
Chapter 555

About ten dozen users are moaning on the floor, and priests are clinging to memorize treatment orders. Probably it did not completely defend the first surprise attack.

But it was not just this.

“What happened?” Why was it surprise! What the archers and mages did! ”

“Shit! You said you did not feel it! I have to be alert but I have to do what I can not! ”

“How did you respond to the vanguard troops? And who else did it? you are crazy Are we going to die? ”

“I’m evolving from the Sunbongers! Once you do not fight, calm down! ”

Harsh abandoned castles were heard all over the place.

okay . . . It was literally a mess.

I stopped trying to go backward and looked around quietly.

At that moment, a little banging sound was heard, and the users who were building the crowd broke in half and made their way. And in the meantime, a woman walks slowly.

It was Han So Young.

Even in such a mess, Han So – young still remains calm. Rather, I immediately turned around and quickly looked at me with a grim face of courtesy.

“Mercenary Road.”

“Isantelou Road.”

As soon as I ran to her, Han Soo-young nodded, slowly rubbing Ami. I pretend not to, but I feel a little tired.

“Is not there anywhere you beat it?”

“Yeah. Although the tail was distracted more than I thought, I am still calm as much as possible. What about the damage of the vanguard unit? ”

“Not at all.”

“…That’s great. ”

Han So-young responded with a gentle gaze. At that moment, I felt like my stomach was stuck in the cook without knowing why.

“How about the center or the tail? Is it big damage? ”

“The center is missing 2 people, 11 people are injured. And five people were missing and 14 people were injured. ”

Missing. If so, is it taken away?

It was not a huge damage. However, after starting the attack, I saw the most damage.

“Thanks to the proper response of the vanguard unit … . I think the damage did not get bigger. ”

Before long, Han Soo-young was able to barely speak out as he watched the flames evolve gradually. The rear end is the Koran Union. I do not know who did it, but Park Hwan-hee’s obvious control mistake.

There was a low sigh. Perhaps Han Sang – young will not have any trouble. I thought that even before I had to take these guys with me a little while ago.

I decided to move my foot. Looks pretty cool on the outside, but Han So – young will be very chewy now. I had no desire to help.

Clear right. Once I get back to the top, let me know when the situation is calm. ”

“Yeah. I’ll do that. ”

Me and Han So – young turned at the same time.

Then, after about 10 minutes, the turbulence stopped and another 10 minutes later, the departure order dropped. I slowly walked forward and led the expedition, and soon I could reach the summit.

The lower the mountain range, the deeper the forest.

It was downhill, so the march speed got a little faster, and the southern expedition finally managed to get over the mountain peaks that we were aiming at.

Time went fast.

The southern expedition ended the march until it had crossed the target mountain range today and two more mountain ranges. And as I rushed to build a camp and finish my meal, the sunlight that had stained the spot was gone, and the dusk slowly began to fall down.

After being attacked in the morning, the monsters have been raided once more. When I was going down the second mountain range, I suddenly tried to surprise again.

However, once in the morning, I was able to respond appropriately at that time, and they did so with very little damage.

Of course, it was not something I liked. Although it is small, it is said that the damage was eventually hit, and on the contrary, the monster still ran away without revealing the identity.

As far as I can tell, the southern expedition is now in full swing.

It’s no wonder that users have become more nervous about the guerrilla that continues as such.

On a deep night, in the middle of the camp, a large tent was packed with almost all the clan roads. It was a hardened commander meeting that could be seen almost as an annual event. No. Is it an example event?

The energy flowing in the tent is much colder than before. I can not help it. Since their first attack in the morning, there are not many people who have blushed their faces.

“I think I got the wrong way in the first place.”

In silent silence, someone said in a hard voice. It was a safe road.

Koh-hwan opened his mouth with a look that looked so graceful with his arms folded.

“It has already been almost two days since I encountered monsters. But what about our situation now? Rather than trying to figure out the identity of the monster, it continues to damage it. This is obviously due to the wrong way. …Once this point, I apologize for being included in the vanguard unit. ”

No. What do you mean by that? What does the road matter? ”

I did not know where to laugh. As soon as I was still there, I heard a sharp voice somewhere. I turn my gaze and see a man who combs his hair cleanly. I remember seeing it once. Was it Light Road?

Goo Hwan was cold.

“Infatuation. So I mean … ”

“Let’s talk. The appearance of monsters in the steel mountains is a matter of course. ”


“You see the essence of the problem. Now that we’re here, we come up with a plan, but who is going to fight for power? And also, As I am part of the vanguard squad, who would you like to apologize for? Where is the most vulnerable troops now? ”

Soo-hwan immediately asked his mouth. However, the face was getting tougher at the last time, and it was so upset to the head.

The inside was cool, but this does not make a meeting anymore. I decided to mediate at this point, and I calmed myself up.

“character. Let’s all stop. Everyone who is here now has a complicated mind, and this is a consuming dispute. ”

No. Mercenary Load. You just heard. Because the warriors keep coming … ”

“It would have been because you were cramped. The damage continues, but we still do not know anything about the enemy yet. It will not be because there are other meanings. I know that I am very enthusiastic and willing to take action. ”

“Hmmm. Yes, it is. ”

Soo-hwan agreed immediately. However, it is quite awkward when I wrap myself up that it shows an impatient feeling.


“I want to tell you personally at this meeting.”

I first stared at Han So – young to request a floor. Han So – young, who was intimidated by thought, nodded his head silently. I looked forward to the clan roads looking at me with expectant eyes.

In fact, I have only defended since the appearance of the monsters, and I have not done much in my life. At the meeting where the measures were taken, he did not speak out.

Cause there was something I wanted.

“First, let me briefly summarize the current situation. The southern expedition started attacking, and a new monster appeared. ”

Of course I am comfortable when I start to reveal everything from the beginning. The monsters that now appear have these characteristics. And we must respond accordingly. Or if you go through any road, you will be able to attack very quickly and so on.

But not so. Then, it may be convenient at the moment, but if all the attacks are finished after all, it will surely receive the gaze of suspicion.

Mercenary was, in spite of a similar suspicion in the North Continent. So I was going to show through this opportunity how we found the ruins and how they had been attacked.

“And this new monster is very crafty. I have been raiding three times in total, but I have been constantly guerrilla warfare while hiding my identity from revealing their identity. ”

However, it was not just that.

The biggest reason was that I wanted to change the overall atmosphere of the southern expedition.

From a personal point of view, it was not one or two cramped things that led to the vanguard troops.

The first battle. It is very different from marshineri. If you give instructions, you have to do a sort of cut-and-chock, but it’s hard to get bored.

Of course, each individual user is certainly good. Also, it is obvious that Lee Hyo – hool ‘s intention is to make a detailed command, but once you think about the basic base, your personality is too strong.

In addition, the area was passed without much damage, and the southern expedition was loosened as a whole.

To make matters worse, even the monsters that have been dealing with ever before have shown their way out of common sense, and all these factors are combined to create a situation of evil.

if so.

To capture this area, you have to abandon stereotypes that you had about monsters. Furthermore, the corresponding method must also change.

“The way to break through this difficulty now is very simple. First First, you need to know the exact information about the monster. To do that, we need to get a monster sample first. ”

But changing habits in the morning is not easy. So I have left without saying a word for a couple of days.

There is a saying that Baekmun is open.

To change this trend, it is better to get it right than to hear it a hundred times. You’ll have to put the brunt of death in front of you so that the changes will accelerate.

It is to awaken the user’s survival instinct.

If there was one mistake here, I did not know that the flower field was going to be implemented. I really did not think there would be a user like that. …The damage caused by it is unavoidable, but it was not my fault anyway.

“And the second is to destroy the monster’s base quickly and destroy it.”

When I finished talking, I looked around and I could feel the blank eyes. Such eyes seem to say, “Who can not think of it?” I laughed lightly inside.

After a while, Han Young opened her mouth.

“That’s right. Collect information about the monster and identify its weaknesses. And attacked base and swept the base. If so, getting a sample of the monster would be a prerequisite. ”


“Then, how does Mercenary Road do it?”

“Hmm. I do not know.”

I paused for a moment, then looked out of the tent and said.

“In my opinion, the monster samples will be available soon. As early as possible, maybe tonight? ”

Today. The night? ”

Han Soo-young asked with a strange voice. It was not only Silk Han So – young, but soon the messy turmoil filled the tent.

No no no jamsimanyo Mercenary Load. Tonight? Then do you mean they are raining? ”

Someone asked in urgent voice, and I had a big head in the sense that it was.

“If you’re asking personal thoughts, I think it’s almost certain.”

* The long meeting was announced at the dawn until the end of the meeting. Several stories came and went in the middle, but in the end, everyone had no disagreement about getting the monster’s sample first.

I was not too greedy. The people who are here are not the least of them. It will be easier to plan later if you have to push the obvious evidence.

I walked ten boats out of the tent so I had to stop for a while. It felt like I was staring somewhere. I gazed calmly and found a user standing in the dark. The man who looked at me with a keen eye was nothing but Sunyuun.

Whoops. Did you overhear the commander’s meeting? ”

“…I just wondered what story is coming and going. ”

Sunyuun admitted frankly. It’s hard to see it as good, but it does not really matter. I shrugged and walked to the tent. Sunyuun hesitated to say something, but he quietly followed me.

For a while, the static flowed.

“Clan Road. I have a question.”

But by the time I was almost at the tent, Sennyun broke the silence and called me with a loud voice. I stopped walking straight.


“Why are you always wrapping up such a guy?”

“That guy?”

“At a meeting before.”

I had a head in my head, but soon I could see who Seunyuun called.

Ah… Loaded. Who am I again. Hahaha

“It is not a laughing matter. He continues to look beyond the power of the Clan Road. ”

“I know what you mean, and it’s okay. And do not kill too much. ”


“Think about it. Thank you so much. I will take care of my life without buying it. It is necessary to have such a user in Zagoro expedition. ”


Sunyuun asked for a moment. But soon I realized the meaning contained in my words, I was thrilled with my head laughing.

So Because of that, did you listen to the story and wait? ”


I also laughed face to face and quietly said, Yun Yu opened his mouth after one more round the head.


“In fact. Among the stories … ”

It was then.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

I posted two today. It’s a joke.

Well, I did not really appreciate the power and gratitude I gave to the support comments yesterday. I just relaxed a day and my head became clear. Anyway, the writing was written in two.

It is not the nature to make reserves anyway. So I just uploaded it. Huh, huh.

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