
Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Dungeon Of Alchemist(2) =========================================================================

“Darn it! Again…What do you mean, wolf children?”

“If you have time to grumble, hurry up and come into the formation!”

I quickly blocked Ansol’s front and pulled Anhyun’s arm to form a triangle. The number of wolves in front of us was incredibly large with the eye of the hour. I felt my skin prickled by their explosive thoracic sound.

I bit my lips gently. Suddenly, the caravan’s traces disappeared. It is normal when the traces remain stronger as you go inside, but at some point, the traces have snapped. I wandered around for a while trying to find other traces, but I couldn’t find a clue like a ghost. Eventually, he was attacked by wolves as bad as he was about to invoke a third eye.

Even if they were pitch-black forest wolves, I was confident that I could handle more than 100 wolves alone. The only problem was the children. I’ve been wandering with more than 20 numbers before, but this time the number I saw was likely to cross the ship. It’s not my first time dealing with them, but it’s natural that more than 40 of them are glaring at us, so it’s no wonder that they’re just like new chicks.

“Oh, brother.”

“Don’t back off!”

Despite my cry, Yoo-jung unknowingly stepped back. Then the wolves began to cough up their cries altogether. Ahn Hyun, Ahn Sol, and Yoo Jung were all faltering with frightened faces when they heard the sounds of over 40. There was a murmur of Ahn Hyun next to him, but without a chance to ask back, the wolves quickly narrowed their distance from us and came in.

If this continues, you’ll be punished. There was no time to comfort the children. Yoo-jung and Ahn-hyun both looked blank, but soon came to their senses and grabbed weapons. At least he came to his senses at the end and had to take comfort, but the current situation remained the same. I pulled out the sword with my teeth clenched.

“Ansol, take a moment to protect me and step back little by little. And from now on, I’m out of formation.”

“Yes, yes, brother? Oppa!”

Without time to answer or convince me, I grabbed a sword and stepped forward. When they saw me popping forward, the wolves opened their mouths wide and pushed their sharp teeth in. There was a scream from behind, but this time, it was not enough to adjust the battlefield with a simple arc. Moreover, there was no guarantee that children could follow with this number. At the end of the day, the only answer was to show my skills a little more.

Soon after, the first clash between me and the wolves began.

I also went into the middle of them with a single step and swung sideways with a sword containing mana. And the results that followed were beyond my expectations and surprised myself. The power of a sword expert has come to a new level. My experience of training swords, special, potential abilities, and synergy effects were emitting different powers than before. With a single cut, six wolves were seen jumping up, pouring out their blood fountains.


Just in time, Sol put protection on me. The wolves, who had been running with great spirit, were staring at me with a bewildered gesture, wondering if they didn’t know that their colleagues would be beaten. But that was only a moment. Perhaps because of the fact that they are still outnumbered, Neogae Marie is where the children are, and the remaining 30 are starting to stick to me.

I took care of two wolves running from both directions in an instant, and immediately turned and cut off the body of the wolf running up. Hot blood wets my whole body. Meanwhile, I peeked at the children and fortunately, they were doing well against wolves who came to their senses and rushed fiercely. Nevertheless, there were still many wolves left. But once again, in a battle that was unfavorable for the first time in a long time, I stretched out my sword and parted my surroundings cheerfully.


I love you!

It’s not like catching one with one stroke of a sword. If two and three are caught and the cricket explodes, six are flown away as before. Already, the sword was being cut like water along the best sword path before I thought I was swinging it. It was the beginning of the new inspection day.

“Sniff! Sniff!”

I love you! I love you love me!

As they wielded their swords one after another, the bodies of those who rushed head-on again were neatly cut. And as soon as I tried to turn to life, I felt like I was biting something on my thigh. Once I lowered my head, swinging a knife backwards, a man was groaning with his teeth in my thigh.

“It’s not something you can get through.”

I whispered quietly and poked down the sword. Then a blood fountain rose from his head. After roughly shaking off the falling wolf with a wistful face and pushing it away, I ran around like a sword. After swinging my sword for a while, I felt the silence around me as I tried to turn around again.

The battle had already entered a lull. The wolves, which had been over 40 for the first time, had already shrunk to a small number of eighty. More than 30 wolves were slaughtered in that short time. It is too much to show your skills a little.

As he smiled deeply at the slaughter instinct that gradually dominated his body, the wolves, who were whimpering, were seen to step back. As soon as he took a step forward, the wolves, who had been looking around until then, started to run away without looking back.

Where are you going to run away? I heard an urgent cry from behind when I was about to get into a fight and make fun of myself quickly.




The moment I heard the children’s cry, I was able to come back to reality. You wouldn’t have seen my smile because I was turning my back, but this battle didn’t seem too much anyway. What should I do? What do you call it? The thoughts fill my head.

At that time, I saw a body soaked with blood as soon as I bent my head. After a brief smell of blood, I soon came up with a good idea. It was sad that I had to act every time, but I couldn’t help it. My move just now definitely went too far. Doubts sprout in small places, so it’s best to sprout in advance.


“Hey, are you okay?”

When I heard the signs of the children running to me quickly, I continued to gag and stretched myself to the floor. Of course, I didn’t forget to breathe hard on purpose. If he vomits blood, it will be icing on the cake, but if he does, there might be a possibility that he will make a fuss about going back.

“Whoosh, whoosh!”

As I sweated all over my body and looked in pain, the children’s helpless faces came in. Hyun was quickly taking potions out of her bag, and Sol was quickly reciting a treatment spell. And Yoojung was quickly trying to undress me. What, what, what is he doing?

“Hey! Hey! Wake up!”

“Oppa! Oppa!”

“Shi, it’s noisy. Don’t make a noise….”

“Hey, hurry up and drink this!”

I shook my head loudly and shook my hand for a moment as I saw An Hyun inhale a potion bottle into my mouth. Yoo-jung, who had taken off her top half of her shirt, pushed her face inside and looked closely and tilted her head.

“What, what, no trauma? Don’t tell me you hurt your lower body.

“Please, everyone stay still..”

As I was slowly turning my mana, I soon saw Sol with an urgent face, looking at the white smoke rising from my body. It occurred to me that Sol would definitely recognize him if he were an honor student like Sol. Sol, who was just memorizing a treatment spell, turned white when he saw a white haze rising from my body.

“Get out of the way!”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“Get out of my way!”

Seeing the eyes of Sol, which had never been seen before, she flinched back. Soon after, Sol touched my chest and slowly penetrated the mana into my body. Maybe I did it to see the situation in my body. At this point, I made a strong effort to create a mana accompanied by a flower garden. At first glance, it looks like he’s going wild.

“No way!”

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Ma…Mana is making a lot of noise. I think it’s a reversal!”

“A reversal? Then….”


After she finished talking, Sol burst into tears and hugged my face. I felt the warm tears and breath of the brush running through my face. Ahn Hyun and Yoo-jung also looked at me with a puzzled look to see how much they knew about Mana’s reversal.

“For God’s sake, I wasn’t just spacing out at the time.!”

“What do I do…How in the world….”

“…Everyone, be quiet.”

At this point, I managed to pull myself up. Then Soldo, Hyeondo, and Yoojeong, who were shedding tears, all looked at my face at once. Everyone looked like they were seeing some kind of superhuman. I still turn around looking at the white part that rises all over my body. The kids knew roughly what I was going to do and quickly fell off me.

“Everyone… watch your surroundings for a moment.”

After seeing the children nodding their heads three times a second, I slowly entered meditation. Once I entered the temple, I lost track of time, so I couldn’t go too deep. I thought it would be better to do it now because I had to use my third eye properly anyway.

Obviously, the traces grew stronger and disappeared in an instant. The most likely was the boundary. However, when it comes to boundary, the reaction of mana should be felt, but it seemed that the kind of path that used the path, not the response boundary, could be able to feel the energy of a single strand.

I slowly kicked out a third eye and began to steam around the forest in detail, focusing on the surroundings.



After the analysis, I sighed for a long time. It wasn’t as hard as seeing the “fact” that happened in the past in the rite of passage, but it was much harder than just seeing the information. Still, I could see two pairs of eyes blinking at me right in front of my eyes when I opened my eyes, consoled by the discovery of the missing traces.

I forgot.






“Are you my brother?”

Ahn Hyun was wary of the surroundings with a fierce face and a spear. Then I turned my head to the sound of the children calling for me, and I happened to make eye contact with him while looking at him. Then, Hyun’s mouth slowly opened wide. I managed to lift myself up after the hard work of removing the kids who stuttered like crazy.

“How about your body?” Are you okay? What?”

“For now, I’ve suppressed it, so don’t overdo it.”

“Hey, this. Come on.”

“Oh, no. The physical potion of Mana’s reversal is….”

I wanted to say it was useless, but I couldn’t refuse it when I saw Ahn’s face. In the end, I was forced to take potions with an awkward face. He seemed to want to feed me this potion somehow.

The kids were following me up and down again, while I opened the cap and gulped down the potion. When I shrugged with a face asking why I was doing this, Yoojung opened her mouth.

“I think we’d better go back this time.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

“I heard it from Sol. Mana, the reversal doesn’t take place at once, but if you don’t treat it perfectly once it’s expressed, it’s likely to recur again next time….”

“I told you I had it suppressed for now. You can go to the city later and treat it properly.”


“It’s time for you guys to think about it.No, it’s not. I thought it was getting a little better, but it went back to normal. Didn’t you learn never to step back against monsters? It’s about letting them know that I’m scared of you.”

Of course, the kids didn’t feel a little unfair either. This is the first time I’ve seen more than 40 wolves at a time. Anyway, Hyun and Yoo-jung bowed their heads as I cut the horse in a tone that was not worth a second thought.

Why did I run out of my way? Isn’t it you who didn’t keep the formation? I was going to scold them if they shot me like this, but they seemed to know that they had done something wrong.

The kids still had a worried look on their faces, even though I had been berating them. Perhaps a few distortion of the face was valid while triggering a third eye (this was really hard.

I warmed up in gymnastics for a while and opened my mouth looking at the children who only watched my lips.

“I don’t mean to go back anyway. Even more because of me. So get your heads together. I’ll think it could be this time, but if you show the same attitude the next time, I’m really not going to let it go.”

“Tongue, brother, but…I don’t know what’s going on, but the reversal is….”

“But it’s just me. I know my physical condition well. It’s still doable. Don’t worry, just do your job.”

It wasn’t until I was told that the children were slowly packing their bags. However, it seemed that the atmosphere that had been gradually relieved before meeting the wolves had subsided in one shot. Looking at the morale that fell in an instant, I could feel where I was.

As I turned around, I could feel the children’s eyes just in case. But I never meant to go back. First, you have to point out the way you came. It was necessary to go back to where the traces had disappeared along the way and twist the direction.

The reason why I couldn’t find any trace was because I was bound by my career as expected. Career boundaries that you can see another world in a single step. I was excited to think that I finally got the clue to the alchemist’s dungeon.

============================ Review of the work ============================

1. I asked Cho Ara about the best index yesterday. It doesn’t affect if you intentionally take out the first work. I don’t know if I heard it wrong or if I knew it wrong. But whenever I upload it, I feel like someone is playing a joke on me.

2. I heard that a relative had a car accident. He’s the one who cared about me a lot. The problem is. He’s in an emergency right now. My father went down in a hurry, but I haven’t heard from him yet. He’s not answering the phone..

Simply put, Su-hyun is in the best position for all current users. Whoever you fight against can get the upper hand in the first 20 minutes. Assuming you’re going all out. It’s just that my stamina is still holding my ankle. Even if it’s 1:1, the more time it drags, the more disadvantageous it is.

Stat points don’t usually “really.” So Soohyun was very surprised when she got the point. You may think that it is extremely rare to receive stat points as achievements or performances in the future.

I don’t know if it reflects your feelings, so I tried to change it to a brighter color, but I don’t think it got any better. I tried to make fun of myself, but when I saw my face in the mirror, it was so stiff that I was scared. It’s scary that the batter goes out differently than I feel. I have a lot on my mind.

I always read all the comments over and over again. I hope you don’t feel too sad about not being in the re-reply. If you have any questions, please write me a note and I’ll answer them.

Then I’ll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

Preferences, recommendations, comments, criticisms, questions are always welcome.

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