is bulging up. I looked down at the skeleton for a moment and looked up at the clothes that were hanging on.

After a while, when I put my hand between the inner pockets, I felt a touch of grab. It is likely to crumble soon if you give it a little power, even if it is burnt. If you do not know it, I can see it with a gleam of dusty dust. Though I can not do it, I can see more than a dozen.

Soo-hyun Is it the survivor’s record? ”

“Maybe it seems.”

In the question of playing, I was head to head freely. I tried to save the floor, not the other side.

I looked back at the clan members for a while, and calmly passed a record. Donggle dongle and pretty handwritten letters come into my eyes.

“We survived. I was able to survive at the end with a real surprise. This is really lucky. I found this cave, and those dinosaur-like guys do not follow me anymore. And I’m a loser. In fact, I thought I had learned the badge, but I did not even know I would use it when I did. Dinosaurs do not seem to be able to read the badge either. Good luck. ”

It seems as if the survivor ‘s diary is a living diary. The first start was pretty cool.

So it should be. Who is going to record it in the midst of an imminent death with his immediate life? Perhaps this record would have started at some point after finding some stability.

“We found two more survivors today. Now the total is 67 people. I do not know if I should like it or not. Food or water is not unlimited. ”
“At first, 67 people. The remaining number is 35 people. Only one escape attempt, 32 people were killed. I wonder if it was too much. ”
“There was a fight. However, with the sister ‘s intervention, Eun – Sool barely acknowledged their claims. You can not get out of the way. He dies unconditionally. But I can not hold on to this. I starve to death. ”
“In the end, the sister went out with 31 sisters. I find a new way. It is an inevitable choice now. please. please. please. please.”

The record was not written every day, but rather written in a very space. Anyway, silver soles. Maybe it is user who is said by Shoho, and is referring to Eunsol.

I decided to continue reading.

“Two weeks have passed. I will not come back. There are only three people left. ”
“I wake up and see Sora’s sister. Where did he go? No way…
“Sora sister does not come back after all. Hyun-jin said that he went out looking for him. I did not want to go, but I eventually left. I’m left alone now. …scared
“At first there were 67 people. But now I am alone. ”

The record consisted of shorter and shorter sentences. I quickly swept through the rest.

“It’s been three days since I was alone. I slept today, and my brother came out in a dream. Unusually, we were facing each other through the front door holes. My brother did. Give me a new vitality. Do not come out. And never, never respond. I especially emphasized this. …In fact, I do not know what you mean. But my brother’s face was terrible and terrible. Like a dead man. ”
“Once, I have to change the circle. Do not let anyone in. ”
“If I did not hear them wrong, I heard clearly today. Jinya. Jinya. We’re back. But I can not find the way. Someone is hanging around the ring and calling me. To be conditioned
“I heard a new word today. At first the voice of a man. Next was the woman’s voice. Let’s do it. Do you remember that the name of the division is remembering this way? Hmm. Could these guys have made a mistake in their memories? …What? These guys? Memory How am I supposed to accept this? ”

The record was broken here. Maybe the last record is that I want to live from the wall.

I looked up at the road. One rope swinging in the middle with a break. Then this chaperon finally chose suicide.

“Clan Road. Do you have any unusual records? ”

I suddenly heard the voice of Shin Jae-ryong. I once or twice regained my appetite.

An unusual record. In fact, there is no unique record in my view. Rather than being unusual, it might be an accurate expression of having a straw bar. And if you have one, you’ve got a definite clue that maybe you could use it on this expedition. Soon I pushed the record slowly into my arms and I quietly opened my mouth.

Well… Rather than unusual … ? ”

And that was the moment.

* “How long do you have to wait?”

The annoyed voice rang the air in the sky. It was like a big voice as if everyone around me heard it.

The origin of the voices is the southern expedition, which is now pausing in front of the current mountain range. Among them, he was a frowning man. It is evident that Musa clan and Anumusa Road Gokuwan are painted on the chest.

But Despite the obvious irritation of anyone, Seonyuun did not respond much. I just opened my mouth with a soft voice with my eyes closed.


“So simple … ”

“The command I received was that I should stand by and be quiet. If you come out of the career circle, I will take care of you. Just wait quietly. ”

But no! It’s already been thirty minutes! We say that we cross that mountain today! But the day is already … ”

When it was time to shout the momentum, Goo Hwan suddenly glared at the end. Because the reason why I had been sleeping so far was that I was glancing at the moment, glimpsing one eye.

Suddenly, cold sweat swirled in the forehead of the. I thought it would be better if I did not have Merseyside Road, but I thought that the man in front of me was a huge user called Jingu.

Then, as if the idea was right, the arm of Sinyoungun aimed at the front of the gun.

“I am entrusted with full authority now. I’ll say it again. Keep silent. ”

“Oh, no. I mean, I mean. ”

“Keep your mouth shut. I will not warn you any more. ”

“…….”The last time I said that, I heard the sound of pulling the crossbow.

Goo Hwan swallowed his saliva. And I immediately finished my mouth. I felt sincere in the face of Sunyoungun. Rather, it is the feeling that I want you to say.

Goo Hwan nodded his head with his tired face. My body was shivering because of the exhilarating life I felt in the center of Myeonggan, but I could barely turn around.

It was then.

– I do not know what you’re doing.

A certain voice, in the wind, flowed into the vanguard troops.

At the same time, the body of the elemental fortune hardened.

– If you have a nunuuga … . Dodowawa is a shareholder.

One thing is certain that the upbringing of human beings is clear. – It’s the shareholder who wants to live. Formulation outbreak … .

However, if you listen closely, it was a bizarre voice that felt a sense of heterogeneity somewhere.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Ah. Sorry. I have a meeting and dinner with people related to Visual Nobel today, so I’m back home late. I’m sorry. _ (__) _ I guess it was a fun and enjoyable time though. I got a really fun suggestion today. The season and the teaser site sounded good, but the most interesting thing was the turning point. So you have been making a lot of choices before, have not you? I mean, I’m going to branch off from there. For example, leave a beating. Or Yoo Hyun-ah. Or kill Vivian. And so on. 🙂 This kind of thing hangs on the tail of the stem and the ending can be changed.Of course, it is not yet decided, but it is in discussion.)

It seems to be interesting personally, but it is also true that it does not come out a little. It’s a whole new story and an incredible work.

Dear Sir: Well, you are a writer. Are you going to do that?
Eugene: Yes? I still have to answer … .
Dear: You just ate coffee. That’s Yes.
By Eugene 😕

When I was in the mood, I was told that I had no idea. So I would like to ask for your help. What if it had been this part of the memorize so far? What would it be like this? I would like you to write a brief note on the comments if you have any problems. I’m going to create a new tree for that part, and I think that you might remember what I missed. : D

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