
Chapter 565

The battle is over. The battle started around noon, and the sun began to tilt slowly, signaling complete closure.

The result is a great success. In the valley, it nearly hit the wreck, and the hill was similar. Of course, the southern expedition also suffered some damage, but compared to the monsters was a level of trembling. I do not know if I can count all of them together with one hand except for the wounded who can be treated.

Han So – young is also a woman who knows the battle. I do not miss reading the surrounding situation while considering my momentum. Having been reported to have found a huge pit beyond the barrier of the hill, Han So – young immediately ordered the march to stop and set up a camp.

It is a good choice. The southern expedition now knew nothing about the newly emerging pit. However, I do not know what to expect, and I also need to calm down a lot of excited users. Considering all that, Han Soo-young gave a little long rest for today’s day, as well as foreshadowing of the victory of Choon-cheol.

After setting up the camp on the top of the hill like this, the southern expedition went into a rest to soothe mind and body tired of battle. Today, I do not touch anyone even if I eat a moderate amount of drinking alcohol or cooked ingredients individually.

I also wanted to taste the dishes that were made by the gang, but I had to give up the tears because the commander’s dinner was caught. In fact, it does not matter if you refuse to be tired of battle, but Han So – young has asked me to attend. How dare you refuse? I should go even if I have to take my life.

The dinner went on in a fairly tumultuous mood. Some people do not go out, but they have a cheerful atmosphere and eat laughing food.

Of course not everyone is. No matter how big the victory was, there was not a dead user. I’m lucky and I’m not good, so I guess I’m sure it’s not fun. The clan rods, who lost their loads, quietly drank only the mainstream, and they looked at the left and right sulk. Han Soo – young also wanted to consider such people, and occasionally responded moderately and went on a quiet meal.

I also stared at Han Sang-young, who sat in the forehead, in a diagonal direction. It is also beautiful to eat when you look at it quietly. How does one behave from one action to another?

When I thought so, suddenly Han So – young looked up at me.

“……?”Han So-young, who has a headache.

“What do you want to say?”


“You keep staring at me.”

“…No. No.

I did not have the courage to talk about my face because I was face to face with no expression, so I barely responded and dropped my gaze. Within seconds, a slight sigh was heard, and Han Soo-young’s gaze fell.

It was then.


The voice of a suddenly high soprano tone rang the ears of the king. As I turned my gaze, I saw Vivian, who was stinging me with his face rising.

Kim Soo-hyun

Vivien is not a commander, but this time he was able to participate in the exception. Han Soo-young invited special attention to the ball he had built. So far, the ball we’ve built far surpasses a bunch of users, no one has objected to Vivian’s participation. Rather, as soon as I saw Vivian, there were also some people who made a lot of excitement.I hate to admit it, but surely Vivien is a beauty with a unique charm. Because personality is fourth dimension.)

“You. I can not do that. ”

Vivian speaks in a twisted voice and draws a chair and comes close. He said that he should pour and pour, but he is already drunken.

I stroked my head and I hit my fingernail. I did not want to deal with it.

But Vivian clung to her head.

“What the hell. Do not keep your promise ~. ”

“What promise?”

Then, “Look at this ~. Look at this. I thought I would do this. ” Vivian, who was feeling sick, shook his face suddenly. Now they were about to touch each other’s noses.

I suddenly heard a hiccup in the diagonal direction.

“Kim Soo-hyun, you!”

Vivian opened his mouth like a whisper, with his eyes wide open.

“My ass, when are you going to beat me?”


I heard a sound of water spouting somewhere. Neither me nor Vivienne.

Suddenly I turned my gaze and saw a sore. Maybe you cough … . No. This is not it.

Anyway, I felt like the soul had blown away and the soul was scattered, but I was able to get up quickly.

okay . . . I have been in Hall Plane for 13 years. I can not panic about this at best. It is a wise plan to reduce the doubt to be driven to the province of Vivian by showing a rather conspicuous appearance.

I was able to sort out my thoughts, and I pushed Vivian out on the road, trying to show me some nasty behavior. And I opened my mouth quietly to Vivien, who gives me strength in my face as if I was not going to be pushed out anyhow.

“It ‘s nice to have fun, but do not count on it. I do not mind bullshit. ”

Why What


“…….”I gave strength to my neck and said with a heavy voice. Then Vivian, who was in a hurry, soon began to look at me. This guy, he was so drunk, was not he?

“It is not our place. No matter how special the invitation is, I do not want to see too much action. ”

After warning me so strictly, I pushed the food plate in front of me. Vivian looked at me with a face that was what it was.

“take it. I asked you to eat food anyway, right? ”

“…….”I do not know why, but Vivian turned and turned around. But in the meantime, when I see the dish, I get a laugh.

However, after a while, I could feel the gaze that I was constantly gazing from the direction of the oblique line, and I was freezing.

Eventually, after an additional 30 minutes, I could barely escape from the doubtful gaze.

There was a happening that would not have been such a laugh, but the dinner was usually in a good mood.

Then, as the dish slowly became empty and the mainstream was falling, a man quietly opened his mouth in the atmosphere of the coming wave.

“There’s General Commander there. I’m excited to ask you in this good position, but can I ask you a question? ”

It was not that high voice. If you’re not a quiet user, you just have to shed it.

and if you are a

I did not know So, what do you think about that pit? ”

But as soon as I took it out, the buzzing sound sank in a few moments.

What do you think of the pit? It was a simple but very complex question.

However, Han So-young did not show any reaction. Though I had my eyes twitched slightly, I still sit back with a face without face. “I think the march will stop here once.”


“Of course I’m going to stop the march forever. Attack continues. ”

“…….”The meaning of the word was clear. “I witnessed some users who chased the monster running into the pit.

I mean, I was going to go inside the pit and clean the monster completely.

rather Why do not you just go by and march on? I already have a big win. I do not think I need to get into the place where it is supposed to be a base.

Then someone opened his mouth carefully.

Maybe not, maybe most of them here are thinking similar. I think that the aftermath of the first attempt of the eastern part is still in its aftermath and we have done enough. As a matter of fact, the eastern expedition has something to do with it.

“I can not do that. As soon as we complete the investigation of the pit, we will launch a base attack. ”

But Han Soo-young’s idea was firm. I cut it with a decisive voice, but I turned around with a feeling of emotionless eyes.

“I know what you think. No, I think I know. Go ahead and build a fortress. And you only have to give the information to the expedition that will take the next area. is not it?”

Han Sang Young’s words stabbed the main song. Suggested users have a bit of an embarrassed face.

“Of course you can just go by and go. There are many users who want it. But it’s clear here, it does not make sense. ”

“…….””I would like you to think about why you wanted to build a fort in the Central Government Agency.”

“…there. Then it is. ”

Soon after Han Soo-young’s words, another user opened his mouth with a voice that seemed to be a bit dead.

“As you know, the general commander, the march street issue is not important. I do not know if the pit can be attacked quickly, but if it takes time to exceed the specified seal … ”

“If you exceed the specified time, you will have to find a place to build a fort nearby in your base. Anyway, unconditional attack is the first priority. ”

“Would not it be possible for another expedition to dispute the march on the march?”

“You do not have to worry about that.”

Han So – young said that he put his right hand on the table.

“If that happens, I will take responsibility and resolve it. If we really did our duty, there would be no shame. ”

And he said with a stronger voice than before. It was just a speech, but it was a strange voice that conveyed conviction.

Users also began to nod their heads with convincing faces, one after the other.

Finally, the ceremony announced the wavelength.

* midnight. It was a while ago that I was fighting in the valley, and the darkness fell down.

Today, the users who are exhausted act like always at night. Some stand on the hill and watch the surroundings, others enter the tent and prepare for tomorrow.

It was the same as me. In fact, the border was a little remained until the clerk, but this time around the encampment was settled, so the order was pulled forward. In other words, the area where the camp has drawn the elongated circle form has naturally increased, and accordingly, the commanders in charge of each part have become necessary.

Han So – young is one of the borders, so I think it is really thorough, and eventually I had no choice but to come out.


I sat down on the top of the hill and looked down. I was deeply troubled by the pit, which seemed to be sucked even if I had just seen it.

There was a laugh in the story that came out at the dinner party. You can not just pass it. Do users really know? It is a hundred and a thousand times better to attack the pit here than to march forward and face a new monster. That means it is more likely to have a life. Because in front of this … .

It was then.

Suddenly in the midst of a moment of conceit, I suddenly felt that someone was approaching on one side. Not a lot. Then it sounds like a user … .

At that moment, I took the map out of my arms without delay. And straight forward, I pretended to look hard.

In fact, when I look at the border, I often find that users are approaching it occasionally. There are those who are presently in the southern expedition and are making a lot of suggestions.

For example, you might want to protect your own clan in battle, give someone a more dangerous role, or tempt you to do it once.

One or two times to refuse good and good. If this continues, irritation can even lead to blushing each other.

So, in the end, I have set up one countermeasure, which is the map. If I were to play the leading role and know the importance of it, it was a part I could not interfere with. Now that I have a complicated head, I can not do it today.

However, the soon-to-be-introduced users have completely deviated my expectations. No. The woman who appeared was a resident, not a user.

“The adventure.”

Vivian passed me by without saying anything. At first glance, I watched him trudge down to his weight.

It looks like the neck and the waist are very stiff and broken, and it seems that there is probably the aftermath that has been set up in the dining room. That’s why I’ve come to blame myself. okay . . . Why I wanted to be quiet nowadays.

Then Vivian, who seemed to disappear far away, turned around and started to come back again. I decided to ignore it and turned to the map.


It is stronger than before. It seems like he asks me to find out.

Ignore, ignore.

“Eh! Huh, huh! ”

But Vivian did not give up. I would be embarrassed to go back and forth, but I still cough as hard as I can. Do you want to try it now?

I laughed inside and watched the map and muttered. In a very sincere voice that I will never allow interference.

“Hmm. This point is … . It seems a little dangerous. If you think about associating it with 1 region … ”

“Oh! What did you drop there? I’ll have to pick it up again! ”

Did you change your mind in the blank? It does not matter.

“Here, I think of the law of action and reaction … . Well. I think we should go for it. I also have to keep in mind the discontinuity of Moho Rohit. ”

“Ah. Where was my tent? Where was the tent? ”

“I… see.” I can do this. But considering the theory of relativity, I think this part should be a little careful. But if I do this, who will win in the championship? ”

“Oh, right? I went to the bathroom? Where is the bathroom? I do not think anyone would ever know. ”

It will take dozens of minutes to keep ridiculing like that. Amazingly, Vivian is still spinning around me. Maybe he did not go back and forth dozens of times. It was the first time the young voice had disappeared.

Toilet Black Where is the bathroom … . Black Uh … ”

It’s too radiant to the radish. Now, only the voice full of ugly will come. I raised my body. Then Vivian surprised and stopped pacing.

But after I looked in the opposite direction, I quietly opened my mouth.

“Ah. You drank too much alcohol. I’m tired. ”

“Oh, huh?”

“I just have to sleep. I do not know, I have to tell the guard. ”

“…….”After saying that, I moved to a user who was really close to the border. Of course, Vivian, from the beginning to the end, completely ignored.

Then a moment later. “I do not … ”

At the same time, the sound of falling asleep, and the sound of crying, sounded in my ears.

whew! Enough to … . Igo disassembly a … . Huh … ”

okay . . . Cry, cry.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Cry, Vivienne! Burn, ass!

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